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1、2022年山西省长治市第七中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. it is the first time that i _this kind of moon cake.   a.enjoy   b.enjoyed   c.have enjoyed.   d.enjoying参考答案:c30. many companies give away small quantities of their produce as samples _ people can try them before buying t

2、hem. a. if                    b. because           c. so that              d. since 参考答案:c3. -i'll gi

3、ve you $6000 for your car. thats my final_.-it's a deal! its yours.a. charge             b. pricec. offer           d. agreement参考答案:c4. - have you known dr. jackson for a long time?

4、0;  - yes, since she _ the chinese society.a. has joined      b. joins           c. joined              d. had joined参考答案:c略5. we     &

5、#160;        have hurried all the way to the airport - the flight was called off because of the foggy weather a mustnt                     b couldn't  

6、       c neednt              d wouldnt参考答案:c6. now children like to go to the fast food restaurant,_, as the name says,eating doesnt take much time .a. which    b. thatc. what    d

7、. where参考答案:a试题分析:考查定语从句。先行词为restaurant, 在从句中作地点状语,因此用where, 相当于in which。句中as the name says 是一个插入语。句意:现在年轻人喜欢去快餐店,就像名字表明的,在那里吃东西不用花太多时间。选d。点评:定语从句的考查要从句子成分的分析开始,如果句子很完整就使用关系副词;如果句子中缺少主语,宾语,表语或者定语的时候,使用关系代词.这道题要注意 as the name says是插入语,应该先去掉不看,结构就清晰了。7. my train arrives in beijing at eight oclock toni

8、ght. the plane i would like to take from there _ by then.a. has left     b. will have left     c. will leave      d. had left参考答案:b8. many lifestyle patterns do      great harm to health _ they actually speed up the

9、   weakening of the human body.a. so / thatb. so / which     c. such/ that        d. such / which参考答案:c9. fighting an artificial greenhouse effect seems to be the greatest of environmental challenges, _?a. isnt it   

10、0;                          b. does it             c. doesnt it         

11、60;              d. is it参考答案:c10. _ fire, all exits must be kept clear.a. in place of  b. instead of   c. in case of   d. in spite of  参考答案:c   解析:根据题干“为了以防火灾,所有出口必须保持畅通。”,只能选c。in place of代替;ins

12、tead of代替;in case of以防万一;in spite of尽管,虽然11. many experts hold the view       teachers development is      the key to better education lies in.a. that; whichb. that; whatc. that; whered. which; where参考答案:b12. all the students in our class are working hard

13、 every day, which _ to be a good result in the coming 2012 nmet.   a expects    b. promises   c. supposes   d. thinks     参考答案:b13. making mistakes is a part of life. _ matters is _ you do afterwards.a. it; what    

14、      b. all; what          c. what; what d. that; what参考答案:c14. be careful when you deal with this chemical, as it will explode when _ to sunlight.a. being exposed        b. to expose  

15、;      c. exposing          d. exposed参考答案:d15.       with teens who spend much of their free time in front of tv sets, those who are physically active often have better grades. a. compared  

16、0; b. to compare   c. comparing    d. having compared 参考答案:a试题分析:考查非谓语动词。句意:与在电视机前花费很多业余时间的青少年相比,积极活动的那些人分数更高。compared with/to-,与-相比较,故选a。【知识归纳】pare.with.把和比较(常表示同类相比,比较)compare.to.把比作(常表示异类相比,比喻)let's compare this photo with that one. 让我们把这张照片和那张照片作一下比较。children are oft

17、en compared to happy birds. 孩子常常被比喻成幸福的小鸟。2.compared to/with-,-。与-相比较。compared to those boys,you are lucky.与那些男孩相比较,你是幸运的。16. its the sort of work that _a high level of concentration. a. calls for                  b. mak

18、es up                    c. lies in                     d. stands for参考答案:a17. my friend mary is _ beautiful girl a

19、nd _ girl everyone likes to work with.a. a, a                                          

20、60;                                      b. a, thec. the, a         &#

21、160;                                                 &#

22、160;                  d. the, the参考答案:a18. according to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer _ a woman.a. than        b. such    

