1、目 录第一章 工程概况11.1 工程名称11.2 工程地点及项目说明11.3 项目内容31.4 工程量清单5第二章 总体施工安排22.1 施工总平面布置22.2 施工工期安排22.3 总体施工工艺流程3第三章 施工方案43.1 土方开挖43.2 整平及碾压53.3 回填料施工63.4 土工布铺设63.5 涵洞施工73.6 道路施工8第四章 施工进度计划11第五章 拟投入的船机设备表14第六章 劳动力使用计划17第一章 工程概况1.1 工程名称JEDDAH STORMWATER DRAINAGE PROGRAM(PACKAGE 10:AL-KHUMRA)1.2 工程地点及项目说明本工程位于沙特吉
2、达市。The Jeddah Governorate is located on the Red Sea coastal plain and receives rainfall runoff from the foothills to the east through natural drainage pathways known as wadis.During intense rainfall events, runoff causes flooding in the urban areas of the coastal plain.Currently, there are nine (9)
3、dams and three (3) main channels that were built to improve the flood protection systems for the City of Jeddah. Furthermore, there is in adequate stormwater drainage network inside the urban area.本标段为package 10 scope of work al-khumraThe channels for Wadi Al Khumra consist of approximately 37km of
4、reinforced concrete trapezoidal channels. There are three distinct branches; easterly branch, central branch and westerly branch. They converge into a common channel at the existing Southern Channel. These channels predominately follow the line of the existing naturally low ground, with localized de
5、viations to minimize the impact on the adjacent road network and pre-developed areas. The channels commence at the south-east of the Al Khumra catchment and tie into the existing Southern Channel to the north of the catchment.The trapezoidal section of the channels is to be provided with a guardrail
6、 located 1m from the outer edge of toe wall at top of the channel. There is a 4m maintenance road beyond this guardrail, and where the channel is lower than ground level a 3H:1V slope is provided to tie into the existing ground. The makeup of the maintenance road comprises geotextile and a 400mm lay
7、er of aggregate sub-base Class A. There is a 20m buffer zone from the guardrail to the outside edge of the works, which coincides with the Land Acquisition Boundary, and provides a nominal 10m wide strip along the boundary. Refer to the channel cross sections drawings for more information.There are
8、also 17 roadway crossings which will be reinforced box culverts. Detours and reinstatement of these roadways will be required.Al Khumra is located to the south of Jeddah, and has a catchment of approximately 458km2.Al Khumra Channels are located to the south of Jeddah and run in a northerly directio
9、n to a confluence and discharge point on the existing Southern Channel.图1.1-1:工程位置1.3 项目内容本工程施工内容主要包括:明渠施工、涵洞施工、维修道路施工以及与现有明渠连接段的施工。明渠施工:The channels for Wadi Al Khumra consist of approximately 33 km of reinforced concrete trapezoidal channels and 3 km of natural channels. There are three distinct b
