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1、148个音标教学个音标教学巧记巧记4848个国际音标个国际音标单元音单元音共十二,四二六前中后。共十二,四二六前中后。双元音双元音也好背,合口集中八个整。也好背,合口集中八个整。辅音辅音共计二十八,八对一清又七浊,共计二十八,八对一清又七浊,四个连对也包括。有气无声清辅音,四个连对也包括。有气无声清辅音,有声无气浊辅音,发音特点应掌握。有声无气浊辅音,发音特点应掌握。2 二十个元音音标二十个元音音标 i: e a: i: e a: : : : u: : u: i i u u ai ei ai ei i i u au iu au i u u 二十八个辅音音标二十八个辅音音标 p t k f p

2、t k f s s h t h t ts tr ts tr b d g v b d g v z z rr d d dz dr dz dr j w m n j w m n l l31.i:1.i:e e m me e h he e sh she e th the eseseeeee m meeeet grt greeeen knn kneeee thr threeee b beeeef shf sheeeep peaea m meaeat tt teaea l leaeaf crf creaeamm2.i2.i Iii i b bi ig pg pi ig g i it t i is zs zi

3、 ip mp mi ilk slk si ix thx thi is s rabb rabbi it Englt Engli ish ssh si isterster 二十个元音音标二十个元音音标4e e e egg dgg de esk bsk be ed nd ne est vst ve est zst ze ebra bra el ele even sven se even rven re ed d e elephantlephanteaea br breaead swd sweaeater hter heaeavyvya a a any mny ma anynya a c ca at

4、bt ba ag g a apple ppple pa arrot thrrot tha at tt ta axi jxi ja am m bl bla ack ck a an hn ha and mnd ma ango kngo ka angaroo ngaroo p pa anda cnda ca andy hndy ha amburger hmburger ha at mt ma ap p 3.e3.e4.4.5erer h herer earear l learearn noror w worork world k world urur n nururse tse tururn nir

5、 ir b bir ird shd shir irt skt skir irt gt gir irl l a a a about canbout cana ad da a b ba alloon lloon o o p po otato tato o oclockclockoror doct doctoror act actororerer moth motherer fath fatherer broth brotherer daught daughterer hamburg hamburgerer sweat sweaterer6.6. 5.5.: :68.8. 7.a:7.a:a a f

6、 fa ather girther gira affe clffe cla ass dss da ance nce a ask grsk gra ass lss la ast st arar ararm cm carar m mararker ker arare she shararpenerpeneral al h hal alf fauau auaunt lnt lauaugh gh o o m mo other brther bro other sther so on sn so ome lme lo ove mve mo oneyneyouou y yououng cng cououn

7、tryntryu u b bu ut doughnt doughnu ut t79.9.: :10.10. oror st storory unify unifororm shm shorort tal al t tal all bl bal all sml smal all wl wal alk k al alwayswaysawaw dr drawaw s sawawooroor d dooroor fl flooroorourour f fourour y yourour fl flouroura a wh wha at wt wa atch wtch wa ater wter wa a

8、shsho o b bo ottle httle ho ot dt do og cg co offee bffee bo ox nx no ot t o orange strange sto op p811.u:11.u:12.u12.uo o wh who o wh who ose se ouou gr grououp sp sououp p u u r ru uler Jler Ju une ne ui ui fr frui uit jt jui uice ce ueue bl blueue gl glueueoooo z zoooo f fooood rd roooom rm roooo

9、ster nster noooodles dles t toooo kangar kangaroooo sch schooool loooo b booook lk looook fk foooot gt gooood cd cooook ku u J Ju uly ply pu ut oul sht oul shoulould cd coulould wd woulould d913.ei13.eia a c ca ake mke ma ake fke fa ace nce na ame grme gra apes plpes pla ane crne cra ayonyonai ai r

10、rai ain wn wai ait tt tai ail qul quai ail pl pai aint nt ayay pl playay M Mayay d dayay tod todayay s sayay p payay st stayayeigheigh eigheight wt weight eight eyey th theyey gr greyey h heyey eaea gr greaeat t 1014.ai14.aii i Ch Chi inese bnese bi ike lke li ike ke i ice nce ni ice fce fi ive kve

11、ki ite te wh whi ite rte ri ice nce ni ine kne ki ind mnd mi ind chnd chi ild wld wi ildldy y m my y b by y cr cry y sh shy yighigh r righight ft fighight lt lighight nt nighight tuyuy b buyuy g guyuy1115.15.i ioioi p poioint vnt voioice jce joioin noyoy t toyoy b boyoy enj enjoyoy1216.16.uuo o n no