23、;   c. so            d. as         参考答案:   d  解析:本题考查比较级的结构,as . as , 注意句中的more than 只是修饰twice。19. _ you are all back, wed better start our class right away. a. even though  b. if

24、only  c. now that  d. in case参考答案:c二、 书面表达20. 假如你是晨光中学的李津。今年新型冠状病毒在世界多国爆发,中国采取了一系列有力措施遏制病毒的传播并取得成效。你的美国笔友mike写电子邮件给你,想了解你所在的学校在抗击新型冠状病毒期间如何应对疫情和开展“停课不停学”的情况。请你根据下面的提示内容给他写一封回信。防控疫情生活措施(如:戴口罩,勤洗手等)。学生学习方式及特点(如:网络学习等)。自己的感想和愿望。注意:1 词数不少于100;2 必须包含提示内容;3 请勿提及真实学校名称;4. 可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯。提示词:

25、新型冠状病毒:the novel coronavirus 疫情:the epidemic situationdear mike,im glad to receive your email. you asked me to share with you what we did in the epidemic situation._best wishes!yours,li jin参考答案:dear mike,im glad to receive your email. you asked me to share with you what we did in the epidemic situat

26、ion. here are my experiences.over the past days, the novel coronavirus has made its way around the world. it has a strong impact on our life and study. since the outbreak of it, chinese government has taken many effective measures to prevent the epidemic. till now we have achieved great results.for

27、us students, we have to stay at home, doing personal protection well. for example, we must wear mask when going out. whats more, washing hands is necessary. not only do i try to learn by myself, but also i have online courses given by my teachers. besides, i take exercise every day to keep healthy.f

28、aced with the disaster, i think everyone ought to have a positive attitude to the campaign with the disease. i sincerely hope that we have faith in the fact that tomorrow is another day.best wishes!yours,li jin【分析】这是一篇应用文,要求写一封回信。【详解】第一步:审题。审题的目的是获取重要信息。通过审题我们可以确定几个方面的信息。要求如下:假如你是晨光中学的李津。今年新型冠状病毒在世界


30、己的感想和愿望。第三步:确定关键词汇和短语: have a strong impact on;take many effective measures;wear mask;have a positive attitude to;have faith in等。第四步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连接词进行过渡衔接;注意书写,保持卷面整洁,避免划线,乱擦。【点睛】文章思路清晰,语言规范,段落整齐,语篇连贯,层次清晰。使用了一些亮点短语:have a strong impact on;take many effective measures;wear mask;have a positive attit

31、ude to;have faith in等。以及一些较为高级的句式:for us students, we have to stay at home, doing personal protection well.使用了现在分词作状语;not only do i try to learn by myself, but also i have online courses given by my teachers.使用了倒装句;i sincerely hope that we have faith in the fact that tomorrow is another day.使用了宾语从句和

32、同位语从句。高级句式的应用提升了写作的档次,整个短文显示出了作者高水平的英语表达能力。另外, 文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。三、 阅读理解21. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。after successfully serving their term for four years, military service men and women are given the choice to stay in the military or return to civilian life.for some,

33、having to readjust to civilian life is one of the most challenging assignments our returning soldiers and marines(水兵) will ever have to undertake. while people may think that readjusting should be simple, they must take into consideration all the physical and mental stress our serviceman went throug

34、h.post-traumatic stress disorder(创伤后应激障碍), or ptsd, is a mental disorder that can occur following the experience or witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat(打仗).most survivors of trauma return to normal given a little time. in the military, the marines are given a two-week cours

35、e on how to return to civilian life.unfortunately, some will have stress reactions that do not go away on their own, or may even get worse over time. these individuals may develop ptsd.people who suffer from ptsd have difficulty sleeping because they are often reliving the experience through nightma

36、res(梦魇) and flashbacks, and feel desertod or often stand off, and these symptoms can be severe enough and last long enough to significantly damage the persons daily life.fullerton college, like most college, has its own veterans(老兵) officece. ray bustos has been running the office for 3 years. busto

37、s acts as a liaison(联络) for the school and the veteran students. he makes sure the veterans returning to school get the right benefits. there are various types of financial aid for soldiers and marines. he strongly encourages the use of the veterans affairs website.the website is very informative and extremely helpful for veterans as well as for friends and s of veterans who w


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