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1、con stra intsusingSchedulingof manufacturing systems under dual-resourcegen etic algorithms Origi nal Research ArticleJour nal of Manu facturi ng SystemsScheduling belongs to the special class of NP-hard problems for which no polynomial time algorithm has been found. Therefore, a schedule that is th

2、e best possible near-optimal solution is often acceptable. This paper presents a scheduling approach, based on Genetic Algorithms (GAs), developed to address the scheduling problem in manufacturing systems constrained by both machines and workers. This genetic algorithm utilizes a new chromosome rep

3、resentation,which takes into account machine and workerassignments to jobs. A set of experiments fordetermining the best staffing level and machine and worker assignment to jobs was performed.A study was conducted using dispatching ruleswith various performance measures for twotypes of shop characte

4、ristics:(i) dual-resource(machines andworkers)constrained, and(ii)single-resourceconstrained(machines only).An exampleis usedforillustrationandcomparison. The resulting scheduling methodology is capable of determining the best staffinglevel and dispatchingrulesfor the chosenperformancemeasureinboth

5、singleanddual-resource constrained shops. Decisions to adopt the prescribed staffing strategy to improve the primary performance measures such as mean flow time, mean tardiness, and mean waiting time must be balanced by managers against the potential increase in direct cost. The developed scheduling

6、 approach and formulation proved to be very useful for optimizing production performance under the realistic conditions imposed by both machine and worker availability constraints. Such a tool should be used to define a priori the best dispatching rules and schedules for a given set of production re

7、quirements and objectives.Microbialcon tam in ati onof food refrigerationequipmentOrigi nal ResearchArticleJour nal of Food Engin eer ingRefrigeration systems in chilled rooms in 15 plants processing a variety of foods were studied.These included plants processing raw meat and salads, Chinese ready

8、meals, dairy products, slicing and packing of cooked meats and catering establishments. An initial survey of total numbers of microbes at a total of 891 sites on evaporators, drip trays and chilled room walls was followed up with a more detailed examination of 336 sites with high counts, selecting f

9、or Listeria spp., coliforms, enterococci, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus . Temperatures (particularly air on and air off, maximum and near defrost heaters) relative humidity, airflow, layout and cleaning regimes were surveyed.In general, no correlation could be found between any of the ph

10、ysical measurements and the numbers and types of bacteria detected. Maximum mean temperatures in the chilled rooms varied from -1 to +16.9° C and few chilled units were regularly cleaned. Twenty five percent of52sites examined had more than 10colony-forming units per cm, although, very few path

11、ogensor faecal indicator bacteria were detected.Listeria spp. were not found and coliforms were foundonly once, in low numbers. Low numbers ofS. aureus or B. cereus were present in 9 of the 15plants, B. cereus was found on evaporators and associated drip trays in two catering plants and two plants p

12、rocessing cooked meat. Enterococci andS. aureus were found most frequently in araw red meat slaughterhouse (always in low numbers). In general, microbial contamination was lower in rooms where wrapped rather than unwrapped products were stored. The type of product also affected the degree of contami

13、nation, with raw red meat and poultry or dry ingredients giving highest counts, and raw vegetables and cooked products lowest.The work demonstrated that bacteria were present on evaporator cooling coils in all factory cold rooms visited. Although evaporator-cleaning procedures were carried out in so

14、me factories as part of routine maintenance these were not shown to be effective at maintaining low levels of bacteria on evaporators. To maintain evaporator hygiene it is suggested that more regular cleaning procedures, possibly by means of automated cleansing systems, should be considered.Article

15、Outli ne1. Introduction2. Materials and methods2.1. Physical measurements2.2. Microbiological sampling3. Results3.1. Total viable counts (TVC)3.2. Specific bacteria3.3. Effect of temperature, relative humidity and air velocity3.4. Cleaning procedures4. DiscussionAcknowledgementsOrigi nal Research Ar

16、ticleReferencesRDF product ion pla nts: I Desig n and costsApplied Thermal Engin eeri ngMunicipalsolid waste (MSW) managementrecycling and disposal technologies. Amongcalls for the integration of differentrecovery,these possibleoptions,MSW maybe treated inorder to obtain a fuel to be sold to third p

17、arty users or directly utilized to generate electricity provided it is of sufficient quality to be employed instead of traditional fuels. In this two-partheating valuepaper the problem of producing refuse derived fuel (RDF) having a high(LHV>4000 kcal/kg) has been examined from a technical and ec

18、onomic viewpoint. In the firstpart article a technical assessment ofproductionplants is carried out. Differentproductionlines have been thus compared in terms of mass efficiency, heating value of produced RDF andtreatmentcost highlightinghow the choice of processequipmentaffectsthesystemperformances

