1、经典英语短文美文欣赏 阅读一篇美文,让自己徜徉在文字的世界里,是一种享受。以下是经典的英语短文,一起来欣赏吧。 经典英语短文美文欣赏1 everyone has that period in which they find those who are close to them start to seem annoying . 每个人都会经历这样的时期:发现身边那些亲近的人开始变得有点烦了。 you suddenly realized that theyve always been talking and talking. 你会突然意识到,长期以来他们就一直不停地在说啊说。 they neve
2、r stopped. 他们从来就没有停过。 some of us get angry with them, thinking they are trying too hard to intervene in our lives. 我们中的有些人,会开始变得愤慨,觉得他们对我们的生活介入太多。 but dont. 但是,请不要愤慨。 only those who really care about you will bother saying so much to you. 只有那些真正关心我们的人才会费力对我们说这么多。 its just that maybe they dont know t
3、he right way to put it. 只是,他们可能并不知道正确的相处办法。 some of them push too hard because they care too much. 他们中有些人逼得太紧,那是因为他们太在乎。 some of them speak too much because they worry about you too much. 他们中的有些人说得太多,那是因为他们太担心你。 they do this because they love you. 他们这么做,都是因为爱你。 so dont push them away. 所以,不要将他们拒于千里之外
4、。 just find a way to let them know what you truly want. 去找一个办法告诉他们你真的想要的是什么吧。 and let them grow with you. 并且去让他们和你一起成长。 that will make both of you happy. 那会让你们双方都过得幸福。 believe me. 相信我。 经典英语短文美文欣赏2 someone once told me that never underestimate anyone who doesnt lose temper. 有人曾经对我说:永远不要小看一个不发脾气的人。 th
5、is kind of people usually possess great capacity. 这样的人通常高深莫测。 they can be really resourceful friends. 他们可以成为你长袖善舞的朋友。 and they can be really fierce enemies. 也可以成为你可怕的敌人。 humans are emotional animals. 人类是一种感情动物。 its our nature to have temper. 脾气是我们的天性。 and its totally natural to lose it when somethin
6、g or somebody irritates us. 而当有什么激怒我们的时候,发脾气也是完全自然的事情。 but there are people who dont. 但是,就是有些人能做到不发。 and thats a fearsome skill. 这真的是一种令人生畏的技能。 the more incompetent a person is, the easier he is to get angry. 一个人越是无能,就越是容易动怒。 the stronger a person is, the less you see him throw away his calmness. 而一
7、个人越是强大,你就越少能看到他失控。 can you hold your temper? 你能管住自己的脾气吗? if you want to achieve great things. practice to do so. 如果你希望做成大事,就学习这么做吧。 经典英语短文美文欣赏3 a persons purest charm comes from his manners. 一个人最根本的魅力,来自他的修养。 this kind of charm doesnt need any decoration. it comes out of your heart and reaches direc
8、tly into others hearts. 这种魅力不需要任何外在的修饰,它发源于内心,也直抵其他人的心。 spending time with someone who has good manners makes one feel comfortable. 与一个有教养的人相处,会让人觉得舒适。 and isnt comfort what we want the most in our daily life? 而舒适难道不是我们在生活中最想得到的东西吗? people like this know how to stand in others shoes. they know when
9、they should reach out a helping hand. 这样的人,知道怎样站在别人的角度想问题,知道什么时候应该伸出援手。 and what is the most basic manner that one can have? 而一个人最基本的修养是什么? its knowing to respect people. 那就是懂得尊重。 no one can survive in this world all by himself. we all need help sometimes. 没有谁能独立地生活在这个世界上,我们总会在某些时候需要别人的帮忙。 and it ta
10、kes respect to make others help you. 而让别人帮忙的前提,就是尊重。 respect is the most baseline manner. 尊重,是最基本的修养。 and manner is the last kind of charm which a person can afford to lose. 而修养,是最不可或缺的魅力。 经典英语短文美文欣赏4 who can say that their lives are not insignificant? 谁的生活不琐碎呢? everyones life is composed with one a
11、fter another insignificant day. 我们的一生,都是由这一个个琐碎的一天构成的。 some people got their willpower abraded in this endless loop of days. 有的人在这日复一日的循环中被消磨了意志。 they think this is how things can only be like. 认为一切也就这样了。 so they choose to reach a compromise and become mediocre. they become the background colors in
12、others eyes. they wont achieve anything great to be written down in history, nor can they bring any enjoyment to the people around them. 于是他们选择与平凡妥协,成为别人眼中的背景颜色,不光不会在历史上留下一笔伟绩,甚至无法为身边的人平添一抹色彩。 they are alive, but deep down in their hearts something important has died. 他们活着,但他们心中的一部分已经死了。 and there a
13、re another kind of people. they choose to live with dignity. 而另一些人,他们依旧选择有尊严地活着。 a graceful lifestyle is not a show for others to watch. you live it because you deserve it. through it, you are avoiding to become a victim of this cruel world. 优雅的生活方式并不是为别人做的表演,而是为了对得起自己,让自己不会成为无情社会摧残下的牺牲品。 this kind of people know how to find joy in simple things. they know how to make a common day safisticated and meaningful. 他们懂得如何去发掘单纯事物中的喜悦,懂得如何将平凡的时光过得精致而充实。 life has denied them some beauty.
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