1、2020年7月英语六级真题及参考答案【完整版】四六级试卷采用多题多卷形式,大家核对答案时,找具体选项内容,忽略套数。无忧考网搜集整理了各个版本,仅供大家参考。【有道考神版】LiSteningCONEVERSATlON 1Tonight, We have a Very SPeCiaI guest, Mrs Ana SanCheZ is a three time OIymPiC ChamPiOnand author Of the new book TO the Edge. Mrs> SanCheZJ thank you for joining usThank you for having m
2、e.-LetfS Start With your book. What does the title to the Edge mean? What are you referring to?-The book is about how SCienee and technology has helped PUSh humans to the edge Of their PhySiCal abilities. I argue that in the PaSt 20 years We have had the best athletes the WOrId has ever Seen BUt is
3、this a fair comparison? HOW do you know how, say, a (OOtbaU PIayer from 50 years ago WOUld COmPare to One today? -Well, you are right-That COmPariSOn WOU(Cl be PerhaPS impossible to make. BUt the POint is more about OUr knowledge today Of human biochemistry, nutritiOn and mechanics I believe that Wh
4、iIe OUr bodies have not Changed in thousands Of years, What has Changed is the SCientific knoWIedge ThiS has allowed athletes to PUSh the IimitS Of What WaS PreViOUSly thought possible.-ThatlS interesting PIeaSe tell US more about these PerCeiVed Iimits.-The WOrId has Seen SPOrtS records being broke
5、n That COUId OnIy be broke n With the aid Of tech no logy, Whether this be the SPeed Of a tennis SerVe Or the fastest time in IOO meter dash Or 200 meter SWimming race.-IS there any conCern that tech no IOgy is giving SOme athletes an Unfair advantage OVer others?-That is an interesting questiOn and
6、 One that has to be COnSidereCl Very CarefUUy. SkiS ,for example, Went from being made Of VVOOd to a metal alloy,WhiCh allows for better COntrOl and faster speed. There is no StOPPing technological progress. BUt as I said, each situation ShOUId be COnSiderecl CarefUlIy Orl a CaSe by CaSe basis. QUeS
7、tiOnSOne to four are based On the COnVersatiOn you have just heard.1. What do We Iearn about AnnaSanchez?2. What is the WOmars book mainly about?3. What has Changed in the PaSt thousands Of years?4 What is the man,s COnCern about the USe OfteChnoIOgy in SPOrtS COmPetiti ons?CONEVERSATlON 2rvc WOrked
8、 in inter national trade all my Iife My father did SO to before me SOI guess you COUId Say it runs in the family -What PrOdUCtS have you WOrked with?-AIl sorts, really. ve imported textiles, machirwry, toys, SOIar PaneIs, all kinds Of things OVer the years, trends in dema nd COme and go. SO What nee
9、ds to be Very flexible to SUCCeed in this industry?-I See What goods are you trading now?-I now import (UrnjtUre from China into ItaIy and foods from ItaIy into China I even USe the Same container. It,s a Very efficient Way OfCOndUCtingtrade -The Same container. YOU mean you OWn a 40 foot CargO cont
10、ainer? -Yeah, that,s right I have a WarehOUSe in Genoa, Italy, and another in Shanghai. I SOUrCe mid CentUry modern furniture from different factories in China It's a Very good VaIUe for money. I COlIeCt it all in my WarehOUSe and then dispatch it to my Other WarehOUSe in Italy OVer there I do t
11、he same, but With ItaIian foods instead Of furniture, things Iike PaSta> cheese, WineJ ChOCOIate- And I Send all that to my WarehOUSe in China in the Same freight COntainer I USe for thefu rniture -SOI PreSUme you SeIl both IineS Of PrOdUCtS WhOIeSaIe in each 佗 SPeCtiVe country?0f course, I POSSe
12、SS a network Of CIientS and PartnerS in both COUntrieS That,s the main benefit Of having done this for SO IOng ve made great business COntaCtS OVer time-HOW many times do you ship?-I did 12 ShiPmentS IaStyear, 18 this year, and I hope to grow to around 25 next year. That,s both WayS There and back a
