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1、1. Listen to 2. on the radio3. todays weather report4. be scared of =be afraid of be scared/ afraid to do sth5. go down come up 6. the same as be different from7. Whats the weather like?= How is weather?8. What's the temperature?9. Its rather cold, isnt it?10. Tell us what time it will rise and

2、set!11.I hope not! I hope so!12. on March 21st on a cold morning13. get warmer14. Whats the date today?15. How many hours of daylight are there on May 1st?16. Thats all right. Thats right. All right!17. make a loud noise18. go up19. Thats hotter than the sun!20. arrive in/ at get to reach21. I see m

3、any people in the park exercising.22. in fifteen minutes 提问:how soon23. thank sb for sth/ doing24. on the grass25. come with me26. one by one27. in the sun28. Lets go cycling.29. hit sb. on the head30. 提建议得句型: 1) Lets do 2) Shall we do ? 3) What/How about sth/ doing sth? 4) Why not do?31. see you af

4、ter school.32. This is the first time I have been a babysitter.33. turn around34. hold on35. fall off = fall down from36. come down37. get off= get down from38. Give me more pushes39. give sb a push40. Its time to stop swinging.41. wake up Wake sb up42. all day43. I thought it would be easy to babys

5、it there.= I thought it easy to babysit there.44. climb up very high45. hurt oneself46. hold on well47. read sb a story48. So was I!49. make sth for sb50. I cant write any more.51. 介词的用法: 1)In spring in March in about five minutes in 1998 In the morning/ afternoon/ evening 2) on Monday On March 21st

6、 on a cold morning 3) at 6:00 at noon at night52. have fun doing53. go bike riding54. not until第二单元知识要点1. plant a plant2. plant a seed3. make a poster/ posters4. would like= want to do/ sb to do5. grow into= turn into6. Would you please (not) do sth?7. lend sb sth = lend sth to sb. borrow sth from s

7、b keep sth for some time8. Dont forget to do sth9. What is the stem for?= What does the stem do?10. carry/ take sth from to11. all parts of12. billions of13. in the sunlight14. look after= take care of15. need to do sth16. You give it what it needs.17. use sth to do sth18. be made of be made from19.

8、 be full of= be filled with20. care for= look after21. keep sth +adj. Eg. Keep the room clean22. have a lot of experience in doing sth23. one , the other24. all around=every place= everywhere= here and there25. Whats this song about?26. the reason why27. help (to) do sth28. Its pleasant to walk amon

9、g the trees.29. dig a hole30. grow on trees31. in the shade32. carry away33. make sth into 34. have something/ nothing to do35. need sb/sth to do36. in many ways37. Half of the worlds food comes from only three plants.38. Doctors use medicine to help sick people.39. We can't live without plants!

10、40. What would happen to us if there were no plants?41. I havent written in my diary for a week.42. I have a lot to write about today!43. to help us learn about plants44. at the top of 45. something new46. be important to 47. living things48. without sth/ doing sth49. in different ways50. be able to

11、 do sth51. such great fun52. feed on53. neither nor 既不也不54. They do that in order to keep plants warm.55. such as56. think of57. These aples look good and sell well.58. There is going to be/ will beUnit 3 知识点汇总Lesson 171. in the sun2. play with3. take sb to sp4. need to do sth5. keep ducksKeep busyK

12、eep doingKeep sb doing6. live in trees7. What animal would you like to have for a pet?8. come home from schoolLesson 18. 1. What should you do to give love to your pet?2. one time3. talk to/ with sb.4. lots of/ much love5. Thats why6. take sb for a walk7. slow down8. think of 9. look after= take car

13、e of10. chase = run after11. be scared of sth be scared to do sth12. We had a cat named Amy.Lesson 19. 1. We don't have school.= We have no school.2. Lets go somewhere.3. That would be fun.4. What/How about sth./ doing sth5. all/ different kinds of6. protect from sth/ doing sth7. stop/ keep from

