已阅读5页,还剩25页未读 继续免费阅读




1、小学英语六年级上册教材整合牛妍妍UNIT ONE How do you go there?第(1)(2)课时教学内容Lets Learn Lets talk 教学目标1、  能听、说、读、写四会短语:by bike、 on foot、 by bus、 by train。2、能听、说、读短语:by plane、 by ship 、by subway。3、学会句型:How do you go to Canada ?How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. 并能在情景中正

2、确运用。4、  能够表述自己以何种方式上学并简单陈述原因。教学重点难点重点:听、说、读、写句型:How do you go to Canada ? How do you go to school? Usually/Sometimes I go by难点: 学生书写四会句子并能简单陈述选择某种交通方式上学的原因教学准备录音机和磁带   单词卡片     教   学   过   程1、热身Greeting.师:Good morni

3、ng/afternoon,students!After a long holiday ,we have our new tern again .This holidayI went to Peijing by train.I had a very good timethere.(教师展示自己旅行的照片)。2:接着提问: Where did you go during this holiday? 学生回答完后,教师提问:How did you go there?学生回答:by bike、 on foot、 by bus、 by train 、by plane、 by ship 、by subwa

4、y等,教师板书。3:新课呈现:How do you go to Canada ? I go by plane.(1)教师出示单词卡片,提问:How do you go to school?Usually/Sometimes I go by(2)做Lets try的题目。第二课时:情景对话:Group work教师让学生四人一组,通过提问:When do you get up?At 6:00. When do you go to school? At 7:00. How do you go to school? Usually/Sometimes I go by.H了解同学用何种交通方式上学,并

5、鼓励学生简单阐述原因,如:My home is near. Its fast. 修改意见   第1、2课时整合的建议和目的1、第一课时内容简单,接近生活,学生容易接受,第二课时是对第一课时的巩固练习。建议把内容进行调整,第二课时的重点句型:How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike.放到第一课时 。让学生轻松学会第一课时的内容之后,进行延伸拓展第二课时的重点句型。在第二课时,我们进行对第一课时的巩固练习,设计情景对话。可以添加五年级下册第一

6、单元的句型,如:When do you get up?At 6:00. When do you go to school? At 7:00. How do you go to school? Usually/Sometimes I go by.这样巩固旧知,学习了新知。(根据学生学习的情况,可以把第二课时的情景对话放到第一课时进行操练。)2、把剩余的一课时,进行巩固练习。如:对话、书写、练习册进行训练。注意:1、让学生领会“by + 交通工具”的用法,区别其相互之间的搭配问题。2、Usually/Sometimes的区别和在句型中的应用。课题UNIT ONE  How do you

7、go there?第(3)课时添加Lets read教学内容B Lets learn  Lets read教学目标1、  能够听、说、认读以下短语:Stop at a red light . Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light。能够听、说、读、写短语和单词:stop wait traffic lights traffic rules2、  能够了解基本的交通规则,即红、黄、绿灯的功能,并能根据英文指令做动作。3、让学生学习交通规则和红绿灯的用途,了解不同的国家交通规则有所不同。教学重点难点重点:掌握四会

8、短语和单词。难点: 书写短语traffic light , traffic rule 和理解动词stop wait的含义。教学准备准备兔子舞的音乐和录音机  录音带及教学挂图。     教   学   过   程1、热身“兔子舞”游戏2、预习(1)师生一起吟唱Let chant的歌谣。(2)从歌谣中引出how do you go to school?让学生根据自己的实际情况来作答。3、新课呈现Lets learn(1)教师引导学生做游戏:红绿灯教

9、师先用中文和学生做,接下去引出英文red light , green light, yellow light, stop wait go(2)练习游戏练习拼读单词比赛(3)请小老师来领读单词。(4)由traffic light 引出every country have the same traffic light:There are red yellow green. Red means stop , green means go , yellow means wait.(5)要求学生试着复述老师说过的话。4、添加Lets read让学生快速阅读,了解文本大意,做出正确的判断。修改意见

10、0; 整合教材的建议和目的第三课时的内容简单,通俗易懂,建议把 Lets read添加到这一课时。让学生学会短语和单词:stop 、wait、 traffic lights、 traffic rules 、Stop at a red light . Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light。再进行 Lets read巩固知识。了解中西方交通规则不同的知识。第二单元教案课题UNIT 2  Where is the Science Museum?第(1)课时教学内容Lets learn 教学目标1、能够