10、ranches split into reaches. The easterly branch is split into reaches K6A, K2, K5, K3 and K4. The central branch is split into reaches K6B, K9B, K9A and K8. The westerly branch is split into reaches K12, K11C, K11B and K11A. They converge into a common channel at the existing Southern Channel. These
11、 channels predominately follow the line of the existing naturally low ground, with localised deviations to minimise the impact on the adjacent road network and pre-developed areas. The channels commence at the southeast of the Al Khumra catchment and tie into the existing Southern Channel to the nor
12、th of the catchment.The trapezoidal sections of the channels are to be provided with a guardrail 1m from the edge of channel toewall. There is a 4m maintenance road beyond this and where the channel is lower than ground level a 1 in 3 slope is provided to tie into the existing ground. The make-up of
13、 the maintenance road comprises geotextile and a 400mm layer of aggregate sub-base Class A. Generally, there is a 20m buffer zone from the guardrail to the outside edge of the works, which coincides with the Land Acquisition Boundary, and provides a nominal 10m wide strip along the boundary.涵洞施工:The
14、 internal dimensions and length of each box culvert is as follows:Reach K3 1 No. RCB 226.5m long, 4 cell, 4m wide by 2.3m high.Reach K4 3 No. RCB 226.5m, 70m & 32.5m long, 4 cell, 4m wide by 2.1mhigh.Reach K5 1 No. RCB - 37.5m long, 7 cell, 4m wide by 2.3m high.Reach K6A 1 No. RCB 56m long, 9 ce
15、ll, 4m wide by 2.5m high.Reach K6A 1 No. RCB 175m long, 7 cell, 4m wide by 2.5m high.Reach K6B 1 No. RCB - 130.5m long, 13 cell, 4m wide by 3m high.Reach K9A 1 No. RCB - 115m long, 7 cell, 4m wide by 1.5m high.Reach K11B 1 No. RCB - 90m long, 4 cell, 4m wide by 3m high.Reach K11C 3 No. RCB - 30m, 40
16、m & 60m long, 9 cell, 4m wide by 3.3m high.Reach K12 3 No. RCB 26.25m, 26.25m & 119.5m, 9 cell, 4m wide by 3.3m high.Reach K13 1 No. RBC 115m, 12 cell, 4m wide by 1.5m high.维修道路施工:A 5m wide maintenance strip is to be provided on either side of the channel. Where land take is restricted or an
17、 existing highway runs parallel to the channel the maintenance strip has been omitted, with access undertaken from the existing/new highway. To prevent maintenance or highway vehicles from entering the channel, new guardrails (metal post and beam) have been provided on either side of the channel ove
