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1、2020年中考英语复习之重点核心词汇详解专题三 C、D 字部1. choosev. 选择choose tocollecting词形变化:过去式 chose ,过去分词 chosen关联词组: choose from 挑选,从中选择; choose between A and B 在 A 和 B 中做出选择; do sth. 选择做某事词性转换: choice n. 选择: make a choice 做出选择; have no choice 别无选择(2019,江苏卷,短文填空)For the first few months Ichose to eat in Sichuan Or Hunan

2、 style restaurants instead of eatingmuch _16_ food.16. A. freshB. localC. Chinese D. frozen2. collectv. 收集,聚集关联词组: collect information收集信息; collect stamps 集邮词性转换: collection n. 收集,采集;收藏品: a collection of(收藏的)一些,一批( 2019 ,浙江卷,词汇运用) What she does is called "plogging", an activity combining r

3、ubbish with running.3. comfortableadj. 令人舒适的;感到舒服的关联词组: make oneself comfortable 别拘束,别客气; feel comfortable 感到舒服 词性转换: comfortably adv. 舒适地; comfort n. 舒适;安慰; v. 安慰,使(痛苦)缓和(2019,山东卷,完形填空)Remember that usually Chinese people will not open the gift in front of the person who gives 11. To show the respe

4、ct, it may be 12 to explain what the gift is.11. A. it B. themC. that12. A. necessary B. careful C. comfortable4. communicatev. 沟通,交流;交际;传达关联词组: communicate with 与交流; communicate in (English) 用(英语)交流 词性转换: communication n. 交流;通信,通讯: international communication 国际交流( 2019,北京卷,阅读 D)33. What is the wri

5、ter's main purpose in writing this passage?A. To question about the standards of information storage.B. To discuss our problems of communication with machines.C. To stress the importance of improving our memorizing ability.D. To remind us of the risk of depending on machines to remember.比较,对比“比较

6、 A 和 B”,侧重二者的区别 把 A 比作 B”,侧重比喻,比拟,指出二者的相似关系 +名词,“与相比”,通常放在句首或句子中间,充当状语成分。例如: 与轿车相比,自行车更加环保。1 compare A with B2 compare A to B3 compared with/towith cars, bikes are more environmental.词性转换: comparison n. 比较,对比: make a comparison (between A and B)Compared在 A和 B 之间)做比较;by comparison 比较起来; in comparison

7、 with 同比较起来(2019,北京卷,完形)My plan wasn ' t to make promises to do things I couldn wanted to be president.' t _14_ but to show my class why I14. A. compare B. remember C. manage D. repeat6. competitionn. 竞争,比赛关联词组: sports competition运动竞赛; fair/unfair competition 公平 / 不公平竞争; in competitionwith 同

8、竞争词性转换: compete v. 竞争,比赛; competitor n. 竞争者,对手; competitive adj. 有竞争力的(2019,山东卷,单项填空)6.The English Speech Competitionthe best in her. As a result, she is more active now.A. checked outB. tried outC. left out D. brought out7. completev. 完成,结束; adj. 完成的,完整的作动词: The work should be completed in one year

9、.这项工作应该在一年内完成。作形容词: This is a complete story.这是一个完整的故事。词性转换: completion n. 完成,结束; completed adj. 完成的; completely=totally adv. 完全地,彻 底地反义词: incomplete adj. 不完全的,不完整的(2019,江苏卷,单项填空)3.- Keep quiet! I need complete when I'm working.-Sorry, dad. I won't make any noise again.A. trustB. silenceC. c

10、ontrolD. strength8. conditionn.条件,状况关联词组:in good/bad condition情况良好 / 糟糕;on condition that在(某事发生)的条件下用法:当用来表示“天气”、“(居住、工作或做事情的)环境,境况”时,通常使用复数conditions如: The plants grow best in cool, damp conditions. 这种植物最适合在阴凉、潮湿的环境下生长。( 2019 ,浙江卷,阅读 D) Carl made friends with the correspondents, and got Millet'