11、听、说、读、写单词或短语:hospital, cinema, post office, bookstore;能够听、说、认读短语:science museum.2、能够听、说、认读句型: Where is the library? Its near the post office并进行关键词的替换操练。教学重点难点重点:掌握Lets learn部分的四会单词和短语。难点:正确书写四会单词和掌握三会单词museum的发音。教学准备本单元Lets start部分的教学挂图。录音机和录音磁带     教   学

12、   过 1、热身 日常对话2、新课呈现 Lets learn(1)教师出示本单元的主情景图,将hospital , post office, bookstore, cinema, zoo, park, library, school等一一呈现在学生面前。(2)快速认读单词的比赛。(3)将所学的单词卡片都贴在黑板上面,要求学生根据卡片的位置来描述,这几个地方的位置。继而引出on the left ; next to;on the right ;复习near 、behind; in front of。等表示方向的词。3、巩固和延伸 设计情景对话 

13、 有A、 B、 C 三位同学,他们上台来要分别完成自己的任务:去医院看病、寄明信片和去书店买书,任务由抽签获得。三位同学不知道如何到达目的地,于是向老师求助。A:装作肚子很痛的样子蹲在路边,大叫“Help”T:What is the matter with you?W  程A:Where is the hospital?T: The hospital is near the post office. How can I get to the hospital? You can go by the No.15 bus。B:I want to send a post

14、card to my friend. Where is the post office,please?T:The post office is next to the hospital.B:How can I get to the post office?T:Its near.You can go on foot.教师示范之后,让学生分组进行情景对话练习。 教材整合的建议和目的:在第一课时,建议添加五年级上册关于方位的一些介词,如: near; behind; in front of.再次添加了第一单元第四课时逇句型,如:How can I get to +地点? You can g

15、o by the No.15 bus。把这个句型放在Where is the library? Its near the post office.这个句型之后使用。添加的内容主要起到巩固复习的作用。              课题Unit 3 What are you going to do?第(2)课时教学内容一、教学内容:四会句型:What are you going to do on the weekend? I'm going to vis

16、it my grandparents this weekend五年级上册第二单元 添加:What day is it today?Its Monday.What day is it tomorrow?Its. 五年级下册第一单元的短语Climb mountains、go shopping 、play the piano 、visit grandparents、 go hiking、play sports、 swim、 fly kites 、skate、 make a snowman、 plant trees,添加到对话中,进行替换,起到巩固复习的作用。教学目标1 知识目标:(1)能够

17、听、说、读、写句型:What are you going to do on the weekend? I'm going to visit my grandparents this weekend(2)能够完成Let's try部分听录音判断对错的练习。2 能力目标:(1)能在Group work部分合理安排周末的旅游项目。(2)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“What Are You Going to Do?”(3)情感目标:培养学生合理安排自己的学习与生活的能力。教学重点难点重点:学生能准确、自如地运用(并会书写)be going to do句型描述自己的活动计划与他人进行交流。难点:

18、听、说、读、写四会掌握句型:What are you going to do on the weekend ?I'm going to visit my grandparents this weekend教学准备四、教学准备:1 教师准备一张简明地图,图中标有ZOO,theme park,cinema,school,bookstore,post office,pet shop等场所。2教师准备一张当地的简明旅游图。3学生以四人为一小组准备当地的简明旅游图。     教   学  

19、0;过 (一) Warm-up (热身及预习展示)1、T:Hello,boys and girls.How are you today?学生回答。2、师:Do you know what day it is today? 生:Today is Friday.师:So what day is it tomorrow?生:Tomorrow is Saturday.师:Oh, tomorrow is weekend! What are you going to do on the weekend ?让学生回答自己明天的计划。让学生拿出自己在家里对爸爸妈妈所做的调查,展示自己的调查。生:On

20、 Saturday morning,my mother is going to the supermarket,Then she is going to clean our room.In the evening, she is going to do sports.注意:复习单词tomorrow以及一般将来时的句型be going to do的运用,并且让学生开始学会转述他人未来的时间安排。Let's talk(1)教师出示标有动物园、电影院等地点的简明地图,并圈出动 园所在位置,说:“What day is it tomorrow?Its Monday.The boygirl(根据

