


1、东南大学翻译硕士专业学位论文基本要求和评价指标体系MTI 教育中心2015 年 3 月 12 日一、翻译硕士专业学位论文基本要求(一)翻译硕士专业学位论文概述1 翻译硕士专业学位论文撰写的内容要求翻译硕士 (MTI) 专业学位论文应是研究生所学专业知识和专业技能的综合反应, 是其学习能力和实践能力的全面体现,是授予其学位的重要依据。翻译硕士专业学位论文应是研究生在导师指导下独立完成,能解决具体问题的 应用型论文,所需工作量应不少于半年。其目的在于为研究生的现有职业或未来职 业提供专业支持,使之能更好地理解翻译实践有关问题,并强化其分析和解决问题 的能力。论文在总体上应侧重于翻译实践经验总结,能
2、明确描述并详细分析实践情 境中的具体问题或论题。2 翻译硕士专业学位论文撰写的形式要求翻译硕士专业学位论文需用英文撰写, 有翻译项目 /实践报告、 实验报告和研究 论文三种基本形式,每种形式所涉及的研究问题可以多样化,具体研究方法可以综 合化。翻译硕士专业学位论文一般由引言、目录、正文、参考文献、附录、致谢等部 分组成。笔译译文全文、口译转写文本全文、翻译任务委托书、翻译服务证明、实 验数据、调查问卷、观察记录、访谈记录等文件可作为附录提供。论文应清晰呈现写作意图,点明实践意义或研究价值,必要时需解释实践或研 究的局限性等。(二)翻译硕士专业学位论文内容的基本要求1 翻译硕士专业学位论文的选题
3、说明论文选题定位是应用型研究,并保持对有关理论的适当关注。论文选题应密切结合翻译实践,关注具有现实意义和应用价值的关键问题,具 有现实性和一定的创新性。论文选题要体现翻译硕士专业学位研究生的实践体验和 兴趣所在,以不断提升其翻译实践水平。论文选题要明确研究问题的实质内涵,关 注问题提出、分析和解决的过程。论文题目要清晰明确,言简意赅。2 翻译硕士专业学位论文的研究内容说明论文的研究成果应针对口笔译实践中某个具体议题展开充分研究,在研究基础 上梳理观点,或提出可行解决方案,进行细致论证。侧重在实践方面提出自己的方 法和对策。学位论文撰写过程需要检索与论文主题相关的文献资料,查询与翻译实践密切 相
4、关的平行文本或语料库资料,在深入研读的基础上,综合分析国内外相关领域或 专题的研究进展,以及翻译界对相关翻译实践问题的处理办法,以此判断论文选题 对于翻译实践的实用性和可行性,或对于翻译研究领域的参考价值。论文的文献综述应紧密围绕论文研究的具体问题,确保所述评的已有研究成果 与本论文课题直接相关。注意引用文献的代表性、可靠性和科学性。文献综述须以 规范格式呈现,字数不得超过正文字数的15%。3 翻译硕士专业学位论文的研究方法说明 学位论文应注重对翻译实践的反思和总结,充分体现问题意识。论文主要采用 文献及语料定性分析的研究方法,并根据研究课题的具体情况,运用资料下载,观 察、访谈、问卷、视频采
5、集等方法获取第一手资料,使用定量分析或定性分析方法 对所获资料进行处理,以体现研究者科学运用相关理论与方法研究解决实际问题的 能力。4 翻译硕士专业学位论文的研究成果说明 论文首先要针对翻译实践问题或相关研究课题提出自己的观点,并有适当的理 论依据。其次要对相关问题提出自己的对策或解决方法,有一定的创新性,工作量 饱满。口笔译实践需满足的要求见第三部分第 1 条。论文格式应符合专业文献撰写标准,凡引用他人观点、方案、资料、数据等, 不论来源为纸质文献、互联网资料,还是问卷调查、访谈记录或电邮往来,均应详 加注释或说明。论文应遵循英文学术写作要求,语句通畅,无语法、拼写和排版错误。 不同形式的论
6、文字数要求不同(详见第三部分)。(三)翻译硕士专业学位论文形式的基本要求1. 论文形式要求 翻译专业硕士学位需在完成口笔译实践要求的同时,完成毕业论文写作。 笔译实践不少于 15万字(不论译入还是译出, 均以汉字计算), 口译实践不少 于 400 个磁带小时。笔译实践需同时提交15万字的纸质打印件一份和 word或pdf格式的电子版文 档,纸质版应编制译文细目。口译实践需提供音频 光盘 ,音频录制采用 MP3 格式。翻译硕士专业学位论文可由翻译项目 /实践报告、 实验报告、研究论文这三种形 式之中任选其一。(1)翻译项目 /实践报告翻译项目 /实践报告必须基于学生的笔译或口译实践, 用英文撰写
7、,字数不少于 5000 英文词。笔译实践 /项目报告基于 15万字笔译稿中精选出的 1万字译文(字数可多不可 少);口译实践 /项目报告基于 400 磁带小时口译实践精选的文字转写。笔译实践精选,首选委托方委托翻译的非文学翻译;口译实践精选,首选国际 会议、工程技术或商务谈判口译服务。笔译实践如有委托方,应在翻译任务结束后要求委托方开具证明。证明内容如 下:我公司/单位委托XX同学翻译XX资料/文件/文本,计XX字。我们比较/非常满 意XX同学的笔译服务。特此证明。口译实践如有委托方,应在口译任务结束后要求委托方开具证明。证明内容如 下:我公司/单位因XX业务需要,委托XX同学负责XX会议/工
8、程/商谈/XX 口译,计 XX小时。我们比较/非常满意XX同学的口译服务。特此证明。上述证明均应由相关单位相关部门的负责人签字,并加盖公章。翻译项目 /实践报告结构上一般包括:引言(翻译任务概述),翻译任务相关实 践问题的研究现状简介,翻译任务典型问题的译例分析,总结等。重点是翻译实践中具体问题的个性化研究和个性化解决方案。(2)实验报告实验报告需基于学生针对口笔译的某个环节或问题所展开的实验,以及对实验 结果进行的分析,用英文撰写,不少于 10000英文词。结构上一般包括:引言(实验主题概述),实验方案设计和实施情况,实验结 果分析,结论等。重点是职业译者或翻译受训者对于特定口笔译环节或问题
9、的处置和对策,其优 缺点、可行性、可推广性,以及改进空间等等。(3)研究论文研究论文需针对某个口笔译实践课题展开应用型研究,用英文撰写,字数不少于15000英文词。结构上一般包括:引言(研究问题概述),文献综述,理论框架,语料或文本分析,结论等。重点是口笔译实践的复杂性对现有理论预设的补充或冲击,或者研究如何修订 现有理论方可运用于解释说明翻译实践。要切实保证理论结合实践,而不是简单地 照搬理论,并将翻译实践充作理论的注脚。2. 参考文献格式要求文献引用一律遵循APA格式,具体要求见 英文附件。中文译文引用不需译成 英文,中文学术出版物引文需用英文翻译或转述,中文文献的出版细节(书名、杂 志名
10、、出版社名等)不需译成英文,但标注规范仍遵循APA格式。、翻译硕士学位论文评价指标体系1. 翻译项目/实践报告评价指标体系评价指标评价要素权重翻译任务难度和论文工作量作为翻译项目/实践报告依据的口笔译任务应具有一、 疋专业难度,学位论文工作量饱满35%应用价值具有实践价值或应用价值15%1万字笔译全文或口译 转与文本附录翻译遵守行业规范,质量符合业界要求35%论文规范性表述简洁、规范、逻辑性强;写作规范,结构严谨,。 语言流畅;引用文献规范15%综合评价2.翻译实验报告评价指标体系评价指标评价要素权重选题应用性针对口笔译实践的具体环节或问题,具有实用性、15%实验设计实验设计(包括确定研究问题
11、和研究目的,提出理论假 设和工作假设,选取实验对象,变量的选择、分类、控 制与测量等)合理45%结果分析结果分析科学、合理25%论文规范性表述简洁、规范、逻辑性强;写作规范,结构严谨,语。 言流畅15%综合评价3. 研究论文评价指标体系评价指标评价要素权重选题与文献综述选题贴近翻译实践;文献资料典型、新近、全面,述评、 客观,有独到见解。20%创新性研究问题新颖,体现作者的独特视角,或译例新颖独特。25%应用性及论文价值具有实践价值、应用价值或参考价值;对策或解决方案 可行;见解有独到之处。15%文本或语料分 析文本或语料分析贴切、准确。25%论文规范性表述简洁、规范,具有较强的系统性与逻辑性
12、;写作规 范,结构严谨,语言流畅;引用文献真实、典型、规范。15%综合评价4补充说明论文综合评价结论分为优秀、良好、合格、不合格四种 优秀: 90良好:89-75;合格:74-60;不合格: 59英文附件:APA Style (见下页)APA StyleThe following is a simplified APA Style guide. For all rules and requirements, please consult the th6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Assoc
