1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Grade Eight1. Harry(63): Harry is a quiet student. He is active in answering questionsand taking notes in Chinese class. As his teacher, I am satisfied with his respectful attitude and good learning habit. He will make big progress if he can focus more on what the teacher says in class
2、time.李敏赫在中文课上比较安静,但是他在做中文笔记和课堂回答问题方面还是比较积极的。他尊敬师长,并且有比较好的学习态度。如果他上课注意力能更集中课堂知识的话,我相信他会取得更大的进步。2.Tommy(78.5): Is a dedicated student. He has good learning attitude and following the teachers instruction is Tommys strong point. His eagerness of learning and readiness to learn new knowledge has built u
3、p his very high reading level. I have been happy to see his patience in Chinese class. He did a near perfect job during class time. Please keep it up!孔祥熙的优点是学习态度积极,并能完成老师的指示。他对新知识不断用心的吸取是他中文水平的增长的重要基础。他能平心静气的学习中文,并且学习实践的很好,请继续保持!3.Hans(74): Hans has good foundation in Chinese just like his good skil
4、l in computer games. He is a nice student in making friends and respectful to teachers. But he is lazy to do any deep thinking in learning. If he can spare 50% of his “self-fun” time to focus on knowledge he can master well. Please do it.金世汉的中文基础还不错,不管是在和同学相处上还是在尊敬老师方面他都做得不错,是一个内心很单纯的孩子。但是他在学习上比较懒惰,
5、遇到问题不愿意开动脑筋去深思熟虑。如果他能够从自己的玩耍时间里抽出一般的时间用来专心学习,那么他将会掌握的很好。请一定要做到.4. Terry(74): Terry is a interesting student in my class, he always keeps a smile on his face and he knows how to respect his teacher Although he is a little bit naughty. Sometimes he is lazy to take notes in class, Id like to see his po
6、sitive learning attitude. 林杰是个有趣的学生,他的脸上时场挂着笑容。虽然有点调皮但是在尊敬师长方面懂得把握限度。在课堂上记笔记有时比较懒惰,希望今后能看到他积极的学习态度。5.Vic(78):Vic is a quiet student in my class, his Chinese foundation and learning attitude is well except lacking of energy. If possible, please sleep early in the night to save more power for Chinese
7、class in the early morning. I am looking forward to seeing dynamic young people in my class.刘泳震是个比较安静的学生,他有一定的中文基础和不错的学习态度,但是他课堂上缺乏精力。每天晚上请尽量早睡为第二天早上的课储备充足的精力。我期望在中文课上看到的是朝气蓬勃的学生。6.Janet(81.5):Janet is a quiet and shy girl in Chinese class, but she can focus on what the teacher says. She always take
8、 notes during class and finishes her assignment on time, I am satisfied with her attitude. She can be more perfect if she would try to express herself. 在中文课上,卢瑾是一个安静内敛的学生,但是她学习态度很认真。她认真做课堂笔记病能完成老师交代的课内外任务。如果她课堂上能试着积极的表达自己,她将会使自己变得更加完善。7.Betty(62):Betty is a sweet girl, Although her Chinese foundatio
9、n is not very high, she still makes some effort to improve herself. Her learning attitude is good recently, please keep it up! 慎慧宾是一个很善解人意的女生,虽然她的中文基础有点薄弱,但是她仍然在为提升自己而作努力。尤其是最近,她的学习态度很好,请将积极的学习势头继续保持下去。8.Stanley(45.5):Stanley is an active boy and he has a yearning for freedom. He cares for friends a
10、nd teacher but does not really know how to care for himself. If he had a clear understanding of what is his responsibility in study and life he will become an aspirant person. 肖兆坤是个好动的并且崇尚自由学生,是个善于关心同学和老师,却总是忽略自己的学生。如果他在今后的学习和人生中能认清自己的责任,他将会变成一个极具上进心的人。9.Ziv(68):After about two months observation, Z
11、iv is a boy with a soft heart. Even most of the time he is quiet when he faces the teacher. He has been trying his best to be a qualified student Although he is not perfect right now. I believe that he can do his best to give all OVO teachers a good impression. 经过约两个月的相处和观察,黄兆基石一个心底很柔软的学生。虽然他面对老师时大多
12、数时间很安静,但是他一直在试图做一个合格的学生。也许他现在并不完美,但我相信将来他一定会给所有的老师们留下美好的印象。Grade Seven1.Eric(73): Eric is a quiet and shy boy in Chinese class. His strong points in Chinese class are having a good learning attitude and following the teachers instruction. Please read more books and finish the teachers assignment to
13、build up your knowledge.金綵炫是一个比较安静的内敛的学生。但是他在中文课上的学习态度很认真,能够专注与老师所讲解的内容。请多读一些中文的课外书,并完成老师交给你的课外任务去夯实自己的知识基础。2.Ken(75): Ken is an active boy, Ken is still active in his Chinese class. I appreciate very much his big progress that he has made in his learning attitude. He always finishes his Chinese ass