21、歌曲录音中的声音)is going to ZOOHisher home is here(教师指着地图中离动物园较远的某一地点)Is it far from the zoo?”学生回答:“Yes,it is far from the zoo'教师再问:“How can heshe get to the zoo?”引导学生回答:“By bikebustaxi”等。(2)教师放Let's talk部分的录音,学生跟读并分角色朗读。学生开展组与组之间的朗读比赛,教师鼓励学生对对话中的时间和地点进行替换。修改意见  程(3)教师出示打乱顺序的单词卡片,如:what ,

22、do,going,are, the,to,you,weekend 又如:I,going,visit,to,am,my,this,grandparents,weekend。要求学生在最快时间内组合成句。师生一起拼读其中较难的单词如:weekend,grandparents,visit。(4)教师引导学生书写四会句型。Group work教师出示当地旅游图,师生可先就旅游景点自由会话,如:“Where is it ? How do you go there?”等。然后教师布置任务Now you are a tour guidePlease write a schedule for this wee

23、kendSee who can design the best schedule for us学生先在课文表格中写出自己的活动设计,并在小组内进行表述。组内推选出一实践活动:名“最佳小导游”,如果时间允许还可举行全班性的比赛。(三)Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸)(1)学生朗读本课时的对话。(2)学生对自己的周末活动做出详细安排,并以表格形式写出。(3)学生将本单元的歌曲唱给家人或朋友听并录音。(四)Sum-up(总结) 整合教材的建议和目的:建议把五年级上册第二单元 What day is it today?Its Monday.What

24、 day is it tomorrow?Its.添加到第二课时。把五年级下册第一单元的短语Climb mountains、go shopping 、play the piano 、visit grandparents、 go hiking、play sports、 swim、 fly kites 、skate、 make a snowman、 plant trees,添加到对话中,进行替换,起到巩固复习的作用。    课题Unit 3 What are you going to do?第(3)课时教学内容一、教学内容:掌握句型“What are you

25、going to buy? I'm going to buy”及语音。教学目标1 知识目标(1)能够听、说、认读单词或词组:dictionary,post card,newspaper,magazine,comicbook;并能够书写post card;newspaper和comic book。(2)能够听、说、认读句子:“What are you going to do? I'm going to buy an English book in the bookstoreWhen are you going? This afternoon”并能进行关键词的替换练习。2 能力目标

26、(1)能够用所学句型“What are you going to buy? I'm going to buy”进行Let's play部分的购物活动。(2)能够听懂并会吟唱Let's chant部分的歌谣。3 情感目标培养学生热爱读书的良好习惯,从而开阔视野教学重点难点三、教学重难点:重点:听、说、读、写有关书籍的四会单词和短语。难点:三会单词dictionary的发音及四会单词的拼写。教学准备四、教学准备:1 教师准备本课时有关于歌曲、故事、游戏的课件。2 教师准备单词卡片及有关书籍。3 学生准备本节课有关书籍。  1一)Warm-up (热身及预

27、习展示)(1)师生会话,引导学生用第三册的歌曲“How many books do you have?”来提问。修改意见   教   学   过   程(通过对话复习学过的知识,为授新课做准备。)(2)学生齐唱歌曲:How many books do you have? 教师自编歌词给予回答。学生:How many books do you have? Do you have, do you have? How many books do you have? Big or s

28、mall?教师:I don't have any books, any books, any books I don't have any books, and I'm going to buy(3)就歌曲提问学生:How many books do I have? What am I going to do?(二)Presentation and practice(精讲点拨)A 教学单词教师:I am going to buy some books, some of the animals are going to buy some books, too Now le

29、t's listen to the story, and find out what are the animals going to buy?(以课件呈现故事)(1)就故事提问,引出新单词post card, newspaper,magazine,comic- book,并出示其音标。(2)教学以上四个单词(齐读单词magazine;指名拼读单词post card及comic book的音标;教学单词newspaper时,问:How many words can you see from this word? What are they? New means“新的”;News mea

30、ns“新闻”;Paper means“纸”;专门写新闻的纸,我们称为报纸)。(3)以游戏“找字典及其主人”教学单词dictionary。a 教师:If we don't know the word, we can look it up in the dictionary (板书:dictionary)。b 把字典放在某些地方,让一个学生找,其他学生跟老师边拍手边说:Dictionary, dictionary, where is the dictionary?c 学生找到字典后,要求他再找一找“这是谁的字典?”(通过游戏的形式,让学生在玩中学习该单词,从而突出重点。)(4)以相关图案检