18、r its full length. Access gates will be provided at the maintenance access ramp locations.连接段施工:The new channels will connect in confluence areas at several locations. The main confluence is located at the connection of reach K6B and K12 at the downstream end of the channels and will connect to the
19、existing Southern Channel at its downstream extent. There is another major confluence which is located adjacent to an existing telecom mast located at the downstream end of reach K6A and K9B. There are a number of further minor confluences located at: K5 and K2, K4 and K3, K9A and K13, K8 and K9A. D
20、etails of these confluence areas are provided as part of this submission.图1.1-2:平面位置图1.4 工程量清单明渠及维修道路工程量序号项目名称规格型号单位数量备注1土方开挖m332773942土方回填m3542704.64原始地面考虑为平面3土工织物m2992195.3应符合技术规格书31 32 194石料排水层m3198145.6应符合技术规格书31 32 00中2.07和2.085基础垫层砼Class Cm350053.16混凝土Class A1m392633.67混凝土Class B1m31435508混凝土抹
21、面S4m2983550.79钢筋12t11838.710UPVC160m27428.211石料粒径小于40mmm3229.512波形栏杆m61993.213维修道路土工布m2340238.3应符合技术规格书31 32 1914维修道路aggregate subbase class Am3127616.8道路基础CBR10%15钢筋16t600.4K12段16钢筋20t140.117钢筋25t1347.118无纺土工布m253719K8段,未计算渠底软地基处19石料100200mmm315793K8段,用于石笼安装,未计算渠底软地基处20sub basem335.8K8段,CH2100处21co
22、ncreted erosion control stonem33709.8K8段,CH1900和CH3070处22lager blocky erosion control stone0.5*0.5*0.8块696K8段,CH1900和CH3070处23端部堤岸回填土方m315774.5K2,K8段堤岸,高度按1m计算24端部堤岸无纺土工布m223338.125端部堤岸块石100200mmm36269.4备注:明渠底压实度95%。涵洞及过渡段工程量序号项目单位数量备注涵洞工程量1砼(Class A1)m372706.22钢筋t14241.6过渡段工程量1涵洞底回填料m37624.72涵洞垫层砼(
23、Class C)m32541.73涵洞两侧排水回填料m33923.54沥青乳胶涂层m232447.95225mm排水管m5210.361.1m高镀锌栏杆m2820.77钢筋t359.78过渡段砼m33447.719连接段工程量序号项目名称规格型号单位数量备注1土方开挖m3110716.22土方回填m314502.43土工织物m2110304石料排水层m357355基础垫层砼Class Cm31179.16混凝土Class A1m310041.87钢筋12t661.4道路工程量序号项目单位数量备注1subbasem316917.6MP10、MP60、MP70和MP80道路无断面图,其工程量根据M
24、PA0、MP20、MP30、MP40、MP50和MP90按比例得出2路基m3135343沥青砼基础m34736.94沥青混凝土面m33383.55防冲刷保护m33040.26回填土方m336939.97开挖土方m331493.9第二章 总体施工安排2.1 施工总平面布置由于本工程覆盖面积广,施工范围广,因此生活办公区考虑设置在业主提供水、电接口的位置处(由于业主提供水、电的接口未具体确定,因此生活办公区的位置也未确定),在施工段设置临时饮用水点和移动厕所。2.1.1 搅拌站本工程混凝土采用商品混凝土,不自行建搅拌站2.1.2 生活办公区办公生活区布置在业主提供水、电接口的位置处。生活区包括宿室
25、及配套的生活设施;办公室、宿舍、食堂、冲凉房、厕所、活动室均为一层活动板房结构。此外,生活办公区内设一个篮球场。生活办公区总占地面积约为11220m2。2.2 施工工期安排本工程按时间划分为四个施工期,分别如下:2.2.1 施工准备期(第12个月)施工准备期为2013年7月8日2013年9月5日,共60天。按施工总进度计划要求安排施工人员、机械设备进场等,有序推进,主要完成项目包括:(1)施工船机、设备及人员进场;(2)临时设施建设(包括业主办公室等);(3)砼、钢筋等主要采购订单;(4)主要施工方案的提交2.2.2 施工启动期(第23个月)各项工作开始启动,围绕着明渠和涵洞全面开展。主要为:
26、(1)明渠施工于2013年8月7日开始;(2)涵洞施工于2013年8月17日开始施工。2.2.3 施工高峰期(第415个月)各工序按计划安排紧密施工,各节点按总承包要求及时完成。(1)Completion of Road Crossing 1 Zone A (Reach K6B)于2013年11月25日完成;(2)Complete Channel Construction (Including Crossing) for Zone E于2014年8月16日完成;(3)Complete Channel Construction (Including Crossing) for Zones A &