14、 sth/ doing sth8. go extinct9. living things10. be good/ bad forLesson 201. stand still2. make friends with3. throw sth. to4. run away5. try to do sth6. swim my way= swim to me7. I wont have to stand still.8. Giving zoo animals is/ isn't a good idea.Lesson 211. have been to 2. at a quarter to el

15、even= at ten forty five3. arrive at/ in4. be open5. go through the entrance6. Dont feed the animals.7. No photos!8. take photos of9. all winter10. wake up/ wake sb. up11. have a very good day12. Dont forget what the sigh said.13. Thats where we go out.14. make sth./ sb + adj 例: make me sad make sb/

16、sth do15. Its time to go home.Lesson 221. April Fools Day2. play a joke/ trick on play jokes/ tricks on3. get out of 4. on/ over the radio5. look hungry6. Remember what you said on Saturday.7. up and down8. wait a minute9. Theres a fiere bear coming.10. on that dayLesson 231. one of +形容词最高级+名词复数+单数谓

17、语动词2. appear in this zoo3. No other people could go.= Nobody else could go.4. be famous for/ as5. have a long history6. learn about7. look it/ them up in the dictionary8. in wedding clothes9. get married (to)10. live a happy/ better lifeUnit5 知识点汇总Lesson 33 1. walk to= go to on foot 步行去2. take a bus

18、/ train/ plane/ ship to= go to by bus/ train/ plane/ ship 3. drive/ take a car to = go to by car/ in a car开车去4. ride a bike to = go to by bike/ on a bike骑自行车去5. be across the ocean 大洋彼岸6. Whats your favorite type/ kind of transportation? = What type/ kind of transportation do you like best?7. I can

19、go almost anywhere on foot. 我几乎能走着去任何地方。8. Could you go to another city on foot? 9. That would be too far. 那太远了。10. I love riding the train. 我喜欢乘火车。11. That would take a long time. 那将会花很长的时间。12. I would like a more rapid type of transportation. Lesson 34. 1. in the 1760s 在18世纪60年代2. work on 从事于3. Wh

20、at happened to +sb/sth. 怎么了? happen to do 碰巧做某事4. be called/ named叫做5. all over the world全世界6. get on/ off 上/下(车、船、飞机等) get in/ into the car 上小汽车 get out of the car 从小汽车上下来7. at top speed of 50 kilometers per hour 每小时50公里的速度8. Todays trains are much faster今天的火车更快9. the first passenger railway 第一条乘客铁

21、路10. Many train stations were built to make it easier for passengers to get on and off the trains. Lesson 35-361. at that time 在那时2. 100 years from now 100年后3. need to do sth 需要做某事4. one big round wheel 一个大的圆轮5. turn over and over 一圈圈转6. had better do sth 最好做某事 Had better not do sth 最好不要做某事7. It wou

22、ld make you sick. 那会使得你难受。8. To get to another city, they needed a horse. 9. Couldnt they take a car? 难道他们不开车吗?10. in large numbers 大量地11. be humorous 幽默的12. You can have it in any color you want, as long as its black. 13. as long as 只要14. in the future 在将来15. How will people travel 100 years from n

23、ow? 16. at night 在晚上17. be late for 迟到18. in a hurry 匆忙地19. take a drive= drive 驾驶 Take a ride= ride 骑20. drive me= take me in a car 开车接我21. invent-inventor-invention 22. present to sb= make ones presentation to sb. 向某人展示Lesson 371. think of 想起,认为 What do you think of?= How do you like?2. paint/ col

24、or sth red 把涂成红色3. on the/ ones way to school在上学的路上 on ones way home 在回家的路上4. at/ in the front of 在(内部)前面 In front of 在(外部)前面5. need sth to do sth.需要做某事6. put on 穿上 take off 脱下;起飞7. I dont need oil or coal. 我不需要油和煤。8. make sb do 让某人做某事9. Will other types of food make the rockets go? 10. I think so.