31、查学生对单词的了解。(出示“姚明”“灌篮高手”问:Who is he? Where can you see him?)(通过问答,拓展学生的知识。)(5)以游戏“猜猜我打算去买什么?”巩固所学的单词。(B 教学句子(1)以会话形式出现所学句子,并齐读。(2)板书课题,听录音。(3)利用所学句子并进行关键词的替换。(三)Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸)(1)教师以售书者的身份呈现Let's play部分。(2)请一名学生帮教师卖掉一本书。(3)分组练习,推选出男女售书者各一名。(4)男女售书者进行卖书活动。(联系生活实际,让学生在此情境中运用知识,体会生

32、活。)(四)Sum-up(总结) 教材整合的建议和目的:建议把第三册的歌曲“How many books do you have?”来提问。复习这个常用句型。    课题Unit 3 What are you going to do?第(4)课时教学内容一、教学内容:听、说、读where, what 及 when引导的特殊疑问句并能做出相应的回答教学目标1 知识目标能听、说、读where, what 及 when引导的特殊疑问句并能做出相应的回答。2 能力目标能综合运用四会句子:Where are you going this afternoo

33、n?Im going to the bookstoreWhat are you going to buy?Im going to buy a comic book添加:How are you going there?Im going there by bike.3 情感目标培养学生合理安排自己的学习与生活的能力,培养学生从小树立远大理想并为之努力的思想意识。教学重点难点重点:三个特殊疑问句的问与答以及各种信息的替换和交流。难点:学生能运用what,where,when疑问句进行真实的交际以工组四会句型的正确书写。教学准备1教师准备一张简明地图,标出bookstore,shoe store,fr

34、uit stand,pet shop等场所。2教师准备各商店所出售的货物的小卡片。3教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。4教师课前在黑板上画出下列表格。     教   学  (一)Warm-up (热身及预习展示)(1)全班一起吟唱Let's chant的歌谣。(2)单词拼写竞赛要拼写的单词包括:this morningafternoonevening,next week,newspaper,postcard等。可采取小组合作的“接龙式”拼写形式;也可以选取组内一名学生拼写全部单词。拼出单

35、词最快最多的组获胜。(3)教师出示简明地图,师生问答如下:r:Whatshopisit?s:It's a bookstorer:What can you buy in the bookstore?s: 在学生回答各商店所出售的物品时,教师根据其回答贴出物品的小卡片,如:Fruit stand:orange,apple,pear,bananaShoe store:sneakers,sandals,boots(此时可引导学生说“a pair of sneakersboots'等)(二)Presentation and practice(精讲点拨)修改意见 过 &

36、#160; 程Let's talk(1)“我的购物计划”活动教师指着黑板上的简明地图及表格说:Look,Sarah and Chen J1e are going t(bookstoreWhere are you going? What are you going to buy? When are you go Please write a shopping planHow are you going there?指导学生结合表格中的购物地点、时间及商品三项提示,根据自己的购物;制定一个购物计划,组内学生可以互相交流讨论。学生做好计划后,师生根据表格中的三点要求:where,w

37、hat,when进行提问。教师先与几名学生进行上述对话,再由学生提问来获知教师的购物计划由学生将有关信息填人表格中。学生两人一组互相丫解对方的shopping plan,灵活运用where,when,what导的三个疑问句互相提问和回答。(2)教师放课文的录音,学生静听后跟读,再分角色朗读。(3)学生两人一组根据课本上的替换图对对话中的各种信息进行替换,教师文指导,并请几组学生进行示范。(4)教师引导学生进行四会句子的书写。Pair work(1)学生两人一组相互采访,根据表格中提供的三个疑问句了解同伴当天下午活动安排(不一定是购物),并简要记录信息。(2)教师请几组学生在班级内演示采访过程。

38、教师可对采访者的采访记录进行调查和评价,也可在不同桌的学生之间展开互评。(三)Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸)(1)学生课后对父母或朋友的近期活动进行采访,记录结果并录音,把文字及料以及录音材料交给教师。(2)学生吟唱本单元的歌谣,录音后与录音带进行比较,不断改进语音语调。 (四)Sum-up(总结) 整合教材的目的:把How are you going there?Im going there by bike.这个句型添加到第四课时中,拓展学生的语言。课题Unit4 I have a pen pal教学内容添加第二课时的句型: He /

