1、 1. Woman: I didnt really see anything 2. Man: I wasnt looking at the time. 3. Girl: It was the lorrys fault. 4. Boy: Can I go now? Im late. 5. Man: If Ican help in any way, ld be glad to do so. 6. Woman: Perhaps we can all go now. Notes irritable iritbl: easily irritated or annoyed易怒的,急躁的 alternate
2、 :lt:nit: go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions交替,轮流 Sleep Sleep Everyone needs to sleep. It seems that there are two purposes of sleep: physical rest and emotional or psychological rest. We need to rest our bodies and our minds. Each night we alternate between two
3、 kinds of sleep: active sleep and passive sleep. In passive sleep, the body is at rest. The heart slows down. The body processes become very slow.This stage of sleep is known as slow-wave sleep because the brain waves move in a very slow regular rhythm. If a person continues to sleep, she or he ente
4、rs a new stage, a more active stage. The brain temperature rises, the amount of blood in the brain increases, the body becomes very still, and the brain goes from being very inactive to being active. And the eyes begin to move rapidly. This is a sign that the person is dreaming. Throughout the night
5、, people alternate between passive and active sleep. This cycle is repeated several times throughout the night. During eight hours of sleep people dream for a total of one and a half hours, on the average. We need passive sleep in order to rest our bodies. We need active sleep in order to dream. And
6、 dreaming helps us to rest our minds.Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false.T 1. They were supposed to meet Beth at seven oclock. (Jackie: You asked Beth to be here around seven oclock, didnt you? / Bilk Yes.)F 2. It was already passed eight oclock. (Jac
7、kie: lts nearly a quarter to eight.)T 3. Beth had an answering machine. (Bill: I got her answering machine.)T 4. Beth must have left already. F 5. Beth was delayed by the traffic. (Beth: Hey, guys. Sorry Im late. 1 had an emergency. . / Beth: . It was Sally. / Jackie: Sally, your dog?)T 6. The dog f
8、ainted just before Beth was about to leave. (Beth: Well, I was just about to leave when she started acting strange. Then she just passed out.)T 7. The vet gave Sally an injection.F 8. Beth had taken Sally home before she went to meet Jackie and Bill. (Beth: . he gave her an injection, and I had to l
9、eave her with him.)T 9. Sally was pregnant. (Beth: Shes going to have puppies!)F 10. Beth would have grandchildren soon. (Bill: Congratulations! Youre going to be a grandmother! Bill was joking.)Notescobra kubr:眼镜蛇 rat snake: 捕鼠蛇prise praiz:to move or force, especially in an effort to get something
10、open 撬 convent knvnt: 女修道院nasty n:sti: disgustingly dirty令人不快的wretched retid: morally reprehensible卑鄙的hysterics histeriks: 歇斯底里症的发作,大哭大笑CBB DMy Ancestor Was a RhinocerosNotesrhinoceros rainsrsiz: 犀牛 ADBCDABC1. Why did the narrator think his family was very different from others at one time? At one t
11、ime the narrator thought his family was very different from others because he had trouble with a word ancestor.2. When did the narrator hear the word ancestor? The narrator first heard the word in a story his mother told him one night.3. What did the narrator think his ancestor were? The narrator th
12、ought his ancestors were animals.4. Why did the narrator stand in front of the mirror for several months?Because he was worried that something was going to happen to his face.5. Why did the narrators mother look at him strangerly when he shouted Theres a man!? Because she never expected his son woul
13、d think of his ancestors as animals. A. Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.This news item is about a car bomb explosion in eastern Columbia.B. Listen to the news item again and complete the following outline. Event: A car bomb has exploded in eastern Columbia. Casualties: At
14、least five civilians have been killed. Two of them were children. Place: The explosion took place near a military base where 70 United States special forces soldiers are training Columbian troops.The intended target: A military security group that was passing bv was the target.Responsibility claimed
15、: No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.Reward for the information: Officials are offering a $17.000 reward for information that leads to an arrest.*A car bomb has exploded in eastern Columbia. At least five civilians have been killed. Two of them were children. *The explosion took place
16、near a military base where 70 United States special forces soldiers are training Columbian troops. *Officials say a military security group that was passing by was the target. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack. Officials are offering a $17,000 reward for information that leads to an a
17、rrest. *In another development reports say the president has increased his security. The move follows reports that Columbias largest rebel group is planning to kill the president.hostage hstid: prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms 人质 kidnap kidnp:
18、take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom 绑架 A: Listen to the news item and complete the summary. This news item is about Algerian hostage incident .B: Listen to the news item again and complete the passage. The Government of Mali says all 14 Eu
19、ropeans held hostage by Algerian militants in the Sahara Desert have been released. A Malian official said the former hostages are with government officials. The hostages include 9 Germans, 4 Swiss and 1 Dutchman. They were held for 5 months. Officials gave no details about the hostages condition. O
20、fficials also did not say if they paid the militants to release the hostages. The hostages were among 32 Europeans kidnapped by militants in southern Algeria in February. The Algerian army freed 17 of the hostages in a rescue operation in May. One hostage is said to have died of the extreme heat.Col
21、in L.Powell: (美国前国务卿)科林.鲍威尔 The Lockerbie disasterbombing Lockerbie is known international as the site where, on21 December,1988, the wreckage of Pan Am Fight 103 crashed as a result of terrorist bomb.A: Listen to the news item and complete the summary. This news item is about the recent development
22、 of the repayment for Rockerbie air crash.B: Listen to the news item again and answer the following questions. 1. What kind of agreement are negotiators close to? Negotiators are close to an agreement for Libya to accept responsibility for the bombing of a passenger plane over Scotland.2. Who held t
