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1、unit 9 what does he look like?教师寄语: dont judge by appearance 不要以貌取人一、【教学目标】 1) 牢记p127页单词12个:2)牢记短语6个 3)背会默写5个句子4)背会p94页section a 1b,2a 的听力材料二、【自主预习】 (认真预习,上课检查)1、牢记单词先读会写会p127页单词12个,from curly to later,然后补全单词(主要是元音或字母组合),并译成汉语。 c_ _ ly _, str_ _ght_, t_ll_, m_d_m _, th_n_, h_ _vy_, b_ _ld_, t_n_ _ _

2、t_, l_ttle_, c_n_m_, gl_sses_, l_ter _你能用上面的两个单词造两个句子吗?有能力的同学才能做到 !_2、翻译官 短语互译: look like _ 短发_ 卷发 _ 中等个子_ 中等身材_ a little _你能用上面的短语造两个句子吗?有能力的同学才能做到 !_3、背会默写5个句子:what does he look like? 他长的什么样子?hes of medium height/build . 他中等身高/身材hes heave. 他很胖。she has long straight hair. 她留着长发。is he tall or short?

3、他高还是矮?4、造句:描述一下我们班的学生 _ is a fat and tall boy . _ is a thin and short boy ._ is of medium height . _ has long straight hair.5.自我预习课文 p50页2d,把课文难点记在课本上。(上课检查,但这是学会的关键)1)are you going to the movie tonight ?你打算今晚去看电影吗?2)meet “集合;见面;” right “对吗,是吧”,3) may be a little late. 可能会有点晚4)wear glasses 戴着眼镜5)of

4、medium height中等身高6) see you later 晚一会见。三、【教学过程】1、1a,1b略 2、describe david, sally, peters appearances according to the information of 2b. ( 根据2b听力材料,完成句子):david is _(胖) and _(高). he has _ _.(留着卷发)sally is_ (廋) and _ _ _(中等个子). she has_ _ _(长的直发).peter is _(矮) and _ _ _(中等身材). he has _ _ (留短发)._ 3. 猜朋友

5、 (猜一猜班里谁是你的朋友)a: what does your friend look like?b: hes of medium height. he has curly hair.a: is he tall or short?b: he is tall .a: is he thin or heavy?b: he is thin a: is it e?b: yes. youre right. 4. 2a, 2b 略5. 2d. read the conversation and answer the questions.1.where are mike and tony going toni

6、ght? _ 2. where are they meeting ?_3. who is going with them? _4. what does david look like?_【自主探究知识点】通读2d, 把知识点整理在课本上。(上课检查)1. were meeting at seven, right? 我们七点见,对吗?meet相当于汉语中“集合;见面;”。right表示“对吗,是吧”,全句为is that right? 2. , but i may be a little late.may be 可能 a little意为“有点儿”,用来修饰形容词。 e.g. its a lit

7、tle cold tonight.【拓展】a little意为“一些;少许”后跟不可数名词。 e.g. theres a little meat in the bowl. 碗里有点肉。 3. well, he has brown hair and wears glasses. glass作“玻璃”讲时,是不可数名词;作“玻璃杯”讲时为可数名词;而glasses则是“眼镜”之意。e.g. glass is broken easily. 玻璃很易碎。 theres no water in your glass.你的杯子里没有水了。 does she wear glasses? 她戴眼镜吗? 4.

8、he isnt tall or short. 他不高也不矮。 英语否定句中不用and, 而用or。e.g. i dont have any brothers or sisters. 我没有兄弟和姐妹。 【homework】复习记住今天学的知识背会p94页section a 1b,2a 的听力材料仿照p94页section a 1b,2a 的听力材料,编写四个小对话预习下节学案unit 9 section a 2 (grammar focus-3c)一、【教学目标】 : 1) 牢记p127页单词4个: 2)能背诵grammar focus句型二、【自我预习】 1、先读会写会p127页单词4个,f