39、She likes动词(短语)的ing形式及三会句子:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stamps教学目标1、知识目标(1)三会句子:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stamps(2)四会动词短语的ing 形式:collecting stamps, riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, making kites2 能力目标(1)能够听、说、认读句子:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stamps(2)能够听、说、读、写动词短语的i

40、ng形式:collecting stamps, riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, making kites3 情感目标鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣与爱好,培养学生乐于与人交往教学重难点:(添加第二课时的内容)He likes collecting stamps too难点: 在实际情景中正确运用句型:HeShe likes掌握五个动词(短语)的ing形式。教学准备1、教师准备A部分Let's learn的单词卡片。2、教师准备邮票、风筝。教学过程 ( 一)Warm-up (热身及预习展示) (1)Sing a song with the s

41、tudents (设计意图:通过歌曲渲染气氛,使学生快速进入到英语学习状态。)(2)预习效果展示。(二)Presentation and practice(精讲点拨)1、Teacher does some actions ,get the students to guess the phrases For example :read a book, draw pictures , listen to the music , play football, etc(添加五年级下册的短语)2、Teacher asks the students some questions : Do you like

42、 drawing? Do you like playing football ? Do you like listening to music ? etcStep 3 New concept1、Teacher shows a kite to the students : Look ,whats this ? Do you like flying kites ? Get the students to answer Then teacher shows the CAI , look, what is he doing ? (making kites) Teach the new phrase2、

43、Teacher do the actions :ride a bike and play the violin ,get the students to guess and learn the new phrases 3、Teacher shows the CAI, get the students to look at the pictures about diving, learn the new word4、Teacher shows the stamps , learn the new phrase(三)Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸)1、Get th

44、e students to listen to the tape and repeat the phrases2、Read the phrases in different ways 3、Work in groups , one student act out the phrase ,the others guess(Teacher draws a picture on the blackboard and say : I like drawing pictures Then , teacher shows some pictures to the students : Look , they

45、 are my picture works , I like drawing , my hobby is drawing pictures(Write “hobby” on the blackboard) Teach the new word T: Whats my hobby ? I like drawing pictures (Write “I like ”on the blackboard) T: Whats S4s hobby ? Help the students answer :He likes playing footballGet the students to work in

46、 pairs , talk about their hobbies Get the students to make a survey, ask some classmates about their hobbies Make a chant using the new phrases and sentences in this classChant: Hobby, hobby , whats your hobby ?      Diving ,diving , I like diving     

47、60; Hobby , hobby , whats your hobby ?      Making , making , I like making kites Diving ,diving ,He likes diving Hobby , hobby , whats his hobby ?Making , making ,He likes making kites Homework:Get the students to ask their friend about their hobbies(四)Sum-up(总结)整合教材的目的:我把第

48、二课时用第三人称转述别人的兴趣爱好,添加到第一课时,让学生了解第一人称和第三人称表述爱好的区别。让学生会用like doing sth.的句型表述出来。第二课时进行语言、习题的训练。Unit 5   What does she do?课题第(1)课时教学内容Part A Let's learn 添加第二课时What does she/he do? She/He is a/an教学目标1 知识目标(1)巩固词汇teacher, nurse, baseball player, doctor, driver, farmer(2)掌握四会词汇singer歌手, writer

49、 作家, actor男演员, actress女演员, artist艺术家,  TV reporter记者(3)能够理解、认读白体句子:What does your father/mother do? Hes/Shes a 你父亲或母亲的职业是什么? 他/她是(4)能听懂、会唱“My Family”2 能力目标学生能用英语表达自己喜欢的职业,并能简单表达自己的理想3 情感目标使学生了解更多的职业,热爱生活,尊重他人劳动。教学重点难点重点:掌握A Let's learn部分的五种职业的英文表达,并能简单问答、介绍,表达自己的理想。难点:在正确区分运用冠词an和a,如:an actress,a writer。添加:What does she/he do? She/He is a/an教学准备教师准备本单元A部分单词卡片和四年级上册B Let's learn部分的单词卡片币套自制的家庭成员卡片。教学过程(


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