已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1 unit 6 im going to study computer science. section a (1a 1c) 1 重点单词: cook , doctor , engineer , violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist 2重点短语: grow up ,computer programmer,bus driver,basketball player 3重点句式:what do you want to be when you grow up? i want to be a basketball player. how are you

2、 going to do that? im going to practice basketball every day. 1重点词组和句型2用 be going to句型来谈论将来的打算1be going to的用法2用 be going to句型来谈论将来的打算一、预习课本p41新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1厨师 _ 2. 医生 _ 3工程师 _ 4.小提琴手 _ 5司机 _ 6.飞行员 _ 7钢琴家 _ 8.科学家 _ 二、认真预习1a1c,找出下列短语和句型。1长大 _ 2.编程人员 _ 3公共汽车司机_ 4篮球运动员_ 5你长大之后想做什么工作?_ 6我想成为一名篮球运动员。_

3、7你打算怎么去做?_ 8我打算每天都练习篮球。_ step 1情景导入teacher :there are many jobs in the world,such as teachers, doctors ,workers and so on , people who do different jobs play different roles in society.now i am a teacher.i want to be a doctor.what do you want to be? student 1 :i want to be a movie star. teacher :wha

4、t do you want to be? student 2 :i want to be a singer. . . 2 环节说明: 从社会上的不同职业以及自己的理想职业入手,在师生问答中自然而然导入新课。step 2完成教材1a1c 的任务1学生领读1a 中的单词或词组,教师纠正错误读音,然后两人一组互相提问背诵单词或词组。 (5 分钟 ) 2你认为这些工作有趣吗?请把他们按112 的顺序排列,1 是最有趣的,12 是最没趣的,完成后小组内互相交流,互相了解对方对职业的看法。(2 分钟 ) 3认真听录音,完成1b 的填空。 (3 分钟 ) 4再认真听一遍录音,完成匹配。(3 分钟 ) 5听第

5、三遍录音,学生跟读。(2 分钟 ) 6学生两人一组练习图片中的对话,然后运用1b 中的信息仿照图片对话形式进行对话练习,邀请几组学生表演对话。(5 分钟 ) 参考案例a:what do you want to be when you grow up? b:i want to be a basketball player. a:how are you going to do that? b:im going to practice basketball every day. 7小结训练。(5 分钟 ) (c)1.does your brother want _ a bus driver? ato

6、 bbe cto be dto do (b)2.his father is _ engineer. aa b an c the d / (d)3.we _ tomorrow. aplay basketball bplayed basketball cbe going to play basketball dare going to play basketball (d)4.he is not good at math,but he _ from now on. astudies hard bis going to study hardly cstudied hardly dis going t

7、o study hard (d)5.he wants to be a pianist.so he practices _ every day. aplay the piano bplaying piano cplay piano dplaying the piano 环节说明:听说结合,第一时间向学生传达语言目标,通过结对对话练习和小结训练,语言目标得以强化。step 3问题探究1be going to的用法1) 我打算每天练习说英语。i_am_going_to_practice_speaking_english_every_day. 2) 我不打算明天去上表演课。i_am_not_going

8、_to_have_acting_lessons_tomorrow. 3) 你明天去弹钢琴吗?3 are_you_going_to_play_the_piano? 4) 你打算怎么去做呢?how_are_you_going_to_do_that? be going to是一般将来时态的一种表达方式,表示打算做某事,其结构为:主语be going todo_sth. ,其中 be 随主语的人称和数的变化而变化。当主语是第三人称单数时用is ,主语是第二人称及复数时用are ,主语是i 时用 am ;变否定句时,在am ,is ,are 的后面加not ;一般疑问句是把be 动词提到主语前面,特殊疑

9、问句由疑问词be_going_to构成。( )2.my mother is a singer,she practices _ every day. asing b sings cto sing dsinging 答案选择 d,practice doing sth.练习做某事。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。section a (2a 2d) 1重点单词:熟练掌握p41 的单词2重点短语:be sure about,make sure 3重点句式:i know why youre so good at writing stories. how are you going to become a wr

