《四川省蓬溪外国语实验学校七年级英语上册《Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》_第1页
《四川省蓬溪外国语实验学校七年级英语上册《Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》_第2页
《四川省蓬溪外国语实验学校七年级英语上册《Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》_第3页
《四川省蓬溪外国语实验学校七年级英语上册《Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》_第4页
《四川省蓬溪外国语实验学校七年级英语上册《Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》_第5页
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1、unit 5 do you have a soccer ball【学习目标】:1、掌握本节课的9个单词和2个短语 2、学会句型do you have -?以及其回答yes, i do. /no, i don't.【学习重点】: 学会就有关人与物所属关系进行问答的句子。【学习过程】: 一、自主学习(教师寄语:where there is a will, there is a way.) 学习任务一: 熟练掌握本节课的9个词汇和2个短语。 过程:(1)个人试读,组内相互纠正发音。 (2)教师领读,学生纠正自己的发音 (3)自己读并记住汉语意思,组内检查。 (4)小组竞赛,看谁记的快而多。学

2、习任务二:(1)认真观察1a的图画,将单词与图中物品搭配,小组讨论并核对答 (2)听录音,完成1b,小组核对答案学习任务三: 熟练运用询问人与物所属关系的句型do you have -?及回答yes, i do. /no, i don't. 1、看图片1a,引入a: do you have a ping-pong ball? b: yes, i do. /no, i don't. 2、利用1a中物品来练习句型do you have-? yes, i do. no, i don't. 3、小组竞赛看谁练的快而多。(编一个对话) _ _二、合作共建(教师寄语:many ha

3、nds make light work. ) 小组讨论:do you have a soccer ball?中的you能否替换为he/she?如果能,应变为:_三、系统总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.) (1)这节课你学会了哪些表示球类的词。_ (2)总结一下询问人与物所属关系的句型。 _【知识链接】1. have 是_词,意思为_。如:我有一只钢笔。_2.have的第三人称单数形式为has, 当句子的主语为第三人称单数(he, she, it, eric等)时,have 要变为_。如: 他有一个文具盒。_ 她有一个棒球。_tom有一个足球。_

4、 eric有一个篮球。_3.如果句中无be(am,is,are),变一般疑问句时,就在句首加do/does,但does要用于主语为第三人称单数时,同时谓语动词要变成动词原形。 (注意:作肯定回答和否定回答时,do问do答,does问does答, do的否定形式dont,does的否定形式doesnt)i have a baseball. do you have a baseball? yes, i do. no, i dont. he has a soccer ball. does he have a soccer ball. yes, he does. no, he doesnt.把下列句子

5、变成一般疑问句并作肯定回答和否定回答:1. i have a ping-pong ball. _ _2. i have a basketball. _ _3. tom and bob have a tennis ball. _ _4. she has a ping-pong bat. _ _5. john has two baseballs. _ _四、 诊断评价(教师寄语:it's easier said than done.)(一)完成下列单词.网球_ 乒乓球_ 足球_ 排球_篮球_ 电脑游戏_ 乒乓球拍_ 棒球_有_ 球_ 做,干_ 球拍,球棒_(二) 翻译下列句子(1)这是你的

6、字典吗?不,它不是。 _ (2)那是他的钢笔吗?是,它是。 _ (3)这些是她的书吗?不,不是。它们是我的书。 _ (4)那些是你的铅笔吗?是的,它们是。_(5) 你有乒乓球吗? 是的,我有。 _ (6) 你有篮球吗?不, 我没有。 _ (7) 他有乒乓球拍? 是的,他有。 _ (8) 她有网球吗? 不,她没有。 _ (9) 他们有足球吗?是的,他们有。 不,他们没有。五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:never do things by halves) houwei middle school jiangchuan county 【课题】 unit5 do you have a soccer ba

