已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、英语六级听力破题指导:短对话与长对话 听力概况在四六级考试中,听力部分从2006年6月起山过去20%的比例上升为35%,有消息称,国 家四六级出题委员会即将在2012年左右全面推行计算机四六级考试。其中,听力部分将到 70%的内容。六级听力题目构成与比例小对话:8%选择题共8道对话,每题长约1分钟长对话:7%选择题共2段对话,每段长约3分钟听力短文:10%选择题共3篇文章,每篇长约3分钟复合式听写:10%听写填空填8个单词和三句话,放咅三遍,共计8分钟听力位于考试的卷二部分,共占全卷35%0 07年六级考试改革后,听力考试的对话部分在 以往单一短对话的基础上增加了长对话的内容。其屮短对话部分由

2、原来的10题减至8题; 长对话有两篇,每篇题量在3至4题一共7题;不过对话部分题口总数保持不变,还是15 个。新增的长对话持续时间约6分钟,说话者的语速约为150-170词/分钟。该部分共15 题,每题计1分,共15分。总的來说,题目的总量增加了,做题时间增加了,本身对学生 是否能够长时间的集屮听力注意力就增加了考验。关于六级短对话除了和四级相同的一些视听反向廉则(即听到的单词和短语要慎选)和同义词替换原则(即 准确答案经常是原文的同义词语的替换)z外,六级的小对话在出题方向上出现过一些明显 的特点,总结如下:教授要求严格:例如布置作业很多、考试不容易过,上课要求准吋、讲座难度高等等;2002

3、年6刀第9题:m: erh-erh. looks likegoing to be a little late for class i hope pro. clark doesn"t start on time today.w: are you kidding? you can set your watch by the time he starts his class.q: what can be inferred about pro. clark?a) he wants his students to be on time for classb) he does n't a

4、llow his stude nts to tell jokes in class c) he is always punctual for his classd) he rarely notices which students are late.解析:男生说:可能我得迟到一会儿了,我希望clark教授今天没有准点开课。女生回答: 开玩笑吧,他每次开始上课(时间都很准,以至于)你都可以对你的表。因此答案选c. 2003年1月第6题w: professor smith, i really need the credits to graduate this summer.m: here at t

5、his school the credits are earned, not givenq: what do we learn from the conversation?a) the man thinks the woman can earn the creditsb) the woman is begging the man to let her pass the examc) the woman has to attend a summer course to graduate.d) the woman is going to graduate from summer school.解析

6、:女生说:教授,我需要这些学分才能暑假顺利毕业。教授回答:这个学校的学分是挣 来的而不是给的。因此答案选b.另外:作业总是很重的负担,需要了解的是,作业包括各种各样的assignment s homework 以及 reading listo2003年6月第8题m: mr. smith, our history professor, announced we would be doing two papers and three exams this semester. i wonder how i'm going to pull through when two other cour

7、ses have similar requireme nts.w: well, can't you drop one course and pick it up next semester?q: what does the woman suggest the man do?a) do the assignments towards the end of the semester.b) quit the history course and choose ano ther one in stead c) drop one course and do it next semester.d)

8、 take courses with a lighter workload.解析:男生抱怨道我们的历史老师smith宣称这个学期我们要搞定两份论文三次考试。可是 别的课程也佇类似的要求,我都不知道我该怎么去应付了。女生建议道那你为什么不退一门 课呢?下学期再选也不迟啊。因此答案选c。预订难以成功:房间、交通或演岀的票、商品等都很难订到或买到。m: i wonder whether it would be possible to change this double room to two single rooms.w: sorry, sir. all the single rooms are

9、occupied but if you like, i can check with imperial hotel to see if they have any.q: what's the woman going to do for the man?a) let him move to a room with two single beds.b) check to see if there are any vacancies in her hotel.c) try to help him find rooms in another hotel.d) show him the way

