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1、.1Unit 1 Greeting and Introduction Section B Intensive Reading 高职英语综合教程1(第二版)2013.2.3H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% .4L+O+V+E12+15+22+5 = 54%L+U+C+K12+21+3+11 = 47% ( dont most of us think this is the most important ? ) .5Then what makes 100%

2、?Is it ? . M+O+N+E+Y13+15+14+5+25 = 72%? . L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P 12+5+1+4+5+18+19+9+16 = 89%.6Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our attitude.To go to the top,to that 100%, what we really need to go further. a bit more. .7A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%It is our ATTITUD

3、E towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% ! ! !.8Change Your Attitude And You Change Your Life ! ! !.9Intensive Reading Read the passage and finish the questions followed. (Page 7) Reference Answers:Your attitude is often one of the first things people notice about you.I wholeheartedly agree

4、that a positive attitude is not a product of genetics and heredity but, with proper training, an acquired trait.If we choose a positive, it will improve the quality of our life and enable us to accomplish our dreams.If we take positive attitude towards life, weve got everything. Well have love, frie

5、nds, family, health, good humor.5. Open answer.1021 Ways to Define a Positive AttitudeIt is looking adversity in the eye and laughing.Getting what you get, and not pitching a fit.Enjoying the unexpected, even when its not what you wanted originally.Motivating those around you with a positive word.Us

6、ing the power of a smile to reverse the tone of a situation.Being friendly to those you dont know.Its getting back up when you fall down. (No matter how many times you fall down.)Being a source of energy that lifts those around you.Understanding that relationships are more important than material th

7、ings.Being happy even when you have little.Having a good time even when you are losing.Being happy for someone elses success.Having a positive future vision, no matter how bad your current circumstances.Smiling.Paying a compliment, even to a total stranger.Tell someone you know that they did a great

8、 job. (And mean it.)Making someones day. (Not just a childs adults like to have their day be special, too!)Its not complaining no matter how unfair things appear to be. (It is a waste of time instead do something!)Not letting other peoples negativity bring you down.Giving more than you expect to get

9、 in return.Being true to yourself always.11No one can go back and change a bad beginning;But anyone can start now and create a successful ending. If a problem can be resolved, no need to worry about it.If a problem cannot be resolved what is the use of worrying? If you miss an opportunity dont fill

10、the eyes with tears.It will hide another better opportunity in front of you.12Words:attitude n. 态度,意见,看法 (+about/to/toward)指“对于的态度,看法”,如her attitude towards/to the question(她对这个问题的看法)。值得注意的是,因上面例子中的宾语是question,有时候可以用on代替to,如her attitude on the question。 longitude:经度 altitude:海拔高度 latitude:纬度 gratitu

11、de n.感激,感谢 multitude n. 大量,多数,群众 A multitude of heroic figures emerge. aptitude n.天资;资质;才能;倾向 He shows great aptitude in painting.13Words:pessimist: n. a person who always expects bad things to happenpessimistic: adj. aboutThey appeared surprisingly pessimistic about their chances of winning.pessimi

12、stically: adv.14Words:optimist: n. a person who always expects good things to happen or things to be successfuloptimistic: adj. about sth. =positiveShes not very optimistic about the outcome of the exam. optimistically: adv.-ist suffix.15Words:positive: adj. positive about sth. thinking about what i

13、s good in a situation; feeling confident and sure that something good will happenOn the positive side, profits have increased.16Words:negative: adj. 1. bad or harmful The crisis had a negative effect on the international trade. 2. not hopeful;considering only the bad side of sth./sb.; lacking enthus

14、iasm or hope Experts have a fairly negative attitude to the theory. 3. expressing the answer “no” His response was negative. affirmative 肯定的.17Words:genetics: n. the scientific study of the ways in which different characteristics are passed from each generation of living things to the nextgenetic: a

