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1、The report of marketing about Trusty-Land FoodCandidate Name:Candidate Class:Candidate SCN:World count:Table of contentsIntroduction:3.Findings:3.Product:3.Price4.Promotion5.Place6.Services Marketing7.People7.Processes8.Physical Evidence8 .Change of marketing environment8.Conclusion:9.Reference:9.In

2、troduction:This report uses Service Marketing Mix to analysis of the Trusty-Land Food Company. Service Marketing Mix is composes of 7 Ps. I uses product, price, promotion, place to analyze the Trusty-Land Food Company. I uses people, process, and physical evidence to analyze the barber shop. Assumin

3、g Trusty-Land Food Company ' s marketing environment be change.Findings:Product:Product can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition and use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. The product includes physical objects, services, persons, places, organizations and ideas. The T

4、rusty-Land Food Company ' s products is tangible product. The channe tangible product.Three different levels of product, the three levels includes core product tangible product. Meet is the core product of Trusty-Land Food Company. Meet provides protein to person and meet also improve quality of

5、 life.Product lineProducts are closely related and they function in a similar manager so the product needs a product line.Product line is benefit for sold to the same types of outlet or fall within given price ranges. Trusty-Land Food Company can take the red meet and white meet divided into two kin

6、ds of production line. The two kinds of production line can improve the production efficiency.Trusty-Land Company" s product line from less to more. The product become more the reasons includes the enterprise competiveness and to attract more customer and increase sales.Product MixProduct mix i

7、s the total sum of all the products and variants offered by an organization. The production line 'wsdth is two, because the product lines products two kinds of meets. The meets include white meetand red meet.Product life cycleKitty Doggy “ product life cyclepm“ Kitty Doggy " in the growth p

8、eriod. During this period, this brand of pet food is increase sales, launch new products and opponents appear.I suggeststhat “KittyDoggy“ keep pet food quality and “Kitty Doggy" mast focuses on the opponent to find ways tocireases market share.PriceThe smart pricing is amount of many charged a

9、product or service or sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service.The advantage of smart pricing is ensure sales but inaccurate pricing to harm the company such as underpriced close not back to the cost so the Trusty-Land Food Company mast tak

10、e the smart pricing in product.Government policy, Organization objective, Channels of Distribution, Cost, and Weather is factors that affect pricing.Government policy: Government policy affects the pricing. Government' sew dietary guidelines is recommend people to eat white meat so red meat sale

11、s will be decline and white meat sales rise. Trusty-Land Food Company in order to maintain sales of red meat so red meat be suitable reduced price. Red meat sales rise so red meat be take a appropriate price.Cost: Trusty-Land Food Company has a lot of distributors throughout the country. Meat produc

12、ts need fresh so meat in the process of transportation need keep fresh that increase the cost. The company in order to profit so meet rise in price.General Pricing ApproachPenetration Pricing: Trusty-Land Food company' s "Kitty Doggy' in the growth period so penetration pricing for pet

13、food can attracts more customer that can increase sales. Penetration pricing can help “Kitty Doggy 'gain more market share and to promote “Kitty Doggy ''Competitive pricing: Trusty-Land Food Company focuses of the opponents that can help Trusty-land upon them opponents. Trusty-Land Compa

14、ny focuses on opponents that can help company win the price war and keep TrustyLand Food Company ' sndinancePromotionPromotion is kinds of a activities. Promotes product or service and its merits to target customers and persuade them to buy.The main promotional tools available to market have fiv

15、e types that is advertising sales promotion, public relations, personal selling and direct marketing.AdvertisingAdvertising can highlight the product features and improve visibility. Trusty-land Food company through newspaper and street poster to attention customer to know company-LanBdrFooel. Compa

16、nythrough TV commercials to position the company. This tuned is success,TV commercial bring sales revue increased by 34% that can expand market share.Direct Marketing: Trusty-Land Food Company has its own retail groups so Trusty-Land Food Companycan reduce the middleman. The middleman is getting les

17、s the company make a good price and good supplier for company ' s custoaterarthnelp company improve market share.Personal Selling: Trusty-Land Food Company has a sales team the sales team to persuade customer to purchases and stock company" product. Personal selling can improve product and

18、increase customer purchases and contacts. Sales team can help company improve the product sales.Identification of target audience, Legal political factor. Technology factor and budget setting this four types influence the setting of the promotional mix.Identification of target audience: Customers ha

19、s different demand and tastes differ with people so Trusty-Land Food Company mast identification of target audience to promotes differed products. The“ Health Meat " is a good example “ Health Meat " lies in their convenience and fast time. suitable for fast rhythm of life that can increas

20、e salesBudget Setting: The amount of the budget effect promotion. If the Trough-Land Food have more bridge the advertising coverage is broad. The appropriate budget setting to improves the company reputation.PlacePlaces means all the company activities that make the product or services available to

21、target customers. Tangible product ' psace is distribution partner. Intangible product ' psace is enterprise located or provides the service place.Wholesalers: Trusty-Land Food Company ' s Products wesold to regional grocery chains and national and regional gory, wholesalers that is Whol

22、esalers.Retailers: Seven Eleven is a retailer, Seven Eleven sales food-branded of Trusty-Land food Company. Large grocery stores and supermarkets purchase from Trusty-Land Food Company and that grocery market meat products under TrustyLand Food Company ' s Logo.inventory and accelerate product c

23、irculation speed. Distribution business enterprise to increase visibility and to increase market share. Distributors to help business increase sales reduce the pressure distribution, increase profits bring convenience to clientsBuying behavior, Budget Product itself and Organizational Objective are

24、affect choose marketers. Organizational Objective: Trusty-Land Food take “Kitty Doggy“ become the leader brand. Intensive distribution consider revising the market share so organizational objective good for distributors.Buying behavior: Marketers to adopt to the consumer habits. Marketers cooperate

25、with supermarkets or markets and impossible and book stores and flower of cooperationServices MarketingA service is any act or performance that one party can offer to anther that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a ph

26、ysical product. Characteristics of services is variability, perishability, inseparability and intangibility.Barbershop is three more than Trusty-Land Food Company. The three types is people, processesand physical evidence.PeoplePeople: People at services marketing is service provider. For example, p

27、eople in the barber shop' s hairdresser and cashier. Hairdresser giving a haircut to customer and wash hair, cashier responsible for the money. The hairdressers and cashier given the customer ' service is in tangibility and inseparability.Hairdresser and cashier should have better attitude a

28、nd high service qualityProcesses: Process involves looking at the quality controls that need to be in place to ensure consistency of service. Customers into the barber shop. Barber to customers shampoo, haircut, and the barber to meet customer requirements, shampoo, cashier money, and finally the cu

29、stomer away. Process services emphasize consistency and effectiveness of the service. Different customers in the same service get the same level of service is uniform. Within a period of time to complete the service.Physical EvidencePhysical Evidence: Physical evidence is the “tangiblepart of the se

30、rvice. Barbershop 'wardrobe and shampoo are all belong to the physical evidence. Physical evidence to help hairdressers to complete the service. Physical evidence also help customers evaluate service. If the customer is not satisfied with the physical evidence. Good physical evidence to make cus

31、tomer satisfaction increases.Change of marketing environmentSuppose company supplies meat to a city, but the city's Muslim believer population increases. The company can uses 4P' product so company printed on product packaging halal logo and Muslim followers of the urban population accounted for the ratio becomes large. So the company provides a small amount of pork to the city and the company offers other types of meat to the city, to meet the needs of Muslim believers.Suppose an increase in the elderly pop


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