10、iter? im going to keep on writing stories. im not sure about that. just make sure you try your best.then you can be anything you want! 1重点短语及句型2会用 be going to句型来描述将来的职业打算1重点短语及句型2会用 be going to句型来描述将来的职业打算一、认真预习2a2d,找出下列短语和句型。1确信 _ 2. 确保 _ 3我知道你为什么如此擅长写故事了。_ 4成为一名作家,你将怎样做?_ 5我将继续坚持写作。_ 6我还不确定。_ 7确保你

11、是尽力了,你就能做你想做的任何职业。_ step 1情景导入4 teacher :what do you want to be when you grow up? student 1 :i want to be an engineer. teacher :how are you going to do that? student 1 :i am going to study science hard. teacher :what does he (student 1) want to be when he grows up? student 2 :he wants to be an engin

12、eer. teacher :how is he going to do that? student 2 :he is going to study science hard. now please practice conversations like this in groups. . . 环节说明: 通过对话练习既复习了上节课的重点句型,同时改编的对话让学生对单三形式进行了练习。step 2完成教材2a2c 的任务1认真听录音,在程寒想做的职业的图片方框内打勾并核对答案,完成2a。(3 分钟 ) 2再听一遍录音完成2b 表格填空,集体核对答案。(3 分钟 ) 3听第三遍录音,并跟读录音。(

13、3 分钟 ) 4根据听力信息中程寒的计划,两人一组练习对话,并邀请多组学生表演对话。(5 分钟) 参考案例a:what does cheng han want to be? b:he wants to be. 5小结训练。(4 分钟 ) 1) 你的弟弟想做什么工作?what_does_your_brother_want_to_be? 2) 我打算明天去拜访我的老师。im_going_to_visit_my_teacher_tomorrow. 3) 他将怎样做才能说好英语呢?how_is_he_going_to_speak_english_well? 环节说明: 通过听说读写学习训练,学生掌握了

14、解了要掌握的语言目标,学生的口语表达能力在这一环节得到提升。step 3完成教材2d 的任务1学生自读对话,回答下面的问题。(5 分钟 ) 1)what is ken doing? 2)what does ken want to be? 3)how is ken doing to become a writer? 4)does andy want to be a doctor? 2大声朗读2d 对话,读熟后与同伴结对练习,分角色表演对话。(3 分钟 ) 3邀请三组学生来表演对话。(5 分钟 ) 4小结训练。(3 分钟 ) (b)1.look ,the girl _ english storie

15、s. aread bis reading creads d is going to read (c)2._ your sister good at _ stories? 5 adoes,writing bis ,write cis , writing d does,write (c)3.after a short break, he keeps on _. awork b to work cworking dworked (d)4.i hear we are going to have a test,but i am not sure _ it. ain bon c at dabout 环节说

16、明: 将对话问题化, 既能锻炼学生的思维能力又能加深对课文的理解;小结训练巩固练习了重要知识点。step 4问题探究1sure 的用法1) 我对这个答案有把握。im_sure_about_this_answer. 2) 我确信能做好这件事情。im_sure_to_do_this_thing_well. 3) 我确信他会努力学习的。im_sure_he_will_study_hard. 4) 你能关上门吗?当然可以。would_you_please_close_the_door? sure. 5) 他确定他已经关上窗户了。he_makes_sure_that_he_has_closed_the_

17、window. 1)be sureof/about名词或动名词,意为“确信”;“对有把握”。2)be sure 不定式, 表示说话人对句子主语作出的判断,认为句子主语“必定”、“必然会”、“准会”如何如何。3)be sure 宾语从句, 表示主句主语对宾语从句中所涉及的事物作出的判断,意为“确信某事一定会” 。4) 主要用于口语,此时的“sure”相当于“ok ”或“ certainly”。5)sure 经常用到的短语是make sure ,有弄清、确保之意,经常跟宾语从句。( )2.he is very tired,but he keep on _ after a short rest. a