9、rom handsome to person, 然后补全单词(主要是元音或字母组合),并译成汉语。h_nds_me_, _ct_r_, _ctr_ss_, p_rs_n_,你能用上面的两个单词造两个句子吗?有能力的同学才能做到 !注意,handsome,形容man !_三、【教学过程】1. grammar focus阅读grammar focus中的句子,然后不看书翻译句子。(注意区分单复数,is 与has) 他长的什么样子?_他个子很高。 _ 她长的什么样子? _ 她留着长的直发。 _ 他们长的什么样子?_他们中等身材。 _ 他们长着直发还是卷发?_ 他们长着卷发。_ 他个头是高还是矮? _

10、他不高也不矮。他是中等身高。 _2.【自主探究】记在课本上(一)、描述人物外貌的问句。询问人物外貌时,我们常用“what + do / does + 主语 look like?”这一句型。其中,助动词用do还是does取决于主语人称和数的变化:当主语是第三人称单数或单数名词时,用does;当主语是其他人称或复数名词时,用do。如:what does your sister look like? 你姐姐长什么样?what do her parents look like? 她父母长什么样?【链接】我们可以用“what+be +主语like?”这一句型来询问某人的品质、个性等。如:whats he

11、r mother like? 她妈妈性格怎么样?she is quite nice. 她相当和善。【运用】对下列句子中的划线部分进行提问。(1) the little girl has long curly hair. _(2) my english teacher is friendly. _(二)、描述人物形象的表达方式。1. 描述身高、体重等整体特征时用be动词。即:“be + 表示身高体重的形容词或介词短语”。如: our p.e. teacher is of medium height. 我们体育老师中等身高。 shes of medium build. 她中等身材。 i am a

12、little heavy. 我有点儿胖。 2. 描述发型、面部特征方面,用have/has ,即:“have/has + 形容词 + 头发”。 jack has curly hair. 杰克留有卷发。 my uncle has a big nose and two small eyes. 我叔叔长着一个大鼻子和两只小眼睛。【运用】将下列句子翻译成英语。(1) 她妈妈不高也不矮。_(2) 我爷爷长着小鼻子,圆脸。_3. 表示穿着、戴着眼镜(帽子)用wear。 他戴着一幅眼镜。 he _ a pair of _. (三)、选择疑问句。用法:列举出两个或两个以上可能的情况让对方选择。答语不能用yes

13、/no,常选择其一来回答。are you a chinese girl or an american girl? 你是中国女孩还是美国女孩?im a chinese girl. 我是中国女孩。【运用】将下列句子或对话翻译成英语。(1) 这些椅子是新的还是旧的?_(2) 你喜欢裤子还是短裙? 我喜欢裤子。 _ _3a 方法指导 1. 本题考查如何用英语描述人物外貌。2. 在英语中,描述身高、体重等整体特征时用be动词。即:“be + 表示身高体重的形容词或介词短语”。3. 表示留着何种发型等用have/has。 即:“have/has + 形容词 + 头发”。4. 认真读所给词汇,明确

14、该词汇是表达何种情况的,然后对号入座,填入表格中。3b方法指导阅读指导:首先,应读每个句子,理解句子的意思;然后,应根据主语的单复数形式来确定谓语动词或助动词的单复数形式。之后,还要看动词后面是形容词还是名词,这样来确定是用is还是has/have; 最后,通读一遍本句子,看是否通顺。1. 第一句中用do还是does及第二句后半句和第五句中用has还是have,应根据句子主语的数来确定,第一句的主语your friend是第三人称单数形式,故应选does;第五句为一般疑问句,前面有does一词,故此处应用动词原形have。2. 描述身高、体重等整体特征时用be动词。如:第三、四句为描述身高,故