19、. As a resultthe process plant configurationsenabling to meettherequiredproduct specifications areidentified. The influence of mixinga high calorific wastesuch asscrap tires with the stream of household waste, in the limits allowed by current regulation, has been also analyzed and found to be a prer

20、equisite to meet the prescribed heating value target.plants have been successivelyEconomic feasibility and financial risk of RDF production evaluated in the second part article over a capacity range of 25 - 200 t/h considering alsointegrated facilities including compost production and/or electricity

21、 generation. The analysis general applicability and its relevance is wider geographically.has been carried out with reference to the currentItalian market scenario evenif it has aFuzzy con trols for maintenance scheduli ng intran sportati on systemsOrigi nalResearch ArticleAutomaticaScheduling of pe

22、riodic maintenance for transportation equipment can often be accomplished by controlling the utilization of individual vehicles. Because of many random effects and due to the complexity of most schedules it is virtually impossible to achieve a precise match between the prescribed and the actual util

23、ization for each vehicle. Instead of asking the dispatcher to do the impossible, the approach described in this paper prescribes only fuzzy targets for vehicle utilization. A feedback loop adjusts the targets periodically based on the actual utilization. A second feedback loop monitors the general p

24、erformance of the dispatcher and provides a basis for self-learning features of the system. Experimental results about the effectiveness of the fuzzy controls are reported.经典的运输管理算法Manu facturi nglead-time rules:Customer rete nti on versus tard in esscosts Origi nal Research ArticleEuropea n Jour na

25、l of Operati onal ResearchA systematic approach for product families formati onManu facturi ng SystemsOrigi nal Research ArticleRobotics and Computer- In tegrated Manu factur inginRecon figurableModeli ng and specificati ons of dyn amicage ntsin fractalmanu facturi ngsystemsOrigi nal Research Articl

26、eComputers in In dustryIterative methods for manu facturi ng systems of two stati ons in tan demOrigi nalResearch ArticleApplied Mathematics LettersWait ing line model applicati ons in manu facturi ngIntern ati onal Jour nal of Productio n Econo micsOrigi nal Research ArticleProduct mix variability

27、with correlated dema nd in two-stage food manu facturi ngwith in termediate storageOrigi nal Research ArticleIntern ati onal Jour nal of Productio n Econo micsA UnifiedManu facturi ngResourceModelfor represe nti ngCNC machi ningsystemsOrigi nal Research ArticleRobotics and Computer- In tegrated Manu

28、 factur ingElectr onicwasterecycli ng:A review of U.S. in frastructureand tech no logyoptio nsOrigi nal Research ArticleResources, Con servati on and Recycli ngExact an alysisof thejoint product ionqua ntity-qualityof a two-stationstabletan demmanu facturi ngsystemwith restricted capacity Origi nal

29、ResearchArticleComputers & Mathematics with Applicati onsA critical review of syn gas clea ning tech no logiesfun dame ntal limitati ons andpractical problems Origi nal Research ArticlePowder Tech no logyGraphical abstractA robust and completely reliable syngas cleaning technology has not been d

30、eveloped especiallyfor gas cleaning over 600° C to achieve higher efficiencies. This paper presents a briefsummary of the current status, certain fundamental limitations and practical problems of the conventional gas cleaning technology. Recommendations are also made to overcome these fundament

31、al limitations and practical problems.先进制造技术与绿色产业的发展Queue ing theory in manu facturi ng systems an alysis and desig n: A classificati on of models for producti on and tran sfer linesReview ArticlesupplyEuropea n Jour nal of Operati onal ResearchIn tegrat ingmanu facturi ngand logistic systems along

32、globalcha insOrigi nal Research ArticleCIRP Jour nal of Manu factur ing Scie nee and Tech no logyIn present manufacturing systems information concerning logistic capabilities and employment level are not appropriately utilised to determine most effective production plans. Therefore, cost and lead-ti

33、me savings obtained with new global strategies might be impaired due to unbalanced and unstable integration of manufacturing and logistics. This paper proposes a framework for investigating interfaces between manufacturing and logistic systems along global supply chains. As first steps, a mathematic

34、al program of the integrated scheduling problem is developed and tested. Obtained results and the limited size of computationally manageable scenarios are both motivation and starting point for the development of forthcoming heuristics.Article Outli ne1. Introduction2. Global manufacturing chains3. Integration of production and logistics3.1. Production and transport scheduling problem3.2. Collaborative planning4. Enabling collaboration5. Investigative framework5.1. Adaptation of PTSP5.1.1. Nomenclature: sets5.1.2. Nomencla


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