13、iation.APA requires that information be cited in 2 different wayswithin the text and in a reference list at the end of the paper. The reference list should be on a new page, double spaced, and use the hanging indent method (all lines after the first one are indented).CITATIONS IN THE TEXT:APA uses t
14、he author-date method of citation. The last name of the author and the date of publication are inserted in the text in the appropriate place.When referencing or summarizing a source, provide the author and year. When quoting or summarizing a particular passage, include the specific page or paragraph
15、 number, as well.When quoting in your paper, if a direct quote islessthan 40 words, incorporate it into your text and use quotation marks. If a direct quote ismore than 40 words, make the quotation a freestanding indented block of text and DO NOT use quotation marks.?One work by one author:1.2.3.In
16、one developmental study (Smith, 1990), children learned.In the study by Smith (1990), primary school children.In 1990, Smith?s study of primary school childre n Works by multiple authors:When a work has 2 authors cite both names every time you reference the work in the text.When a work has three to
17、five authors cite all the author names the first time the reference occurs and then subsequently include only the first author followed by et al. For example:First citation: Masserton, Slonowski, and Slowinski (1989) state that.Subsequent citations: Masserton et al. (1989) state that.For 6 or more a
18、uthors, cite only the name of the first author followed by et a.l and the year.Works by no identified author:When a resource has no named author, cite the first few words of the reference entry (usually the title). Use double quotation marks around the title of an article, chapter, or Web page. Ital
19、icize the title of a periodical, book, brochure, or report. For example:The site seemed to indicate support for homeopathic drugs (“Medical Miracles, ” 2009). Thebrochure argues for homeschooling E(ducation Reform,2007).Treat reference to legal materials such as court cases, statutes, and legislatio
20、n like works withno author.? Two or more works in the same parenthetical citation:Citations of two or more works in the same parentheses should be listed in the order they appear in the refere nee list (i.e., alphabetically, the n chrono logically).Several studies (Jo nes & Powell, 1993; Peters
21、on, 1995, 1998; Smith, 1990) suggest that.? Specific parts of a sourceAlways give the page number for quotations or to indicate information from a specific table, chart, chapter, graph, or page.The word page is abbreviated but not chapter. For example:The painting was assumed to be by Matisse (Powel
22、l, 1989, Chapter 6), but later analysis showed it to be a forgery (Murphy, 1999, p. 85).If, as in the in sta nee of on li ne material, the source has n either visible paragraph nor page nu mbers, cite the head ing and the nu mber of the paragraph follow ing it. This allows the reader to locate the t
23、ext in the source. For example:The patie nt wrote that she was uni mpressed by the doctor?s bedsidia nner (Smith,2006, Hospital Experie nces secti on, para. 2).CITATIONS IN A REFERENCE LIST:In general, references should contain the author name, publication date, title, and publication information. I
24、nclude the issue number if the journal is paginated by issue.BooksTypical book entry - single authorArnheim, R. (1971). Art and visual perception. Berkeley: University of California Press.Publish ing in formatio n - Spell out the publish ing n ames of associati ons and uni versity presses, but omit