15、应用is一词;第四句因后面表明是“中等身材”,故前面用isnt。 3. 表示留着何种发型等用have/has。 如:最后一句表示长着什么头发,故用has一词。【自主探究知识点】and hes really handsome. handsome表示“帅;帅气”,多用于描述男性。如:a handsome boy pretty “漂亮;靓丽”, 多用于描述女性。如:a pretty little girl 3c方法指导先在头脑中想清楚,你最喜欢的男、女演员及最喜欢的老师是谁,然后想一想她/他的身高、发型、胖瘦、是否戴眼镜等特征,然后开始动手写吧。但一定要注意,正确运用is, has, do, doe

16、s等词汇哟。学生分小组谈论自己感兴趣的名人长相,后填写下表nameishaslikespan changjiangshortround facetelling jokes参考词汇 good-looking 漂亮的,男女通用两人一组问答。如:a: what does your favorite actor look like?b: he is thin. he is of medium height. he has short black hair.a: what does your favorite actress look like?b: she is of medium height. s

17、he is a little thin. she has curly long hair.仿写what does your favorite teacher look like?_3d. describe someone in the class. ask your classmates to guess who you are describing. a: hes very handsome. hes tall and of medium build. he wears a pair of glasses. b: does he have straight hair or curly hai

18、r?a: he has curly hair. b: is it wu feng?a: yes. youre right. 小试身手i. 根据语境,用is或has 填空。1. the old woman _ short hair.2. my new teacher _ of medium build and _ long straight hair.3. cathy _ tall and thin, and she _ short curly blonde hair.4. my sister _ short and a little heavy.5. _ peter of medium hei

19、ght? yes, he _.ii. 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1. my father has short black hair. (改为一般疑问句) _ your father _ short black hair?2. she is tall and heavy.  (改为否定句) she _ tall _ heavy.3. is that dales classmate?  (补全答语) yes, _ _.4. his brother is an actor. (用cousin改为选择疑问句) is his brother _ _

20、an actor?5. mr. green is of medium build. (对划线部分提问) _ _ mr. green _ _?【homework】1.remember the sentences in the grammar focus.(背会grammar focus中的句子)2. describe three classmates in your class in english. (用英语描述一下你的三个同学)1)._2)._3)._ 用英语描述一下你自己:_unit 9 section b 1 (1a-2c)一、【教学目标】 : 1) 1) 牢记p127页单词19个: n

21、ose ,blonde, mouth, round, face, eye, singer, artist, crime, criminal, put, each, way, describe, differently, another, end, real, jeans 2) 牢记短语7个3)理解背诵p53页2b课文二、【自主预习】1、牢记单词先读会写会p127-128页单词19个,from nose to jeans,然后补全单词(主要是元音或字母组合),并译成汉语。n_se_ , bl_nde_, m_ _th_, r_ _nd_, f_ce_, _ye_, s_nger_, _ _tis

22、t_, cr_me_, cr_m_nal_, p_t_, _ _ch_, w_y_, d_scr_be_, d_ff_r_ntly_, an_ther_, _nd_, r_ _l_, j_ _ns_ 你能用上面的单词造两个句子吗?有能力的同学才能做到 !_2、翻译官 短语互译: a big nose _ 小嘴_ 圆脸 _ a police artist _ in the end _ 擅长_ 这个罪犯的图片_你能用上面的短语造两个句子吗?有能力的同学才能做到 !_3. 自我预习课文 p53页2b,通读课文,把课文难点记在课本上。(老师不讲,但这是学会的关键)1)a police artist 警

23、察画家2)talk to joe. 给joe 说3) draw a picture of the criminal 画出罪犯的肖像4)put it in newspapers 把它登在报纸上5)the same way 同一种方式6) may 可能,可以7)in the end 最后把课文第一段译成汉语_三、【教学过程】1a try to describe the people in the pictures. the woman has short curly blonde hair. she has a round face. she has small mouth and big eye

24、s. she doesnt wear glasses. she is beautiful (漂亮的). 仿照例子,描述1a中其他三个人的相貌b_c_d_1e describe what your favorite singer or athletic looks like.1) my favorite singer is jay chou. he is of medium height and build. he has short black hair. he has small eyes. hes really handsome. 2) my favorite singer is wang