25、I dont think so.Lesson 381. be like 像2. I have no idea.= I dont know.3. from one place to another place 从一处到另一处4. make into 把制成5. watch TV shows 看电视剧6. all the time 总是;一直7. go through space 穿越太空8. by spaceship 乘宇宙飞船9. It takes sb some time to do sth 花某人多长时间做某事 Sb. spend some time (in) doing sth 某人花时

26、间做某事10. It takes eleven hours to fly from Canada to China. Lesson 391. think about 考虑2. ask/ tell sb (not) to do sth 要求/告诉某人不要做某事3. have to do sth 不得不做某事4. think of an invention 想出一种发明5. present it to the class= show it to the class 向同学们展示它6. I dont know what to present. 我不知道展示什么。7. Can you help me

27、think of an idea? 8. sound like 听起来像9. a lot cleaner= much cleaner 干净得多10. go far on a bicycle 骑自行车去很远11. more than= over 超过12. go well 进展的好 I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切进展顺利。13. invent an engine 发明一种引擎14. Have you thought of a new fuel for cars?15. use electricity 用电 be electric 电动的Unit6 知识重点1

28、. connectto/with 把与连接起来be connected with 和有联系2. be glad to do sth. 做某事感到高兴3. turn on 打开(开关、电器等) turn off 关闭 turn up 调高 turn down 调低4. make a noise 吵闹 make much noise 大声吵闹5. I see whats wrong. 我知道怎么了。6. fail in + n. 再某方面失败/不及格 fail to do sth. 做某事没有成功= miss doing succeed in doing sth. 在某方面获得成功7. how o

29、ften “多久一次”,表示频度8. listen to music 听音乐9. E-mail lets you send and receive messages around the world in seconds.10. click on 点击11. send for 派人去请/叫 send up 发射 send off/ away 赶走12. send sth to 把发送给13. Your message will be sent to the person you address. 你的信息将会发送到你写信的人。14. a list of messages 一列信息15. fin

30、ish doing 完成某事16. hear from sb. = get/receive a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信17. Books were written by hand. 书都是手写的。by hand “靠手;用手”,by在这里是“通过方式”18. Which one did more to change the world, books or computers?change the world 改变世界19. Information began to travel much faster and much farther.much+比较级= a lot +

31、 比较级,“得多”20. look up 查阅;查找;抬头看 look it/ them up21. in a short time 短时间内 in just a few minutes 仅仅几分钟后22. Which invention do you think is more important?23. Search for 后面接搜寻得对象24. how far “多远”,表示距离25. right now = at once 立刻;马上;现在26. notuntil 直到才27. take a message for sb. “给某人捎个口信”,类似用法: give a message

32、 to sb. = give sb. a message28. need to do sth. “需要做某事”表示劝告或建议 sth needs doing= sth needs to be done 某物需要被29. answer the phone 接电话30. come back to= return to 回到31. chat on the Internet 网上聊天32. get up 起床 get to 到达 getback 取回 get on/off 上/下车 get along with 相处,进展 get a 33. letter from sb. 收到某人来信 get fa

33、t 发胖34. something special “一些特殊的事情”35. millions of +n.数百万 thousands of +n.数千 hundreds of 数百36. do the same thing 做同样的事37. try to do sth. 强调做事情时,需要花费力气或克服困难 try doing sth. 试验某种方法是否行得通,或看它效果如何38. say “thank you” to sb. 向某人致谢 say “hello” to sb. 向某人问好 say “ good bye” to sb. 和某人说再见39. Not all of them cel

34、ebrate Mothers Day in May. 并非所有的国家都在五月份庆祝母亲节。40. On Fathers Day, fathers can do whatever they want!41. I got/ bought something for my mother for Mothers Day.42. take good care of = look afterwell 照顾;照料43. wait to do sth. 等着做某事 wait for sb. 等待某人 cant wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事44. feel like + doing 想做某事=

35、 would like to do sth45. a moment later 片刻之后46. learnfrom each other 互相学习 ;help each other 互相帮助understand each other 互相理解47. It wont be long till/before不久48. care about 关心,担心 care to do sth. 喜爱做某事49. shout to sb. 大声喊某人 shout at sb. 冲某人大喊,含有贬义50. ring sb. up = call sb. up 给某人打电话51. prefer to do sth.

