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1、广东省汕头市澄华中学2020-2021学年高三英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. the chief engineer was        directing the building of the subway.  a. in the charge of   b. in charge of   c. take charge of   d. take the place of 参考答案:b2. we put our books in the bookca

2、se to keep them _ from dust       aempty            bfree             cloose              

3、 dshort参考答案:b略3. how do you like the curtains?well, im afraid they dont _ very well with the wallpaper.  a. go      b. match     c. suit      d. fit参考答案:a 解析:  go(went,poorly)with为固定搭配,表示“搭配协调”,match表此意时为及物动词。4. now many

4、 3d film directors tend to use state-of-the-art technology to       the story         , so that the films attract audiences attention very much.a. bring; to light b. get; across c. bring; to life d. get; through参考答案:c略5. beautiful sunshine!

5、 i hope to stay here longer_shall we put off our flight?aso am i                    bso do i cso is it                   

6、;    dso i do参考答案:b6. i should not have laughed if i        you were serious.a. thought b. would think c. had thought d. have thought参考答案:c7. -could we make it december 1oth?    -          &

7、#160; .a. it doesnt  matter    bgo ahead with it   c. take your time         d. thats  fine with me参考答案:d8. studying wendys menu, i found that many of the items are similar to _ of mcdonalds.a. those    &#

8、160;                  b. ones                                c. any    

9、;                      d. all参考答案:a略9. after a long journey across the whole country from north to south, they found themselves_ as well as their clothes.    a. picked out    

10、  b. called out     c. caught out   d. worn out        参考答案: d  解析:考查动词词组辨析。根据语境 long journey from north to south,再加上as well as their clothes,可知答案选d,worn out在此的意思是“精疲力竭”。10. _ a piece of cheese cake my mum prepared-

11、you wont be disappointed!a. tryingb. triedc. to tryd. try参考答案:d11. issues about the health of our planet are_ important to be treated lightly.a. too much     b. more than      c. far too      d. even more参考答案:c12. we all know that

12、 the secondary school in america usually _ seven years, grades six to twelve. a. studies   b. practises   c. covers     d. finishes 参考答案:c解析:选c。本题考查动词辨析。study表示学习;practise表示练习;cover表示包含,包括;finish表示完成。本句句意为“我们都知道美国的中学包括了7年,6年级到12年级。”因此选c。13. the hunter calmly picked

13、 up his gun, took the aim and fired, _ the beast.a. bringing down        b. pulling down           c. falling down           d. putting down参考答案:a14. hi, bill, got a minute? _, wha

14、ts on your mind?a. sure, come in b. no, im sorryc. of course, help yourself d. yes, its one oclock sharp 参考答案:a15. the drums of war are beating once again. as tensions rise between america and iran, china appeals to both sides to _.a. stand byb. come alongc. step backd. stick together

15、参考答案:c【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:战鼓声再次敲响,由于美国和伊朗的关系紧张,中国呼吁双方都后退一步。a. stand by支持,袖手旁观;b. come along与一道;c. step back后退;d. stick together粘在一起。根据前文as tensions rise between america and iran可知,双发关系很紧张,因此呼吁双方后退一步,故选c。16. is it the burning of more fossil fuels _ is resulting in this increase in carbon dioxide ?a. as&#

16、160;                                b. which                 c. w

17、hat                    d. that参考答案:d 17. generally speaking, _ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.   a. when taking   b. when taken    c. when to ta

18、ke   d. when to be taken 参考答案:b18. are you still very busy?   yes, i _ the report for the manager and it wont take long.a. am just finishing b. have just finishedc. had just finished   d. am just going to finish参考答案:a19. john began to feel little beads of sweat going do

19、wn the back of his neckhis words seemed to have had no visible _ on the manaaffect                beffect                   caffection&

20、#160;           dimpact参考答案:b二、 书面表达20. 64假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speechcontest)。希望附近某大学的外籍教师smith女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。  注意:词数100左右。*dear ms. smith,              







27、60;                              with best wishes,li hua 参考答案:dear ms smith, im li hua, chair of the student union of yucai middle school, which is close t

28、o your university. im writing to invite you to be a judge at our english speech contest to be held in our school on june 1st. it will start at 2:00 pm and keep for about three hours. ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “man and the nature”. we hope you will accept our invitat