7、ll? section a 2a 3c (第二课时)学科: 英语 教师: 班级: 七年级( ) 班 教学时间: 2020年秋季学期 第 周 【学习目标】:1.掌握单词 let,play,well,good,sport,many,club,class,more 2.掌握提建议的句型let's-【学习重点】:1.学会使用let's- 提建议【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )学习任务一: 熟练掌握本课的12个单词 1.个人自读,记忆本课单词 2.小组互相检查单词读写情况 3.根据汉语写出下列英语单词并展示让_我们(宾格)_

8、 让我们_去,走_我们_ 迟到_ 有(单三形式)_ 去取_伟大的_听起来_ 参加,玩耍_ 让我们走。_ 让我去拿它。_让我们打篮球。_ 那听起来很好。_学习任务二:完成3a的练习,根据3b练习let's-的用法 1.完成3a的练习. 2.完成3b 的练习 【知识链接】1. play + 球类运动的名词:打、踢 -球。打篮球_ 打乒乓球 _打棒球_打网球_踢足球_打排球_大电脑游戏_2.be late 迟到的 如:我迟到了。_ 他迟到了。_ 我们迟到了。_ 他们迟到了。_ be late for - 迟到- 如:我们上学迟到了。_3. let me do sth.让我做某事。 let u

9、s do sth.=lets do sth.让我们做某事。 如: let me _(help) you. lets _(play) basketball.四、【诊断评价】(教师寄语:never do things by halves) (一)用所给词的适当形式填空 1. that _ (sound ) good 2. _ you _ (have) a tennis?3. we have two_(basketball). 4. let's_(play) ping-pong. 5. i _(not have) a soccer ball. 6let _ ( i ) have a look

10、 at the photo.7i_ (not have) a baseball. 8. lets_( play ) games .9. that _( sound ) good. 10. _ he _ (have) a soccer ball?(二)选择 1. _ you have a pen? a. do b. does c. do d. does 2.let's play ping-pong. _. a. it's good. b. that interesting c. that sounds good d. it's fun 3. do you play _ v

11、olleyball? a. the b. a c. an d. 4. let me _ you. a. help b. to help c. for help d. helping 5. _ tom _ a computer? a. do, has b. does, have c. do, have d. does, has 6. my brother_ have a hat. a. am not b. dont c.don't d.doesn't7. do they _ english books?a. is b. are c. have d. do8. we _ a soc

12、cer ball.a. arent b. dont c. dont have d. doesnt have9. lets _ basketball after class.a. to paly b. plays c. palying d. paly10.let me _ you.a. help b. helps c. to help d. helping(三)根据汉语完成句子 1.我没有一个网球. i _ _ a _ . 2. 让我们去踢足球吧. _ 3. 那听起来很好. that _ good. 4. 我们有2个乒乓球拍。 _ 5.你打网球吗?你踢足球吗? do you _? _ play

13、soccer?6. 我想他有一个篮球。_ 7. tom 有2 个篮球。 _ 8.你的朋友们有棒球吗? 是的,他们有。 _ 9.john 有足球吗? 不,他没有。_ 10. 让我们去打篮球吧! 那听起来很好。 _(四)用 do,does,dont,doesnt 填空.1._ you have a tv ? yes, i _ .2._ they have a computer? no, they _3._ he have a tennis? yes, he _ .4._ she have a soccer ball? no, she _.5._ he have a ping-pong ball?

14、no, he _ .houwei middle school jiangchuan county 【课题】 unit5 do you have a soccer ball? section b 1a 2c (第三课时)学科: 英语 教师: 班级: 七年级( ) 班 教学时间: 2020年秋季学期 第 周【学习目标】:1.掌握单词interesting,boring,fun,difficult,relaxing,watch,watch tv 2.熟练掌握提建议的句型let's-【学习重点】:1.学会使用描述性形容词对事物做出评价如:interesting/boring/difficult

15、/relaxing/tv等 2.熟练掌握let's-句型【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )学习任务一: 熟练掌握本课的7个单词 1.个人自读,记忆本课单词 2.小组互相检查单词读写情况 3.根据汉语写出下列英语单词并展示有趣的_ 令人生厌的_ 困难的_ 轻松的_ 观看_ 看电视_ 相同的_ 爱,喜爱_和-在一起_ 体育运动_ 他们(宾格)_ 只,仅_喜欢,喜爱_容易的_ 在-以后_ 班级,课 _同班同学_ 4.小组合作完成1a,从而做1b的活动.学习任务二: 听录音,练习let's-的用法 1.听录音完成2a. 2.

