



1、6HoW to Write an En glish Ietter?(A Ietter of applicati on, ask ing for help, or SeIf-recomme ndati On)TeaCh ing Aims:1. Enable the StUdents to express OPinionS of their own and do Ietter-Writing;2. Help improve the StUde nts ' Writi ng.ImPOrta nt PointSand difficult Poin ts:Help the StUdents le

2、arn how to express themselves and Write an English IetterTeaCh ing methodsCooperative Iear ning; Task-based methodTeaCh ing procedures:SteP I: Lead in & SPeak ingPreSent the task: how to Write a letter.Let SS enjoy an En glish song:Hello, every On e! I am glad to be here and this is my first tim

3、e to give you a less on. Today our topic is about how to Write an En glish letter. BefOre We begi n OUr less on, Iet US know each other. First, let me in troduce myself.T: My n ame is Lin da, a teacher from Sanya Shiya n MiddIe School. What about you? Can you Say SOmethi ng about yourself?Ss:T: Now

4、We are frien ds. AS We all know, every One has many frien ds. Do you have a friend? Do you like making friends? If yes, What will you do When you meet someOne for the first time? Shake hands or kiss?Ss: Different SS have differe nt an swers.T: The first time you meet new frien ds, What will you say?

5、Ss: I am frien dly and outgo in g. I Can help you Whe n you are in trouble.SteP II : Pre-Writ ingTaSk 1: Work in groups & SPeak ingmea nings.them aloud.Show some words to SS and make SUre SS Can read them COrreCtIy and Understand their ASk SS to Pay attention to them. Then get SS to describe the

6、mselves With One or two words. The more, the better.E.g.: How to describe yourself?I amand.Next, get SS to describe themselves With One or two Sentences. The more, the better.E.g.: How to describe yourself?l I am a/a nboy/girl. I am fond of. I have a gift for.率 I am able to.Time Permitting,Write dow

7、n some VOCabUIary SS mentiOned On the Bb. Then have SS readSteP III. : WhiIe- Writi ngTaSk 2: SPeak ing & DiSCUSSi On JUSt now We Said So manysentences. WhenWill We Say SUCh kinds OfSentences? What are the SentenCeS USed for? (For introducing Oneself.) Get SS to think of these questiOnS On the B

8、b, and ask them to an SWer them quickly. If n ecessary, give SS some PiCtUreS to help.QS : In What SitUati On will you in troduce yourself?In an English letter, how will you introduce yourself?Ss:Get SS to read the Writing quickly and anSWer the question:What kind of Ietter is this? (A Ietter of mak

9、ing frien ds.)- 假如你是李华,在互联网上看到美国中学生Tony希望结识一位中国朋友的信息,请你用英文给他发一份电子邮件,希望和他做网友,并盼望能尽快收到他的回信。内容包括:1. 表示愿意和对方交朋友;2. 简单介绍自己,如性格特征、爱好特长等;3. 希望多了解美国文化TaSk 3: Readi ng & discussi OnGiVe SS a PaSSage and ask SS to read it quickly and carefully. Then anSWer the following questiOnSOn the Bb. If n ecessary,

10、give SS more expla nati ons:1. Whom does LiHUa Write to? (To ny)2. Why does he Write this letter? (He WantS to make friends With Ton y.)3. What is the main idea of each paragraph?Para 1: Self-in troduct ion &My PUrPOSePara 2: My hobbies & abilities Para 3: My WiShDear Tony,I am LiHua, a boy

11、of 16 from China. I am glad to read your information on the InternetandI know you Want to make an e-pal With a Chin ese. I Want to be your friend and WiSh to know more about the CUItUre of the USA.I am a SOCiabIe and SUPPOrtiVe PerS On who likes talk ing With people and help ing With their problems.