18、walk b walks cwalking dto walk 答案选择 c,keep on doing sth.继续做某事。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。section a (grammar focus3c) 1重点单词: college ,education ,medicine ,university,london,article,send 2重点短语: a race car driver,a fast car ,a cooking school ,take acting lessons 3重点句式:where are you going to work? im going to move t

19、o shanghai. when are you going to start? im going to start when i finish high school and college. hes going to take acting lessons. im going to study medicine at a university. im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. 6 1重点单词和句型2熟练运用be going to 句型询问他人对事物的观点一、预习课本p43新单词并背诵

20、,完成下面的汉译英。1学院 _ 2. 教育 _ 3医学 _ 4.大学 _ 5伦敦 _ 6.文章 _ 7邮寄 _ 二、认真预习grammar focus3c,找出下列短语和句型。1一名赛车手_ 2一辆跑车 _ 3烹饪学校 _ 4上表演课 _ 5你将去哪里工作?我将搬到上海。_ 6你将什么时候动身呀?当我读完高中和大学的时候就动身去。_ 7我将去上表演课。_ 8我将去大学学医。_ 9我将写文章并把它们寄到杂志社或报社。_ step 1情景导入teacher :we learned some words and some important sentences.do you remember the

21、m?first lets have a dictation. teacher lets the students write some important words and sentences ,then check the answers in pairs. 环节说明: 通过听写检查, 老师了解了学生对上节课所学知识的掌握情况,从而促使学生更加努力地去学这一节课的内容。step 2完成教材grammar focus 的任务1学生大声朗读grammar focus 的句子。 (2 分钟 ) 2小结训练。(2 分钟 ) what_do_you_want_to_be_when_you_grow_

22、up?( 长大之后你想干什么?) i_want_to_be_an_engineer.(我想成为一名工程师。 ) how_are_you_going_to_do_that?( 你打算怎么去做呢?) im_going_to_study_math_really_hard.(我将努力学习数学。) where_are_you_going_to_work?( 你将去哪里工作? ) im_going_to_move_to_shanghai.(我将搬到上海去。 ) when_are_you_going_to_start?( 你将什么im_going_to_start_when_i_finish_high_7

23、时候动身? ) school_and_college.(当我读完高中和大学的时候就动身去。) 环节说明: 通过对 grammar focus 句型的填空练习能够使学生更好地理解掌握本单元的重点语法和句型。step 3完成教材3a3c 的任务1认真阅读3a 左右两组句子, 然后将句子搭配,完成后小组内互相交流答案,然后熟读句子。 (3 分钟 ) 2认真阅读3b 中的对话,根据所学知识补全对话,完成后小组成员互相交流答案,然后两人一组练习对话,并邀请几组学生表演对话。(5 分钟 ) 3完成 3c 表格,然后和你的搭档仿照方框中的对话进行练习。(3 分钟 ) 参考案例a:what do you wa

24、nt to be when you grow up? b:i want to be a reporter. a:how are you going to do that? b:im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. 4小结训练。(2 分钟 ) (a)1.the old man worked at _ university. aa ban c any d/ (b)2.she is going to be a doctor when she _ up. agrow b grows cis going

25、 to grow dgrew (d)3.he is in beijing now,but he _ london next year. amoves to bis going to move cmoved to dis going to move to (b)4. can you help me send the books _ jim? no problem. afor bto c at c with 环节说明:通过本环节的学习,学生练习掌握了be going to 句型,同时提高了语言表达能力。step 4问题探究1send 的用法你能把这本书送给jim吗?can_you_send_thi

26、s_book_to_jim?或can_you_send_jim_this_book? send 意为“邮寄,赠送”,把某东西送给某人send_sb.sth.或 send_sth.to_sb. ( )2.i am going to tell him about it when i _ him. asee b am going to see cis seeing dsaw 答案选择 a,when意为“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句,主句用一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态,be going to是将来时态的一种形式,因此答案选择a。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。section b (1a 1e) 8 1