16、再听一遍,完成2b内容.四、【诊断评价】(教师寄语:never do things by halves) (一)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1. these questions are very d_. 2. they play football e_ day. 3. d_ she like sports? 4. that s_ interesting. 5. i don't w_ tv in the evening. 6.let's play tennis.no, it's b_. 7. we have many c_:volleyball,basketball,p

17、ing-pong and more.8.playing computer games is very i_.9.math is d_, i dont like it.10.lets play guessing(猜测) games. that sounds f_.11.lets go to the beach(海滩). that sounds r_.12.lets play volleyball. no, its b_.(二)翻译短语 1.打排球_ 2.玩电子游戏_ 3.看电视_ 4.足球踢_ 5.做运动_ 6.听起来很有趣_ 7.上相同的学校_ 8.在学校_ 9.在电视上_ 10. 课后_ 1

18、1.和-打-球 _(三)选择 1.do lucy and lily have a baseball? yes,_. a. she does b. she has c. they do d. they have 2.let's play basketball. no,_. a. it's boring b. it's interesting c. it's good d. it's fun 3.that's an _ question. a. interesting b. boring c. difficult d. relaxing 4. do

19、you play _? a. basketballs b. a basketball c. basketball d. the basketball 5. let's _. a. play ping-pong b.t o play ping-pong c. playing ping-pong d. play the ping-pong 6. i _ have a watch. a .am not b. dont c.don't d.doesn't 7.that sounds _. a. well b. badly c. good d. fine8. i cant pla

20、y soccer. i think its_. a. fun b. relaxing c. funny d. difficult9. watching tv _ boring.a. sound b. be c. sounds d. to sound10. i have _ basketball. lets play_.a. a;a b. a;the c. the;a d. a;/11. lets_the volleyball game on tv.a. see b. look c. watch d. to watch12._you have a pen? a.do b.does c.do d.

21、does 13.do lucy and lily have a baseball? yes,_. a.she does b.she has c.they do d.they have 14.let's play basketball. no,_. a.it's boring b.it's interesting c.it's good d.it's fun 15. let's _tv. a.look b.look at c.see d.watch 16. do you play _? a.basketballs b.a basketball c.

22、basketball d.the basketball 17. let's _. a.play ping-pong b.to play ping-pong c.playing ping-pong d.play the ping-pong 18. let_ play sports. a.we b.us c.is d.has19. _you _a school bag . a. does , have b. do , have c. do , has d. does , has 20. he _ a soccer . a. have b. has c. does d. is 21. let

23、's play tennis ! _. a. yes, i do b. no , i don't c. that sounds good d. that sound fun . 22. does lily have a tennis ? yes , she _ a. has b. do c. does d. have 23. do you have two _. a. pencil case b. pencils case c. pencil cases d. pencils cases 24. tony watches sports _tv. a. on b. in c. a

24、t d. of 25. jane _basketball every day . a. play b. plays c. have d. has 26. _they _a volleyball ? a. do , has b. does , have c. do , have d. does , has 27. she _tv at night. a. looks b. see c. watch d. watches 28. let _have sports . a. we b. us c. is d. has(四)用所给动词的正确形式填空. 1. let's _ (play) soccer. 2. that _ (sound) boring. 3. he _ (have) a book.4. mr brown _( have ) a sports collection.5. she has five _( baseball ).6. my father often _( watch ) basketball matches on tv.7. my uncle _( play ) sports every day. 8. bill _( not play ) computer games on weekdays.9. let'


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