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1、2022年广西壮族自治区来宾市象州县象州中学高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. have you ever heard such stories about those loyal dogs     in this book?a. as they are described   b. that they are described  c. as are describedd. that are described参考答案:c 2. - the couple _ after 10 years marriage. -

2、what a pity. their child may suffer a lot from this. a. broke out              b. broke down             c. broke up          

3、0;        d. broke into参考答案:c3. i didnt mean _ her.- but talking like that means _ her.  a. to hurt; to hurt            b. hurting; hurting      c. to hurt; hurting     

4、d. hurting; to hurt参考答案:c4. though i have never been to new zealand _, i have dreamed of it many times.  a. in the mind              b. in my eyes               

5、0;   c. in the flesh d. in my soul 参考答案:c5. i am _ by the growing number of plays and performances that are now being staged in this city.a. separated                       &#

6、160;        b. impressedc. invited                             d. expressed参考答案:b6. i dont think the word makes any sense in

7、the sentence as it is a(n) _ different situation.a. altogetherb. constantlyc. otherwised. gradually参考答案:a7. the _ language used in most international organizations is english. a. official       b. native             c. f

8、requent       d. separate参考答案:a8. _, which is ideal for people who suffer from frequent headaches, memory failures, anxiety, backache, and loss of concentration, is a practice to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.a. medita

9、tionb. coasteeringc. street danced. chinese martial arts参考答案:a【详解】考查常识。句意:冥想是一种训练注意力和意识的练习,可以让人在精神上达到清醒和情感上的平静状态。冥想对于经常头痛、记忆力减退、焦虑、背痛和注意力不集中的人来说是非常理想的。a. meditation冥想;b. coasteering舵手;c. street dance街舞;d. chinese martial arts中国功夫。故a选项正确。9. seeing the _ dead cat, she was completely _ and couldnt say

10、a word.a. terrifying; terrifiedb. terrified; terrified c. terrifying; terrifying d. terrified; terrifying参考答案:a10. brad was janes brother.-_ he reminded me so much of jane.a. no doubt    b. above allc. no wonder    d. of course参考答案:c考察交际用语。a毫无疑问;b最重要的是;c难怪;d当然;结合句意可知c正确

11、。句意:brad是jane的兄弟。难怪他让我想起了jane。11. the box in the corner of the room _ a lot of things, some medical equipment _.a. contained; including  b. contained; includedc. including; contained   d. included; containing参考答案:b12. could you tell me if there are any restaurants _ we can have our lu

12、nch?  a. around which b. from whichc. around where d. from where参考答案:c13. -after graduation he took all his works to london _ get a good job there.a. so that  b. in order that  c. in order to  d. as to参考答案:c14. what do you think of my new dress?_, i dont think the color1 suits yo

13、u.a. as a result         b. to be honest        c. anyhow           d. however参考答案:b15. it is known to us that lions and tigers _ the cat family. a. are belonging to  b. belonged to   c

14、. belong to    d. are belonged to 参考答案:c16.  all of _ sudden, i caught _ sight of my teachers and classmates in the crowd, and then i felt much more calm. a. a; /                    

15、60;   b. /; /                      c. a; a                d. /; a参考答案:a17. robert promised me that he _ me a hand when i

16、 was in trouble but he didn't.a. would give       b. will give        c. had given        d. has given参考答案:a18. -its cloudy outside. please take an umbrella.   - _.a. yes, take it easy&#

17、160;           b. well, it just dependsc. ok, just in case             d. all right , youre welcome 参考答案:c略19. it was 5 oclock _ the visitors finally arrived at pudong international airport.

18、a. whenb. thatc. befored. since参考答案:a二、 书面表达20. 你是吴刚,是个交流学生(an exchange student), 四年前住在美国johnson 家。现在你已经回国。根据以下要点,用英语写一篇100词左右的感谢信。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。1感谢四年来johnson一家人对你在生活、学习等方面的关心与帮助。2感悟美国家庭教育与中国家庭教育的差异(劳动态度、独立生活能力)。3现在正在找工作。欢迎到中国来。注意:1. 短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 参考词汇:劳动态度 working attitude

19、,独立生活能力independent living abilitydear mr and mrs johnson,i am wu gang.i have been back home in china._          _                       


21、0;     yours truly,wu gang参考答案:dear mr and mrs johnson,i am wu gang. i have been back home in china. i am too eager to write a letter to you and your family the moment my feet hit the land of china. in the past four years,you have treated me like your own child,caring about my st

22、udy and life. whenever i was in trouble,you were always giving me a hand. whenever i made progress,you were always sharing with me my joy. i am so grateful. thank you very much.over the four years,i have been well aware of the differences of family education between the two countries. for example,in

23、 china,our parents tend to do everything for their children. in the usa,children are encouraged to develop working attitude and independent living ability.now i am making every effort to apply for a job. welcome to china. if you come,i can act as a guide and you will enjoy yourselves.best wishes!you

24、rs truly,wu gang【名师点睛】本篇范文结构合理,文章主体部分为三段,层次分明。时态和人称运用准确无误,全文语言流畅地道,没有中国式英语句式。文章中多处使用了高级句式,如分词做状语:you have treated me like your own child,caring about my study and life.让步状语从句whenever i was in trouble,you were always giving me a hand.等。同时文章中高级词汇运用较多,如make progress、be aware of、independent living abili

25、ty以及make every effort to do sth等等;这些写作技巧的运用,让文章充满亮点。三、 阅读理解21. there was a gardener who looked after his garden with great care .to water his flowers, he used two buckets(水桶) .one was a shiny and new bucket. the other was a very old and dilapidated one,which had seen many years of service, but was n

26、ow past its best.every morning, the gardener would fill up the two buckets. then he would carry them along the path, one on each side, to the flowerbeds. the new bucket was very proud of itself. it could carry a full bucket of water without a single drop spilled (溢出). the old bucket felt very ashame

27、d because of its holes: before it reached the flowerbeds, much water had leaked (漏出) along the path.sometimes the new bucket would say,“ see how capable i am ! how good it is that the gardener has me to water the flowers every day! i don't know why he still bothers with you. what a waste of spac

28、e you are!”and all that the old bucket could say was. “ i know i am not very useful, but i can only do my best. i am happy that the gardener still finds a little bit of use in me, at least.”one day, the gardener heard that kind of conversation .after watering the flowers as usual, he said , “you bot

29、h have done your work very well .now i am going to carry you back .i want you to look carefully along the path.”then the two buckets did so. all along the path, they noticed, on the side where the new bucket was carried, there was just bare(光秃秃的)earth; on the other side where the old bucket was carr

30、ied, there was a joyous row of wild flowers, leading all the way to the garden.56. what was the old bucket ashamed of?a. his past.  b. his aging. c. his manner.   d. his leaking.57. what does the underlined word “dilapidated” probably mean?a. dirty    b. dark  

31、;  c. worn-out     d. ordinary-looking.58.the new bucket made conversations with the old one mainly to _. a. take pity on the old one         b. laugh at the old onec. show off its beautiful looks       d.

32、 praise the gardeners kindness59. why was the old bucket still kept by the gardener?a. because it was used to keep a balanceb. because it stayed in its best conditionc. because it had its own functiond. because it was taken as a treasure参考答案:56.d   57. c   58. b   59. c【文章大意】文章讲述了一个园艺工人一直在使用一只破桶来浇花。告诉我们任何一样事物的存在都是有理由的。【试题解析】56.细节题。根据第二段最后两行the old bucket felt very ashamed because of its holes: before it reached the flowerbeds, much water had leaked(漏水) along the path.


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