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1、广东省江门市恩平黄冈实验中学 2021届九年级英语上学期期中试题一、听力译解A,听旬子,根抄;(5和1DC For work20用2QM学年度第一学期期中调研测试九年级英语试卷立出仙爻的国片.fj -片足#余的*毎牛句子注遍H听对话*选择氏誦的行络叫 靳第段对话.回许殆和"''芒 )鼠 Whit didI 订皿山A, Ik went to Shar'C. He went U) H约血耳()7. Hqw d>d he terJ A Happy B 1 lfeci睛段対话,,oJv8BH) 8 When did 卩曲职 h,3讪九M啊 HE 31(J9.Wh

2、atdMPettT u> Aulia.t H F>rSA. For vacateri()10 Which country is Australia as big d A America. Bt Japan,匚舶C.听短文.选择正确的苦鬟.短文读两迥° “.c»£k()11, The students were having 欣卩A. English B. Chinese()12. Why didn't the students answer Mis* LiW,LtrA They didn't know rhe answer. j| &#

3、176;罗卜C.They didn't find the water which 山“ “次()13. A boy said, *The water in the riverA. whiteR* b扫&匸'()14. Most of the childrenlheboy.A.agreed withB wrote to© 让D,听短文棍据短文内容用完整的句子答复冋题“-丿15. How often docs Tom play softer a wecX?16 Flow good is swimming to Tom ?Th讥;re having a P,E. k

4、sson on theD All扎年级英谓期申二、单项述埠“(15分),()18.Though my grandfatherfor 6vi 疋 'i " miss him.A, diedB, has diedC. was deadD, has been dead()19. ICs the first time I visil Mount Tai. 1 have , k i【hMirA. alreadyB, yetU皿如D cve()20 We are now shortfresh Wai£T “、r 叽 Jonc【° stop People一._ poll

5、uting it.A. for; too rR forC. of;»o伍D一 of r( 门匕oflhe dassl students i$ in the tplayground.A. BothB. Neither()22, Jin, get up right 牝一 K, Mom.B, butA. and)23. Columbus _ ArheJ jn 屈 But he didn't T 必 A. looked forE 讪 looked fixC discoveredD. has discovered)24, ,bReduccb rei$e andm 胡嗣氏 t*iree

6、代乳J fl*A r«y也嗨Q yclcIqo much time.c. recyclesD 血屈)25, Let's have a Electing now It 嗣讥 一A. carry out甘 break outC. make up口,也蚯 up)26. We show Id encourage siudcnts 曲 environment.*、pro忙已r protectingC, to protectd destroy)27. , your help, wun 山吐卿障A. ThanksB. ThankC. Thanks toD. Thanks for()2S.

7、T got a w«re of 60 last matFi cam 帥 this time I got 90.What great you+ve made.A. mistakeB. promiseC. orogressD. education() is dark how, the workers go on working there.A. Though B Because C. As D. Bui()JO.Will it rain toniorrow? 一 - But I am not sure.A Certainly,B Nearly C. Pertiaps. D Re

8、ally.()31, Mike, have you got used to the lift in our city? , I prefer to live in rn)r JiomctQWri,A. As a resultS. As 爼 matter offsetCA$ usualD. As we a El know()32.Kris, I heard the Disney Rcsortf 迪斷尼乐同)in your hometown Shanghai will beopen in 2021. h that true?Yes. It's true. A. You mus! tome

9、for a visitB We Wouldn't have rubbish here and there,C. Easier said than done,Actions speak louder than words.三*完形填空no分)dgA boy lost his armi in an accident and his father lost his life. Since then, he had to 皿the arms of hfs oungcr brother, Ecepf tor vi傀叭h his g(脚趾he could hardly do.34九年级英谣期中3

10、31共建贞arc my amis'1 41_ theB. work onB. somethingB. hobbiesB. I桶B. wh«rtB. Uke care ofB. luckyB. onB. soB, rAs 快 two brothers gr屮叩 logethen they had lots o 嗣慣 1 -呃型爭吵)The one day, his younger brother 塑 him. So ht :紳孙*文一讪 do.A g'fl losi her hands because of a fire. Thofi*1

