1、1/9tda7269ajune 2003 swide supply voltage range up to +20vssplit supplyshhigh output power 14+14wthd = 10%, rl= 8 ? , vs = 16vsno pop at turn-on/offsmute (pop free)sstand-by feature (low iq)sshort circuit protection to gndsthermal overload protectiondescriptionthe tda7269a is class ab dual audio pow
2、er ampli-fier assembled in the multiwatt package, specially de-signed for high quality sound application as hi-fimusic centers and stereo tv sets. multiwatt11ordering number: tda7269a14w+14w stereo amplifier with mute & st-byfigure 1. typical application circuit+5v18k15kin (l)1 f15k1 fmute/st-by
3、gndin (r)1 f4.7 ?4.7 ?100nf100nfout (l)out (r)1000 f1000 f+vs357961124+-d94au085rl (l)rl (r)-vs p560 ?18kin- (l)810in- (r)1560 ?18k芯天下-http:/ 2/9absolute maximum ratingspin connection (top view)thermal datafigure 2. single supply applicationsymbolparametervalueunitvsdc supply voltage22viooutput powe
4、r current (internally limited)3aptottotal power dissipation (tamb = 70c)40wtopoperating temperature 0 to 70ctstg, tjstorage and junction temperature-40 to 150csymbolparametervalueunitrth j-casethermal resistance junction-case max.2.8c/w1234567910118in+(1)in-(1)gndin-(2)in+(2)-vsmuteoutput(2)+vsoutpu
5、t(1)-vstab connected to pin 6d95au316play5vr215kin (l)c3 1 fr110kc11 fmutein (r)c4 1 fr84.7?r71kc70.1 fout (l)out (r)c51000 f+vs357961124+-d96au444aout(l)out(r)gndr430kin- (l)810in- (r)1r51kr630kr94.7?c9 470 fc10 470 fc80.1 fr315k0muteq1bsx33c60.1 fd1 5.1vc2100 f芯天下-http:/ characteristcs (refer to t
6、he test circuit vs = 16v; rl = 8? ; rs = 50?; gv = 30db, f = 1khz; tamb = 25 c, unless otherwise specified)(*) in mute condition the current drawn from pin 5 must be 650 asymbolparametertest conditionmin.typ.max.unitvssupply voltage rangerl = 8 ?520vrl = 4 ?515viqtotal quiescent current60100mavosinp
7、ut offset voltage-2525mvibnon inverting input bias current500napooutput powerthd = 10%; rl = 8 ? ; vs = 12.5v; rl = 4 ? ; 1281410wwthd = 1%; rl = 8 ? ; vs = 12.5v; rl = 4 ? ;96117.5wwthdtotal harmonic distortionrl = 8 ? ; po = 1w; f = 1khz; 0.03%rl = 8 ? ; po = 0.1 to 7w; f = 100hz to 15khz; 0.7%rl
8、= 4 ? ; po = 1w; f = 1khz; 0.02%rl = 4 ? ; vs = 10v;po = 0.1 to 5w; f = 100hz to 15khz; 1%ctcross t alkf = 1khz;f = 10khz; 507060dbdbsrslew rate6.510v/ sgolopen loop voltage gain80dbentotal output noisea curvef = 20hz to 22khz348 v vriinput resistance1520k?svrsupply voltage rejection(each channel)f
9、= 100hz; vr = 0.5v60dbtjthermal shut-down junction temperature145cmute function ref +vs (*)vtmutemute /play threshold-7-6-5vamutemute attenuation6070dbstand-by functions ref: +vs (only for split supply)vtst-bystand-by mute threshold -3.5-2.5-1.5vast-bystand-by attenuation 110dbiqst-byquiescent curre
10、nt stand-by 36ma芯天下-http:/ 4/9mute stand-by functionthe pin 5 (mute/stand-by) controls the amplifier status by two different thresholds, referred to +vs. when vpin5 higher than = +vs -2.5v the amplifier is in stand-by mode and the final stage generatorsare off. when vpin5 between +vs -2.5v and +vs -
11、6v the final stage current generators are switched on andthe amplifier is in mute mode. when vpin5 is lower than +vs -6v the amplifier is play mode.figure 3. toffstdbymutemutemutemuteplaystdbyplayoffstdby20+vs(v)-20-vsvin(mv)vpin5(v)vsvs-2.5vs-6vs-10iq(ma)0vout(v)d94au086芯天下-http:/ 4. test and appli
12、cation circuit (stereo configuration)application suggestions (demo board schematic)the recommended values of the external components are those shown the demoboard schematic different val-ues can be used, the following table can help the designer.(*) closed loop gain has to be 25dbcomponentsuggestion
