1、Cohesion and Coherence 衔接与连贯第1页/共34页Cohesion and Coherence衔接与连贯第2页/共34页vWhat is cohesion ?vTypes of the cohesion vWhat is the coherence ?vRelationships between cohesion and coherencev天净沙秋思分析第3页/共34页语篇的衔接手段 语篇就好比是一棵大树 一个条理清晰,上下连贯(语篇特征)的整体,那么语篇是靠什么形成的呢? 靠衔接手段。第4页/共34页 Cohesion is a semantic concept, i
2、t refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text.(Halliday & Hasan, 1976) “衔接”这一概念是Halliday于1962年首次提出的。后来在他与Hasan合著的Cohesion in English一书中把衔接定义为“存在于篇章内部,使之成为语篇的意义关系”第5页/共34页Five types of Cohesion五种衔接五种衔接照应(reference)、替代(substitution)、省略(ellipsis)、连接(conjunction)及词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)
3、。Cohesion is expressed partly through grammar and partly through vocabulary. We can refer therefore to GRAMMATICAL COHESION and LEXICAL COHESION.其中前三类属于语法手段,第四类属于逻辑手段,最后一类于词汇衔接手段第6页/共34页一、 Reference 照应 A participant or circumstantial element introduced at one place in the text can be taken as a refe
4、rence point for something that follows. 照应(Reference)指用代词等语法手段表示的语义关系。第7页/共34页 There is also reference to what is outside the text, exophoric (ex), (语外照应,外指) endophoric (en) (语内照应,内指)第8页/共34页外照应独立于上下文之外的词项内照应意义依赖于上下文的词项下照应(后照应)意义依赖于前述词项的词项上照应(前照应)意义依赖于后述词项的词项 u李林是我的朋友。他他是武汉人。(内指,他回指前文提到的李林)u我讨厌你你,李林
5、李林!(内指,下指李林)u(手指某物),那那是你画的吗?(外指)第9页/共34页Three Types of Reference:personal referencedemonstrative referencecomparative reference人称照应指示照应比较照应第10页/共34页 由人称代词表示的照应关系叫做“人称照应”(Personal Reference)。 在使用人称代词的时候,必须搞明确谁是它的照 应对 象,如果这一点含糊不清,就会模棱两可,引 出歧义。 Jane watched Julia walk into the library withJane watched
6、Julia walk into the library with her her brotherbrother1.1. (JaneJane看见JuliaJulia和谁的兄弟走进图书馆?) 例中的JaneJane和JuliaJulia都是女性,以致后面的herher既可指JaneJane,也可指JuliaJulia。可以改写成: Jane watched her brother and Julia walk into the Jane watched her brother and Julia walk into the librarylibrary 简瞧见她的兄弟和朱莉亚走进图书馆。 第11页
7、/共34页Core six cooking apples. Put them into a fireproof dish. These are red ones, but they are not so delicious. Them指称,表示前面的apples These指示,指前面的them和apples So比较,把这些苹果与其他的相比较。第12页/共34页二、二、Substitution and Ellipsis省略和替代 Substitution and ellipsis are one type of cohesion device which takes different fo
8、rms. 当在下面一个句子重新出现时,被省略掉,或者被其他项目所替代的现象。 例如,上例中的ones就用以替代apples,如: A. Have you been playing football? B. Yes, I have (been playing football.) 都可分为三类:名词、动词和小句。 Ones替代名词;playing football替代动词。 A: Has he been ever to Beijing? B: I think so。 So 替代整个小句 (he has been to Beijing.) 第13页/共34页Three types of Subst
9、itution Nominal: one, ones, same Verbal: do (inflectional forms: does, did) Clausal: so, not.名词性替代、动词性替代和从句性替代第14页/共34页1)A: Have you any knives? I need a sharp one. B: I can get you several very sharp ones, but this is the best (one) I have. (nominal substitution)2) Bob says he is going to join the
10、Labour Party. It will be interesting to see whether he does (do). (Verbal Substitution)3) A: Bruce is a good actor. B: I dont think so. (clausal substitution)第15页/共34页第16页/共34页Three types of EllipsisThree types of Ellipsis nominal ellipsis verbal ellipsis clausal ellipsis 名词性省略、动词性省略和从句性省略He prefers
11、 Dutch cheese and I prefer Danish.-Do you understand?-I tried to.-You havent told him yet.-Not yet.第17页/共34页三、 Conjunction 连接Conjunction is a cohesive relation which obtain between clauses as well as sentences of a text which are indicated connectors. 指由连接成分把两个或多个句子,或者段落连接起来的现象。 常用的有递进、转折、因果、时间。Four
