



1、Unit 9 What do you want to do?Section A Teaching Aims and Demands:Knowledge objects:1、Key vocabulary:Students can read 、write and use the new words: roller coaster、merry-go-round、bumper car、big wheel 、teacup 。2、Target language:-What do you want to do?-I want to ride+in/on+游乐设施.Ability objects:1. Tra

2、in studentscommunicative competence.2. By playing in the theme park, students are interested in lifeMoral objects: Please remember safety first when you play.Teaching Key and Difficult Points:1、5个新单词和一组新句型问答。2、在不同游乐设施前所用的介词in或on.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead in以游乐园过山车的视频导入T: Its funny!I want to ri

3、de on a roller coaster !(翻译本句并板书)Do you want to go with me?Ss:Yes.T:Ok , Lets go!Now well learn Unit 9 What do you want to do?( 板书课题)设计意图:利用过山车视频激发学生的兴趣导入,并初步感受新知。Step2 New words出示图片,创设场景1、roller coaster (PPT出示过山车图片)T:Look at the picture .Whatthis in Chinese?Ss: 过山车T:Ok, the English word is: roller

4、coaster.Read after me.(Students repeat.) Whatthis in English?Ss:Its a roller coaster.Then ask students to write the word: roller coaster on their exersise book.(教师示范)Learn how to express “坐过山车”,Lead students to say :ride on the roller coaster.Repeat after the teacher .Make sure students can read the

5、 words and phrase.2、merry-go-round (PPT出示过旋转木马的图片)T:Look at the picture .Whatthis in Chinese?Ss: 旋转木马T:Ok, the English word is: merry-go-round.Read after me.(Students repeat.)提醒学生们注意单词中的短横线,这是英语中的连词符号,写单词时一定不能落了。Then ask students to write the word: merry-go-round on their exersise book. (教师示范)Learn

6、how to express “坐旋转木马”,Lead students to say :ride on the merry-go-round.Repeat after the teacher .Make sure students can read the words and phrase.3、big wheel (PPT出示大转轮的图片)T:Look at the picture .Whatthis in Chinese?Ss: 大转轮/摩天轮T:Ok, the English word is: big wheel.Read after me.(Students repeat.)Then

7、ask students to write the word: big wheel on their exersise book.(教师示范)Learn how to express “坐大转轮”,Lead students to say :ride on the big wheel r.Repeat after the teacher .Make sure students can read the words and phrase.Read the words : roller coaster /merry-go-round/big wheel together.4、Sum up how

8、to express“我想坐”I want to ride on the roller coaster /merry-go-round/big wheel.5、bumper car (PPT出示碰碰车的图片)T:Look at the picture .Whatthis in Chinese?Ss: 碰碰车T:Ok, the English word is: bumper car.Read after me.(Students repeat.)Whatthis in English?Ss:Its a bumper car.Then ask students to write the word:

9、 bumper car on their exersise book.(教师示范)Learn how to express “坐碰碰车”,Lead students to say :ride in the bumper car.(提醒学生此处要用in) Repeat after the teacher .Make sure students can read the words and phrase.6、teacup (PPT出示旋转茶杯的图片)T:Look at the picture .Whatthis in Chinese?Ss: 旋转茶杯T:Ok, the English word i

10、s: bumper car.Read after me.(Students repeat.)Whatthis in English?Ss:Its a teacup.Then ask students to write the word: teacup on their exersise book.(教师示范)Learn how to express “坐旋转茶杯”,Lead students to say :ride in the teacup.(提醒学生此处要用in) Repeat after the teacher .Make sure students can read the word

11、s and phrase.Read all the new words together.7、Sum up how to express“我想坐”I want to ride in the bumper car / teacup .设计意图:1、由前面所学句型Whatthis in Chinese /English?Its a/an引出新单词,同时又复习了句子。2、学习新单词时穿插书写练习,让学生们能正确书写单词。3、为了便于新句型的学习,在新学单词时又加入了新短语的学习。Step3 Word game1、The teacher shows the picture and ask some s

12、tudents to give the English words.2、Match the new words with the Chinese meanings.3、Ask students to help the teacher .T:I have some pictures but I don't know how to name the in English .Can you help me to find the English word about each picture?Ss:Yes.Ask 5 students to put up the pictures on th

13、e blackboard.设计意图:让学生们在游戏中练习单词。Step 4 Pairwork 1.Show a picture .The teacher make a conversation with a student. T:What do you want to do?S:I want to ride on the roller coaster.2.Students work in pairs to practice the conversation.Then ask 2 pairs to present the conversation in class.3.Show another

14、2 pictures and let students work in pairs to make 2 conversations. Ask 3 pairs to present their conversations in class.4.Chant the conversation.设计意图:利用师生互动与生生互动来练习句型,让每个学生都有机会得到操练。同时也提高学生的兴趣。Step 5 Groupwork 1.出示场景:游乐场的售票处,让学生们扮演售票员和游客。操练句型:What do you want to do?I want to ride on / in the2.扮演游客的学生用

15、句型:I want to ride on / in the来报告结果。Step 6 Exercise1.Choose the right answer.1) ( )What _ she want to do? She _ to ride on the big wheel.A. do,want B.does,wants C.do,wants2) ( )What do you want to do? I want do ride _ the bumper car. A.on B.in C.of2. Make sentences.1) you, to, do, What, do, want (?)_2) ride, big, wheel, want, to, I, on, the (.)_3) in , want ,ride, we, teacups ,to, t


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