29、ion  if it is convenient for you. please call me at 446765560 if you have any questions.i am looking forward to your reply.试题分析:考生应做到(1)认真审题,确定体裁。要求学生仔细审题,明确体裁,领会出题者用意。对于这篇文章不能写成通知的格式。(2)构思要点。根据题目要求,理解要表达的要点设计好文章的层次段落,考虑所用时态、人称等,把要点串联起来,构成文章框架。(3)选词造句,避难选易。在要点、层次明确的情况下,选用自己最熟悉的单词、句式进行造句如果不会用复杂句

30、就用简单句表达要点注意主谓语一致、人称、数量、大小写、标点。(4)认真检查,避免错误。仔细阅读全文,查找是否有错,注意时态、单词拼写、字母大小写、标点是否有误,句式是否正确逻辑是否一致。考点:提纲作文。点评:考生如果想拿到高分,必须按照要求在作文中覆盖试题规定的所有内容要点,完成试题任务,达到预期的写作目的。在写作时,考生应该留心是否要点完整,是否有要点遗漏。在题示要点完整的前提下,考生可以作文材料为中心进行适当地发挥,适当补充一部分,以期使作文更加完美。考生在写作时,可以在作文中穿插使用一些过渡性词语。这样会使作文条理清楚,连贯自然,行文紧凑。 【解析】略三、 阅读理解21. tr

31、aditional chinese medicine(tcm) needs to prove its worth through rigorous clinical trials, according to the head of one of china's largest herbal remedy companies, as a contentious(有争议的) new law to boost the $40bn sector comes into effect.traditional chinese medicine is estimated by analysts to

32、account for a third of sales in china's $117bn pharmaceutical(药学) market, the world's second largest. but most of those sales are of ly cheap overthecounter drugs, with many chinese hospital doctors unwilling to prescribe tcm remedies(救济方法) because of the lack of evidence for their effective

33、ness.china's first law promising equal status for tcm and western medicine in the country's statedominated healthcare system comes into effect this weekend. provisions include encouragement for hospitals to set up tcm centres, and a licensing system for practitioners(从业者). “this law is very

34、important for securing the status of tcm,” said wu yiling, chairman of yiling pharmaceutical, a company that makes herbal remedies based on traditional recipes in the northern province of hebei.listed in shenzhen, wu yiling has a market capitalization of rmb 20.7bn ($3bn). mr wu, the son of a herbal

35、 practitioner, controls a family fortune of $1.6bn, according to the hurun rich wu is both a supporter of the nature of qi the mystical energy force that provides the basis for much of tcm theory and the clinical trials vital to western pharmaceutical companies. “tcm needs to develop using m

36、odern research methods,” he said.for instance, researchers from peking and cardiff universities tested the health benefits of yiling's herbal medicine yangzheng xiaoji, publishing papers in the internationaljournalofoncology that showed the drug can slow the growth of cancer tumours. “the theory

37、 and recipe is tcm, but in practice the evaluation of our medicines is carried out according to western evidencebased methods,” mr wu said.analysts say such tests can help gain support from doubtful hospital doctors and boost prescriptions. “doctors need strong evidence that drugs definitely work,”

38、said serena shao, healthcare analyst at brokerage clsa. “some of these companies are currently doing clinical trials, and getting proof that their drugs have the same efficacy (功效) as chemical drugs. that's the way to go,” she added.the tcm law has been greeted with doubt from china's wester

39、nschooled medical establishment, which points to a lack of rigorous training for tcm doctors, and a recent series of shocking events involving herbal injections believed to have been harmful. “officials will try and encourage tcm, but also will be very cautious about what kinds of tcm they use in ho

40、spitals,” added ms shao.32. why does traditional chinese medicine need to prove its worth through rigorous clinical trials?a. because chinese government wants to boost the law of chinese medicine.b. because chinese medicine market is the world's second largest one.c. because chinese medicine is

41、all cheap overthecounter drugs.d. because doctors are unwilling to prescribe tcm remedies lacking evidence of effectiveness.33. which words can be used to replace the underlined word “provisions” in the third paragraph?a. ways of supplying.  b. articles of law.c. methods of motivation.  d. approaches to inspiring.34. according to the passage, we can learn that mr wu yiling _a. has a company in shenzhen that has a market capitalization of $3bnb. let


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