27、重点单词:resolution,team,foreign 2重点短语:make the soccer team,get good grades,get lots of exercise 3重点句式:im going to learn another foreign language. sounds like a good plan. 用 be going to 句型来制定新年计划用 be going to 句型来制定新年计划一、预习课本p44新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1决定 _ 2. 队,组 _ 3外国的 _ 二、认真预习1a1e,找出下列短语和句型。1组建足球队_ 2取得好成绩_ 3做

28、大量的练习_ 4我将去学另外一种语言。_ 5听起来像是一个好计划。_ step 1情景导入teacher :new year is coming,many people make their new years resolutions.some people are going to visit some interesting places.some people are going to take more exercise to keep healthy.some people are going to study hard to learn a lot.what about your

29、new years resolutions?now please say something about your new years resolutions to your partner. 环节说明: 由新年到来, 人们制定新年计划入手,让学生们谈论自己的新年计划,过渡自然,激起学生用英语表达的欲望,同时又锻炼了学生的口语表达能力。step 2完成教材1a1b 的任务1大声朗读1a 的句子,然后将句子和图片匹配,集体核对答案。(3 分钟 ) 2熟读并背诵句子,然后两人一组互相提问。(5 分钟 ) 3两人一组互相练习1b 的对话,然后以此对话形式谈谈你明年的打算。参考案例a:what are

30、 you going to do next year? b:well ,im going to take guitar lessons.i really love music. a:sounds interesting.im going to learn another foreign language. b:are you ? great ! but foreign languages are not for me. 4小结训练。(3 分钟 ) 1) 你打算组建足球队吗?are_you_going_to_make_a_soccer_team? 2) 我不打算学另外一种外语。im_not_go

31、ing_to_study_a_foreign_language. 3) 我想学习弹吉他。i_want_to_learn_to_play_the_guitar. 4) 明年你的爸爸打算干什么?9 what_is_your_father_going_to_do_next_year? 环节说明:通过这个环节的对话和习题练习,学生熟练地掌握了be going to 句型和一些重要的词组。step 3完成教材1c1e 的任务1听录音,在1a 中圈出所听到的新年计划,集体核对答案,完成1c。(3 分钟 ) 2再听一遍录音,写出人们将如何去实现他们的工作计划,核对答案,完成1d。 (3分钟 ) 3听第三遍录

32、音,学生跟着大声朗读。(3 分钟 ) 4让学生们列一个计划及如何去实施计划的清单,然后小组内成员仿照1e 的对话形式讨论一下彼此的清单内容,并邀请几组学生表演自编对话。(5 分钟 ) 5小结训练。(2 分钟 ) (d)1.he _ when he was four years old. alearn to ride a bike blearned to ride bike clearned riding a bike dlearned to ride a bike (b)2. what is her new years _?she is going to study a lot. athink

33、 bresolution cidea d food (a)3. i am going to learn the piano when i grow up. that sounds _ a good idea. alike b as c about dof (b)4. is mr.brown living here? no,he moved _ last week. ato anywhere quiet b. somewhere quiet cto somewhere quiet d to quiet somewhere 环节说明: 通过听说训练,学生更熟练地掌握了语言交际用语;通过小结训练,语

34、言目标得以强化。step 4问题探究( )1.there _ a basketball match tomorrow. ais bis going to have cis going to be dthere is going to 答案选择 c,there be 结构的一般将来时态是there is going to be 或 there will be,因此答案选择c。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。section b (2a 2e) 1重点单词: question ,meaning,discuss ,promise ,beginning ,improve ,physical,self - i

35、mprovement ,hobby,weekly ,schoolwork ,agree 2 重点短语:be able to , most of the time , make promises , get back , make resolutions,at the beginning of,write down,different kinds of,have to do with,take up ,a weekly plan,agree with 3重点句式:when we make resolutions at the beginning of the year ,we hope that

36、 10 we are going to improve our lives. many resolutions have to do with self- improvement. sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. the best resolution is to have no resolutions. the start of the year is often a time for making resolutions. 1重点短语和句型2了解关于计划的一些内容( 计划的含义、种类以及实施过程中出现的问题)