10、to imperial hotel.解析:中男牛说:我不知道能不能把这个双人间换成两个单人间。女生回答:对不起先牛, 所有的单人间都订满了。如果你想要的话,我可以给你査査帝国饭店看看它们有没有。因此 答案选co女生更爱学习、男生更爱娱乐:2000年1月第1题w: it's a pity you missed the con cert yesterday eve ning. it was won derful.m: i didn't want to miss the football game well, i'm not a classical music fan any

11、 way q: what do we learn from the conversation?a) the man was sorry to miss the football gameb) the man atte nded the con cert, but didn't like it.c) the man was sorry that he didn't atte nd the con cert.d) the man is more interested in football than in classical music.解析:中男生说:你错过了咋天晚上的咅乐会真可

12、惜。它很棒的。男生冋答:我不想错过足 球赛啊,况h我不是一个古典咅乐迷。因此答案选do刃外,交通工具容易迟到,邀约对方容易遭到拒绝(吃饭的邀请容易成功),事故中人不会 死亡而是生还等特色规律都可以在题目屮找到人量的佐证。关于六级长对话单就长对话而言,长对话作为六级听力改革后的新题型体现了命题组对于考试改革的诉求 强调在实际环境中的语言运用能力。涉及到的对话场景内容非常广泛,从校园生活到生 活小的各种场景。学牛可以通过抓住“信号词来判断具体场景。经常涉及到的场景有:旅游(e机,机场,出行准备等),校园,工作而试,访谈等。 例题:2008年12月第一篇长对话22. a. organizing pr

13、otests c acting as its spokesman.b. recruiting members d saving endangered animals23. a. an ti-a nimal-abuse dem on stratio ns b. antinu clear campaig nsc. surveying the atlantic ocean floor d. removing industrial waste.24. a by harassing them c by taking legal action.b. by appealing to the public d

14、. by resorting to force.25. a. doubtful b. reserved c. indifferent. d supportive听力原文:w: right, well, in the studio this morning, for our interview spot is peter wilson (人名,重要)peter works for green peace (特殊表达,文章主题词).so, peter, welcome.m: thanks a lot. it's good to be herew: great! now, peter; pe

15、rhaps you can tell us something about green peace and your job there.(寒暄,为了迷惑考生,此处进入正题)m: sure well, i'll start by telling you roughly what green peace is all about i actually work in london for the green peace organization (人物职业,22 题考点 1) . we've been going for a few decades and we*re a non

16、-violent, non-political organization. we're involved in anti-nuclear activity, conservation and protection of animals and protection and support of our eco-system. i'm the action organizer and arrange any protests.(人物职业重复,22 题考点。视 听基本一致原则。)w: right! a pretty imports nt role. peter. what sort

17、 of protest would you orga nize?m: well, recently we*ve been involved in anti-nuclear campaigns.(问答关系,23 题考点。视听一致原贝 u o) i, pers on ally arra nged for the dem on stratio n agai nst radioactive waste dumpi ng in the atlantic ocean. we*ve got a few small green peace boats that we harass (特殊词汇,首次出现,24t

18、he dumping ship with.w: say? hold on, peter. i thought you said your organization was norvviolent. what do you mean by "harass"?(重复核心词,也是问题所在。问答关系。)m: well, we circle round and round the ships and get in the way when they try to dump the drums of nuclear waste in the sea.(针对问题 harass 的具体回答

19、,24 题考点。)we talk to the men and try to cha nge, you know, yell at them to stop. we gen erally make ourselves as much of a nuisance as possiblem: well, people may think differently of your methods, but there's no doubt youfre doing a great job.(转折词but+态度判断词great, 25题考点4) , keep it up and good luc

20、k (继续态度判 断).and thanks for talking with us.w: thanks for having me.q22. what is the man's chief responsibility in the green peace organization?q23. what has green peace been involved in recently?q24. how does green peace try to stop people from dumping nuclear waste?q25. what is the womarfs atti

21、tude towards the green peace's campaigns?keys: abad解析:做题的时候一定要和短文一样对题ri的出题位置冇明确的把握,位置感很重要。一般 而言,对话时,开头的客套以及问候与结尾的道别结束语很少出题,而对话屮段往往才是重 点。另外,本段长对话使用到了视听基本一致的原则。24题的考法是长对话中最典型的一 种,就是针对动作行为进行发问,考点在于考生需要听明白人物发出的动作是什么,原文的 动词harass和选项的harass是一摸一样,属于最简单的考法,而且原文重复两次,因此考 牛对此即便是不知道harass是什么意思也能选对。25题的考法是一贯