13、gain Demand for authentic Italian food in China is growing rapidly. And similarly, SaleS Of affordable, yet StyIiSh WOOClen furniture are also increasing in Italy. FUrnitUre is margin ally more PrOfitable, mostly because it enjoys IOWer CUStOmS dutiesQUeStiOnS five to eight are based On the COnVersa
14、tion you have just heard5 What does the WOman think is required to be SUCCeSSfUl in the international trade?6. What does the WOman Say is SPeCial about her Way Of doing change?7. What does the WOman have in both ItaIy and China?8 What does the WOman Say makes furniture marginally more PrOfitable?3Li
15、SteningLECTURE 1QUalitieS Of a relationship SUCh as openness, COmPaSSiOn and men tai StimUIatiOn are Of COnCern to most Of US regardless Of sex, butjudging from the questi Onn a ire responsethey are more im POrtant to WOmen than to men. ASked to COnSider the ingredients OfCIOSe friendship, WOmen rat
16、ed these qualities above all OtherS MGn assigned a lov/er PriOrity to them in favor Of SimiIarity in interests, SeIeCted by 77 PerCent Of men, and responsiveness in a CriSis, ChOSen by 61 PerCent Of male respondents Mental stimulation, ranked third in POPUlarity by men as WeIl as women, WaS the OnIy
17、 area Of OVerIaP AmOng men, OnIy 28 PerCent named openness as an important quality; Caring was PiCked by just 23 Per Cent It is evident by their SeIeCtiOnS that When WOmen SPeak Of CIOSe friendShiPSl they are referring to emotional factors, WhiIe men emphasize the PIeaSUre they find in a friend'
18、s company That is, When a man SPeakS Of *,a friend he is IikeIy to be talking about SOmeOne he does things Witha teammate, a fellow hobbyist, a drinking buddy TheSe activities are the fabric Of the friendship; it is a “doing” relationship in WhiCh SimiIarity in interests is the key bond ThiS factor
19、WaS a COnSideratiOn Of IeSS than 11 PerCent Of WOmen WOmen OPt for a warm, emotional atmosphere Where communication flows freely; activity is mere background LaStlyJ men, as We have seen, have SeriOUS questions about each other's IOyaIty. PerhaPS this is Why they PIaCed SUCh StrOng emphasis On r
20、espon SiVeneSS in a crisis.SOmeOne I Can Cail On for help WOmenJ as their testimonies indicate, are generally more SeCUre With each Other and COnSeqUently are more Iikely to treat this issue IightIy In followup interviews this WaS COnfirmed numerous times as WOman after WOman indicated that ' be
21、ing there When needed WaS taken for granted/ AS for the hazards Of friendship, more than a few relationships have been Shattered because Of CUtthrOat COmPetitiOn and feelings of betrayal. ThiS applies to both men and WOmenJ but UneqUally In comparison, nearly twice as many men COmPlained about these
22、 issues as WOnIen. Further, While COmPetitiOn and betrayal are the main thorns to female friendship, men are PIagUed in almost equal amounts by two additional issues, IaCk Of frankness and a fear Of appearing Unmanly. ObViOUsly, for a man, a good friend ShiP is hard to findQUeStiOn 16 to 18 BaSed On
23、 the recording you Havejust heard16. What quality do men ValUe most COnCerning friendship accord- ing to a questiOnnaire response?17. What do WOmen refer to When SPeaking Of CIOSe friendships? 18 What may threaten a friendship for both men and women?LECTURE 2ReCOrding to the Partial SkeletOnS Of mor