37、重点短语和句型一、预习课本p45 46 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1怀疑 _ 2. 意义 _ 3讨论 _ 4.承诺 _ 5开端 _ 6.改进 _ 7身体的 _ 8.自我改进 _ 9业余爱好 _ 10.每周的 _ 11学校作业 _ 12.同意 _ 二、认真预习2a2e 内容,找出下列短语和句型。1能,会 _ 2大多数时间_ 3许下诺言 _ 4返回 _ 5制订计划 _ 6在的开始_ 7写下 _ 8不同种类 _ 9与有关_ 10学着做 _ 11一周计划 _ 12同意 _ 13当我们在一年的开始制订计划的时候,我们希望能够改善我们的生活。_ 14许多计划和自我改进有关系。_ 15有时这些计划也许

38、太难了而不能坚持。_ 16最好的计划就是没有计划。_ 17年初经常是制定计划的时间。_ step 1情景导入teacher :each of us often makes resolutions for many things.but do you know what 11 resolutions are ? do you know the kinds of resolutions? and do you know what difficulties you may face ?if you want to know the answers to the questions, please l

39、ets learn from 2a to 2e together. 环节说明: 针对制订计划这个话题,向学生提出问题,引起学生的好奇心,激发他们的学习欲望。step 2完成教材2a2c 的任务1小组内互相讨论2a 中的问题,然后教师邀请几个学生谈谈自己的想法。(3 分钟 ) 2快速阅读2b 短文,了解短文大意,选出每个段落的段意,并且画出帮助你选择段意的单词或短语。(3 分钟 ) 3认真阅读短文,将2c 中的 4 个句子放在文章中适合的位置,使文章完整,完成后集体核对答案。 (5 分钟 ) 4再次细心阅读短文,理解每一句话的意思,小组合作解决遇到的疑难问题。(5 分钟 ) 5教师点拨短文中出现

40、的重点和难点。(5 分钟 ) 6熟读短文,背诵知识要点。(5 分钟 ) 7小结训练。(7 分钟 ) (c)1.i _ swim next year. acan bam able to cam going to be able to dcould (d)2.we all make some resolutions _ the year. aat beginning of bthe beginning of cin the beginning of dat the beginning of (c)3.here is my telephone number.please _. awrite down

41、 it bwrite them down cwrite it down dwrite down them (b)4.i read a book last week,and the book has to do _ earthquake. ato b with cin don (b)5.i like playing the piano,and i am going to _ from now on. atake up btake it up ctake up it dtake off it (c)6.his idea sounds good,we all agree _ him. ain b t

42、o c with d at (b)7.eating vegetables _ good for your health. aam bis care d be (c)8.the old man is _ work. avery old to do btoo old on ctoo old to finish dvery old to finish 环节说明: 本环节的学习不仅锻炼了学生的阅读能力,而且小结训练让学生对重要知识点进行了巩固练习。step 3完成教材2d2e 的任务1认真阅读课文,根据短文内容回答问题,教师找学生到黑板上板演答案,并点拨。(5 分钟 ) 2两人一组互相提问背诵2e 中

43、的短语, 然后将这些短语在课文中画出来,并且用这些短语来编写新的句子,请几位学生到黑板上板演句子,完成后小组内互相交流,教师点拨黑板上写的句子。(5 分钟 ) 12 环节说明: 2d 环节让学生对文章有了更深刻的理解;2e 环节让学生熟练掌握并灵活运用了重点短语。step 4问题探究1write down的用法1) 写下你的名字write_down_your_name 2) 把它写下来write_it_down write down是动词副词结构,如果宾语是人称代词的宾格要放到中间。如果宾语是名词既可以放到中间也可以放到后面。2too.to的用法1) 他年龄太小,不能参军。he_is_too_

44、young_to_join_the_army. 2) 这道数学题太难我解不出来。this_math_problem_is_too_difficult_for_me_to_work_it_out.或this_math_problem_is_not_easy_for_me_to_work_it_out.或this_math_problem_is_so_difficult_that_i_cant_work_it_out. too.to.句型形式上是肯定的,但是它在意义上却是否定的,表示“太而不能”。 too 的后面接副词或形容词的原级,to 的后面接动词原形。too.to.句型是简单句。当 too.