22、的长对话结尾题,往 往以态度判断和结论作为考察对'象,此题选项均为态度词,很容易判断,另外,注意到选项 呈现“三负一止的格局,因此答案是显然的。本段长对话的几个特色词汇也需要注意:harass 指“骚扰,绿色和平组织采取"和平骚扰的方式,影响那些倾倒核废料(dumping nuclear waste)的人们,而没有采取诉诸武力(resorting force)的方式。六级对话类题目的一般性原则1. 提前浏览,有备而听考试时在听力考试录音开始z前耍尽对能抽时间浏览所有选项,以便预测对话的主题和相关 细节内容。我们的策略是:考生可以先迅速浏览前四个短对话的选项,川以做题,而从第五

23、 个对话开始,每个短对话之间都有15秒左右的时间间隔,考生可利用这段时间來预读下一 题的选项。当读完前四个短对话的选项后,考生应在directions结束前,迅速浏览第一个长 对话的所有选项,尽可能找出相关线索。根据样卷录音,section a的directions人约持续1 分20秒左右的时间,如果加上考场试音的时间则更长。这足可以让考生预读询四个短对话 的选项和第一个长对话的所有选项。2分析选项,预测内容:在分析选项的部分,希望考生能针对如下三个关键部分进行快速 判断:人物关系(relationship,邻居?夫妻?同学?师牛?同事等,能够为后面做题判断人物身份 起到良好的铺垫)。动作行为

24、(动词和动词结构往往是最重要的考察对象态度词(长对话结尾往往涉及态度判断和结论)3边听边选,不要走神:尽量在听的时候确定哪个选项能够授大程度的吻合,这是做短文听力的宗旨,同样适用于长 对话。平时训练做至ij"边听边记、强调语言输出的强化训练为主,上了考场强调“边听边选。 最后听问题确定口己的止确答案,因为听力时间间隔很短,因此哪怕是猜的答案,一旦作出 判断,就不要过多纠缠于这一分。集中注意力到下一题当屮。4 常见技巧型破题法则:短对话:视听反向原则、同义替换原则、后句更加重要原则。校园场景是小对话的重点主题; 长对话:视听基本一致原则、首句重点原则、转折关系原则。注意说话人的态度也很

25、重要。英语六级听力破题指导:短文听力与听写听力概况在四六级考试中,听力部分从2006年6月起由过去20%的比例上升为35%,有消息称,国 家四六级出题委员会即将在2012年左右全面推行计算机四六级考试。其中,听力部分将到 70%的内容。六级听力题目构成与比例小对话:8%选择题共8道对话,每题长约1分钟长对话:7%选择题共2段对话,每段长约3分钟听力短文:10%选择题共3篇文章,每篇长约3分钟复合式听写:10%听写填空填8个单词和三句话,放音三遍,共计8分钟听力位于考试的卷二部分,共占全卷35%。07年六级考试改革后,听力考试的对话部分在 以往单一短对话的基础上增加了长对话的内容。其屮短对话部分

26、由原来的10题减至8题; 长对话有两篇,每篇题量在3至4题一共7题;不过对话部分题h总数保持不变,还是15 个。新增的长对话持续时间约6分钟,说话者的语速约为150-170词/分钟。该部分共15 题,每题计1分,共15分。总的來说,题目的总量增加了,做题时间增加了,本身対学生 是否能够长吋间的集中听力注意力就增加了考验。关于六级短文听力1、结构:三篇文章,要求考生在四个选项中选出最符合原文的答案。每题1分 共10分(占 710分中的10%)o2、难度:难度年年上升,考生失分的重灾区。短文部分rh三篇文章构成,内容题材极为广 泛,不仅考察学生的理解能力,而冃还有对信息的短期记忆能力和思维能力。3