13、 valuepurposelarger than recommended valuesmaller than recommended valuer110k ?mute circuitincrease of dz biasing currentr215k ?mute circuitvpin #5 shifted downwardvpin #5 shifted upwardr318k ?mute circuitvpin #5 shifted upwardvpin #5 shifted downwardr415k ?mute circuitvpin #5 shifted upwardvpin #5
14、shifted downwardr5, r818k ?closed loop gain setting (*)increase of gainr6, r9560 ?decrease of gainr7, r104.7?frequency stabilitydanger of oscillationsdanger of oscillationsc1, c21 finput dc decouplinghigher low frequency cutoffc31 fst-by/mute time constantlarger on/off timesmaller on/off timec4, c61
15、000 fsupply voltage bypassdanger of oscillationsc5, c70.1 fsupply voltage bypassdanger of oscillationsc8, c90.1 ffrequency stabilitydz5.1vmute circuitr3in (l)c1r2c3mute/st-bygndin (r)c2 r7r10c8c9out (l)out (r)c6c4+vs357961124+-d94au087brl (l)rl (r)+vs-vsr9r5in- (l)810in- (r)1sw1r1dzr4sw2c7r8r6c5q1st
16、-bymute芯天下-http:/ 6/9bridge applicationanother application suggestion concerns the bridge configuration , where the two power amplifiers areconnected as shown by the schematic diagrams of figure 5 “split power supply” , and figure 6 “singlepower supply ”.this application shows,however, some operativ
17、e limits due to dissipation and current capability of the out-put stage.for this reason we recommend to use the tda7269a in btl with the following supply voltages dependingon the used load impedance (for the single supply consider double vs) :the detected characteristics of thd vs pout are shown in
18、figg: 7, 8 and 9 for the different load impedances.with rload = 8ohm , vs = 14v the maximum output power obtainable is 30w at thd = 10% (fig. 9). withrload = 6ohm , vs = 12v the maximum output power obtainable is 28w at thd = 10% (fig. 8). with rload= 4ohm , vs = 10v the maximum output power obtaina
19、ble is 20w at thd=10% (fig. 7). we suggest not to exceed the suggested supply voltages in order to avoid the current limiter intervention.figure 5. split power supply application diagram vs (v) rload (ohm)14811 61041 fst-by/mute1 fr5 4.7 ?r64.7?c70.1 fc90.1 fc50.1 fc41000 f+vs357961124+-d94au190rlr2
20、560?r136k ?8101r4560?r336k ?c1inc2c30.1 fc61000 f-vsc85.6nf芯天下-http:/ 6. single power supply application diagramplay5v15kin (l)1 f10k1 fmutein (r)1 f4.7?1k0.1 fout (l)out (r)1000 f+vs357961124+-d03au1518outgnd30kin- (l)810in- (r)11k30k4.7?0.1 f5.6nf15k0mutebsx330.1 f5.1v100 ffigure 7. distortion vs
21、output power figure 8. distortion vs output power figure 9. distortion vs output power thd(%)0.01100.020.0125600m4012345 6 7 8 92030pout (w)vs =+/-10vrload =4 ohmf=1khzthd(%)0.01100.020.0125600m40123456 7 8 92030vs =+/-12vrload =6 ohmf=1khzpout (w)0.01100.020.0125thd(%)
22、600m40123456 7 8 92030pout (w)vs =+/-14vrload =8 ohmf=1khz芯天下-http:/ 8/9multiwatt11 vdim.mminchmin.typ.max.min.typ.max.a50.197b2.650.104c1.60.063d10.039e0.490.550.0190.022f0.880.950.0350.037g1.451.71.950.0570.0670.077g116.751717.250.6590.6690.679h119.60.772h220.20.795l21.9620.8740.886l121
23、.7540.870.886l217.418.10.6850.713l317.2517.517.750.6790.6890.699l410.310.710.90.4060.4210.429l72.652.90.1040.114m4.254.554.850.1670.1790.191m14.735.085.430.1860.2000.214s750.102s750.102dia13.653.850.1440.152outline andmechanical data芯天下-http:/ furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. however, stmicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequencesof use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from
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