45、to.句型中动词不定式所表示的动作的执行者与整个句子的主语不是同一人或物时,需要在动词不定式前加上一个逻辑主语,常用for_sb.。too.to.结构与enough.to.结构及so.that.结构可以相互转换,将too.to.结构转换为enough.to.结构时,要注意:1)enough 前的形容词或副词应是too 前面形容词或副词的反义词;2)enough.to.句式须用否定式;3)too.to.结构有逻辑主语时,enough.to.结构也要加上逻辑主语。将 too.to.结构转换为so.that.结构时,要注意:1)so.that.结构是复合句, so 的后面接形容词或副词的原级,tha

46、t 的后面接从句。2)that后面的从句要用否定形式。3agree 的用法1) 我同意你的意见。i_agree_with_your_suggestion. 2) 我同意他们的安排。i_agree_to_their_arrangements. 3) 我同意买这辆汽车。i_agree_to_buy_the_car. agree 意为“同意”,表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 ( 即持同一观点) 时,用 agree with . ;agree to . 主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作;agree to_do sth.表示同意做某事。( )4.he _ sing

47、 this song in english in a few hours,too. awill can bcan cis going to be able to dbe able to 答案选择 c,can 与 be able to 都可以表示能力,但两者在用法上有点差异: be able to 强调通过努力而获得的能力,而can 则强调自身已具有的能力;be able to可以有各种时态, 而 can 只有一般现在和一般过去两种时态。根据句意“几小时之后,他也能用英语唱这首歌”可知,这句话强调的是通过努力可获得的能力,并且是几个小时之后,因此要用be able to的一般将来时态,所以答案选

48、择c。此外 can 可用于表示可能性、推测、允许等情况,而be able to通常不这样用。13 ( )5.he is a doctor.so most of his reports _ medicine. atake up bhave to do with cagree with 答案选择 b,根据句意“他是一个医生,他的大多数报告跟医学有关系”可知,要用句型 have to do with sth.“与有关”,因此答案选择b。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。section b (3a)self check 1重点单词:own,personal ,relationship 2重点短语:finis

49、h high school, go to university 3重点句式:they may help to make you a better person and to make your life easier. i think singing is a great activity so i am going to learn to sing. i think this will also make my family happy. 1询问他人对事物的看法2会介绍影片会用学过的知识点来介绍影片一、预习课本p47 48 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1自己的 _ 2. 个人的 _ 3关

50、系 _ 二、认真预习3aself check,找出下列短语和句型。1高中毕业 _ 2去上大学 _ 3他们也许使你成为一个更好的人,而且使你的生活更轻松。_ 4我认为唱歌是一项很好的活动,因此我将去学唱歌。_ 5我想这将使我的家人高兴。_ step 1情景导入teacher :resolutions are promises to yourself.they may help to make you a better student and to make your life easier.are you going to make some resolutions?what are your

51、resolutions and why do you make the resolutions?please say something about your resolutions and why you make them. 环节说明:让学生知道制订计划的好处,在互相交流中锻炼学生的口语。step 2完成教材3a4 的任务1认真阅读3a 中的短文,选用方框中的单词来补全短文,完成后集体核对答案,然后14 大声地朗读短文。(5 分钟 ) 2根据要求写出自己在身体健康、改善家人和朋友关系以及学业方面的计划,完成后小组内互相交流,完成3b。(3 分钟 ) 3根据 3b 填写的内容来写三段关于自己的计划,并且每一段中都要写出自己将要做的事情以及原因,完成后小组内互相交流纠错,借鉴好词好句,教师批阅点拨。(7 分钟 ) 参考案例the second resolution is about improving my physical health.next year i am going to do more exercise.i think running slowly is a great activity.so i am going to run slowl


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