11、.'注 crL $hedctided to be completely irxlcpcndcnt (独立的)At 曲山;【忖re 叶宅血wro杞 the following in her composilion.叫 amTh现.;u】:认畑Though my wings are broken 1 my heart c*n still fly-One <!ayh the boy and the girl wert both invited bolh were asked(o write something on aof 卩沖汀C. look forC,nothingC. probl

12、emsC. lovedC. wh*1C. write toC. excitedC, forC whileC beatinga iclevhMHWU g'Eu脚叭 TheyWit*1 1 Hr -l t'« My wrote +'My 呗豆heirC.D峽如b rwiyttiing匚 JsffcrcnoesD血痢% whichD fnt$etD shyD.fwnD whenD fl>wgyounger broiher's arms()33. Ar go on()34, A. anything()H AP qucstkms ()36 A. hit()

13、37. A. who()3g 扎 leave()32, A- sad()40. A, to()41.A.m()42 A. jumping四.阅读理解(30分)(A)Life in Britainf英国)Homes and familiesMany British people live in Houses, not apartmenis, 酗巧Daily (日常的)lifeMost office workers start work 試 about nine in the lboiJt "先 orsi* in the afternoon, Mosi people don't

14、盟 home for 1询由1 U冰吊窗,Children sun school at about nine am, and finish: W dll1dtcrihave lunch at school All children go o school when 叽""虬诚 leaVtwhen they are sixteen or $cvenleen.ShopsMost shops open at aboin nine am 阳d 曲。软 at 血1 邛认川【山代 Ilunch.)43. Many British people live)nA rtnie,us R p恥

15、江An九年绩英语叭和页心( 44. Most off ices start ivt)rj 'A, ten釘胪n % Corning_ ,ld 1巩*( 45. Most oJYice workers(1 lb4ve lunchA. ir$ Ihc garden氐和加曲卩F), a( school(仏The children in日冋诃皿 叽闷吋.油A. sixteen &r sevenie*n W"''t3r tfruricen yt叭C. tourer five jeafi 賃 "问巧(47.Can you buy tags m iMa1

16、b,K 1 Hnie?:扎 No They ebse 伽 1声°' ut there is no people in the shopC, No. Shops epen MI hwy don't close fbr lunch.RScientist are trying to gidland again. The) want to bring water tothe deserts, so fcopft can 曲戚艸" :汁邙 arc Naming a lol about the deserts. Bui niorv Aid more of tlic ea

17、rth is 忧诧冊吨 Ck1 mm匕 S<lentists n)ay not be abk tu changethe desert in time.Why is more and nwft 涼fLU'rll: d亡hurt" Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things io 晦弘fionc places on the carilidon 咱?皿讪 rain. But they still dont become dcstds. This is because some g

18、reen pkin 恰 w gw win 直 1 匕 Small 百 rctrn plants and gras arc er> impertant to dry phets. Plants JcrTi Icr rfii- hot sur t kiML die earth even drier Plants don't lei the wind blow lhe dirt away Wkn 和:恤 bit of mr r'ls. The plants hold ihc water, Without plants lhehnd can become a destfl muc

19、h()48. DesertsA. get vcrylittkuinR never have any plants or arirnah in (hemC can a【I be lumed into good I .in J He fore longD. both A and B)49. SmaIF green phrrts art verv nr :nEdni lo dry places becauseA, they don't Ictihcsun make he earth even drierB. lhey hold waterU they don t knhewrnd bl 血

20、旳nh awayD all of the abovej 5D. Land 曙喙酗吨血賈池址 hy little because扎 plMts IffwihnrB people do bad things W «he mrthU there is noi much rainp scientists know liirk about rhe deserts()51 Which islhrnain Idea 川応问 paragraph?A也亦命叭h沁匸dFScrt丽S00d tendwater to 血回,people a live mdgiw food there.C- Uud is拠呱

