1、会计学1Irony反语反语 Definition of Irony A method of humorous or subtly sarcastic expression in which the intended meaning of the words used is the direct opposite of their usual sense. Websters New World Dictionary第1页/共70页第2页/共70页第3页/共70页第4页/共70页In verbal irony a speaker says one thing but means the oppos
2、ite. can become sarcasm(讽刺挖苦) if taken to a harsh extreme is the simplest kind of irony第5页/共70页End of SectionYou are a fine goalkeeper, allowing the other side to score six goals.你不愧是个出色的守门员,让对方进了六个球。I stayed in the hospital ten days with my sister who was dying.Barbara,my ex-best friend,came to my
3、house to look after my children.She helped things out and took my things out.She did help! 第6页/共70页In situational irony,what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected or appropriate. may mock human plans and intentions, which in real life often come to little is often humorous第7页/共70页Chiv
4、alry: going about releasing beautiful maidens from other mens castle, and taking them to your own castle.骑士作风 到处在别人的城堡里把漂亮的姑娘解救出来,然后再把她们带回自己的城堡。第8页/共70页situational irony “Its no use going to see little Hans in winter,” the miller used to say to his wife. “when people are in trouble we must leave the
5、m alone and not bother them, that is my idea of friendship and I am sure I am right. So I shall wait till spring comes, and then I shall visit him and he will give me a large bouquet of primrose, and that will make him very happy.” “You think so much about others,” said his wife. “its pleasure to he
6、ar what you say about friendship. I am sure the priest himself cannot say such beautiful things as you do, though he lives in a three-storeyed house, and wears a gold ring on his little finger.” (Oscar Wilder: The Devoted Friend)第9页/共70页Dramatic irony occurs when the reader or the audience knows som
7、ething important that the character does not know. heightens the sense of humor in comedies and deepens the sense of dread in tragediesadds greatly to the tension in stories, plays, and movies第10页/共70页Verbal ironySay one thing but mean the oppositeSituational ironyWhat happens is the opposite of wha
8、t is expectedDramatic ironyWe know something a character does not know第11页/共70页Identify each item as one of the following: verbal irony situational irony dramatic ironyThe movie audience knows that a hostile alien is just past the door. “Dont go in there!” one viewer yells at the screen. The guest o
9、pens his mouthto compliment the chef, but before he can speak, he burps long and loudly.Quick CheckAfter tripping over his own feet, the teen exclaims, “That was graceful!”第12页/共70页The movie audience knows that a hostile alien is just past the door. “Dont go in there!” one viewer yells at the screen
10、. Identify each item as one of the following: verbal irony situational irony dramatic ironyThe guest opens his mouthto compliment the chef, but before he can speak, he burps long and loudly.Quick CheckAfter tripping over his own feet, the teen exclaims, “That was graceful!”verbal ironydramatic irony
11、situationalirony第13页/共70页第14页/共70页第15页/共70页Thank you for driving carefully through the village.第16页/共70页第17页/共70页第18页/共70页第19页/共70页第20页/共70页(Nilsen & Nilsen Encyclopedia 169)第21页/共70页第22页/共70页第23页/共70页摘自语录中国第24页/共70页第25页/共70页第26页/共70页第27页/共70页第28页/共70页第29页/共70页Sarcasm 讽刺第30页/共70页Definition of sa
12、rcasmTypical examples of sarcasm The diffirence between sarcasm and innuendo(暗讽)第31页/共70页1、Definition from Longman: a way of speaking or writing that involves saying the opposite of what you really mean in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed第32页/共70页第33页/共70页You begin crossi
13、ng the street to get to your office building. Suddenly a car comes out of nowhere and comes close hitting you in the middle of the crosswalk. Thanks a lot! You yell.Complain第34页/共70页A: I am sorry, I am late for an hour because of the traffic jamB: You are really punctual(准时的,精准的), arent you?!Convers
14、ation第35页/共70页第36页/共70页Jonathan Swifts “A MODEST PROPOSALFor preventing the Children of poor people in Ireland from being a burden to their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the public.”第37页/共70页第38页/共70页第39页/共70页第40页/共70页第41页/共70页第42页/共70页第43页/共70页第44页/共70页第45页/共70页第46页/共70页举秀才,
15、不知书;举孝廉,父别居。寒素清白浊如泥,高第良将怯如鸡。 (抱朴子举) 解析:这段古文通过陈述说明,深刻地讽刺了当时选举制度的腐朽以及统治阶级的昏庸无能和懦弱污浊。这种揭露某种现象的讽刺手法属揭露性讽刺。第47页/共70页Quite right, the laws are turnpikes, only made to stop people who walk on foot, and not to interrupt those who drive through them in their coaches. (Henry Feilding)对极了,法律是高速公路,只能挡住那些用腿走路的人,但却挡不住那些在路上开车的人。(作者在这里用比喻讽刺当时的法律不公正。揭露性讽刺。) 第48页/共70页本食堂供应馒头:体积小,重量轻,质地硬,携带方便,必要时可做防流氓、歹徒和野狗袭击之用。各种菜肴,价格虽比餐厅略高,花样虽单一,但含有大量二氧化硅(即沙子),实乃营养之佳品也。本食堂“大学生碗匙交响乐团”,演出经验丰富,演奏水平娴熟,可以增进食欲。第49页/共70页第50页/共70页Sarcastic Drawings“Its too bad the
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