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1、module 11 知识点梳理unit 1一、短语difference between a and b_ in the west_be different from _ _ for example_be interested to do_ had better do sth._ do some cleaning_ _ pay attention to _in the north of china_ taste great_have your hair cut_ the spring festival_put up your hand_ 二、同义短语 pay attention =_ =_ 小心

2、 be interested to do sth. =be _ _ doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣 immediately =right away= at once= right now 立刻,当即三、知识点1. what a surprise!感叹句的句型:a: what + aan +adj. +可数n.单数+主+谓!b:what+ adj. +可数n.复数不可数n.+主+谓!c:how + adj.+主+谓!how clever the boy is! 多么聪明的男孩啊!=_ _ _ boy (he is)!2.surprise n.惊讶 in surprise 惊讶地 to on

3、es surprise 让某人惊讶的是e.g. to my surprise,he was a thief. surprised adj. 感到惊讶的 be surprised at 对某事感到惊讶 be surprised to do sth. 对做某事而感到惊讶have you heard the news?i am very to know that he didnt come. what a ! i saw him in .to my , he succeeded at last.3. accept v. 接受 accept (经过考虑主动)接受 receive 指收到某物的动作,不含

4、有本身是否愿意的感情色彩i received a gift from ann and i didnt want to accept it.he many gifts on his birthday.tony asked mary to marry him, but she didnt him.4. taste v. 有的味道 感官系动词有 look,sound,smell,taste,feel,后面可以直接加形容词。 这块蛋糕尝起来非常好吃! _unit2一、短语:something interesting 不定代词+形容词for the first time_ get to know _ha

5、ve afternoon tea_ light meal_each other _ wait for 等待 wait to do sth._cant wait to do sth. _try to do sth. 努力做某事 try doing sth. 尝试做某事try ones best to do sth. 尽某人最大的努力去做某事traditional food 传统的食物 take away 带走(代词放中间)push ones way 推开一条路,挤着前进stand in a line 排队,站成一队 get on the bus 上车touch the man on the sh

6、oulder 拍某人的肩膀talk to 与说话 知识点:1.not just. but不仅仅而且e.g. ms liu is not just a teacher but a very good friend of us.刘老师不仅仅是一名老师,而且是我们的好朋友。he is a teacher as well as a writer. = he is a teacher a writer. = he is a teacher a writer.2. experience n. 经历 (可数), 经验(不可数)unit3短语: look up 查阅 look for 寻找 look at 看

7、着 look out 小心 at the age of 在岁时 clean up 打扫干净 wash up 洗刷,饭后洗餐具 stay out呆在户外 make mistakes 犯错误 take off 起飞,脱下take photos with 用拍照take photos of 给拍照四、语法学习1.情态动词后面加动词原形。意义否定形式must必须,一定要mustnt(不能,禁止)can可以,能cant(不能,不可以)need需要neednt(不需要,没必要)2.含有must,can,need的一般疑问句及其回答。含有情态动词的一般疑问句肯定回答否定回答mustmustneedntcan

8、can cantneedmust neednt3. must 与 have to意义否定形式must说话者的主观看法mustnt(一定不要,不允许)have to客观需要,含有“不得不,被迫” 之意dont have to=neednt(不必)4. had better do sth. 最好做某事,表示劝告或建议had better not do sth. 最好不做某事相应练习:选择正确答案.1)-what would you send to your sister as the christmas gift?-i havent decided yet. i send her a handba

9、g.a. shall b.may c.must2)-whos that man over there? is it mr li?-it be him. hes much taller. a.cant b.mustnt c.may d.should3)-another cup of tea?-no, thanks. i be off. mary is waiting for me.a.can b.may c.must4)-mr li, must i come again to clean the windows.-no, you . i have asked others to do it.a.

10、dont have to b.mustnt c.cant d.shouldnt补充句子:1. -can you finish our homework this afternoon ?-no, you _.2. -must i clean all the rooms? -yes, you _/ no, you _.3.-need i answer the question?- yes, you _. / no, you _.4.你一定不要告诉他这件事。_5. 你不必告诉他这件事。_.语法填空用括号内所给的动词完成短文,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。 i have a friend(1)_(cal

11、l)tom. he is an english boy. now he (2)_(1ive)in yangzhou with my family. tom (3)_(not know)chinese, but he is learning it. he often (4) _ (speak)chinese to my parents、irle and his chinese friends, but sometimes we don't understand him because he isn't good at it yet. it (5)_(be) a sunday mo

12、rning. tom (6)_(go)out. he wanted (7)_(buy) a walkman. he walked along the street. he(8)_(look)for a shopping mall, but he didn't knew where(9)_(go). luckily, a girl helped him (10)_(find)the mall. he was very happy and bought a nice walkman.作文练习有位外国朋友要到中国来,想通过你了解中国的风俗习惯。请写一篇文章,介绍一下中国的风俗习惯,包括一下内

13、容:表达问候,与人就餐,参加聚会等。(不少于80词)_ module 12unit 1重点短语first aid 急救 basic medical help 基本医疗救助 at the bottom of 在的底部make a sound 出声 first of 首先 have trouble doing sth做某事有困难speak to sb. 跟某人说话 shout for help 呼救 lift up 抬起;提起make sure 确保;确认 coverwith用把盖起 suchthat如此以至于be bad for = be harmful to = do harm to 对有伤害