21、姑诃注何dian跡前起谕畑职比吨阿山bnd °叭询啊阪如coming ert.亦施阮 阳英M山心J After reading ihi、There ws nc modern medicine, enhcrLife today has brought new problcn、, jf thc biggcH IS pollution Water polluum 仙that it is like a quilt (It 状 over a cir lh恰血詁 of quilt is called smogMany countries arc making rules io 冀卜i r :ut

22、ion Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away, and they mustn t k:山书 nioke go into the air.We need to do many other things.*asie things in the dustbin and wi ihwwthem on the ground We can go to %M)rk X、hh our friends in the same car. H O',ere are fewer ptupk driving, there wi

23、ll be less pv!'_(: : u!es arc not enough. I verj pir、艸 muH htlp to fight pollution,()53.Hundreds of years ago, life was mri,r: rder than it is today becauseA. there were not modem mathinc?B. there was no modem medicineC. both A and BD 山外.'/ere not many people) the biggest probkrn init*J

24、A. Waler pollution B. Air pollution C. Noise pollution D. PoHuiion)35 The most serious kind of pollulk'n i、A, noise pollution B. air pollulion I' .vatcr pollution D. At B and C 56.Fac*jorits must dean their waterAb before they are thrown away B 怙価'ey arc thrown awayC. after it is thrown

25、awayD 応怙 thrown away)57.From the passage, we know thatW-A. a few years ago, there was no smog 2【B. today people don't have to talk to each m wdlyC. we can drink water from the polluted nver lakesD. pcopk are making rules in order to (为丨川 pollution五*单词拼骂.(55?)58. is your .(目加泅即讪 thing?59. The wor

26、kers can (灯 皿巩网雪 ar using the60一 rd r*ke lo borrow a book on conipulcr 技术:)new machtnes61. Ws the fan made of plastic or 一 沟铁f?62. The couple are-诫诃 i 叫 Io Hainan Island,六根据中文議思完成句子.563.64.65.The price nfdi】The town i$一-'增长门2%-"为''-魁如I 的)lhe Country of Hot Spring.阿是人人)Likt playing c

27、C| phon«.66. He promised to help us and . . 坚持his word.67- tTs grt*t'草韋KJ b武 invited here,七、综合填空.在括号内填上适当前单词飪用括号内单词的正确形式填空* 15毎 空填一诩Singapore has been a bridge between llie Fst and the West fbr huodred of years. It 話 in the $8 (heart) of Souiheast Asia and is both iraditional and modem toda

28、y. Singapore is truly a special city With frrendJy peopk and ruv 砂 (policy), great changes hve bktnplace there Your stay in Sinaporv will be a greji memory(记忆)that yuifII never _ 70-(forget). Singapore is a lively citj; About four " (million) people and other foreigners live here, 72rvisilor) C

29、all if "Surprising Singiipore*' and the "Garden Ciiyr Ofcausepcopk 加、士(o work hard (o keep up _ 11lhe qukk development here. AU thesedescriptions arc 74(true), Singapore h鮎 m gl mtemational atmo$phere(*XM) and il iswarm and 75ffriend). It is «malt 2勇 than 640 square kilo nekrs in

30、area. 一 76;there arc many modern节7(markci). nature parki. snull iskndst museums and churchesthere Singapore is a wonderful place that you shouldn*! wait to visit.A.馈写蜒合.共20分?AJ报据下面短文.完感信息卡内容.“分Save the Sharks!Many have heard ofshart fin < 佛)soup. This famous and expciuive dish is especially popul

31、ar in southern China. But do you reali 血 you 世 killing a whote shark each fime you rnjoy a bowl of shark fin soup9When people catch sharks, they cut oft iheir fins and throw the sharks bark nt0 阮 occan This is hot only cru比 but 业口 harmful lo lhe environnicnt. Without a fin, a shark can no longer swim and slowly dies. Sharks arc al the top of 恤阳*加 ch曲n in the oc申rr s ecosystem (生态系 统> Jf th岔numbers drop too I叫it诃II bring伽却to aH畋血I血 町 曲叽 恤 sharic$ can never be endar咪凶 because they art the strongest in their food cfiain. But in fact, 九年i#英语期中第丁页其$页.jll4trV 


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