27、amp; C于2014年7月22日完成;(4)Complete Channel Construction (Including Crossing) for Zone F于2014年9月23日完成;(5)Complete Channel Construction (Including Crossing) for Zones B & D于2014年9月30日完成。2.2.4 结束期(第1516个月)(1)Mechanical Completion于2014年9月30日完成;(2)Complete " As Built' Drawings and Project Hando
28、ver于2014年10月30日完成。2.3 总体施工工艺流程 根据本工程设置的节点里程碑,本工程的总体施工工艺流程为先进行连接段的明渠和涵洞的施工,然后同时进行E区域(K11C和K12)和A、C区域(K6A、K6B、K9A和K9B)的明渠和涵洞的施工,E区域施工完成后紧接着进行B、D区域(K2、K3、K4、K5、K8和K13)的施工,A、C区域施工完成后紧接着进行F区域(K11A和K11B)的施工。具体的施工工艺流程如图2.3-1。图2.3-1总体施工工艺流程图第三章 施工方案3.1 土方开挖3.1.1 工程概况本工程共需开挖土方3419604m3,主要开挖的位置为明渠、汇流区及道路施工区域。
29、3.1.2 施工顺序根据本工程里程碑的要求,本工程土方开挖的施工顺序如下:3.1.3 工艺流程开挖顺序与总体施工工艺流程相同,先进行连接段明渠的开挖,然后同时进行E区域及A、C区域的开挖,最后进行B、D区域和F区域的开挖。3.1.4 主要施工方法明渠采用挖掘机直接开挖,分层进行开挖,开挖坡度为1:2。根据现场情况,需多个工作面同时实施。开挖时,严格按照设计边坡开挖。根据开挖的工程量及本工程的施工时间,采用斗容2.0m3的挖掘机。特别的,在开挖通信管线、雨水管线、饮用水管线、电缆线等与本工程明渠交叉的管线前,应先通知各个管线的管理单位,并协调将其相应管线移动至本工程的施工范围外。另外,在交叉处,
30、应先进行试开挖,以防止管线的破坏。图3.1-1:土方开挖示意图3.1.5 装车、运输对开挖出的土方直接进行装车,并运输至附近的弃土区。运输车辆采用15m3的自卸汽车。3.2 整平及碾压3.2.1 工程概况本工程需进行整平及碾压的位置为明渠渠底、涵洞基础、明渠两侧维修道路的基础以及道路施工。本工程整平及碾压工程量约为90万m2。3.2.2 施工方法(1)用平地机对碾压场地进行整平。(2)在碾压场地上选取典型区域按设计技术要求进行振动碾压,并测量顶面标高是否满足设计标高及误差要求。(3)碾压前对干燥得土层表面应先洒水后碾压。通过对土体取样试验,使碾压后的密实度不小于95。(4)参照典型区域标高,对
31、其它振动碾压区进行碾压施工,直至无轮迹,无漏压、无死角,碾压均匀,并满足设计标高及误差要求。(5)在振动压路机不易到位的边角拟采用小型打夯机夯压密实。图3.2-1:振动碾压施工示意图3.3 回填料施工3.3.1 工程概况本工程回填料施工共594148m3,回填区域主要是明渠、汇流区两侧以及道路施工区域。3.3.2 施工方法(1)回填土及块石理坡采用15m³自卸车运送到指定地点,挖掘机进行理坡。(2)挖掘机理坡理坡时将挖掘机行驶至回填土方、块石边坡顶部,在要理坡的施工段两端头横向断面上,用竹竿把堤顶和坡脚的土方、块石边线及相应的标高放样出来并树立标杆,用测尺将标杆上的三维坐标点连接起来
32、并绑紧,两条测尺所确定的平面就是土方、块石的设计坡面,施工员可以根据标志指挥挖掘机司机进行理坡。3.3.3 陆上块石推填与理坡的质量保证措施(Quality Control)(1)质量控制指标a石料规格和质量控制符合设计的要求和规范规定。b块石分段取测点,进行断面测量,厚度不小于设计厚度。c块石断面轮廓不小于设计断面,分段取测点,进行断面测量。d块石理坡要控制标高偏差在标准允许偏差范围内。(2)陆上块石推填与理坡分项工程质量控制措施a施工前对所有参与施工作业的相关工作人员进行技术交底,做到人人清楚。b石料规格和质量控制:对使用的混合石料定期抽查,块石严格进行分选,分规格堆存,经验收后才使用。c
33、测量控制:根据推填工艺要求及推填工艺流程,及时放出出边坡线。d理坡控制:用直观的检查手段进行检查。e每次填筑断面及长度要符合工艺设计要求。f采用挖掘机理坡,挖掘机在施工员的指挥下,按一定长度分段且按设计要求理出一定宽度的标准坡面,中间参照两端标准坡面理坡;或每隔一定长度立一个坡架理坡。3.4 土工布铺设3.4.1 工程概况本工程土工布主要应用于明渠底部及明渠两侧维修道路的底部。3.4.2 工艺流程土工布加工现场测量定位土工布铺设3.4.3 施工方法土工布采用钢管活动捆装好,用装载机运输及人工滚动钢管铺装。(1)土工布应按先坡顶、坡面、再坡脚的顺序,垂直于坡脚轴线向下摊铺土工布,不得横向摊铺。(2)土工布的铺设应平顺、松紧适宜,不能绷拉过紧,应考虑适宜的缩水率,一般在坡长方向应预留一定的松弛富余量。但注意不要形成折皱,以确保土工布与底面紧密贴合。(3)土工布铺设完毕,需尽快在其上回填块石。3.5 涵洞施工3.5.1 工程概况本工程共有17个涵洞,根据涵洞孔数分为4孔、7孔、8孔、9孔、12孔和13孔六种型式。本工程涵洞施工共需72706.2m3混凝土,14241.6t钢筋。3.5.2 施工顺序根据本工程里程碑的要求,本工程涵洞施工的顺序如下:图3.5-1:涵洞施工顺序图由于受到里程碑的限制,涵洞K6B-1、
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