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1、7七年级英语第八单元综合检测卷时间:90分钟)(满分:100分、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)()1. does the box weigh?-Two kilograms.D. How wideD. tillA. How manyB. How muchC. How long()2. Wait here I come back, please.A. orB. andC. for()3. This kind of dish looks and sellsA. nice; wellB. nice; good()4. 一 goldfish you keep!Yes. They are my good

2、 friends.A. How lovelyC. What a lovely()5. It's dangerous for children to play A. fromB. onC. well; wellD. good; goodB. What lovelyD. How a lovely fire.C. atD. with()6 . I don ' t know how the question . Can you help me?一 No problem .A . to answerB. answer C. answering()7 . I' m hungry .

3、 Please me my lunch right now .A . takeB . bringC. show()8 . He sat there with his mouth open .A . wideB . widelyC. widerD. answersD. helpD. more widelyD. /; whenD. never()9 . I finish my homework 11 last night .A. won' t;untilB. didn ' t; until C. will ; until()10 . His dog barks or fights

4、. He is very friendly .A . alwaysB . sometimes C. often()11. You should keep the small cat in such cold weather.A. clearlyB. cleanC. healthilyD. warm()12. What your cat like?It's lovely and cheerful.A. doesB. isC. looksD. are()13. I looked for my pen , but I can't find it A. everywhere; anyw

5、hereC. anywhere; everywhereC. somewhere; everywhereD. everywhere; somewhere()14. Tom fights his brother food sometimes.A. for; forB. with; withC. with; forD. for; with()15. - What's the trouble his computer?Sorry, I don't know what happened it.A. with; withB. to; withC. to; toD. with; to 二、完

6、形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Long long ago, a famous city was covered by a thick forest, but now there is no forest left.Many animals were living in the city. The 1 began to die out. Farmers grew rice and 2 _ pigs and chickens there. They cut down trees and burnt them. They needed 3 to keep themselves warm in win

7、ter and cook their food. Elephants 4 disappeared because there was not enough food for them. 5 did wolves and tigers. Monkeys and other animals soon died out in the same way.You might think that there are no longer any animals in the city6 in the zoos. But thereare still over 30 different kinds of a

8、nimals7 there. One of the animals is the barking deer. Theyare beautiful little animal8 rich brown fur and a white spot under the tail. They look like deerbut they are smaller. They make a noise like a dog _9_. Now there are not many barking deer left.So it is important 10 people to protect wild ani

9、mals. Do you think so?()1 .A. peopleB. plantsC. vegetablesD. things()2 .A. grewB. madeC. gotD. raised()3. A. sunlightB. airC. waterD. fire()4. A. quickB. quicklyC. fastD. fastly()5. A. SoB. SuchC. NoneD. Nor()6. A. besidesB. exceptC. andD. or()7. A. causingB. sailingC. chasingD. living()8. A. haveB.

10、 withoutC. withD. get()9. A. barkingB. cryingC. shoutingD. talking()10.A. toB. forC. likeD. of三、阅读理解(每小题2 7分,共24分)ACome and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from

11、 Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you. Tickets Adults: $2.00 Children: Over 12:$1.00 Under 12: FreeOpening time 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. except Friday 10:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch, give food or go near the animals.()1

12、. Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10, how muchare the tickets together?A. $ 4.00B. $ 2.00C. $ 3.00D. $ 1.00()2. Which of the following is the visiting time?A. 8:30 a.m. MondayB. 9:30 a.m. FridayC. 3:00 p.m. SundayD. 5:00 p.m. Tuesday()3. What does the underli

13、ned word ,except? mean?A. but notB. usuallyC. the same as D. sometimes()4. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?A. To give some food to the fish. B. To touch the monkey on the head.C. To throw things everywhere. D. To take a few nice photos.BI think cats are the easiest animals to look after

14、and they are so nice towards their owners. So many people keep them as pets.When you first bring your new cat home, it will feel frightened. So when you get home, take your cat out of the box, and just let it walk around to know the new home. If you try to pick it up all the time, you will just make

15、 it feel more frightened.Cats can look after themselves, and they don't often need walks. But you need to wash their plates, and feed them food and water.Your cats will need a lot of care, or they will be unhappy. My Kitty gets much love and care, so she is always happy.Remember: Cats are just f

16、or life, not just Christmas. If you do not have enough time, please leave cats to a good home.()5. Why do many people keep cats as pets?A. Because they are friendly.B. Because they are not expensive.C. Because they are easy to take care.D. Both A and C.()6. What should you do when you bring your cat

17、 home for the first time?A. Keep the cat in the box.B. Hold the cat in your hands.C. Let the cat walk around the house. D. Pick it up all the time.()7. What does the writer mean by saying "Cats are for life, not just Christmas.A. He wants people to play with cats at Christmas.B. He wants people