12、 I ' m good at English and I think We Can communicate With each other by Sending e-mails or Chatt ing On the Intern et. I like table tennis, enjoy Singing and I am CraZy about popular music. At the Same time, I like traveling around in my SPare time. I hope you Can come to ViSitChina, and I '

13、; ll show you around many PIaCeS of interest.I am look ing forward to your early reply.Yours, Li HUaTaSk 4: DiSCUSS how to Write an En glish Ietter well.Show some rules about Writing in the exams: 影响高考英语书面表达得分的几个因素:1. 语篇信息是否完整2. 行文是否连贯流畅,语言是否得体。3. 是否使用高级词汇4. 是否使用复杂句5 .卷面整洁,书写工整TeIl SS to know about

14、the Writ ing steps: The basic StrUCtUre about how to Write a写作基本步骤:1.仔细审题,列举大纲。2 围绕要点,写出句子。3 .添加过渡,确保连贯。4先求正确,再求灵活。5 认真眷写,卷面整洁。Ietter1. type of Writi ng;2. ten ses;3. PerS on;4. key poi nts of in formatio n;5. Don' t make a draft, but have anDear , 亲爱的(对象)SinCereIyyours ,你最真诚的outli ne. (署名)GiVe

15、SS a basic structure:GiVe SS a model about how to Write a letter, and ask SS to Payattention to the details When Writing.黄金模板(申请信/求职信/自荐信/推荐信/求助信/交友信):Dear(对象),Para 1: Beginning : -The PUrPOSe Of Writing the Ietter and brief-introduction【开头段:自我介绍;写信背景和写信目的 】-点题;一两个句子;概括性;暗示性My n ame is Li Hua, a 16

16、year old girl who has bee n StUdy ing in a middle school of China.Now, I amwriting this Ietter to I read in your newspaper/ WebSite / On the Internetthat.Para 2: Body :【中间段:具体问题(主题句) +具体分析(拓展句)】根据提示要点,并进行适当的添加,-中心记述部分;主次分明1. PerS On ality广-self-introduction 2 hobbiesKey PointS 彳3. abilities IL -othe

17、rsPara 3: Ending: Your tha nks and your wish.【提出你的希望并表达祝福】-小结;呼应主题I hope that you Can I wo uld appreciate it if you couldBeSt wishes/ BeStregards for your health and success.Looking forward to your reply.Yours(署名)Clear structure:COnneCting Words and PhraSeS : firstly , first of all, then, next, besi

18、des, What ' S more, inadditi on, 探 SentenCe structure:A. ( Beginning ) 开头常用句式(照应材料,表明写作意图)自我介绍和写信背景以及目的:1. I, LiHua, am a middle school StUde nt from China.2. My n ame is Li Hua, a 16 year old girl who has bee n StUdy ing in a middle school of China.3. Now, I am Writing this Ietter to do sth.4.

19、I read in your n ewspaper/ WebSite / On the Internet that.B. (Body)第二段常用句式,性格特征1. I am easygo ing and outgo ing. Besides, I always help OtherS Whe n they are in trouble.2. I am easy to get along With and like to make frien ds.爱好特长和自身优势3. Not OnIy do I do well in SWimming but also I have a gift for m

20、usic. What' S more, I like traveling around in my free time.4. I Can SPeak En glish flue ntly. = I Can SPeak flue nt En glish.= I Can SPeak good En glish.5. I am fond of SUrfi ng the Intern et.C. (Ending) 结尾常用句式,提出你的希望并表达祝福。1. I hope you Can agree With me.2. I ' m looking forward to hearing

21、from you soon. (我希望你可以尽快给我回信)TaSk 5: Write a IetterASk SS to finish the composition With the help of the Writing tips above.小试牛刀:(A Ietter of application)-(高考真题链接)(2012课标全国卷)假定你是李华,从互联网上得知一个国际中学生组织将在新加坡(Singapore)举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。内容主要包括:1 自我介绍(包括英语能力);2. 参加意图(介绍中国、了解其他国家);3. 希望获准。范文:Dear Sir or Madam ,rm Li Hua, a middle school StUdent from China. I read the announCement of the SUmmer CamP that you have POSted On the Internetand I am in terested in it. I know that you welcome StUde ntsfrom different CoUntries and I'd like to tak


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