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1、课 时 计 划课题: unit 3 lets paint a-let s talk 第1 课时教学目标:1. learn the dialogue how are you? fine, thank you. 2. ss learn to sing the song “how are you?”(recycle 1)重点、难点:1. the dialogue how are you? fine, thank you. 2. the pronunciation of “fine, thank you.”课前准备:1. the puppets of miss white and sarah. 2.

2、the tape 教学过程: . warm-up/review 1. play the song “how are you? ” ss enjoy it.2. free talk. good morning/ afternoon. hi! hello! nice to meet you. whats your name? i m etc. . presentation 1. take out the puppet of sarah and say “hello! im sarah. ”then greet to the ss. 2. show ss the puppet of miss whi

3、te. t plays the two roles and introduces the dialogue “how are you? fine, thank you.” sarah: good morning, miss white. how are you? miss white: fine, thank you. 3. model the sentences again. ss repeat. . practice 1. chain game: ss ask and answer one by one. a: how are you? b: fine, thank you. how ar

4、e you? c: fine, thank you. 2. play the game: clap hands. s1 says “how are you?” and then clap hands with s2. s2 answers “fine, thank you.”. presentation 1. hang up the picture of the text. point to miss green and mr. black. ask them “who s there?” teach them their names “miss green ” and “mr. black”

5、.2. ask ss to look at the picture and make dialogues in groups. 3. play the tape, ss listen. 4. have ss open their books. play the tape again, ss listen and repeat. . practice 1. ss practice the dialogue in groups and then act out. 2. learn to sing the song “how are you? ”板书设计:unit 3 let s paint a l

6、et s talk how are you? miss green fine, thank you. mr. black 课后小节 : 课 时 计 划课题: unit 3 a lets learn 第2 课时教学目标:1. productive language: blue, green, yellow, red, purple. 2. tpr commands. show me your 3. learn to sing “who is wearing yellow today?”重点、难点:1. the words about colors. 2. tpr commands. 3. the

7、 song “who is wearing yellow today?”课前准备:1. crayons (blue, green, red, yellow, purple) 2. the tape 3. cai 教学过程: . warm-up/review 1. play the song “how are you? ” ss sing with the tape.2. ss greet each other using the dialogue “how are you?fine, thank you.” . presentation 1. show miss green on the sc

8、reen and introduce “miss green is wearing green. she has a green book.” name the word “green ”, ss repeat. 2. give them the command “show me your green crayon.” ss do the action. then “show me your green pen.” practice with the other school things. 3. name the word again. ss repeat. 4. name the phra

9、ses with the color. e.g. a green book. 5. teach the other 4 colors with the same way. e.g. sarah is wearing yellow. she has a yellow pen. mike is wearing red. he has a red pencil. zip is wearing blue. she has a blue ruler. zoom is wearing purple. he has a purple bag. 6. have ss open their books. pla

10、y the tape, ss listen, point and repeat the words. . practice 1. find the colors: say a color at random. ask ss to find out the things with the color. 2. guess the colors: put the school things in a big box. ask a s to take one and hold it in hands. the others guess the color. 3. have ss open their

11、books. play the tape, ss listen and point to the pictures. then have ss close the books, play the tape, ss listen and do the actions. 4. give the commands at random, ss do the actions. then volunteers give the commands, the others do the actions. 5. play the song “who is wearing yellow today?” point

12、 to the ss wearing the color while singing. then teach them to sing. 板书设计:unit 3 a let s learn green blue yellow red purple 课后小节 : 课 时 计 划课题: unit 3 a let s paint c story time 第3 课时教学目标:1. review the colors by painting the clown. 2. ss understand the story. 重点、难点:1. the colors. 2. the words in the s

13、tory: flower(s), one, wow, look. 课前准备:1. four blank pictures of the clown. 2. the crayons and paper. 3. the tape. 教学过程: . warm-up/review 1. play the song “who is wearing yellow today?” ss sing by groups and clap hands. 2. free talk. . presentation 1. learn the words and phrases in the story. a. show

14、 ss a piece of paper with a flower on it. b. give the command “show me your red crayon.” ss do the action. ask the fastest s to come in front of the bb. give the command “color it red.” and point to the flower. have the s color it. c. do the same with the other colors. then complete drawing the flow