14、ignments on time and most of the time he follow the teachers instruction in class time, but he still needs to concentrate more during class time. 金兑洹是一个很好动的学生。相比于上学期,这学期他在学习态度上有很大的进步,尤其在课后作业的完成上做的很好。课堂时间他也能积极回答问题,但是注意力有时还是不够集中。请进一步完善自己的而学习态度。3.Jenny(84.5): Is a dedicated student, with good learning
15、attitude and following the teachers instructions are Jennys strong points. Her eagerness for learning and getting ready for new knowledge is what built up her very high level.Since Jennys Chinese foundation is not firm, please never let it loose. 严允珠是一个对学习认真负责的学生。她上课专心听讲,对新知识充满好奇的积极态度是她成绩提高的重要基础。因为严
16、允珠的中文基础不是很牢固,所以请不要松懈。4.David(65): David is a smart boy, he has extensive interest in Chinese knowledge. He also has good language sense in learning Chinese. Recently he looks like he has no energy in class which leads him to not concentrate on learning and he keeps forgetting his homework. Please ge
17、t enough sleep to save power for next mornings class. 池大韩是一个很聪明的男孩,他在中文学习方面有很广泛的兴趣,中文的语感也不错。这一学期以来他在课堂上状态很不好,总是无精打采,完全无法集中精神学习,这也导致了他的课后作业常常不能按时完成。希望池大韩每天晚上能好好休息,补足精力来专注学习第二天的课程。5.Paddy(78): Paddy is a positive student in his Chinese class. He can follow the teachers instruction and finish his assig
18、nment on time. He can get on well with his classmates and teachers. He will make more progress if he can talk less and do more thinking during class time. 叶辰翔在中文课上表现积极,他能专注听讲课堂内容,并能按时完成课后任务。他和同学及老师相处的都很融洽。如果在课堂上他能稍微安静一些,多一些深入思考的话,他将会取得更大的进步。Grade Four/Five1.Peter(85):Peter is a dedicate student, goo
19、d learning attitude and following teachers instruction are Peters strong point. He also gets on well with his classmates in class time. Please make good use of your time after school and keep it up! 李晓得是一个具有良好学习品质的学生,他上课认真听讲,学习态度端正,和同学相处的也很融洽。请合理利用好课后时间,养成好的学习习惯!2.Jerry(52):Jerry is a very nice and
20、smart boy. He can actively participate in the class, but his writing foundation is low and he does not want to make any effort to improve his writing, please urge yourself to practice writing when teacher give your related assignments and please form good learning habit. 邓进杰是一个很聪明的孩子。他上课能积极的参与,但是他的记
21、忆写字能力很薄弱,而他不愿意为提高自己的写字水平而付出努力。希望他能积极地配合老师去不断练习以夯实自己的写字能力。3.Teemo(64): Teemo is a smart boy ,he has good ability to capture important information and he can finish his assignment on time, but he talk too much in class time, I hope you can correct it. He will make more progress if he can talk less and
22、 do more thinking during class time. 罗大贤是一个聪明的学生,他在学习中捕捉重要信息的能力很强,课后作业完成的也不错。在课堂上,老师希望你能进行自我约束,不要说与课堂无关的话。如果他能少说些题外话,多进行些深入思考的话,他将会取得更大的进步。4.Andy(65): A fast language learner, such as Andy, has a big advantage in Chinese learning. He has good language sense. He always can promptly capture the inform
23、ation point and master it well just like an eagle to its food. He can follow the teachers instruction and can usually do his assignments on time. He will become a near perfect learner if he can have more self-control which is a must an element for a good learner. 党子杰的学习能力很强,他的语感也不错。在中文学习中他能认真听讲并能迅速地
24、捕捉到重要的信息,课后作业他完成的也不错。如果在课堂学习上他能多一些自我约束(自我约束力是一个好的学习者的基本素质)的话,他的学习态度就近乎完美了。5.Leo(57):Leo is an active boy in his Chinese class, he answers questions, does his assignment and gets on well with other students in class. Since his Chinese level was lower than his classmates when he came , he needs to put
25、 out more effort to catch up others. If he can be responsible to his homework and not talk too much in class time he will make big progress. 张准午在中文课上表现的很活跃,他能积极的回答问题,基本上能按时完成作业,和同学相处的也不错。因为他转到本班时他的中文水平比别的同学低,所以他需要更加努力才能赶上他的同学。如果他能上课时少说些和学习无关的话,对自己的学习多认真负责一些,他将会取得很大的进步的。6.Alice(55):Alice is a nice gi