25、superfluous terms such as Publishers," Co.,” or fnc.” If two or more locations are given, give the location listed first or the publisher's home office. When the publisher is a uni versity and the n ame of the state (or provin ce) is in cluded in the uni versity n ame, do not repeat the n a
26、me of the state/pro vince in the publisher locati on. Whe n the author and publisher are identical, use the word “Author as the name of the publisher.American Psychiatric Association. (1994).Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV-TR (4th ed.). Washi ngto n, DC: Author.Multiple
27、 authors*Whe n a work has up to (and in clud ing) seve n authors, cite all authors. Whe n a work has eight or more authors cite the first six, then insert three ellipses, and add the last author's name.Festi nger, L., Riecke n, H., & Schachter, S. (1956) Whe n prophecy fails Minn eapolis: Un
28、i versity of Minn esota Press.Roeder, K., Howdeshell, J., Fulton, L., Lochhead, M., Craig, K., Peters on, R., .Appli n, M. (1967). Nerve cells and in sect behavior: A manu al.Cambridge, MA: Harvard Un iversity Press.Corporate authorshipInstitute of Financial Education. (1982). Managing personal fund
29、s Chicago: Midwestern.No author identifiedExperime ntal psychology. (1938). New York: Holt.Citing items in an anthology/chapter in edited bookRube nste in, J. P. (1967). The effect of televisi on viole nee on small childre n. In B.F. Kane (Ed.), Televisi on and juve nile psychological developme n(pp
30、. 112-134). New York: America n Psychological Society.Reprinted or republished chapterFreud, S. (1961). The ego and the id. In J. Strachey (Ed. and Tran sThe sta ndard editi on of the complete psychological works of Sigm und Freuc(Vol. 19, pp. 3-66). London: Hogarth Press. (Original work published 1
31、923)Following the entry, enclose Original work published ” in parentheses, noting the original date.Chapter in a volume in a seriesMaccoby, E. E., & Martin, J. (1983). Socializati on in the con text of the family: Pare nt-child in teracti on. In P. H. Mussen (Series Ed.) & E. M. Hetheri ngto
32、n (Vol. Ed.), Ha ndbook of Child Psychology: Vol. 4. Socializatio n, pers on ality, and social developme n(pp. 1-101). New York: Wiley.* In regularly published series with subtitles that change regularly, the series title is uppercase and the subtitle is lowercase, as in a book title.Citing multivol
33、ume worksWils on, J. G., & Fraser, F. C. (Eds.). (1977-1978).Ha ndbook of teratology (Vols. 1-4). New York: Ple num Press.* In listing a multivolume work, the publication dates should be inclusive for all volumes. The volumes should be identified, in parentheses, immediately following the book t
34、itle. Do not use a period between the title and the parenthetical information; close the entire title, including the volume information, with a period.Edited collectionsHiggins, J. (Ed.). (1988). Psychology. New York: Norton.Grice, H. P., & Gregory, R. L. (Eds.). (1968). Early Ianguage developme
35、nt New York: McGraw-Hill.Citing specific editions of a bookBrockett, O. (1987). History of the theater (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Immediately after the book?s title, n ote the editi on in formatio n in pare ntheses (for example, 5th ed.” or rev. ed.”). Do not use a period between the title