23、alks in London? American. British and Libyan officials held talks in London.3. How much money would Libya place in a Swiss bank for the families of those who died in the bombing?Libya would place almost $3.000 million in a Swiss bank for the families of those who died in the bombing.4. What would Li
24、bya also declare?Libya would also declare that it accepts responsibility for the bombing of the Para Am Airline in 1988.5. How many people were killed in the explosion? The explosion killed al1259 people on the plane. 11 others on the ground in Lockerbie were killed.6. How has the bomber been punish
25、ed?A Libyan agent is in prison for life for placing a bomb on the plane. Americans Secretary of State Colin L. Powell says negotiators are close to an agreement for Libya to accept responsibility for the bombing of a passenger plane over Scotland. Mr Powell spoke Monday after talks in London between
26、 American, British and Libyan officials. Reports say Libya would place almost $3,000 million in a Swiss bank for the families of those who died in the bombing. Libya would also declare that it accepts responsibility for the bombing of the Pam Am Airline in 1988. The explosion killed all 259 people o
27、n the plane. 11 others on the ground in Lockerbie were killed. A Libyan agent is in prison for life for placing a bomb on the plane.Retelling In 1920, the legendary art dealer Joseph Duveen and several of his colleagues made a plan to persuade Henry Ford to buy some art. Together they produced exqui
28、site* full-color reproductions of the hundred greatest paintings in the world, had the plates bound into three extraordinary volumes, and visited Ford at his Dearborn home. Ford admired the volumes, thanked the delegation for bringing them, and appeared on the verge of showing them out; the dealers
29、quickly made their move. By a remarkable coincidence, they explained, each of the works reproduced in the books was available for sale. Moreover, they would be delighted to assist him in acquiring them for his personal enjoyment. A puzzled look passed across Fords face and he courteously explained t
30、hat, as beautiful as these volumes were, he was not in the market for such expensive books. Duveen replied that the books were a gift; promptly Ford declared that he could not accept such generosity from strangers. At last, Duveen was forced to admit that the books had been made to convince him to b
31、uy some of the pieces in them. At last Ford understood. But, gentlemen, he declared, why would I want to buy originals when the pictures here in these books are so beautiful?Passage 1 ChildbirthNotespregnant pregnnt: carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life 怀孕
32、的placenta plsent: 胎盘uterus ju:trs: 子宫umbilical cord: 脐带brestfeed: give suck to 以母乳喂养White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood The white ribbon is dedicated to the memory of all women who have died in pregnancy and childbirth. Worldwide, nearly 600,000 women each year died of pregnancy-related compli
33、cations. Most of these deaths can be prevented.Passage 1 Childbirth A: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. 1. What the most serious problem that can happen during the childbirth? The most serious problem that can happen during the childbirth is too much bleeding 2. Why is it im
34、portant for a skilled person to be present when a baby is born? The skilled person can identify any problems quickly.3. What should the families know when a woman gives birth at home? The families should know when, where and how they will take the mother to get help if there are problems.4. What sho
35、uld be cut and tied immediately after a baby was born? The cord that connects the baby to the mother should be cut and tied.5. Why should new mothers begin to breastfeed their babies immediately? A mothers first milk is very healthy for the newborns, and breastfeeding helps protect babies from disea
36、se.B: Listen to the passage again and retell the story of two pregnant women. The first story Sunita, a twenty-two-year-old Indian woman was pregnant with her second child. Her pregnancy was normal and she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. But just after the baby arrived, Sunita became cold and coul
37、d not move her body. There was a large amount of blood around her body. She needed to be taken to a hospital right away. Unfortunately it took an hour for the family to get ready to leave. When they arrived at the hospital hours later, it was too late. Sunita died of shock. She had lost too much blo
38、od. The second story Leonor, a Nicaraguan woman, was giving birth to her first child at her home in a small village. A woman known as a traditional birth attendant was with her to help. When this woman found that the placenta(胎盘) had not come out within thirty minutes after the baby was born she kne
39、w there was a problem. It meant there was a risk of too much bleeding. So Leonors brother walked to a highway near the village. He stopped a driver and rode to the local health center to get help. An emergency vehicle went to bring Leonor to the center. She arrived within ninety minutes of giving bi
40、rth, and a doctor treated her immediately. Soon, she was saved and able to breastfeed her baby son.Passage 2 The Real Rhona GillespieNotesnostril nstril: either one of the two external openings to the nasal cavity in the nose 鼻孔billow bilu: rise up as if in waves汹涌,波动 ornamental .:nmentl: serving an
41、 esthetic rather than a useful purpose 装饰的smash: hit hard 猛撞panel pnl: 嵌板crouch kraut: bend ones back forward from the waist on down 蹲下,屈膝Passage 2 The Real Rhona Gillespie A: Pre-listening Question. Do you know how to escape from a fire? 40% of the time people die in fires. Its because they just st
42、ay in their room and hide in their closet or even under their bed. Sometimes pets will hide under the bed or even inside a wall. Little kids get so scared that they hide in the closet. The next thing you know, theyre trapped. A fire cannot happen without the three parts of the fire triangle. The parts are heat, oxygen, and fuel. Follow these steps to escape: Plan a fire escaperoute and practice it once a year, change smoke alarm batteries twice a year, and test your smoke alarm once a minth. Listen for the smoke alarm. After it rings, dont stay in your room. You must
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