12、 o c co oke nke no ose se o ok k mosquit mosquito o o old cld co oldldoaoa c coaoat gt goaoat bt boaoat st soaoap pow ow yell yellowow owowl rl rowow sh showowouou th thouough althgh althouough shgh shououlderlder 1317.au17.auouou h hououse mse mououthth m mououse mse mouountainntainowow h howow br

13、browown nn nowow c cowow d dowown crn crowowdedded14i18.i18.i eaea r reaeally idlly ideaeaearear n nearear earear h hearear d dearear cl cleareareereer d deer eer b beereer ch cheereers sere ere h hereere151919. . airair h hairair airair ch chairair airairportportearear p pearear b bearear w wearear

14、eireir th theireir th theireirs sereere th thereere wh whereereareare c careare h hareare1620.u20.u ooroor p pooroorourour t tourour t tououristristureure s sureure17二十八个辅音音标二十八个辅音音标1.p1.pp p p plane lane p pear ear P Peter eter p pig ig 2.b2.bb b b ball all b big ig b balloon alloon b black lack b

15、blue lue b bagag3.t3.tt t t tall all t time iime it t t tellell rabbirabbit t4.d4.d d d d dogog d duck uck d doll oll d dearear 185.k5.kc c c cook ook c cake ake c class alass ac ctor dotor doc ctortorchch s schchool ool chchemistryemistryckck bla blackck clo clockck ro rock ck oclo oclockckk k ma m

16、ak ke e k kite liite lik ke bie bik ke bae bak ke e6 6.g.gg g ba bag g g game biame big g pi pig g g giveive197.f7.ff f f four our f five ive f fish leaish leaf f f fruitruitphph phphone eleone elephphant doloant dolophphininghgh lau laughgh8.v8.vv v v vest loest lov ve lie liv ve fie fiv ve see sev

17、 ven eleen elev venen 209.9.thth ththanks anks ththin main mathth ththreeree 10.10. thth ththis is ththat moat mothther faer fathther er bro brothther er ththereere2111.s 11.s s s s six ix s seven even s son on s student thanktudent thanks s deliciou delicious scece ri ricece ni nicece i icece fa fa

18、cecess ss Mi Miss ss cla class ss gla glass ss gra grass ss12.z12.zs s bu bus sy reay reas son alwayon always sz z z zebra ebra z zoo sioo siz ze lae laz zy y 2213.13. shsh shshirt irt shshe fie fishsh shshop op shship ip shsheep eep shshy fay fashshionionc c deli delic ciousiouss s s sure Aure As s

19、ia iachch ma machchineine 14.14. s s u us sually pleaually pleas sureure 2315.h15.hh h h hair air h have ave h hat at h hand and h hamburger beamburger beh hindindwhwh whwho o whwhose ose 16.r16.rr r r ruler uler r rabbit abbit r rightight r roseosewrwr wrwrite ite wrwrongong2417.t17.t chch chchair

20、air ChChina ina chchick ick chchicken icken chcheapeaptchtch wa watchtch ca catchtch 18.d18.d g g g giraff iraff g gymymj j j juice uice j jeep eep J July uly j jumpumpgege oran orangege cabba cabbagege gegeography bridography bridgege 2519.ts19.tsts ts ca cats ts studen students ts sea seats ts si

21、sits ts testes ki kitestes wri writestes 20.dz20.dzdsds be bedsds ki kidsds stan standsdsdesdes ri ridesdes 2621.tr21.trtr tr tr tree ee tr trip ip tr trousersousers22.dr22.drdrdr drdraw aw drdrink ink drdrumum2724.w24.www wwatch atch wwater ater wweekeekwhwh whwhat at whwhen en whwhereere 25.m25.mm

22、m mmake ake mmilk ilk mmother arother armm a amm na namme embmb cli climbmb la lambmbmnmn autu autumnmn 23.j23.ji i ononi ionony y y yourour2826.n26.nn n n name ame n not ot n noodles raioodles rain n ki kin nd dknkn knknow ow knknee ee knknifeifegngn si signgn forei foreigngn27.27. n n ma man ngo E

23、go En nglish siglish sin ng g 28.l28.ll l ru rul ler er l like balike ball loon oon l look ook l light ight l look ook l lastastl l bal ball l al all l tal tall l tai tail l mi mil lk k29二十六个字母二十六个字母A a A a /ei/ei/ B b B b /bi:/bi:/ C c C c /si:/si:/ D d D d /di:/di:/ E e E e /i:/ /i:/ F f F f /ef/e

24、f/ G g G g /d/di:/i:/ H h H h /eit/eit/ / I I I I /ai/ai/ J j J j /d/dei/ ei/ K k K k /kei/kei/ L l L l /el/el/ M m M m /em/em/ N n N n /en/en/ O o O o / /u/u/ P p P p /pi:/pi:/ Q q Q q /kju:/kju:/ R r R r /a:/a:/ S s S s /es/es/ T t T t /ti:/ti:/ U u U u /ju:/ju:/ V v V v /vi:/vi:/ W w W w /d/dbju:

25、/bju:/ X x X x /eks/eks/ Y y Y y /wai/wai/ Z z Z z /zi:/ /zed/zi:/ /zed/30/ei/ei/(4 4) A a A a /ei/ /ei/ H h H h /eit/eit/ / J j J j /d/dei/ ei/ K k K k /kei/kei/ /i:/i:/(9 9) E e E e /i:/ /i:/ B b B b /bi:/bi:/ C c C c /si:/si:/ D d D d /di:/di:/ G g G g /d/di:/ i:/ P p P p /pi:/ /pi:/ T t T t /ti:

26、/ti:/ V v V v /vi:/vi:/ Z z Z z /zi:/zi:/ /ai/ai/(2 2) I I I I /ai/ /ai/ Y y Y y /wai/wai/ /ju:/ju:/(3 3)U u U u /ju:/ju:/ Q q Q q /kju:/kju:/ W w W w /d/dbju:/bju:/ /e/e/(7 7) F f F f /ef/ /ef/ L l L l /el/el/ M m M m /em/em/ N n N n /en/en/ S s S s /es/es/ X x X x /eks/eks/ Z z Z z /zed/zed/O o O

27、o / /u/u/R r R r /a:/a:/二十六个字母分类31拼读音标拼读音标1. 1.neimneimgeimgeim leikleik teikteik meikmeik deitdeit keitkeit feis plein rein weit feis plein rein weit teil kweil peint eit teil kweil peint eit ei grei greit greips ei grei greit greips 32 2. taim baik laik naik maik 2. taim baik laik naik maik nais a

28、is faiv kait nain nais ais faiv kait nain t taini:z wait kaind taini:z wait kaind taild aild mai krai bai mai krai bai aiai rait lait nait fait rait lait nait fait bai gai bai gai 333. p3. pint vint vis dis din in t ti bi bi ii id di i344. n4. nu ku kuk nuk nuz uz uk uk m mski:tski:tu u uld kuld kud

29、ud k kut gut gut but but sut supup jel jelu u ul rul ru u uu u u :l :luu35 5. haus maus 5. haus maus mau mauntin mau mauntin hau braun hau braun nau kau nau kau366. ri6. rili aidili aidi ni ni i i hi hi di di kli kli bibi t ti is his hi 377.h7.h t t p p:t p:t p b b ww k k h h zz38 pu pu tu tu u u 39

30、mi:mi: hi:hi: wi:wi: i:zi:z i: i: mi:tmi:t gri:ngri:n si:si: ni: ni: ri:ri: bi:f bi:f i:pi:p ti:ti: kri:m kri:m li:fli:f bigbigfi fipigpig zipzip sistsist milkmilk it it iz iziz iz sikssiks rbitrbiti igligli40egeg deskdesk bedbed nestnest vestvest redredsevnsevnzi:brzi:brilevnilevnelifelifntnt bredb

31、red swetswet hevihevi enieni menimeni ktkt bgbg kpkp plpl pndpnd prprt ttttksitksid dmmnnblkblkhndhndmpmp mmg gu u hthtkndikndihmbhmb:g:g,k,kg gru:ru: 41h h: : l l:n:n b b:d:d :t :t sksk:t :t g g:l :lww:k:kww:ld:ldt t:n:nn n:s :sbautbautknknd db blu:nlu:nmmfa:fa:brbrd d:t :thmbhmb:g:gswetswetp pteit

32、teitu uklklk kd dktktktkt42fa:fa:da:nsda:nsa:ska:skgra:sgra:s la:stla:stkla:skla:sd dira:fira:fha:fha:f a:ma:mka:ka:ma:kma:ka:pa:pn n a:nta:ntla:fla:fmmbrbrs sn ns smml lv vmmninik kntrintrij jb bt td dununt t43stst:ri:riju:nifju:nif:m:m:t :t t t:l :lb b:l :lsmsm:l :lww:k:k:lweiz:lweiz f f: :j j: :fl fl: :d d: :drdr: :s s: : wwt twwwwt tb btl tl d dg gk kfi fib bksks h ht t n nt tst stp prindrind44hu:hu: hu:zhu:zgru:pgru:psu:psu:pru:lru:l d du:nu:nfru:tfru:t d du:su:s blu:blu: glu:glu:zu:zu:fu:dfu:dru:mru:mtu:tu:ru:sdru:sdnu:dlsnu:dlsb blu:nlu:n,k,kg gru:ru:sku:lsku:lbukbukluklukfutfut


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