14、知识点汇总1. broken adj. 破碎的;伤残的break-broke(过去式)-broken(过去分词)eg._(看那扇破碎的窗户。)2. glass n. 玻璃(不可数) n. 玻璃杯(可数的)【注意:glasses 眼镜a pair of glasses 一副眼镜】eg._(一块破碎的玻璃伤了我的膝盖。) 3. aid n. 救助,帮助first aid 急救 give first aid 进行急救4. imagine v. 想象,设想imagine + 名词想象某事 imagine doing sth. 想象做某事 imagine+宾语从句eg._(你能想象没有水的生活吗?)【注

15、意: i/we imagine后若接否定的宾语从句,否定部分转移到主句。】eg. _(我认为他们不会喜欢它的。)5. whats wrong with + sb./sth. 询问某人某物出了什么问题。=whats the matter with + sb./sth.=whats the trouble with + sb./sth.eg. whats wrong with your computer? = _ _ _ _your computer?6. trouble n.麻烦,困难 v. 麻烦,使烦恼have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 have troub

16、le with 在方面有困难【注意:trouble前可以用some, much, little, no来修饰。】eg. 1. we _ _ _ _the answer. (我们毫不费力就找到了答案)2. _(很抱歉麻烦你。)7. lift v.抬起,举起,提起n. 电梯lift up抬起,提起【注意:代词放中间,名词可放后面或中间。】_(这个箱子很重,请帮我把它抬起来。)8. harmful adj. 有害的harm n. 伤害,损伤be harmful to = do harm to 对有伤害it is harmful to the air. = it _ _ _the air这对空气是有害

17、的。9. make sure 确保,确认make sure of + 名词 make sure (that)+ 句子10. coverwith用把盖住be covered with被盖住cover n. 盖子,封面eg. _ the table _ a white cloth.(用一块白布把桌子盖住。) = the table _ _ _ a white cloth. 11. suchthat.引导结果状语从句“如此以至于”常见结构:1. such + a/an + 形容词+ 单数可数名词+ that 2. such +形容词+不可数名词/复数名词+that【注意:若名词前有many或much

18、修饰,则用so that句式。】(1).“i am a singer”is _ an interesting tv show _ many people like watching it.a. so ; that b. such ; that c. so ; as d. such ; as (2). there are _ many beautiful t-shirts _ i cant decide which one to choose.a. so ; that b. such ; that c. so ; as d. such ; as unit 2重点短语stay away from

19、远离 warn sb. about sth. 提醒/警告某人注意某事keep clear of不和接触 move away from 从离开1. stay away from sb/sth = keep away from sb/sth远离;不接近知识点汇总2. warm v.警告,告诫warm sb警告某人warn sb. about sth. 提醒/警告某人注意某事warn sb. against sb/ sth.提醒某人注意;使某人警惕warn sb.(not)to dosth. 提醒/警告某人(不要)去做某事3. inside n. 里面,内部 _(办公室的内部) adv. 在里面;向

20、室内_(她朝里面看了看,但是他什么都看不到。) adj. 里面的;内部的prep. 在.里面4. keep clear of不和接触;避开keep + 形容词保持. keep + doing sth保持做某事5. be careful of/with/about = take care of 当心,注意becarefule (not) to do sth. 小心(不要)做某事1.please be careful with my glasses = please _ _ _ my glasses. 2._(小心不要打烂那只玻璃杯了。)unit 3重点短语street lights 路灯powe

21、r lines 电线be careful of 当心on a beach 在海滩上in short 总之 keep out 不进入,留在外面because of 因为be proud of = take pride in 为.感到自豪知识点汇总1. keep out 不进入;留在外面keep sb/sth out of 使不受影响;使不进入_(别让狗进入你的卧室。)2. be proud of sb/sth = feel proud of sb/sth为某人/某事感到自豪be/feel proud to do sth为做某事而感到自豪be/feel proud that + 句子1. i _

22、_ _ you.(我为你们感到骄傲。)2. _(她很自豪她的儿子赢得了比赛。)本单元主要语法一、 用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等句子叫做祈使句。常见的句式:肯定结构:1. do型(即:动词原形(+宾语)+其它成分).如:please have a seat here. 请这边坐.2. be型(即:be + 表语(名词或形容词)+其它成分).如:be a good boy! 要做一个好孩子!3. let型(即:let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分).如:let me help you. 让我来帮你.否定结构:1. do型和be型的否定式都是在句首加don't构成.如:do

23、n't forget me! 不要忘记我!don't be late for school! 上学不要迟到!2. let型的否定式有两种:“don't + let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分”“let + 宾语 + not + 动词原形 + 其它成分”.如:don't let him go. / let him not go. 别让他走.3. 有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句.如:no smoking! 禁止吸烟!no fishing! 禁止钓鱼!二、 情态动词must, can, could表示推测must 表推测“一定,准是”;若表示不可能

24、用“cant”而不能用“mustnt”mustnt表示“禁止”he cant be there. 他不可能在那里。can,could 表“能够,可以”。can用于否定式或疑问句;但是can 的可能性要比could大。is that mr li under the tree?no, it be him. hes in the office now.a. cant b.mustnt c.mightthe book be lilys . there is her name on the cover.a. may b.might c.could d.must语法填空:one evening kate was enjoy a film at the cin


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