12、 types of Conjunction additive补充 adversative causal temporal第18页/共34页e.g.To be able to see Nobody! And at that distance, too! (additive)All the figures were correct; theyd been checked. Yet the total came out wrong. (adversative) We may not be able to set up permanent decisions. Therefore, it seems
13、to me that we must take, so far as we can, so far as we can, a picture of the world into our minds. (casual) The first man landed on the moon. At the same moment, a young boy died in Alabama. (temporal)第19页/共34页 英语逻辑关系表示法1. 先后或列举:first, second; for one thingfor another; in addition/ besides等。2. 因果:
14、as a result/thus/sobecause/等。3.特例或举例:in particular; for example; that is 等。4.转折: But/however/yet/nevertheless; on the other hand等。5.引出结论:in conclusion/finally等。6. 表示频率:frequently/often; occasionally等。7. 表示阶段:during; briefly; for a long time; for many years等。8. 表某一时刻: last Sunday; in 2005; at six ocl
15、ock; two months ago等。9. 表示开端:in the beginning; before then等。10. 表示其间:in the meantime/ at the same time等。11. 表示结束:eventually/ finally/ at last/ in the end 等。第20页/共34页四、四、lexical cohesion词汇衔接 由词汇的重复,及其之间的语义关系所建立起来的衔接关 系,包括重现、同义、反义、上下义、整体部分义,以同 一语义场的词汇搭配所建立起来的衔接关系。 1、The young man does not like bears,
16、so yesterday in the park he gave the bear some poisonous food to eat. 2、To err is human; to forgive divine 3、 And sings a solitary song, That whistles in the wind. Bearbears: 重现 Errforgive: 反义 Singwhistle: 搭配第21页/共34页第22页/共34页表1:衔接在英语描述中的地位( Halliday & Hasan , 1976)第23页/共34页 Coherence What is co
17、herence? Coherence in linguistics is what makes a text semantically meaningful. It is especially dealt with in text linguistics. 第24页/共34页Concepts of Coherence: Text vs. Discourse Texture The notion of Coherence第25页/共34页 The term text is used in linguistics to refer to any passage, spoken or written
18、, of whatever length, that does from a unified whole. It may be anything from a single proverb to a whole play, from a momentary cry for help to an all-day discussion on a committee.(Halliday and Hasan,1976) Some (Coulthart) think that text only refers to written language, not including spoken. Leec
19、h employs the term discourse to refer to communicative language. Text vs. Discourse第26页/共34页Texture A semantically coherent text must have texture. Texture distinguishes text and non-text. A: How old is your son? B: He is seven.A: How old is your son? B: She is playing in the garden.(2) is semantica
20、lly incoherent, she has no referent.第27页/共34页The notion of Coherence We should first realize what coherence intuitively means for language users. (normal, understandable) Coherence may also be taken as predicted not of a sentence, but of pairs, triplesof sentences or of fragments or the whole of a d
21、iscourse. Coherence may also be predicted of a sentence relative to the whole.第28页/共34页e.g.a. Claire and Kent climbed Mt. McKinley last summer.b. She photographed the peak, and he surveyed it.第29页/共34页Cohesion and Coherencecohesioncoherence1. Cohesion is a measurable linguistic phenomenon. 1. Cohere
22、nce is more global and is not directly amenable to evaluation.2. Cohesion exists within a text and adds to the coherence of text. 2. Coherence is something the reader establishes or hopes to establish.3. Cohesion is a text-related phenomenon.3. Coherence is both a text and a reader related phenomenon.4. Cohesion uses cohesive ties which link words or phrases with other words or phrases in connected discourse.4. Coherence views discourse as a process. Texts are viewed as dynamic expressions of meaning jointly negotiated by particular speakers and hearers loca
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