11、sconditionreported to England and all over the continent, and America, and everywhere.9. connectv. 连接,把联系起来1 connect A with B 表示“把 A和 B联系起来(或连接在一起)”, A和 B之间不分主次;2 connect A to B 表示“把 A 连接到 B 上”,通常以 A 为主,以 B 为辅;3 通常可用 and 代替介词 with 或 to ,变成 connect A and B 的形式。词性转换: connection n. 关系,连接; connected adj

12、. 有关联的: be (closely) connected with 与 (紧密)相关(2019,江苏卷,完形)However, after falling in love with the city. I came to realize that the food is so closely _17_ with its local culture.关联词组: consider doing sth. 考虑做某事; consider sth. as 把某事看作词 性 转 换 : consideration n. 考 虑 : take sth. into consideration=consid

13、er sth. 考 虑 某 事 ; in considerat ion of 考虑到,顾及( 2019 ,江苏卷,阅读 D) In fact, I think a garden is a really bad idea. I don't know why we're even considering it.11. continuev. 继续1 continue with sth.2 continue doing sth.3 continue to do sth. 比较:继续做某事, with 后面接名词继续做某事,指继续做同一件事 继续做某事,指一件事做完后,继续做另一件事(喝

14、咖啡之前我是在做别的事而不喝咖啡之前我在做作业但没做完,After drinking a cup of coffee, I continued to do my homework. 是做作业)After drinking a cup of coffee, I continued doing my homework. 喝完以后继续做)同义词: continue=go on(2019,浙江卷,完形)She tried to finish the song, but the audience ( 观众 ) began to whistle and got angry. Mrs. Chaplin co

15、uld not continue any longer and walked _7_ the stage crying.7. A. onto B. off C. towards D. around12. correctv. 纠正,改正; adj. 正确的,对的同义词: right adj. 正确的,对的反义词: wrong adj. 错误的; incorrect adj. 不正确的 词性转换: correctly adv. 错误地; correctness n. 正确性; correction n. 纠正(2019,山东卷,阅读表达) Many people believe smart mac

16、hines are necessarily correct and objective, but machines are trained through a repeated testing and scoring process. In the process, human beings still decide on the correct answers.13. costv. 花费,值(多少钱); n. 价格词形变化:过去式 cost ,过去分词 cost 关联词组: at the cost of 以为代价; at all costs不惜任何代价; at any cost 无论如何动词

17、用法:表示“花费”的三个动词spend、 cost 和 take 的区别:1 spend 的主语必须是 “人” ,宾语可以是钱, 精力,时间等, 其后接 on(for)+ 名词或用 in( 可省)+动名词; 2 cost 可用于表示花时间和金钱,其主语一般是“物”或“事”,表示“花费”、“耗费”;3 take 常用于“占用、花费”时间,其主语通常为形式主语“it ”或某物。句式是: It takes sb. some timeto do sth.=Sth. takes sb. some time.2019,山东卷,单项填空)25. Roy works in London. It him abo

18、ut half an hour to get to work by bus every day.A. costsB. spends C. takes14. createv. 创造,创作;造成,产生同义词:produce , make词性转换:creation n. 创造,创作;产物,作品; creative adj. 创新的,有创造性的: creative power创造力; creative thinking 创新思维(2019,山东卷,单项填空)24. Around the world, 300 million tons of plastic each year, of which abo

19、ut 10 percentends up in the sea.A. is created B. was created C. creates15. culturen. 文化,文明关联词组: traditional culture 传统文化; western culture 西方文化; local culture 本土文化; popular culture 流行文化,大众文化;词性转换: cultural adj. 文化的,文化上的(2019,浙江卷,词汇填空)40. More and more people have realized the importance of spreading

