1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载人教 pep 六年级英语上册教案unit 5 part blet s read教学设计教学内容:pep 学校英语六年级上册unit 5 what does she do.part blet s read教学目标与要求:1.能够听.说.认读lets read部分的短文,完成相应的活动;2.能够运用所学语言较好完成“聘请会”的活动;教学重点.难点分析:1.本课重点为操练巩固本单元11 个职业名称的单词和重点句型:what does he/she do. where does he/she work. how does he/she work.2.本课难点为帮忙同学
2、懂得短文中的新语言,如:help the bank use their money well. likeshelping people. help tourists find their way.以及三个小建议;课前预备:1.实物投影;2.供同学阅读的人物信息;3.城市交通图;4.人才信息卡(事先贴在教室的四周)教学步骤:1.preparation(1) greetings(2) lets chant课本第 56 页 2free talk预设问题:how many people are there in your family.who are they. what does your fath
3、er / mother do .where does your father / mother work.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载how does your father / mother go to work. how does your father / mother go to work.设计意图:课前 chant 热身,让同学快速进入学习状态并复习旧知;通过日常会话,复习巩固本单元主要职业名词及句型,达到温故而知新的目的;2.pre-readingt:now、 i will introduce some my friends to you、 look at the
4、 tv and guess. what do they do . ok.ss: ok.t:ok.let ms eet my firstfriend. 投影出示第一张卡片:she works in the school. she teaches english in the school. she loves her children very much. what does she do. she is a 老师同学一起读卡片上的内容后,what does she do. can you guess. s1:she is a teacher.t: yes.ss: yes.揭示答案 t:you
5、are great. so let s meet my second投fr影ie出nd示. 其次张卡片: he works in a car company. he likes math and drawing very much. he can des(ign设计) many cool cars. what does he do. he is an .师生齐读内容,出示单词卡,教读design;之后师问: what does he do . can you guess. s3: maybe he is an engineer.t: yes、 he is an engineer. you ar
6、e very clever.揭示答案 now、 let s go on 、 meet my friends. i have many friend投s.影 出示第三张卡片:they like beautifulcities.theyliketraveling 旅 游 verymuch.whoarethey.theyare can you read the passage. have a try、 please.同学试读小短文,老师和同学一起读后,老师说出答案并出示tourists 单词卡,领读四至五遍; 投影出示一张城市交通图,在图上标出两个旅行者;t:look. here are two t
7、ourists. they are in this bus 图上的公共汽车 they are going to the精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载park、 在投影上标出他们要去的位置 they want to go here、 but they can t find their way.can you help them to find their way.投影出示句子 help the tourists find their way.领读几遍后齐读 t:can you help them to find their way. you can say“first、 they
8、 canth”entalk about it with your partner.(同学看地图,同伴相互说路径,老师巡察指导,辅导说清路线)指一生说路线 so who can help the tourists find their way. s1: i can help the tourists find their way.t: please.s1: first、 they can go straight、 then they can turn left at the traffic lights、 then go straight、 turn right at the next traf
9、fic lights. then go straight. ok.t: thank you. let s see、 they are here. you are so helpful. yoeu acapnoblicewoman.s1: thank you.t: you are welcome.i want to be a policewoman、 too. because i like helping people. what about you. s2: i like to be、t:i want to be精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载s2: i want to be a
10、 policewoman、 too. because i like helping people.教 t: thank you very much. and what about anthers.s3: i want to be a policewoman、 too. because i like helping people. t: thank you.出示周杰伦照片, look.is he a policeman.ss: no.t: no、 he isn t. what does he do. s4: he is a singer.师指导正确表述 精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎
11、下载t: do you know this singer. what s5: his name is zhou jielun.s namseh.i精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载t: thank you very much. now、 let s talk about zhou jielun.出示提示句子 look.i think zhou jielun is a singer. he goes to work by car. he likes singing very much. what do you think of zhou jielun.同学看提示语和同位争论(投影卡片
12、内容:a. is a singer.b. is a playerc. goes to work by card. likes singing.e. likes swimming.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载请同学说说自己的想法:i think zhou jielun投影出示句子; zhou jielun is a singer. he goes to work by car. he likes singing very much.出示另一张照片(老师自己的照片)t: who is she.ss: she is miss liang.t: yes、 she is me. can
13、 you read the sentences and talk about miss liang in your groups. . i think miss liang精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载(投影卡片内容:a. works in a school.b. works in a hospital.c. goes to work by bike.d. goes to work by buse. likes teach english.f. likes teach science精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载同学在小组内争论,沟通;老师巡察指导;t: wha
14、t do you think of miss liang. can you have a try.s5: i think miss liang works in a school. she goes to work by bike. she likes teach english very much.t: thank you very much. you are great. sit down please.so let s se出e示. 句子 miss liang works in a school. she goes to work by bike. she likes teach eng
15、lish very much.出示一名银行会计的工作照片;look at her. do you want to know something about her. if you do. you can ask me some questions about her.s1: what s her name.t: her name is xiao hong.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载s1: thank you .t: you are welcome. s2: how old is she.t: she is 32 years old. and she can help the
