



1、Un it 2 Clo ning课堂达标兰兰- 【巩固基础】- 1 .单句语法填空|导学号 424927831Dad, I dont think Oliver the right sort of pers on for the job.I see .I ll go right away and pay him_off_.2. Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale Un iversity yesterday?Yeah, but I have no idea _why_ he did it ; thats one of his favori

2、te uni versities.3.The athletes years of hard training paid _off_ whe n she fin ally won theOlympic gold medal.4.Jane youve made such great efforts that you are bound to_pass (pass) the exam.5.I dont often go to the cinema at weekends, merely from time _to_ time. _6.His efforts to raise money for hi

3、s program were _in_ vain because no one showed any intenti on to take a cent out of their pockets.7.Although a teenager, Fred could not resist _being told _(tell) what to doand what not to do.8.Be _reasonable (reason) you cant expect him to finish all his work in so little time.9.With all his atte n

4、ti on_fixed (fix) on the computer game, the boyeven did nt no tice his mother come in.10. Please dont worry! Everything will be arriving _in_ good condition.II.完成句子|导学号 424927841.Not having prepared well, you _are bound_to. ( _ 一定会)suffer great lossesin the commercial trade.2 . The con siderate moth

5、er went upstairs to see if her baby was awakefrom time_to_time (时不时地).3 . It was the experieneed doctor that _brought her_back_to_lif_让她复活)after she stopped breath ing so long.4 . In my opinion, it is _in_vain(徒劳无功的)to forbid tee nagers to smoke .I tsessential to enable them to realize the harm of s

6、moking.5.众所周知,对于鲍勃(Bob)要给我们升工资这个承诺,他已经食言了。2It_ was known to all that Bob had broke n his promise _that_ he wouldgive_Ive_no_idea_ where he is now.&据我所知,没有多大的可能通过克隆来让那些灭绝的动物,如恐龙,复活。To the best of my kno wledge, _theres_little_chanee_ to bring those ext inct ani mals like dinosaurs back to life th

7、rough cloning.9.他的健康状况良好,所以他能抵抗各种疾病。That _his_health_is_in_good_conditionindicates he can resist all kinds of diseases.10.事情的真相是很多移民都没有达成愿望,并不能在加利福尼亚州发财。The_truth_was_thatmany immigra nts could nt realize their dreams, without making a greatfortune in California.川.单句改错 导学号 424927851.Sometimes, some

8、students object the idea that English classes are taught inEn glish.object 后力口 to2.Owe to his absenee, we had to put off the class meeting till next week.Owe Owing3.It suddenly struck to me that we ought to make a new plan.去掉第一个 to 或 struckToccurred4.John is strongly convinced that extra time spent

9、studying now will pay backin the future.backfoff5.You can go swimming in conditionthat you dontgo too far from the river bank.inTon6.Motherus a pay rise.6.对于是否允许做人类克隆实验的话题,There_was_a_fierce_debate_over_experime nts should be allowed.7 我不清楚他现在到底在哪里。我们开展了一场激烈的讨论。(There be 句型)the problem whether huma

10、n cloning3made a promise if I passed the College Entrance Exam in ati on,she wouldbuy me a mobile pho mise 后力口 thatIV.语篇填空|导学号 42492786On the other hand, Dollysappeara nee raised a storm of _object ions (object)and hada greatimpact _on_ themedia andpublic imagination.ltbecamecontroversial.Itsu

11、ddenly opened everybodys eyes to the _possibility_(possible)of using cloning to cure seriousill nessesand even to produce huma nbeings._ Although_ at present human egg cells and embryos needed for cloning research aredifficult_ to_obtain_(obtain), newspapers wrote of evil leadershoping to clone them

12、selves to attain_ their_ ambitions.Religious leaders alsoraised moral questions.Governmentsbecame nervous and more conservative.Somebeganto reform their legal systems and forbade research in to huma ncloning, _but_ other countries likeChina and the UK, continued to accumulate evidence of the abundan

13、t medical aid_that_clo ningcould provide.However, scie ntists stillwon der _whether_ cloning will help or harm us and where it _is_leading (lead) us.V.话题写作|导学号 42492967用本单元所学知识完成下列句子,并按照逻辑连成短文。1.People_differ greatly in cloning technique.人们在克隆技术上分歧相当大。2.Some people are_in_favour_of_ _its development

14、.一些人支持它的发展。3.They believe it will_be_bound_to_ben efit us.他们认为这项技术一定会有利于我们。4.Other people find that it could raise a storm of_moral questions ._还有一些人发现克隆能引起一系列的道德问题。5.Cloning will_pay_off on assumption that all_undertake_to_se it properly. 只要所有的人都答应合理应用,克隆将会取得成功。4组篇公式:适当加入过渡词。答案:People differ greatly in cloning technique.Some people are in favour of itsdevelopme nt, f


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