15、er. name the word “flower ”, ss repeat.d. show them different color flowers to practice the word. e. give them the command “let s draw and paint.” have ss draw and paint different color flowers. f.attach the pictures of flowers on the bb. introduce “a blue flower. a red one. a yellow one. wow! flowe

16、rs! 2. have ss open their books. play the tape, ss listen to the story. 3. play the tape again. ss listen and repeat. 4. encourage the ss to act out. . practice let s paint1. have ss open their books to p.26 and look at the picture of the clown. 2. say the commands on the right. ss color. ask 4 ss t

17、o paint on the bb. 3. show their pictures. lead ss to describe. 板书设计:unit 3 a-let s paint c-story time flower clown 课后小节 : 课 时 计 划课题: unit 3 b-let s talk 第4 课时教学目标:1. learn the dialogue: how are you? i m fine, thank you.very well, thanks. 2. learn the phrases: lets paint. great/ok!重点、难点:1. the dialo

18、gue: how are you? i m fine, thank you./very well, thanks.2. the pronunciation of “very well”课前准备:1. a board and crayons. 2. the tape 教学过程: . warm-up/review 1. word race: divide the class into two groups. show them word cards or pictures and ask ss to name the word. the group which told the most word

19、s in 10 seconds wins the game. 2. sing the song “how are you? ”3. free talk. how are you? good morning/ afternoon! hello! . presentation 1. t: hello! good morning/ afternoon! how are you? s1: fine, thank you. how are you? t: im fine, thank you.2. do the same with “very well, thanks.”3. model the two

20、 sentences. ss repeat. . practice 1. let s play:s1: how are you? s2: fine, thank you. how are you? s3: im fine, thank you. how are you?s4: very well, thanks. how are you? 2. whisper: give the first s of each group a piece of paper with a word or a phrase they learnt. the first s reads it and whisper

21、 it to the second s and so on. the group which is the fastest and tells the right one wins the game. . presentation 1. act the dialogue with a s. using the board and the paintbrush to introduce “let s paint! great!”2. have ss open their books. play the tape again, ss listen and repeat. . practice ss

22、 practice the dialogue in groups and then act out. 板书设计:unit 3 b let s talk how are you? let s paint!fine, thank you. ok! i m fine, thank you. great!very well, thanks. 课后小节 : 课 时 计 划课题: unit 3 lets paint b-let s learn 第5 课时教学目标:1. productive language: black, white, orange, pink, brown 2. tpr command

23、s: black, black. stand up. pink, pink. sit down. 3. lets check.重点、难点:1. the color words: black, white, orange, pink, brown 2. tpr commands. 课前准备:1. word cards of color. 2. ten different color flowers. 3. the tape 教学过程: . warm-up/review 1. free talk. how are you? i m fine, thank you. / very well, tha

24、nks.2. ss make dialogues in groups and then act out. . presentation let s learn1. review the colors using the real things. e.g. show ss a blue pencil, have ss tell “a blue pencil”. then show ss a white eraser, intr oduce the new color “white ”. do the same with the other words (pink, orange, brown,

25、black). 2. hold up the word cards and name the words one by one. ss listen and repeat. 3. have ss open their books. play the tape. ss listen, point and repeat the words. 4. draw a smiling face beside the color the teacher likes. and say “i like ” ss learn to say the sentence. make more examples. pra

26、ctice 1. show and say a. show ss a color flower, e.g. red and say “a red flower”. have ss choose the flower they like and repeat. b. say the color words at random. ss show the color flowers. 2. guessing game: a. put the five flowers (the new colors) into a box. take one in hands and let them guess t

27、he color and tell out the word or phrase. b. show them the flower. the ss guessing right may attach the flower on their chest. c. go on the game. d. give the command “black, black. stand up.” attach a black flower on the chest and do the action. ask the ss who have the same color flowers to repeat t

28、he action. e. do the same with the other commands. . assessment let s check. ss listen and choose a or b. then check 板书设计:unit 3 let s paint b let s learn 课后小节 : 课 时 计 划课题: unit 3 b-let s chant c-culture lets sing 第6 课时教学目标:1. learn to chant to review the colors. 2. ss learn to sing the song “color song”(c)重点、难点:1. the chant and the song. 2. the sentences: i can see a rainbow. how about you? i can sing a rainbow. 课前准备:1. a red ball. 2. some national flags. 3. ten different color flowers. 4. a picture of halloween. 5. the tape 教学过程: . warm-up/review 1. free talk. good morning/ afternoon


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