36、and the parenthetical information.Translated worksFreud, S. (1970)A n outl ine of psychoa nalysisJ. Strachey, Tran s.). New York: Nort on. (Origi nal work published 1940)The original publication date is the last portion of the entry and should be in parentheses with the note Original work published
37、” followed by the date.ProceedingsDeci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1991). A motivati onal approach to self: In tegrati on in pers on ality .In R. Die nstbier (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivati on: Vol. 38. Perspectives on Motivatior(pp. 237-288). L incoln: Un iversity of Nebraska Press.Cynx, J., W
38、illiams, H., & Nottebohm, F. (1992). Hemispheric differences in avian song discrim in ati on. Proceed ings of the Nati onal Academy of Scie nces 89372-1375.JournalsCiting articles in journals with continuous paginationPassons, W. (1967). Predictive validates of the ACT, SAT, and high school grad
39、es for first semester GPA and freshman coursesEducatio nal a nd Psychological Measureme nt, 27,1143-1144.Citing articles in journals with non-continuous paginationSawyer, J. (1966). Measurement and prediction, clinical and statisticaP sychological Bulletin, 66(3), 178-200.« Because pag in ati o
40、n beg ins anew with each issue of this journ al, it is n ecessary to in clude the issue number in parentheses after the volume number. Note that there is a comma between the issue nu mber and the page nu mbers, but no comma betwee n the italicized volume nu mber and the issue nu mber. If the periodi
41、cal does not use volume nu mbers, in clude "pp." before the page numbers so the reader will understand that the numbers refer to pagination. Use "p." if the source is a page or less long.Citing articles in monthly periodicalsChandler-Crisp, S. (1988, May) Aerobic writing ”: A wri
42、ting practice model. Writing Lab Newsletter, pp. 9-11.Citing articles in weekly periodicalsKauffma nn, S. (1993, October 18). On films: Class con scious nesThe New Republic, p.30.Newspaper articlesMonson, M. (1993, September 16). Urba na firm obstacle to office projectThe Champaig n-Urba na News-Gaz
43、ette pp. A1, A8.No author identifiedClinton puts ,human face?on health-care plan. (1993, September 16)T he New York Times p. B1.Reprinted or republished articlesClark, G., & Zimmerma n, E. (1988). Professi onal roles and activities as models for art educatio n. In S. Dobbs (Ed.), Research readi
44、ngs for discipli ne-based art education(pp. 3-18). Rest on, VA: NAEA. (Reprinted from Studies in Art Education, 19(1986), 34-39)* Following the entry, enclose "Reprinted from" in parentheses, noting the original publication in formati on.ERIC Documents (Report available from the Educationa
45、l Resources Information CenterMead, J. V. (1992). Look ing at old photographs: Inv estigati ng the teacher tales that no vice teachers bring with them (Report No. NCRTL-RR-92-4). East Lansing, Ml: National Center for Research on Teacher Learni ng. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED346082)Dissertation
46、sDissertation obtained from Proquest's Dissertations & ThesesSaun ders, M. D. (1990).Eastern's pilot rebellio n: Patterns of con flict rhetoric precedi ng the 1989 pilot walkout at Easter n Airli nes. (Doctoral dissertati on). Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertations database. (Publ
47、ication No. AAT 9103113).Dissertation abstracted in DAI:Ross, D. F. (1990). Unconscious transference and mistaken identity: When a witness misidentifies a familiar but innocent pers on from a lin eup.Dissertatio n Abstracts Intern ati on al: Secti on A. Huma nities and Social Scie nces, 5(110), 417.