36、宁可,喜欢 preferto = like better than更喜欢52. At first, I didnt know which button to press. 53. I feel like Im connected to everybody in the world.54. I failed to reach him by phone(=get in touch with him by phone). 我电话没有联系到他。55. Li Ming said that you would be happy if you heard from me. 李明说如果你收到我的邮件会很高兴的

37、。Unit7 知识重点1. be abroad 在国外2. go abroad 出国、3. in Asia/ Africa 在亚洲/ 非洲4. some day (将来)某一天5. travel around the world 环游世界6. Its fun to do sth 愉快地做某事7. pen pal= pen friend 笔友8. Have you ever been abroad? 你曾经出过国国吗?have gone to 去了(没回来) have been to sp 去过某处 have been here/ there/ abroad 等副词 have been in f

38、or some time 到某处多长时间9. population 1> 提问 Whats the population of ? 2> 多 large 少 small 3> The population of China is = China has a population of 中国的人口是10. hope to do sth 希望做某事 hope that sb will/ can do sth 希望某人会/ 能做某事11. wish to do sth Wish sb to do sth12. speak a little Chinese13.Have your e

39、ver been to other countries in Asia ?14. on land15. be good for be good to = be nice to be good at16. one third two thirds three quarters half of 17. twenty percent of the earths surface18. be made of be made from be made in be made by be made into be made up of 19. by 205020. the Pacific Ocean21. t

40、he Atlantic Ocean22. Not all land is good for people.23. be called24. Oceans cover about three-quarters of the earths surface.25. The worlds biggest island is Greenland= The biggest island in the world is Greenland.26. more than= over27. square kilometre28. half (of) the worlds population29. in area

41、 and (in) population30. the main geographical features31. in the Himalayas32. the highest mountain33. the third longest river34. two of the biggest cities35. Beingjing is the capital city of China.36. a map of China 37. a map of the world 38. cross the ocean = go across the ocean39. an English dicti

42、onary40. look up41. Would you please help me? 请你帮我好吗? =Will you please help me? =Could you please help me?42. ring him up = give him a ring ring up = give sb. a ring call up = give sb. a call make telephone calls to sb.44. Hold on.45. This is *speaking.46. May I speak to *, please?47. He says some t

43、hings a little differently from us.48. be different from49. Im writing a report on Asia for geography class.50. help sb. with sth.51. help each other52. learn from each other53. What can I do for you?=Can I help you?54. on the phone= over the phone 在电话里,通过电话55. a report on Asia56. in Europe 57. The

44、Alps are the biggest mountains in Europe.58. The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.=The Changjiang River is longer than any other river in China.59.The number of the students is 60. learn a lot about61. keep doing sth. keep sb. doing keep+ 形容词62. keep thinking about your report63. tell

45、sb. about sth.64. I hope everything goes well.65. Thanks a lot for your help.66. the only report with an interview67. Talking to people is a good way to learn geography.68. The best way is to go abroad.69. He knew a lot of facts.70. It was fun talking to LiMing on the phone.71. at the end of by the

46、end of in the end72. few a few73. little a littleUnit8知识点汇总1.      pick up 捡起2.      clean up 打扫3.      a bit of = a little +不可数名词a bit = a little + 形容词4. finish doing 5. get to work 开始工作6. in class 课堂上7. a type of = a kind o

47、f 一种,一类8. throw away 扔掉,抛弃,浪费9. do with 处理10. make our environment clean 使我们的环境清洁11. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事12. Will /Would you please (not )do? 请你(别)好吗?13. give prizes to .给发奖14. take out 拿出,15. I dont need to take it out. 我不需要把它拿出去。16. turn off 关上 turn on 打开17. leak out 漏出18. a litre of water 一升水19. pollute the air 污染空气20. turn up 调高 turn down调低21. protect/ take care of the environment 保护环境22. plastic bags 塑料袋23. Ten p


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