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1、2022年河南省安阳市物探中学高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. lily is so kind-hearted a girl that she often gives _ needs her help.a. whob. whomc. whoever        d. whomever参考答案:c略2. he said that not until the wheat died from the lack of water_ how serious the drought was.   a. did the

2、villagers realize            b. the villagers realized   c. the villagers did realize            d. realized the villagers参考答案:a略2. father _ for london on business upon my arrival,

3、 so i didn t see him.a. has left   b. left    c. was leaving   d. had left参考答案:b略4. progress so far has been very good. we are, _, confident that the work will be completed as expected.a. however            

4、60;  b. otherwise            c. therefore          d. besides  参考答案:c5. many teenagers feel lonely, _ no one understand them and the changes they are going through.a. as if    

5、;                           b. even if    c. even though                   

6、    d. though参考答案:a6. little johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it _. a. collected                 b. contained               &#

7、160;      c. loaded                    d. saved参考答案:b解析:collect收集;contain包含,容纳;load装载;save节约,节省。题意是“小强尼摸了摸那口袋,很想知道里面装的是什么。”故选b项。7. there is no doubt      all th

8、e new technology        the way      we work and offering many other ways of working.   a. which, is changing, that            b. that, changes, in which    c. that,

9、 is changing, /                d. whether, changed, which 参考答案:c8. quebec, once originally _ by france, _ the british in 1763.   a. being colonized; was lost in          

10、            b. was colonized; was lost to    c. colonized; was lost to                             d

11、. having being colonized; was lost in参考答案:c9. however, it only appears in the imagination and will never be _.a. realized                         b. supported     &#

12、160;               c. understood                            d. produced参考答案:a10. - thank you for rem

13、inding me of the time, or i       late for the flight yesterday.- dont mention it.a. will have beenb. would have beenc. must bed. could be参考答案:b【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:“谢谢你提醒我时间,否则昨天我要迟到了。”“不客气。”would+have+done表示对过去事情的假设,意思是“本来会做”。故b选项正确。11. is your present pension sufficient to cover

14、 your cost of living?    enough and to spare.  _.a. i cant complain.                 b. serve me right.     c. ive had enough of it.         

15、;    d. i cant be too particular. 参考答案:a略12. she must be looking forward as much to his return as he himself is to _ her.   a. see             b. have seen       c. seeing    

16、           d. having seen参考答案:c13. . when we saw the road  with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. a. blockb. to blockc. blockingd. blocked参考答案:dblock意思为“封阻、拦阻”,及物动词,公路是被雪封阻了,所以只能d选项done的形式是被动,其他选项均为主动14. the teacher has gone out, and the

17、re was a moment of _ silence. a. enough          b. adequate       c. abundant     d. complete参考答案:d15. how did your interview with the manager go?    _ he seemed interested in my experience, but he d

18、idn't ask for references.aperfect!                             bi'm not sure.    cthats right       &#

19、160;            dcouldn't be better参考答案:b16. as senior 3 students, it is important to      a good state of mind.       akeep up          

20、;     bstick with            cattend todtie up参考答案:a17. the best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to _healthy eating habits.a find               b

21、 create                  c develop               d prepare参考答案:c18.  had i had the time, i _ you, but i _ really occupied the whole week.a.

22、would help; had been              b. would have helped; was   c. helped; have been                 d. should have helped参考答案:b19. -tony , why are

23、 your eyes red ?-i _ up peppers for the last five minutes .a. cut        b.  was cutting     c.  had cut      d. have been cutting 参考答案:d本题考察的是现在完成进行时。句义:tony,为什么你的眼睛那么红啊?在过去的的5分钟里,我一直都在切辣椒。根据句义可知本句表示在过去的一段时间里一

24、直都在做某事,所以使用现在完成进行时表示动作的持续性和反复性。故d正确。【试题延伸】时态题的考查关键是抓住句子的上下文含义和句中的时间状语。要根据时间状语来选择合适的时态,在平时的学习中要注意积累有关时态的用法和各种时态的特殊之处。如since, so far等经常与现在完成时连用。在条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时等等。【考点】考察时态来 举一反三-we've spent too much money recently.-well,it isn't surprising. our friends and s _ around all the time.a. ar