15、dj. connected with GENES, the study of genesgenetic and environment factors 基因和环境因素 genetic code 遗传密码 genetic engineering 遗传工程(学)genetic fingerprinting =DNA fingerprinting 基因指纹鉴定genetically: adv. genetically engineered 转基因的 genetically determined由基因决定的genetically modified 转基因食品gene n. 基因 to be in th

16、e gene Ive always enjoyed musicits in the genes. geneticist 遗传学家.18Words:heredity: n. the process by which mental and physicalcharacteristics are passed by parents to their children;these characteristics in a particular personhereditary: adj. 1. (especially of illness) given to a child by its parent

17、s before it is born a hereditary illness2. that is illegally given to sb.s child when that person dies a hereditary title.19Words:inherit v. inherit (sth.) (from sb.) to have qualities, physical features etc. that are similar to those of your parents, grandparents He has inherited his mothers patien

18、ce.inheritable: adj. (of a feature or disease) capable of being passed from parent to a child in the genes inheritable characteristics.20Words:inheritance: n. 1. the money, property, etc. that you receive from sb. when they die; the fact of receiving sth. when sb. Dies2. something from the past or f

19、rom your family that affects the way you bahave, look, etc. inheritorheritage Intangible Cultural Heritage.21Words:acquire: v. to gain sth. by your own efforts, ability or behavior I have recently acquired a taste for olives. an acquired taste: a thing that you do not like much at first, but gradual

20、ly learn to likeacquisition: n. the act of getting sth. especially knowledge, a skill etc. require: v. to need sth.; to depend on sb./sth. A new born baby requires a lot of care and attention. requirement: n. sth. that you need or wantrequest.22Words:trait: n. a particular quality in your personalit

21、y personality traitcharacteristic: adj. /n. (of sth./sb.) a typical feature or quality that sth./sb hascharacter: n. the way that sth. is, or a particular quality or feature that a thing, an event or a place hasfeature: n. sth. important, interesting or typical of a place or thing.23Words:improve: v

22、. to become better than before; to make sth./sb. better than beforeimprovement: n. the act of making sth. better; the process of sth. becoming betterWine improves with age.24Words:accomplish: v. to succeed in doing or completing =achieveaccomplishment: n. an impressive thing that is done or achieved

23、 after a lot of work =achievementachieve: v. to succeed in reaching a particular goal, status or standard, especially by making an effort for a long time =attainachievement: n. a thing that sb. has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill a sense of achievement 成就感attain: v. to

24、 succeed in getting sth., usually after a lot of effortattainment.25Words:productive: adj. doing or achieving a lot =fruitfulproductively: ductivity: n. 生产率 production: n. 生产,制作,制造 product: n. 产品,制品,产物,结果 byproduct: n. 副产品 produce: v. 生产,制造 =manufactureproducer: n. 生产商,制造商,产地 consumer: n. 消费者

25、,用户,消费品.26Words:counterproductive: 产生相反效果,事与愿违,适得其反 counter-: against, oppositecounterterrorismcounterargumentcounterrevolution.27Words:coworker: n. =colleagueco-: together withcooperate: v. coproduce: v. coauthor: n. coexist: v.collaborate: v.28Words:height: n. 高度 high: adj. 高的 heighten: v. (使)加强,提

26、高,增加length: n. 长度 long: adj. 长的 lengthen: v. (使)变长weight: n. 重量 put on weight 长胖了weigh: v. 称重,有。重 weigh your wordsweightless Astronauts work in weightless conditions. -en suffix.29Phrases & Expressions 1. depend on依靠;信赖 depend on/upon sb./sth. 依靠,依赖=count on depending on 视乎,决定于 That depends./ It

27、 all depends. 那得看情况。 dependable 可信赖的,可靠的=reliable dependant 受抚养者(尤指孩子),靠他人生活者 dependence: n. Find a job and end your dependence on your parents.2. material possessions物质财富 spiritual .30Exercise Fill the blanks (Page 7) Translation (English to Chinese) .31Complementary Reading 从明天起,做一个幸福的人从明天起,做一个幸福的人从明天起,做一个幸福的人 From


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