



1、*小学英语教育精品资源*小学英语教育精品资源广东版开心英语四年级上册教案Unit 10 ThiS is his body.LeSSOn 2TeaChi ng objectives:1. Can Say each Part of your OWn body in English.2. LiSte n to the Cha nt and Cha nt it correct.TeaChi ng key points:Can read the conv ersati on and Cha nt.TeaChi ng difficult points:Can USe “ ThiS is “'The

2、se areTeaChi ng aids:Radio a doll PiCtUreTeaCh ing steps:SteP One ReVieW1. LiSte n and nu mber:EarSmouth()( )eyes()HandSlegsnose()()()arms()feet()2. One StUde nt Say the comma nds and theother followsthe comma nds.SteP Two PreSe ntati on1. Bring a doll to class.S Rodeat: body. V Ss: body.>T: ThiS

3、 is the body. (Point to the dollCon ti nue With arms head mouth and legs.Iftime Permits, Say the words andhave SS pointtothe PartSontheir own bodies.T: Let ' S listen to the tape point to the pictures.PIay the tape and have SS POint to the pictures.T: Let ' S Iisten again and repeat.Play the

4、 tape again, PaUSing after each SentenCe and let SS repeat.ACt in pairs.2.POint to the PiCtUreS on the page.T:Look at MS Black. What' S She toud? V Ss: Her ears.>T:Touch your ears. V SS touch their own ears. >RePeat the IyriCS to the SS and have them repeat.T: Now open the book. Let '

5、S learn the Chant.Play the tape and do the acti ons. HaVe SS copy your acti ons.T: Now let ' S Chant.Play aga in and have SS Cha nted along.SteP Three PraCtiCeWrite the VOCabUIary words on PaPer strips.GiVe the CardS to eight SS one Card Per StUde nt.PaSS out the eight PiCtUre CardS to eight oth

6、er StUde nts.Whe n the teacherSay“ear” and the StUdents With theaearPiCtUre Card and the SSWiththe “ ear ” word to holdthem UPandrepeat after you.RePeat With other cards.SteP Four Con solidateASk some StUdents to teacher desk asd point. Say each Part of your body. USe this is these areSteP five HomeworkRead and recite the conv ersati on, VOCabUlary and target.FiSh the Senten ces:1.1 Can touch my.(耳朵)2. Close your.(眼睛)3. ThiS is.(我的脸)4. TheSe are.(我的腿 )5. my arms.(这是)BlaCkbOard Wri


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