24、e than 20 dinosaurs and the SCattered bones Of about 300 more have been discovered in Utah and COIOrado. At What is now the DinOSaUr NatiOnal Monument Many Of the best SPeCimenS may be Seen today at museums Of natural history in the IargeSt CitieS Of the United StateS and Canada ThiS dinosaur Pit is
25、 the IargeSt and best PreSerVed depos it Of dinosaurs known today Many PeoPIe get the idea from the massive bones and the Pit bull that SOme disaster, SUCh as a VolCa nic explosion Or a SUdden flood, killed a WhOIe herd OfdinoSaUrS in this area ThiS CoUId have happened, but it PrObably did not. The
26、main reasons for thinking OtherWiSe are the SCattered bones and the thickness Of the deposit .In Other deposits Where the animals Were thought to have died together, the SkeIetOnS Were usu ally COmPIete and Often all the bones Were in their PrOPer PIaCeS ROUnded PieCeS Of fossil bones have been foun
27、d here TheSR frag ments got their SmOOth round shape> though, rolling along the Stream bottom.ln a mass killing, the bones would have been Ieft On the Stream Or Iake bottom together at the Same IeVeL BUt in this deposit, the bones OCCUrthrOUghOUt a ZOne Of SandStOne about 12 feet thick The mixtur
28、e Of SWamP dwellers and dry Iand types also SeemS to indicate that the deposit is a mixture from different PlaCeS The Pit area is a Iarge dinoSaUr graveyard, not a PIaCe Where they died MOSt Of the remains PrObably floated down On eastward flowing river UntiI they Were Ieft On a ShaIIOW sandbar. SOm
29、e Of them may have COme from far away dry Iand areas to the west. PerhaPS they drowned trying to CrOSS a SmaiI Stream Or WaShed away during floods SOme Of the SWamP dwellers may have got StUCk in the Very Sandbar that became their grave OtherS may have floated for miles before being Stranded EVen to
30、day, SimiIar events take PIaCe When floods COme in the SPring SheePJ CaStling, deer are Often trapped by rising WaterS and Often drown Their dead bodies float downstream UntiI the flood recedes and IeaVeS them Stranded On a bar Or ShOre Where they Iie half buried in the Sand UntiI they decay Early t
31、ravelers On the MiS SOUri RiVer reported that ShOreS and bars Were Often Iined With the decaying bodies Of BUffaIO that had died during SPring floods QUeStiOnS 19 to 21 are based On the recording you have just heard19. Where Can many Of the best dinosaur SPeCimens be (OUnd in NOrth AmeriCa?20. What
32、OCCUrS to many PeOPle When they See the massive bones in the PitWaII?21. What does the SPeaker SUggeSt about the Iarge number Of dinosaur bones found in the pet?LECTURE 3I WOUId Iike PartiCUIarlytO talk about the need to develop a new Style Of aging in OUr OWn SoCiety YoUng PeOPle in this COUntry ha
33、ve been accused Of not Caring for their ParentS the Way they WOUId have in the Old COUntry And this is true BUt it is also true that OId PeOPle have been influenced by an AmeriCan ideal Of in dependence and autOnOnly. SO We IiVe alone, PerhaPS On the Verge OfStarVatiOn in time WithOUt friends BUt We
34、 are indepen- dent. ThiS Standa rd AmeriCan StyIe has been forced On every ethnic group, although there are many groups for WhOm the ideal is not PraCtiCaL It is a POOr ideal in PUrSUing it does a great deal Of harm ThiS ideal Of independence also COntainS a tremendous amount Of UnSelfiShneSS In tal
35、king to today,s young mothers I have asked them What kind Of grandmothers they think they are going to be. I hear devoted, IOVing mothers Say that When they are through raising their ChiIdren, they have no intention Of becoming grandmothers They Were astonished to hear that in most Of the world, thr
