2、,每封邮件都是网站宣传,企业邮局体现公司实力,企业邮局安全、保密、不流失,企业邮局有独立管理权限4、写作商务邮件时,如果我们不知道对方的具体收件人是谁,可以使用以下哪个称呼?A:Dear SirsB:Dear Madams正确答案:Dear Sirs5、B2B的意思是?A:企业对企业B:企业对消费者正确答案:企业对企业第二章1、Your name and address _ to us by the Bank of America.A:have givenB:have been givenC:giveD:given正确答案:have been given2、We look forward _
3、your quick response.A:toB:onC:inD:at正确答案:to3、We shall send you four samples _ receipt of your inquiries.A:inB:atC:forD:upon正确答案:upon4、We hope to enter _ business relations _ your firm.A:intowithB:withintoC:/atD:inin正确答案:intowith5、We assure you _ our best service _ any time.A:forinB:atonC:ofatD:witha
4、t正确答案:ofat第三章1、Fill in the blanks with the following expressions.We are sending you _ our catalogue and the latest price list.A:on the basis ofB:without any delayC:subject toD:promptE:under separate cover正确答案:E2、Fill in the blanks with the following expressions.The above prices we quote are all _ CI
5、F London.A:on the basis ofB:without any delayC:subject toD:promptE:under separate cover正确答案:A3、Fill in the blanks with the following expressions.We are offering 10 000 metric tons of first grade rice for _ shipment.A:on the basis ofB:without any delayC:subject toD:promptE:under separate cover正确答案:D4
6、、Fill in the blanks with the following expressions.As soon as we can supply you with the goods you required, we will inform you _.A:on the basis ofB:without any delayC:subject toD:promptE:under separate cover正确答案:B5、Fill in the blanks with the following expressions.This offer is _ your reply reachin
7、g us within 5 days.A:on the basis ofB:without any delayC:subject toD:promptE:under separate cover正确答案:C第四章1、I suppose the terms of payment _ acceptance _ you, as we usually accept payment _ arrival of goods.A:are, to, onB:is, for, beforeC:are, for, afterD:is, to, on正确答案:A2、The method of payment for
8、each transaction _ be agreed upon between the two trading parties at the time of _.A:is to, negotiation the transactionB:are to, placing an orderC:will be to, taking delivery of the goodsD:has to, negotiating with the bank正确答案:A3、G.S.P. Form A表示( )。A:普通原产地证B:普惠制原产地证C:输欧盟纺织品产地证D:中国东盟互惠原产地证正确答案:B4、在托收
9、结算的业务中,单据的缮制通常以()为依据。如有特殊要求,可参照相应的文件或资料。A:信用证B:合同C:发票D:装箱单正确答案:B5、“单单一致”对于大小写不予以限制。A:对B:错正确答案:A第五章1、We have received your letter of the 1st March _ us to effect shipment as soon as possible.A:to askB:that askC:askingD:for asking正确答案:C2、I am sorry that I am not _ a position to promise you to do busin
10、ess on your terms.A:atB:inC:onD:for正确答案:B3、出口商委托货代办理租船订舱时,出口商填写的是( )。A:订舱委托书B:报关单C:报检单D:装货单正确答案:A4、信用证规定“Packing List in five copies”,则受益人提交的装箱单份数应该是( )。A:五份副本B:只交副本,不交正本C:五份正本五份副本D:一式五份正确答案:D5、不可流通转让海运单除了单据上写明的收货人外,他人不能提货。A:对B:错正确答案:A第六章1、Usually shipping marks should be stenciled on _ packing.A:in
11、nerB:outerC:neutralD:seaworthy正确答案:B2、With reference shipping marks, our initials should be stenciled on the outer _.A:to, packB:for, packetC:to, packingD:for, package正确答案:C3、以下( )属于运输包装的标志。A:运输标志B:条形码C:指示性标志D:警告性标志正确答案:ACD4、在国际贸易中,关于商品包装由谁提供的通常做法是( )A:由卖方提供包装,包装连同商品一起交付买方B:由买方提供包装,但交货后,由卖方将原包装收回C:由
12、买方提供包装或包装物料D:由厂家提供包装,交货时向买方收取包装费正确答案:ABC5、买卖双方签定的贸易合同之中,规定成交货物为不需包装的散装货,而卖方在交货时采用麻袋包装,但净重与合同规定完全相符,且不要求另外加收麻袋包装费。货到后,买方以卖方交货的包装条件不符合合同的规定提出索赔,该索赔不合理。A:对B:错正确答案:B第七章1、We are now replying to your letter of March 15 _ insurance. Which of the following is NOT right?A:in regard toB:with regard toC:regard
13、ingD:as regard正确答案:D2、Please let us know your premium _ which you cover insurance against All Risks.A:withB:atC:forD:against正确答案:B3、在我国海运货物保险条款的三种基本险中,保险公司责任最小的是 。A:平安险B:水渍险C:一切险D:战争险正确答案:A4、We will affect insurance against All Risks as requested, charging premium and freight _ the consignees.A:toB:
14、forC:onD:with正确答案:A5、Do you _ against All Risks and TPND on this item? Which of the following is NOT right here?A:insureB:coverC:cover insuranceD:insure us正确答案:B第八章1、农产品因受自然条件的影响较大,难以用文字说明,所以确定其品质的方法是 。A:看货买卖B:凭样品交易C:凭规格买卖D:凭等级买卖正确答案:B2、合同数量条款中,必须首先约定 。A:计量单位B:计量方法C:商品数量D:数量机动幅度正确答案:C3、按照国际贸易惯例,在合同中
15、不作规定时,运输标志的提供方一般是 。A:开证行B:卖方C:买方D:船方正确答案:B4、Price: USD8.50/pc FOB Qingdao, China 价格:中国青岛港离岸价8.50美元/件。价格条款注意事项:顺序为币制金额单位价格条件目的港口;金额与币制间无空格,金额保留至两位小数,防止改写。A:对B:错正确答案:A5、卖方需出具的最常用的单据有8个,包括以下 。A:B/L (Bill of Lading)B:Commercial InvoiceC:Packing ListD:Shipping Advice正确答案:ABCD第九章1、The goods under Contract
16、 No.15408 left here _.A:in a good conditionB:in good conditionsC:in good conditionD:in the good condition正确答案:A2、We have lodged a claim _ ABC & Co. _ the quality of the goods shipped _ m.v. “Peace”.A:against, for, byB:with, for, underC:on, against, as perD:to, for, per正确答案:B3、As arranged, we have affected insurance _ the goods _ 110% of the invoice value _ all risks.A:of , at
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