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1、12Self-Assessment 个人评估lWhat do you want most in a job? 在工作中最想得到什么?A good salary and fringe benefits 满意的薪水和额外的报酬Opportunities for promotion and advancement 晋升和发展的机会Recognition for a job well done 工作得到认可Help with personal problems 解决个人问题Interesting and challenging work 有趣且富有挑战的工作Job Security 职业安全感Good

2、 working conditions 好的工作环境Company loyalty to employees 员工的忠诚3Objective 目标l Ability to communicate politely and intelligently (whether its in person, over the telephone, or in any kind of writing) 优雅和聪明沟通的能力(无论是面对面、在电话中,还是在任何形式的书面表达上)l A working knowledge of various types of jobs.处理各种事务的工作知识l Ability

3、 to face with the extra challenges of the automated office. 面对额外的办公自动化系统挑战的能力l A desire for professional growth and pride in the performance - to be the best and most talented office support staff. 职业发展的渴望和以能成为最有才能的员工为骄傲4Concept of Secretary 秘书的概念Definition 定义“A secretary who possesses :- a knowledg

4、e of office skill- ability to assume responsibility without direct supervision,- exercises , and makes decisions within the scope of assigned authority” “秘书是拥有办公知识技巧、有能力在没有直接监督的情况下履行职责、有主观的判断力和在权责范围内决策的人。”5The Secretaries Functions 秘书的职责l Receiving dictation, typing it, composing correspondence and

5、summarizing reports, etc 接收口述、录入文件、书写信件 、完成报告等等;l Receiving and preparing incoming mail, and dealing with outgoing mail. 接收外来信件,处理外发函件;l Reception duties, including receiving and entertaining of visitors and the handling of telephone calls.接待职责,包括接待和宴请访客,处理接听电话;l Keeping the boss diary, arranging hi

6、s appointments and assisting him in planning his day.按照上司的日程,安排约会,并且协助安排和计划他的行程;l Making the boss travel arrangements and preparing his itineraries.做好上司出行的安排,为他准备好线路;l Filing and indexing her employers personal and business correspondence 把上司私人的和商务的信件进行存档;6The Secretaries Functions秘书的职责l Organizing

7、and attending meetings, including the preparation of agenda and minutes. 组织和参加会议,包括会议的准备和会议记录l Supplying information, i.e. knowing the books and other sources where it can be found. 补充信息,例如,知道什么地方可以找到书籍和其他原始资料l Supervision of junior secretarial staff. 监督和管理下级秘书l Establishing procedures and practices

8、 to ensure confidentiality and security of information. 设立程序,确保信息的机密性和安全性l Controlling stationery and office materials for the boss and her own use or for the department. 控制文具和办公耗材l Organizing conferences and social activities 组织会议和社会交际活动7Doing A Professional Job 做一名职业的秘书lDid you read this memo on c

9、ompany expectations? 你像公司预期的那样读过这份备忘录吗?lI just type them I dont read them. 我只是把它们打出来,没有读过。8Who is a Professional? 谁是职业的? Takes the job seriously, seeing it as important in his or her career plan. 认真地对待工作,看到工作在自己职业生涯中的重要性 Cares enough to analyse how the job could be performed better even if it means

10、making changes.认真分析怎样可以使工作做得更好,即使会因为如此而发生改变 Understands how the job relates to the organization as a whole.懂得秘书工作在整个组织中的关系 Feels confident about sharing ideas, goals, enthusiasm with other people. 自信的和他人分享自己的想法、目标和积极性Doing A Professional Job做一名职业的秘书9Your Attitude and Your Job 你的态度和你的工作l A positive a

11、ttitude helps you: 积极的态度可以帮助你:consider your job as part of the larger pattern of your entire organization意识到你的工作是整个组织里面的模范部分visualize your potential when dealing with other employees, customers and clients 在面对其他员工、消费者和顾客时,发挥你的潜力Understands how your attitude affects other peoples attitudes and perfor

12、mances 了解你的态度可能影响到其他人的态度和表现10Quality is an Attitude 质量就是态度l Quality control concerns all of us 质量管理关系到我们每一个人 Quality begins with planning 质量始于计划 Quality is an attitude 质量是一种态度 A quality environment produces quality work外界质量影响工作质量 Quality is more easily achieved by initiation than by inspection 开始比检查

13、更容易达到质量标准Build quality into your smallest everyday duty, and you will notice a difference in your entire outlook.把把“质量质量” 放在你每天细小的工作中,你会注意到整个前景会因此改放在你每天细小的工作中,你会注意到整个前景会因此改变变11Professionalism 专业方法Improving yourself professionally involve提高自身的专业水平包括提高自身的专业水平包括:Goal 目标目标.Purposeful action 有目的的行动有目的的行动

