1、考研英语阅读理解主旨题快速解题技巧针对英语阅读, 考生应该要整合之前积累的知识点,掌握快速解题的技巧。根据考试的难度和得分策略, 五种题型中最耗时的题型是主旨题,其原因在于考生对于文章主旨和框架的结 构理解不够透彻。主旨题虽然在考研英语中的考频只有10%左右, 但由于主旨题考查考生对于整篇文章中心的宏观把握, 所以很多考生遇主旨题必错。其实掌握了主旨题的快速解题技巧后,这个题型对大家就是必得分题了。主旨题的快速解题技巧有如下几种:1、串珠法 “珠”指的是各个段落的中心,串珠法是把各个段落的中心串联起来,然后进行归纳总结。 具体的操作过程是:首先判定每个段落的中心;其次,根据每个段落的中心串联起
2、来组成文章的中心。【方法应用】2009 text230.an appropriate title for the text is mostlikely to be .a forsand againsts of dna testingb dnatesting and it's problemsc dnatesting outside the lad liesbehind dna testingpara1:all he needs to do ispaternity testing kit (ptk) para2:more than 60,000 people have purchased
3、 the ptkspara3:among the most popular: paternity and kinship testing( ptk)para4:most tests require collecting cells para5: butsome observers are skeptical para6: criticsalso argue that【方法分析】根据各个段落的中心句,可以看出文章的前部分主要讲ptks的受欢迎度和购买人数多, 第五段出现了转折,后两段出现了skeptical和 critics,表示一种 “批判, 质疑”的态度,所以文章的中心应该包括两个方面。因此
4、答案锁定在a 和 b。二者的区别在于 against和 problem, 二者都表示否定,但是程度不同,前者表示完全否定,后者表示部分否定。文章出现了skeptical和 critics,表示“质疑”是部分否定,因此答案选b。2、篇首覆盖法如果一个单词的多种形式(同词、同义/ 反义词、同根词)或短语在一篇文章的篇首反复出现,那么这个单词或短语则是文章的主题词。【方法应用】2010,text2例: i was addressinga small gathering in a suburban virginia living room a women s group that hadinvited
5、 men to join them. throughout the evening, one manhad been particularlytalkative,frequentlyofferingideasand anecdotes,whilehis wife sat silentlybeside him on the couch. toward the end of the evening, i mentedthat womenfrequently plain that their husbands don t talk to them. this manquicklynoddedinag
6、reement.he gesturedtoward hiswifeand said,“ shes the talker inour family.” the room burst into laughter; the man looked puzzled and hurt.“it s true,” he explained.“ when i e home from work i have nothing to say.ifshe didn tkeep theconversationgoing,we d spend thewhole eveninginsilence.”thisepisodecr
7、ystallizesthe ironythatalthoughamericanmen tend totalkmore than womenin public situations, they often talk less at home. and this pattern iswreakinghavoc with marriage.29.which of the following can best summarize the main idea of this text" a.the moral decaying deserves more research by sociolo
8、gistsb. marriage break-up stems from sex inequalitiesc. husband and wife have different expectations from their marriage d.conversational patterns between man and wife are different【方法分析】根据题干特征可知这是一道主旨题,主旨题可利用主题复现法来解,通过抓前两段的主题词可确定全文中心。本文我们利用主题词复现的形式:同词复现、 同义复现以及同根复现可以找出前两段的复现有“talkative”,“ talk”,“ t
9、alker”以及“conversation”,因此我们可以确定该篇文章的主题词是“交谈,交流”,d项中的“conversationalpatterns”是主题词的同根复现,故正确。a 项和 b 项的错误属于无中生有, c项的干扰性较大,很多考生会错选该选项,但只要把握好全文主题词是“talk”,这个选项也是很好排除的。明确了必得分题型的快速解题技巧之后,接下来我们一起学习高失分题的快速解题技巧。题干暗示法* 文都wh.wendu.按照阅读的步骤, 第一步应该精读题干, 抓关键词, 目的在于用这些关键词猜测文章可能讨论的中心。 题干中的重复信息就极有可能是文章的主旨。 因此我们可以利用题干中的关
10、键词解主旨题。【方法应用】2013,text331. our vision of the future used to be inspired by32. the iu s “ red list” suggest that humanbeing are33. which of the following is true accordingto paragraph 5" 34.to ensure the future of mankind, it is crucial to35. which of the following would be the besttitle for the
11、 text" auncertainty about our futureb evolution of the human speciesc the ever-bright prospects of mankindd science, technology and humanity末段: thislongperspectivemakes the pessimisticview of our prospectsseemmore likelyto be a passing fad. to be sure, the future is not all rosy. but we arenowknowledgeable enough to reduce many of the risks that【方法分析】在阅读题干的过程中,我们能清晰的找出每个题干的关键词,分别是:31. our vision of the future32. iu s “ red list”、 humanbeing33. 无关键词34. future of mankind35. which of the following would be the best title for the text"因此,我们可以判断出题干中出现频率最高的词是human和 future,所以本文章的中 心
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