36、oughout most Of its history, families have been three Or four generation families IiVing Under the Same roof, We have OVer emphasized the Smau family unit, father, mother, SmalI Children We think it is WOnderful if grandma and grandPa) if they,re StiIl alive, Can IiVe alone We have reached the POint
37、 Where We think the OnIy thing We Can do for OUrChiIdren is to Stay OUt Oftheir way. And the Only thing We Can do for OUr daughter in IaW is to See as Iittle Of her as POSSibIe All PeOPleS nursing homes EVen the best run are filled With OIder PeOPIe WhO believe the Only thing they Can do for their C
38、hiIdren is to IOOk CheerfUl When they COme to ViSit SO in the end, OIder PeOPIe have to devote all their energies to not being a burden We are beginning to See What a tremendous PriCe we,ve Paid for emphasis On independence and autonomy. We,ve isolated OId PeOPle and we,ve CUt Off the Chil dren from
39、 their grandparents One Of the reasons We have as bad a generation gap today as We do is that grandparents have StePPed OUt YOUng PeOPIe are being deprived Ofthe thing they need most PerSPeCtiVe to know Why their ParentS behave SO peculiarly and Why their grandparents Say the things they do. QUeStiO
40、nS 22 to 25 based On recording you have just heard22. What Of young AmeriCanS being accused of?23 What does the SPeaker Say about OId PeOPIe in the United States?24. What is astonishing to the young mothers interviewed by the speaker?25. What does the SPeaker Say OId PeOPIe try their best to do?LiSt
41、eningI. A She is a great athlete昶析:同义甘换 OIymPiC ChamPiOn=athlete2 D HOW technology has helped athlete to SCale new heights15析:视听一SH3义普换 PUSh humans totheir edge Of PhySiCal abili- ty=scale new heights3. B OUr SCientifiC knowledge.昶析:视听一毁4. C It may give an Unfair advantage to SomCathleteSA怖:视Wi致5. B
42、 FleXibiIityIWfi :视圻一践6. D USing the Same COntainer back and forth.IW桁:视听一致7. A WarehOuses.解析:视听一致8. C LOWerimPOrtdUtieSfW4fi:视 D斤一致何义 65 换 Importduties=Customs duties9. A It helps employees to reduce their stress.解析:视听一毁(乱序全耳有 StreSS reducingreduce their StreSS)10. D HUmOr Can help WOrkerS excel at
43、 routinetasksIW析:视听一致II. B Take the boss doll apart as IOng as theyreassemble it.解桁:视-R*同义65换 ut.back inplace=reassemble it12. A The recent finding Of a Changed gene iobese mice.IW 析:视听一SH5)义咎换 the IateStdiSCOVer rment finding13. D It renders mice UnabIe to SenSe When tostop eating 解析:视听一+伺义替换 can,t
44、 tell=uableto SenSe14. C PeOPle are born With a tendency to have acertain weight. 解析:视听一败15. B The abundant PrOViSiOn Of rich foods.解析:视听一致16. A Similarrty in interestsIR析:视听一毁17. D EnIOtiOnal factors.解析:视听一 JS(问女生,要通过问越刘断)18. C FeeUngS Of betrayal.解斩:视听一致(何男女共同点,睦通过何«»«)19. D At muse
45、ums Of natural history in Iargecities解析:视听一 s(aa5sw)20. B SOme natural disaster killed a WhOIe herdof dinosaurs in the area 解桁:视听一致21. A The floated down an eastward Of flowingriver.解桁:视-a22. C Failing to Care for ParentS in the traditional way.解析:视听一SH3义咎换(not Caring=failing to CareF in an oldcoun-
46、 try=in the traditional Way)23. D The have a SenSe Of independence andautonomy朋斩:视圻一致24. B There have been extended families in mostparts Ofthe world.解析:视听一SH5I 义替换(three OrfOUrgeneratiOn famil 尸 extended families)25. B AVOid being a burden to their children.解析:视听一致+伺义替换(notavoid)Reading1选词填空26. G g
47、rabbed27t B declaration2& M Stake29. KOVerWheIming30. C deteriorating31. F eroding32. E disaster33* D determined34 O Urgent35, A CaPaCity段落匹配36. C HiStOriCally Children didn,t receive.37. Jlna Set Of experiments.38. F Part Of the motivation.39. A Until a few decades ago.40. G TO PrOVe that infan