25、e coming     b. had come    c. were coming    d. have been coming答案d解析试题分析:考查时态:句意:-最近我们花了很多钱。-不奇怪。我们的朋友和亲戚一直过来。可知最近一段时间一直有亲戚朋友来,用现在完成进行时。选d。二、 书面表达20. 书面表达(分)每位同学都希望自己具有良好的人际关系,成为班级中受欢迎的人。请你根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇题为“being a popular student”的英语短文,参加学校网站英语论坛的讨

26、论。受人喜爱的个性品质对待集体热心班级活动,具有团队精神,工作负责对待他人尊重、关心他人,富有同情心,对待自己(请考生自己拟定内容,列举至少两点)注意:1短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;      2短文标题与开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;3词数:150左右。being a popular studentwe all hope to be popular with our classmates and teachers.参考答案:略三、 阅读理解21. 3d printing is becoming more and more popul

27、ar. we are now able to create things we need very quickly and easily using 3d printers. but can you imagine printing food?some scientists are trying to revolutionize the dining experience by doing this. they hope that having a 3d printer in the kitchen will be as common as the microwave oven or blen

28、der.scientists say that itll be quite easy: you simply have to select a recipe and put the raw food inks into the printer. you can also modify the instructions to make the food exactly how you want it. this means that it would be very quick and easy to create tasty and nutritious meals.using 3d prin

29、ters to create your meals would also be saving the environment. there would be less need for traditional growing, transporting and packaging processes as food production would be a lot more efficient. for example, alternative ingredients(原料) such as proteins from algae, beetroot leaves and insects c

30、ould be converted into tasty products.printing food could also help people who suffer from dysphasia (a swallowing disorder). they could program the printer to print softer versions of their favorite foods so that they would not have trouble in swallowing them.however, some people think that a futur

31、e of 3d food printing would be a disaster. it could take away many jobs, including those fro growing, transporting and packaging food. imagine a world where there was no need for farming or growing crops and the same tastes could be printed from a raw “food ink”. likewise, traditional cafes and rest

32、aurants might lose business. also, there are concerns about the nutritional value of printed food: is it really possible to be get the nutrients we need from food based inks and gels(凝胶)?whats more , cooking and eating together with family and friends has long been a traditional and enjoyable activi

33、ty. it is hard to imagine a world where the pleasure of cooking is dead and meals can be created at the touch of a button.8. which of the following best describes 3d food printing?a. quick and popular.b. easy and efficient.c. nutritious and tasty.d. soft and convenient.9. why do some think that 3d f

34、ood printing would be a disaster?a. traditional food would disappear.b. many people could lose their jobs.c. it would affect the peoples health.d. we could all eat the same food.10. what can we infer from the last paragraph?a. 3d food printing will replace traditional cooking.b. the future of 3d foo

35、d printing is uncertain.c. it would hurt our tradition of food culture.d. 3d food printing would be a failure.11. which of the following can be the best title for the text?a. 3d food “printing”: coming to the kitchenb. can 3d printing create everything?c. 3dprinting food will be in fashion!d. the di

36、sadvantage of 3d food printing参考答案:8. b    9. b    10. c    11. a本文介绍了一块新发明-3d食物打印机,它是一款能像打印文件一样把食物"印"出来的机器。根据科学家拟定的设计蓝图,这部"3d食物打印机"配合传统工程计算机所用的cad设计软件,懂得把什么材料放在什么位置,逐行逐层那样铺上去。他们相信,这部新产品将来可以作商业用途,只要普及成功,势必大大改变人类的生活面貌。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据this means that it would be very quick and easy to create tasty and nutritious meals.得知3d食物打印机很快很容易就能创造出好吃、有营养的食物。题干要求选出描述3d食物打印机最精确的词语,故选b。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据however, some people think that a future of 3d food printing would b


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