27、、基本规则:视听基本一致原则(根本原则);顺序出题原则(即题口顺序和文章内容的进展是对应的);首尾句原则(即首句和尾句处容易出题);同义替换原则(选项的单词和短语是原文中的同义或近义)重点词汇考点原则(转折关系词汇、因果关系词汇、最高级词汇、情态动词 等词汇的后方信息更容易成为答案)例题分析:2007年12月第一篇短文听力26. a) to win over the majority of passengers from airlines in twenty years.b) to reform railroad management in western european countries

28、c) to electrify the railway lines between major european cities.d) to set up an express train network throughout europe27. a) major european airlines will go bankruptb) europea ns will pay much less for traveli ngc) traveling time by train between major european cities will be cut by half.d ) trains

29、 will become the safest and most efficient means of travel in europe28. a) train travel will prove much more comfortable than air travel.b) passengers will feel much safer on board a train than on a plane.c) rail tran sport will be environ mentally frie ndlier tha n air tran sport.d) traveling by tr

30、ain may be as quick as, or even quicker than by air.29. a) in 1981. c) in 1990.b) in 1989. d) in 2000.in january 1989, the comm unity of europea n railways prese nted their proposal for a high speed pan european train network extendi ng from sweden to sicily, and from portugal to poland by the year

31、2020.(第26题考点。注意 train network 在选项中反映)if their proposal becomes a reality, it will revolutionize train travel in europe. journeys between major cities will take half the time they take today.(第 27 题考点,注意 half 在选项中的反映)brussels will be only one and a half hours from paris the quickest way to get from p

32、aris to frankfurt, from barcelona to madrid will be by train, not plane. when the network is complete, it will integrate three types of railway line: totally new high speed lines with trains operating at speeds of 300 kilometers per hour; upgraded lines which allow for speeds up to 200 to 225 kilome

33、ters per hour, and existing lines for local connections and distribution of freight. if businesspeople can choose between a three-hour train journey from city-center to city-center and a one-hour flight, theyll choose the train, says an executive travel consultant. they won't go by plane any mor

34、e. if you calculate flight time, check-in and travel to-and-from the airport, you'll find almost no difference. and if your plane arrives late due to bad weather or air traffic jams or strikes, then the train passengers will arrive at their destination first.(第28题考点。说明短途的火车的优势大于短途的飞机。请注意此处 strik

35、e 的含义为"罢工")since france introduced the first 260-kilometer-per-hour high speed train service between paris and lyons in 1981 (第 29 题考点。),the trains have achieved higher and higher speeds on many routes, airlines have lost up to 90% of their passengers to high speed trains. if people accept

36、 the community of european railways' plan, the 21 century will be the new age of the train.26. what is the proposal prese nted by the comm unity of europea n railways?27. what will happen when the proposal becomes a reality?28. why will business people prefer a three-hour train journey to a one-

37、hour flight?29. when did france introduce the first high speed train service?keys: dcda分析:这是一篇标准的六级短文听力,词汇、主题、深度都要比四级高,但是破题方法却如出一辙。 第26题:木题是首题,所以当然对应原文的首句。除了视听一致的使川外,原文屮的high speed pan-european train network (泛欧洲髙速火车网)被选项替换成了 express train network throughout europe (遍布欧洲的特快列车网络)。这是同义替换原则的使川。express在

38、其他 听力题h中还有快递的含义,请注意。第28题:本题目考察的是考生真正的听力理解能力。原文:"if you calculate flight time, check-in and travel to-ancbfrom the airport, you'll find almost no differenee. and if your plane arrives late due to bad weather or air traffic jams or strikes, then the train passengers will arrive at their desti

39、nation first."(如果你计算航班飞行时间、办理登机手续时间、往返机场时间,你会发现 和处火车比没有任何区别。如果因为天气、空中航班过多或罢工而导致飞机迟到,火千乘客 会首先到达目的地。)这个长难句的意思就是说明:短途来讲,火车更有优势,更快。而选 项考的就是这个分析能力。第29题:首先,请注意序数词系列,诸如"first、last、finally"等,向来都是听力考试中的关键词汇。 它们体现的是事实的顺序,属于一种强调的用法。全文的年代词汇只有:1989.20201981,乂由于这已经是最后一道题目了,所以综合使用顺序出题原则,当然对应最后出现的198