20、our ( 传统的 )culture .16. cutv. 切,剪,削,割; n. 切,割;伤口;理发词形变化:过去式 cut ,过去分词 cut ,现在分词 cutting动词词组: cut off 切断,中断; cut down 砍到;削减; cut in 插嘴,插入; cut up 切碎 名词词组: power cut 停电,供电中断关联单词: shortcut n. 捷径; haircut n. 理发;发型(2019,山东卷,词形转换)67. Have you ever cut your finger on the edge (边缘 ) of a book page? The smal

21、lcut on your fingeris so . (pain)17. dailyadj. 每日的,日常的关联词组: daily life日常生活; daily use 日用品; on a daily basis按日,每天其它词性:1 作 adv. : daily=every day 每日,每天2 作 n. :表示“日报”: China Daily 中国日报(2019,浙江卷,单项填空)9.- Could you tell me ?- You will stay with an English family and take part in their daily life. A. when

22、 I should pay for the course B. what the best part of the course is C. how long the shortest course lastsD. where I can go sightseeing after class18. dangerousadj. 危险的,有危害的关联词组: dangerous goods 危险物品; dangerous situation 危险处境词性转换: danger n. 危险,威胁: in danger 处于危险中; endanger v. 危及,使遭受危害( 2019 年,山东卷,单项填

23、空)20. A recent survey shows that 44 percent of Americans want to use self-driving cars, 34 percent believe that they will make the roads moredangerous.A. althoughB. because C. if19. dealv. 交易; n. 买卖;量,数额动词词组: deal with 和做生意;处理,应对名词词组: a good/great deal of大量; a big deal 大人物,了不起的人 / 事; make a deal wit

24、h 同达成交易(2019 年,北京卷,阅读 C)For example, on the way home, focus your attention outside of yourself, instead of thinking about the problems you have todeal with.20. decidev. 决定,下决心关联词组:decide on sth. 决定(选定); decide to do sth.决定做某事词性转换:decision n. 决定,决心: make a decision 做决定2019 年,北京卷,完形) Two months ago, w

25、hen our class election( 选举) started, I decided to runfor class president.21. dependv. 依靠,依赖;取决于关联词组: depend on/upon sb./sth.依靠 /依赖;取决于,视而定用法:在口语中可以用 It (all) depends 或 That depends 表示“那得看情况”。词性转换: dependent adj. 依赖的(反义词: independent ); dependence n. 依赖,依靠(2019 年,山东卷,动词应用) Some people might think tha

26、t their music isn't all that loud. Butthis candepend on where you are.v. 死亡,去世词形变化:过去式 died ,过去分词 died ,现在分词 dying关联词组: die out 灭绝 用法:表示死亡的原因,可以使用介词of 或者 from ,二者的大致区别:1die of 通常表示死于与身体之上 /之内的原因,如疾病,饥饿: die of cancer2die from 通常表示环境等外部因素引起的死亡,如事故: 词性转换: death n. 死亡; dead adj. 死亡的,去世的(2019 年,山东卷,

27、词形转换)die from a traffic accident68. There are about 6,000' languages that are spoken around the world, but 43% of them aredyingout. If no is taken, some of these languages will disappear. (act)23. directadj. 直接的,直率的; v. 指挥,指导;导演(电影)关联词组: a direct flight 词性转换: directly adv. 反义词: indirect adj.直飞航班

28、直接; direction n. 间接的方向;指导; director n.导演; directive n.侦探2019 年,重庆卷,短文填空) You've been here in China for a few days, and you may notice thatChinese people can sometimes be verydirect24. dividev. 分,划分关联词组: divide into 把分成; divide sth . between/among 在之间分配 / 分享某物 用法:表示除法运算时,可以用divide A by B ,如: 21 divided by 3 is 7.词性转换: divided adj. 分裂的,分开的;有分歧的; division n. 分割,划分;除法;部门,分支( 2019 年,湖北卷,完形)What happens if ther e' s a topic that you still don't 46understand? You ' d be tter havea


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