48、Legal Documents Court DecisionsName v. Name, Volume Source Page (Court Date).Lessard v. Schmidt, 349 F. Supp. 1078 (E.D. Wis. 1972).StatutesName of Act, Volume Source ? sec§ion number (year).Mental Health Systems Act, 42 U.S.C. ? 9401 (1988).Other MediaCiting interviewsBurns, H. (1993, August 1
49、2). Interview by P. A. Brannock Tape recording. Oral History Project (F106.D32). Un iversity Archives Mississippia na Collecti on, Un iversity of Souther n Mississippi, Hattiesburg.If there is only a transcription and not a recording then cite as follows:Burns, H. (1993, August 12). Interview with H
50、elen Burns/Interviewer: Peggy A. Brannock Oral History Project (Vol. 289), University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg.* Un published in terviews and other non-archived com muni catio ns should be cited in-text ” and do not n eed a refere nce page en try. They are what the Publicati on Manual of
51、 the APA callspers onal com muni cati ons and so do not provide recoverable data. The en try below represents an in-text citation - it consists of the first initial and last name of the interviewee, the type of com muni catio n, and the date of the in terview.(N. Archer, perso nal in terview, Octobe
52、r 11, 1993)Citing films or videotapes* The bracketed descriptor Motio n picture replaces Film and Videotape.Weir, P.B. (Producer), & Harris on, B.F. (Director). (1992). Levels of con scious nesMotion picture. Bost on, MA: Filmways.* In the example above, the main people responsible for the video
53、tape are given, with their roles identified in parentheses after their names. After the title, the medium is identified in brackets. The distributor's name and location comprises the last part of the entry.Citing recordingsWriter, A. (Date of copyright). Title of song Recorded by artist if diffe
54、rent from writer. On Title of album Medium of recording: CD, record, cassette, etc. Location: Label. (Recording date if differe nt tha n copyright)Lang, k. d. (2008). Shadow and the frame. On WatershedCD. New York, NY: No nesuch Records.Electronic InformationThe type of medium can be, but is not lim
55、ited to the following: online journals, Web sites or Web pages, n ewsgoups, Web- or e-mail based discussi on groups or Web or e-mail based n ewsletters.« If pagination in electronic references is unavailable, leave out of the citation.« APA now requires a DOI (Digital Object Ide ntifier) w
56、he n available. The DOI may be found in the citation, abstract, full record/details, or on the first page of the article/book. Or you may look up the DOI at the follow ing web site: DOI Lookup (/guestquery/).« If a DOI has not bee n assig ned to a journal article and the a
57、rticle was accessed on li ne, the URL of the journal home page should be listed.« There is no Ion ger a n eed to cite the database from which a journal article was accessed except if the material is discontinued and was accessed through an archival database such as JSTOR.« No retrieval dat
58、e is n eeded for electr onic sources uni ess the source material may cha nge over time (e.g., Wikis).Electronic BookMcCarver, P.L. (2001). History of New En gla nd honey bees. Retrieved from http:/www.ebrary.co.uk/html/bees.asp« The retrieval stateme nt takes the place of locati on and publisher.or (if DOI is available)McCarver, P.L. (2001). History of New En gla nd honey bees. doi: 10.1036/0071393722Full-Text Article with DOI assignedJacobson, J. W., Mulick, J. A., & Schwartz, A. A. (1995).
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