18、 to take good care of cats every day.C. He wants people to celebrate Christmas with cats.D. He thinks people like cats.()8. What?s the best title for the passage?A. Love your cat and look after it wellB. How to feed pets C. It?s good to keep pets D. Pet cats are interesting animals CHere is our pet

19、dog, Mr Hawkeye. Mr Hawkeye is seven years old , and we got him from our vet(兽医).He takes care of a lot of cats. He receives his name because he is such a hawk( 掠夺 者)around food. If you are not looking, he will take a sandwich off your plate. He can smell the delicious food in the fridge from anothe

20、r floor in the house, and potato chips are his favourite thing to steal! This comes the name, Hawkeye. Hawkeye was a great animal at the vet. They thought he could bring good luck and he took care of all the new cats, giving them baths , etc. He does that at our house as well. Like I said, he is qui

21、te a character and very friendly. He always greets(问彳)us when we come home. He has to check out all the bags to make sure if there's food there for him, especially chips!()9. He receives his name Hawkeye becauseA. he is a hawk around foodB. he can bring good luckC. he is a real characterD. he is

22、 quick at eating food()10. Our pet likes best of all.A. sandwiches B. potato chips C. potatoesD. new cats()11. The underlined word “character " mostly means " here.A.有个性的宠物 B.有个性的人C.主角D.英雄()12. What do you think of Mr Hawkeye?A. He is very clever and friendly.B. He is very lucky.C. He is a

23、 very good vet.D. He can do all the housework at home.四、词汇检测(每小题1分,共20分)A.单词拼写。1. - Hey, Tom, where did you go yesterday?-I didn't go (任何地方).I just stayed at home.2. When I am sad, my mother's (温柔的)words often make me better.3. He (重复)it for the third time because some of us couldn't und

24、erstand.4. It's too (吵闹)outside. Please close all the doors and windows.5. My sister is afraid to meet strangers (陌生人).Look! She is (藏)behind the door.6. The boy over there (称)about fifty kilograms.7. It's dangerous to(触摸)the working machine.8. We must (作战)against the enemies(敌人).9. A lot of

25、 (老鼠)lived in thin old house in the pant.10. He has a good idea, all of us (同意)with him.B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. .They had no trouble in (understand) the poem.2. I want to teach my brother (speak) English.3. People (build) this bridge over two hundred years ago.4. Jack (brush) his cat's fur every two d

26、ays.5. (goldfish) are easy to look after.6. 一 Does Mr Wang teach you Maths? No, he teaches (we) English.7. He didn't go (somewhere) last summer holiday.8. My dog has very long (fur).9. The boys (go) on a trip last month.10. My dog often does (amaze) things.五、翻译句子(每小题2分,共10分)1 .爸爸让我给他拿点水来。2 .3 .我

27、们过去通常用鱼喂猫。4 .你能给我们做一个关于金鱼的演讲吗?5 .六、阅读表达(共3小题,满分6分)Animals are our friends. Sometimes they do funny things. Look at the pictures from an English newspaper. The Daily Telegraph chose some funny animal pictures. Get ready for some good laughs.Even chipmunks (花栗鼠)learn to smoke. An English woman saw thi

28、s strange chipmunk on a beach in Spain (西班牙).It has a cigarette (香烟)in his mouth! Smoking is bad. You should stop, chipmunks.What?s the news today? Chaska, a one-year-old bear, lived in a US zoo. Chaska likes reading newspapers.Look at this beluga whale (大白鲸)! It lives in an American aquarium (水族馆).

29、It tries to get closer to watch the visitors, but only flattens (压扁)its nose on the glass.Do I look cool? A monkey in Indonesia (ER度尼西亚 )takes a camera from a visitor. He takes many pictures of himself.What a fat squirrel (松鼠)! It lives in a zoo in the US. People there often give it nuts to eat. So

30、it is now twice the weight it should be.1. What does the chipmunk learn to do?2. Where does the beluga whale live?3. Do you think of the squirrel is fat in a zoo? Why or why not?七、书面表达(共15分)老师让你做一个关于宠物的演讲。请你写一篇演讲稿,介绍一下你家的猫。要求:1.语句通顺,结构清晰;2 .应包括猫的外貌、性格、喜爱的食物以及其他一些特别的信息;3 . 60词左右。演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Good morning, class!Today, I would like to say something about my cat. Thank you!12345BDABD678910ABABD1112131415DBACD12345BDDBA678910BDCAB12345CCADD678910CBAAB1112AA四、A、12345anywheregentlerepeatednoisyhiding678910weig


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