16、 bank use their money well出. 示句子: helps thebank use their money well. 领读三四遍 can you talk about her with your partner. use the sentenc“e i think xiao hong”投影出示提示:a. helps the bank use their money well.b. is an accountant.c. is a policewoman.d. works in a bank.e. works in a hospital.同学两人一组争论沟通;老师巡察指导;
17、t: what do you think of her.a.s1: i think xiao hong helps the bank use their money well. she is an accountant. she works in a bank.老师边听边订正句子中的用词.发音等;t:you are super. thank you.投影出示刚才的三段短文;can you read the passages by yourselves.同学看投影自由阅读;t:can you answer these questions. ask and answer in your group
18、s.投影出示问题:1. what does zhou jielun do.2. what does xiao hong do .3. who works in a school.4. who likes singing.5. how does miss liang go to work.6. who help the bank use their money well.老师提问投影上的问题,同学抢答;老师说完一个问题后,说one、 two、 three.同学再举精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载手,最先举手的同学抢得回答权,在老师话音未落前抢答无效;设计思路:通过先阅读部分与课文相
19、像的片段,引出文中的难点句子,进行教读.懂得;排除阅读障碍,降低阅读难度;并且用反复显现的方式操练重点句型; 3.in readingt:we have another three friends in our english books. open your books and turn to page 63. let s meet our friends、 ok.ss: ok.t: read the passage by your selves. please. 同学打开课本,自由阅读课文;老师巡察指导; t:who can read the first passage.指一生读第一段;老
20、师指导.订正;very good. now can you show your fingers and answer my questions. 指导同学用手势表示对或错 (1) wang li is an engineer.(2) she likes reading english very much.(3) she designs many cars and buses.(4) she goes to work on foot.thank you. now read it together.生齐读一遍 good. who can try to read the second passage
21、. 指一名同学读其次段;老师指导.订正;thank you very much. fingers ready.ss: yes. 依据短文内容判定: (1) li xiaobin is a policewoman.(2) he works is a hospital.(3) he helps the bank use their money well.(4) he goes to work by bus.let s read it togethe生r.齐读一遍 t: so the third passage. you please have a try.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎
22、下载一生读第三段; let s read it togethe齐r.读一遍 thank you very much. so can you answer my questions.(1) what does yuan yuan do.(2) what does yuan yuan like.(3) how does yuan yuan go to work. t: 同学口头回答上面三个问题后(设计思路:通过简洁判定,给与同学阅读的自信;就短文的内容提出yes-no等的简洁问题,让同学带着问题阅读并通过快速阅读懂得语篇的大意)let s read all the passages togethe
23、r、 o齐k读.全部课文一遍 now questions for you. can you answer the questions on your english books. ask and answer in your groups、 then write the answers on your english books. 同学读短文完成文后问题,老师巡察指导;老师借一个同学的课本,投影展现答案; t: excuse me、 may i borrow your book. ss: yes.t: thank you.师生一起读问题和答案;问题都要完整回答;(设计思路:通过阅读解决语篇内的
24、主要内容,让同学回答有肯定思维深度的问题检测同学懂得程度;培育同学猎取信息.处理信息的才能;然后通过做课本上的问答题落实到写上;)精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载4.postreadingt: look. there are three tips here.贴在黑板上 精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载老师读完三条建议后说: i want to be a singer、 because i like singing very much. what about you.s1: i want to be a teacher、 because i like children
25、. t: thank you. what else.s2: i want to be an accountant. because i like math very much. t: thank you. what else.s3: i want to be a teacher、 because i like students. t: thank you. what else. what about you.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载s4: i want to be an english teacher. because i like english very much.(
26、设计思路:将书上学到的学问运用于真实的生活场景之中,并得以拓展;表达了用英语的思想;)5.progresst: thank you. but now you are the managers in the many companies. 老师拿起一张纸条读: i work in xin hua bookstore. where do you work.课前在同学的桌子上分好小纸条, 上面写着有关的信息; s1:i work in feixian police station. t: where do you work.s2: i work in lian xiang computer comp
27、any. t: where do you work.s3: i work in bank of china. t: where do you work.s4: i work in dong fang supermarket.t: where do you work.s5: i work in yongxin hospital.t: thank you. i work in yongxin hospital、 too. yongxin hospital needs a doctor. what abut you.s6: i work in bei xing supermarket、 bei xi
28、ng supermarket needs a engineer. t: thank you. what abut you.s7: i work in xingtan school. xingtan school needs an english teacher.t: thank you. what abut you.s8: i work in xinhua bookstore. xinhua bookstore needs a salesperson.老师示范在求职介绍中找到自己需要的人才,并用英语表述;zhang yong is a happy man. he likes helping t
29、he sick病 人people.he likes white.he wants to be a doctor. so i choose zhang yong. because he wants to be a doctor、 and yongxin hospital needs a doctor.now you can stand up and look for the personnel for your company. ok. ss: ok.t: ok. let s go.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载同学在教室内查找.阅读求职信息,并查找自己所在公司需要的人才;试着用
30、英语表述聘用缘由;老师巡察指导;t: where do you work.s1: i work in xinhua bookstore.t: and xinhua bookstore needs a salesperson. s1: yes.个人求职例:wang lan has a nice family. she likes reading and writing very much. she like to go home by bike. she wants to be a writer.老师示范介绍自己的聘任理由:i work in yongxin hospital. i choose zh
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