14、.Commitment 承担任务承担任务.12Professionalism 专业方法专业方法l Dont settle for being “average”. 不要满足于处于不要满足于处于“平均平均”水平水平l Constantly improve your practical worth 不断提升自身价值不断提升自身价值lAm I doing all I can to improve myself professionally?我尽全力提升提升自己的专业水平了吗lBecome an expert in your field!成为自己领域的专家专家lBecome the Best! 成为最

15、好的最好的那个人13Your Attitude Toward Being A Secretary对秘书工作的态度对秘书工作的态度l Secretaries who concentrate on single tasks and never see “the bigger picture” are clerk-level workers.秘书就是全神贯注处理简单事务而看不到全局的小职员14Personal Characteristics个人特征l Dress 衣着衣着l Accessories 附件附件l Neat and attractive hair styles and make up n

16、ot excessive 整洁且吸引人的发型和不过份夸张的妆容整洁且吸引人的发型和不过份夸张的妆容l Voice 声音声音l Conversation 谈吐谈吐l Attitude-feel that your work is important and always remember that “the boss is the boss”意识到自己工作的重要性,永远记得意识到自己工作的重要性,永远记得“老板就老板就是老板是老板”15Professional Characteristics个人特征l Enthusiasm - a quality of personality that attr

17、acts others ,creates an atmosphere that is pleasant. 热情热情个人品质可以吸引他人,创造个人品质可以吸引他人,创造良好的气氛良好的气氛l Loyalty - always represent your company and boss in the best possible way. 忠诚忠诚始终认为始终认为自己的公司和老板处于最好的状态自己的公司和老板处于最好的状态l Initiative - the power to exercise ones own judgement independently, develop leadershi

18、p abilities. 主动主动 有能力独立实践自己的判断力,有能力独立实践自己的判断力,发展自己的领导能力发展自己的领导能力16Professional Characteristics个人特征个人特征l Reliability Dependability 可靠性可靠性可信任可信任l Organizational Ability - Plan your work 组织能力组织能力安排你的工作安排你的工作l Emotional Stability keep cheerful frame 稳定的情绪稳定的情绪保持愉快的心情保持愉快的心情l Confidentiality - stop gossi

19、ping 机密性机密性不要闲谈不要闲谈l Be a good team member teamwork 成为团队中优秀的成员成为团队中优秀的成员团队合作团队合作l Be a self-starter - dont always need supervision 自我监督自我监督不要总是依靠别人监督不要总是依靠别人监督17Professional Characteristics个人特征个人特征lBe a good listener 做一个好的倾听者做一个好的倾听者heeding and taking advice. Give a person your “undivided” attention

20、. 注意征求意见,让人觉得你很注意征求意见,让人觉得你很“专心专心”lThink of yourself as a professional 用专业人员的眼光来审视自己用专业人员的眼光来审视自己18Organizing Your Workspace 整理你的工作空间整理你的工作空间l Clearing the Clutter 处理凌乱处理凌乱Look at what you have看看你有什么Throw away what you DONT need (for anything that does not belong to you, check with your boss before

21、you discard it)扔掉不需要的东西(包括一切不属于自己的东西,事前请示你的上司)l For important papers, mark folders in the following ways 重要的重要的纸张和有标记的文件纸张和有标记的文件夹应该这样处理:夹应该这样处理:To be filed 存档存档To be copied 复制复制For Signature 做记号做记号19Organizing Your Workspace整理你的工作空间整理你的工作空间l Keep it Clean 保持整洁保持整洁work on only one task at a time 同一时

22、间只做一件工同一时间只做一件工作作Dont write notes on scraps of paper, because this makes it easy to misplace them. Instead, keep notes together in a notebook.不要把笔记记不要把笔记记在小纸片上,这样很容易在小纸片上,这样很容易找不到,应该把笔记记在找不到,应该把笔记记在一个笔记本上一个笔记本上20Letters & Memos书信和备忘录21Telephone电话22Speaking Tips 技巧技巧l Dont talk too fast or too slowly 不要说的太慢或者太快不要说的太慢或者太快l Keep your voice calm and steady 保持你声音的平静和稳定保持你声音的平静和稳定l Strike a happy tone 保持愉快的语音语调保持愉快的语音语调23Taking Messages 作记录作记录lDate and time of the call 电话的日期和时间电话的日期和时间lCallers name and telephone number 来电者的姓名和电话号码来电者的姓名和电话号码lPrecise details of the message received 详细的记录下


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