25、 feng. hes of medium height. hes a little heavy. he has long curly hair. he wears glasses. hes really cool. 3) 描述你喜爱的明星的相貌_ .2b. reading & writing(2b & 2c)1. look at the pictures of 2b and say what the three people look like.2. fast reading: read the article and find the real criminal.3. car

26、eful reading: read the article carefully then answer the questions below.1. what does joe brown do? _ 2. is his work easy or difficult? why?_3. what does the real criminal look like? which picture shows the real criminal?_4.译成汉语many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the

27、 same person differently._自主探究知识点。把知识点整理在课本上。1. singer 唱歌家 artist艺术家 构词法:动词 + er (人物)名词 名词 + ist (人物)名词例如:teach (教)teacher 老师 play (打) player(运动员;播放器) piano (钢琴) pianist (钢琴家) violin (小提琴)violinist (小提琴家) 2. and the police put it in newspaper and on television to find him. police意为“警察,警方”,与people用法类

28、似,为集合名词 在表述“一名警察”时,要用a police officer或a policeman/ a policewoman。 在英语中,在报纸上用介词in, 不用on。在电视里用介词on, 不用in。3. many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently.1) same和different是一对反义词,前者表示“相同的,同样的”,后者表示“不同的;有区别的。” same作为形容词时往往用在名词前,且之前往往有定冠词the。例如: the same

29、 way 相同的方法; the same person同样的人;同一个人2) differently是different的副词形式,在句中修饰动词,表示“不同地;有区别地”。3) people和person people表示“人,人们”,为复数名词;person为单个的人,有复数形式。4. another adj. 意为“另一”(三者或三者以上) e.g. this sweater is too small. please give me another big one. 【练习】用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. whos your favorite _ (sing)? its zhang ji

30、e. 2. where is the _ (art) from? hes from australia. 3. each student learns _ (different). 4. each _ (women) gets some flowers as a gift.5. is that a _ (really) plane? no. its a model plane. 6. another _ (children) talks to us in english. 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1. 请告诉我你的新同学长什么样。 please tell me _ your n

31、ew classmate _ _.2. 我可以给奶奶画像。 i can draw _ _ _ my grandmother.3. 真正的罪犯是个又高又胖的老头。the _ criminal is a tall and _ _ man. 4. 人们并非总是以同样的方式看待事物。 people dont always see things _ _ _.5. 警方将罪犯的画像登到报纸上来找人。 the police _ the picture of the criminal _ newspapers to find him.【homework】复习记住今天学的知识背会p53页2b 预习下节学案uni

32、t 9 section b 2 (3a-self check)一、【教学目标】 能用英语对人物外貌描述,写成作文。二、【教学过程】3a fill in the blanks with the words in the box.思路指导1. 先读空格里单词,明白选项词汇的意思。2. 通读全文,理解短文大意。3. 理解每句话的意思,根据句子意思及习惯用法来确定每个空格处的意思。第一个空格处是习惯用法look like“看起来像”;第二个空格前有tall(高的),因此本空格应为_;第三空格后有hair一词,可知此空格处为_。第四空格前有wear(穿、戴),可推知本空格处为“_”; 读第四句意知其为描

33、述他的穿戴,因此本空格处应填_。3b writing写作指导1. 这是一篇介绍好友的长相、穿戴及喜欢他的原因。2. 可以先回答四个提示问题;然后将这四个句子连成一篇连贯的短文。3. 用“be + 形容词”来描述人物的身高、体重、身材等;用“have/has + (straight/curly) hair / (big/small)eyes/ nose/mouth”来描述头发或五官。用“wear + 某种衣服”来介绍某人的穿戴。4. 最后,说明喜欢他的原因。仿写作文 (sample)my best friend is li xiaomeng. shes beautiful. she always wears a white t-shirt and jeans. she usually wears a pair of sports shoes. she is tall and thin. she has short curly hair. she has big eyes and a small mouth. i like her because she is cute and fun. 我的作文(注意书法)_self check 2,描


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