26、rl and she can follow teachers instruction well, but she needs to be more focused on what teacher say in class time. Most of the time she can finish her homework except sometimes her lazy affected her study enthusiasm .Please to be responsible to her homework。金保谈是一个很随和的学生。她上课也能认真听讲,但有时精神不够集中;大多数时候她能
27、完成课后作业,但有时她有点懒惰(就影响到了她的作业完成情况)。希望金保谈能够增强对自己的学习的责任心,养成好的学习习惯。 7.Yuki(87): Yuki is a good scholar in her Chinese learning. Her positive attitude urge her to follow teachers instruction well and finish teachers assignments on time. No pains no gains. Please keep it up!叶思睿是个具有良好的学习品质的学生。她的积极的学习态度促使自己能专注
28、课堂内容,按时完成老师交代的课后任务。一分耕耘,一分收获。请继续保持好的学习习惯!8.Bonny(63):Bonny is a obedient girl. She can concentrate on her class knowledge very well and she can finish her assignment most of the time. Since she forgets her work sometimes, she still needs to be more responsible to her duty. 林宝宜是个很听话的学生,她上课认真听讲,课后作业也基
29、本能按时完成。因为偶尔她也会忘记课后任务,所以在学习责任感方面还有待加强。希望你能养成一个更好的学习习惯。9.Lucy(78):Lucy is a quiet and sweet girl in my Chinese class, I am satisfied with her learning attitude. Since she does not has enough Chinese learning experience as other students. She still needs some time to get used of the school life. Please
30、 feel easy to adjust yourself. 杨希璐是一个比较安静比较懂事的孩子,老师对她上课的认真态度很满意。可能相比其他同学她的课堂学习经验不足,但是我相信过些时间她就能适应学校的正常生活了。目前请好好调整自己,不用太紧张。10.Jenny feng(87.5): As a dedicated student, good learning attitude and ability to follow the teachers instruction is Jennys strongpoint. Her eagerness for learning and getting r
31、eady for new knowledge is what built up her high Chinese level. I appreciate her strong self-discipline ability in her Chinese class. Please keep it up! 丰颖宜是一个好学上进的学生。她上课认真听讲,对新知识充满期待,这些好的学习态度是她中文不断提高的重要基础,我很高兴她在课堂上个表现出了很强的自律性。请继续保持下去!11.Jenny(55):Jenny has positive attitude in Chinese class. She wa
32、nts to be the best one in Chinese and she can finish her homework most of the time, but she can not focus on what teacher said recently and sometimes she was absent-minded in class. Please concentrate on class! 池秀娥的中文学习态度一直都很积极,她有这很强的好胜心,希望自己能在学习方面做到最好,课后作业也基本上能完成。但是最近她上课是总是心不在焉,有时甚至思绪远飘,请尽快找出问题的根源,
33、及时纠正,专注课堂学习,养成好的学习习惯!Grade One/TwoKevin Li 2(91): Kevin takes his Chinese class very seriously. However, he needs to learn to chat less in class. He follows instructions and finishes his assignments on time. He also has a positive attitude in the classroom.1. 李嘉惟对待中文学习很认真负责。他上课认真听讲,积极思考,作业也能按时完成。如果他
34、能在课堂上改掉爱和同学说话的小缺点,把注意力都放在知识上的话他的学习态度将会更近完美。2.Anna 2(87): Anna is a very sweet girl. However, she needs to learn to chat less in class. She never forgets her assignments and Im satisfied with her good behavior. 朴智媛是个很懂事的女孩。她对待中文学习很是负责任,她总是很认真的完成老师交代的所有任务。如果上课时能少和同学说话,那她将会做的更好。3.King 2(86): King is mo
35、re mature than last year and has a strong sense of responsibility. Good behavior will help him continue his progress in Chinese class. He concentrates and finishes his homework on time. Please keep it up!姜智勋比起上学期成熟了很多。在中文学习方面老师看到他最大的改变是他对学习很负责任了。上课他能集中精神听讲,并且课后能按时完成老师布置的学习任务。在这种良好的学习态度和学习行为下,他的学习进步了
36、很多。请继续保持下去!4.Chris 2(95): Chris is a smart and active boy in Chinese class. However, he needs to learn control his emotion and, most importantly, to always do his homework. He is clever and answers questions properly in class.朱赫是一个活泼聪明的学生。课堂上他很会思考问题,并且用适当语言回答问题,只是他在完成课后作业这一问题上自觉性有待提高,希望他能养成认真负责的学习态度
37、。此外,老师希望朱赫在课堂上能多一些自我约束少一些情绪化的活动,应为成功不仅需要聪明的大脑,更需要正确的态度。5.Thomas 2(83): Thomas is a studious student. Hes always happy to learn more and maintains a good attitude. This will help him to gain great leaning habits. Hes a sweet and kind students to his friends and teacher.李廷休是一个认真学习孩子,他很乐于学习。在面对同学很老师时他很友好并且很有礼貌。请继续保持好的学习态度,并且逐渐形成良好的学习习惯。6.Elsa 2(87): Elsa is a smart student. Reading more Chinese books will help her improve even more her Chinese reading ability. She studies hard in class and always finishes her t
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