48、ts know more.41. E Today, a Very different picture.42. M There,s no tonSenSUS.43. H InStaed Of engaging babies44. B Much Of the SUbSeqUelIt research.45. L DeSPite these ObViOUS advanss仔细阅读46. B They hold a different VieW On StreSS from the POPUIar one.47. D They apply extreme tactics*48. A They help
49、 him COmbat StreSS from work.49. D It does not help build UP OnelS tolerance.50. C ItS effect VarieS COnSiderably from PerSOn to person.51. B HUnting may also be a SOIlJtrOn to the PrObLem CaUSed by hunting.52. C It IeadS to ecological imbalance.53 A OVerPOPUlatiOn is not an issue for most hum ted a
50、nimals.54. A When it benefits animats and their ecosystem.55. C Coordinated efforts Of himters and enVironmentalists.TranSlati On(三国演义Crhe ROmanCe OftheThree KingelOmS)是中国一部著名的 历史小说,写于十四世纪。这部文学作品以三国时期的历史为背景,描写了从 公元二世纪下半叶到公元三世纪下半叶的隸、蜀、吴三国之间的战争。小说中 刻画了近千个人物和无数的历史事件。这些人物和事件虽廳大都基于真实的 历史,但都不同程度地浪漫化和戏剧化了。
51、三国演义罡一部公认的文学杰 作。自面世以来,这部小说不断吸引着一代又一代的读者,井且对中国文化产 生着广泛而持久的彫响。1X(三国演义Crhe RQrnarKe Ofthe Three Kingdoms)是中国一咅卩著名 的历史小说,写于+四世纪。这部文学作品以三国时期的历史为背景,描写了从公元二世纪下半叶到公 元三世纪下半叶的吴三国之间的战争。小说中刻画了近千个人物和无数的历史事件。4这些人物和事件虽然大都基于真实的历史,但都不同程度地浪漫化和戏剧 化了。孰三国演义是一部公认的文学杰作。6自面世以来,这部小说不断吸弓I着一代又一代的读者,并且对中国文化产生 若广泛而持久的影响。1 The R
52、OrlnanCe Ofthe Three KingdOmS is a famous ChineSe historical novel Written in the 14th century.2 Againstthe backdrop OftheThree KingdOmS PeriOCl, this Iiterary WOrk describes the WarS among the three States Of Wei, ShU and VVU from the SeCOnd half Of the SeCOnd CentUry AD to the SeCCmd half Of the t
53、hird CenWry AD*3 The novel depicts nearly a thousand CharaCterS and CoUntleSS historical events. AlthOUgh most Ofthese CharaCterS and events are based On historical facts, they are dramatized and romanticized to VariOUS degrees.5 The ROmanCe Ofthe Three KingdOmS is a recognized Ilterary masterpiece.
54、6 This novel COntinUeS to attract readers from generation to generation and has a broad and IaSting imPaCt on ChineSe CUItUre SFnCe its born.精简结构: 三国演义是小说,写于.世紀。 作品以为背景,描写了的战争" 小说中刻画了人物和历史事件。 人物和事件虽然基于历史,但都化和化了。 三国演义是杰作O 自以来,小说吸引着读者,井且对产生着的影略2020年7月11日六级考试答案汇总Wirting【1】DireCtions: FOr this part
55、, you are allowed 30 minutes to Write an essay On the Saying The best PreParatiOn for tomorrow is doing your best today. YOU ShOUICl Write at IeaSt 150 WOrdS but no more than 200 words.第一段:【三八大盖】引语解释功能段,引出重要性第二段:【三八大盖】分析原因段,分析引语内容重要性的原因 第三段:【三八大盖】观点结论段,重申引语内容的重要性There is an Old Saying goes Iike this
56、 /'The best PreParatiOn for tomorrow is doing your best today/5 If S the experience Of OUr (OrefatherSJ however, it is COrreCt in many CaSeS even today. It implies the great Sign讦icance Of WOrking hard at the PreSent inStead Of PUtting things Off till tomorrow.ThiS argument Can be PrOVed by the
57、foUowing facts. FirSt and (OremOStJOnIy if we make the full USe Ofthe PreSent tan We grasp the OPPOrtUnities that We fail to predict, as it is Said that Chance favors the PrePared mind. AdditiOnally, today is Under OUr COntrOl WhiIe tomorrow is always UnPrediCtabIe and UnCOntrollable. We need to Set
58、 a goal for tomorrow and PUt it into actiOn today. FOr example, if you Want to Win the first PriZe in an EngIiSh contest, What you Can do is to take advantage Of every UtOdayn to PraCtiCe toensure a victory.JUdging from the evidence offered, We might SafeIy draw the COnClUSiOn that it is Very essential for US to SeiZe the day and be PrePared all the time for tomorrow.【星火英语版】写作The best
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