40、1 年。关于六级复合式听写六级听写概况:听写共考十一题。八个单词和三个句子。每个单词得分为0.5%,每个句子得分2%o听写一 共播读三遍,其中第二遍吋,每个句子读完,会出现一分钟的停顿。六级听写能力概述:听写,顾名思义,既听又写,它渗透在各种形式的语言活动中,是最常用到的基本功z。 听写测试耍求考牛把听到的内容准确无误地以笔头的形式表达出来,虽无需考牛口己遣词造 句,但由于牵涉到语言(听力、单词拼写、篇章结构等)与非语言能力(如记忆力、速记等) 提高听写能力,关键就是加强各种相关知识和技能的训练。1. 语言知识方面:首先,必须捉高听力水平,熟悉英、美国家人士的说话发音的不同方式,语音语调;其次

41、对 于人纲屮所列单词和短语,不仅要认知,而h会熟练拼写;这一点相当重要,很多同学在正 式考试当中听出來了单词并准确定位出來意思,但是由丁拼写不过关导致遗憾丢分。另外, 即便拼写止确,又因为单复数、时态和大小写而丢分也很多见。2. 非语言能力方面:在做听写填空的吋候,我们应当有意识的加强我们的记忆和速记能力。有吋候,同学们会发 现:听的内容都懂了,但由于记忆的问题或吋间的问题没写下来,这是凶为短时记忆力(short term memory)不够。因此在平吋的训练中,应当有意识地不是以单个的词而是以意群为单 位进行理解和记忆。第一遍先试图听明口注意意思,第二遍写出重点单词或者句子,第三遍 完成整个

42、练习。在短暂的停顿空间,如果时间来不及,对以选用口己熟悉的缩写形式或符号 记录,等以后有时间时再复原。这种速记能力也要靠平时的多练,才能获得。六级听写的步骤:1. 通过卷面文字捕捉信息,找出线索、了解大意“复合式听写"材料多为说明文(exposition),这一体裁的文章主题突出,条理分明,层次清 楚、语言简洁、逻辑性强。文章的开头或段首多半有主题句(topicsentence),之后的段、 句进一步具体扩展、说明或论证主题句。仔细看题之后,经常能够发现空缺处的词汇能够通 过逻辑能力被猜出具体内容,至少也可以知道词性。2. 听写结合,双管齐下根据“复合式听写新题型通知说明,第一遍是全

43、文朗读,要求考牛注意听懂全文内容。由于 听音前考牛已测览了卷回文字,对听力材料有了大致的了解,因此听读第一遍时,考牛可以 适当地填写些单词和做些笔记,听为主,记为辅。第二遍吋使出全力。最后一遍白习弥补。 在写句子时,不要慌张,可以在每一遍吋把句子的不同部分写出,釆取各个击破的策略。3. 提高记录的效率首先,打j使用缩略语。例如usually在记录时只写usu。country记录为ctr等。其次,重点 把握名词和动词,修饰成分(形容词和副词)没有写出,一般扣分不多。4 书面表达内容要点要点尽可能用完整的简单句表达,不宜用短语,句式也不宜过于复杂。尽量省去语句屮可有 可无的修饰成份。总而言之,考生

44、应川有限的词语简洁明了地概括出所听内容的全部要点, 使内容要点和语言表达达到有机的完美统一。5检査、核对内容要点完成后,一定勿忘检查:单复数、时态、大小写以及标点符号。例题分析:preside nt clinton later today joins (sl)preside nts ford, garter and bush at"the preside nt's summit for america's future?,(s2)at recruiting one million volunteer tutors to provide after-school, we

45、ekend and summer reading help for up to three million children. mr. clinton will ask congress this coming week for nearly three (s3)dollars to fund a five-year program called /zamerica reads.the program would fund the (s4)efforts of 20 thousand reading (s5)and it would also give (s6)to help parents help childr


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