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1、Un it 4 Public tran sport高考试卷分块专练练一阅读理解提速练限时 35 分钟第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)AAnimal Farmby George OrwellAnimal Farmis probably one of the most popular school reads in the world. George Orwell wroteit as a political allegory(讽喻)and has since the n in spired the minds of not only adult revoluti on a

2、riesbut also the youn ger ones who start feeli ng the spark of being right and free for all of the huma nity intheir hearts.Persepolis by Marja ne SatrapiThis is a wise, funny, and heartbreak ing memory of Marja ne Satrapis yearsgrowing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution, and how she dealt wit

3、h life while experie ncing theruinous effects of the war with Iraq. The mistakes she felt she made ope ned her eyes and shaped herinto beco ming the in flue ntial in dividual she is today.To Kill a Mock in gbird by Harper LeeRegarded as a masterpiece of literature it is no won der it won the Pulitze

4、rPrize. The plot and characters are based on the authors observations of her family and n eighbors, aswell as on an eve nt that occurred n ear her hometow n in 1936, whe n she was 10 years old. The novelis famous for its warmth and humor, despite telling a story of innocent TomRobinson being accused

5、 ofraping (强暴)a white womanbecause he was black.The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowli ngA story show ing the absolute courage of a young boy, who was n ever afraid tospeak his mind in the face of injustice and would always defend the helpless. A boy shows us theimporta nee of believ ingin ourselves

6、 and others.Harry Potterremi ndsus that the true power to defeat any en emy is not found in others, but found with in each of us.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。主要简单介绍了有关四本书的内容。21. Which book best suits the people who want freedom?A.TheHarry Potterseries.B. To Kill a Mockingbird.C. Animal Farm102D. Persepolis.解析:选 C

7、细节理解题。根据第一本书的介绍中的 but also the younger ones who start feelingthe spark of being right and free for all of the humanity in their hearts ”可知,渴望自由的人最适合读Animal Farm这本书,故选 C。22. Which author wrote about his or her own experiences in the above works?A.J. K. Rowling.B. Marjane Satrapi.C. George Orwell.D. H

8、arper Lee.解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据第二本书的介绍中的This is a wise, funny, andheartbreaking memory of Marjane Satrapis years . and how she dealt with life while experie ncing theruinous effects of the war with Iraq”可知,这本书是关于作者本人经历的。23. What does the author say aboutTo Kill a Mockingbird?A.Its author is a young girl.B

9、.It was written in a serious way.C. One theme may be racial in equality.D. Tom Robinson committed a crime.解析:选 C 推理判断题根据第三本书的介绍中的inn oce nt Tom Rob in son bei ngaccused of raping (强暴)a white woma n because he was black”可知,因为是黑人,Tom Rob in so n 被指控强奸一名白人妇女,这说明这本书的一个主题可能是种族歧视或种族 不平等。24. What does theH

10、arry Potterseries mainly want to convey?A.God helps those who help themselves.B.A friend in n eed is a friend in deed.C. Actions speak louder than words.D. Failure is the mother of success.解析:选 A 推理判断题。根据第四本书的介绍中的Harry Potterremi nds us thatthe true power to defeat any en emy is not found in others,

11、 but found withi n each of us”可知,哈利波特 告诉我们真正打败任何敌人的力量不在别人身上, 而在我们自 己身上。 所以 A 项“天助自助者”正确。B 项意为“患难见真情”;C 项意为“事实胜于雄辩”;D 项意为“失败是成功之母”。BClaudio Viera de Oliveira is from Brazil. He was born with an upside dow n head and deformed3( 畸形的)legs. His mother was told by doctors that she should allow104him to di

12、e, but she ignored their advice. Oliveira grew up and now he has writte na book about his life after the age of 40.Since he was a child, Oliveira has liked to keep himself busy. He did nt liketo depe nd totally on others. He lear ned to do things all by himself. At eight,Oliveira began to walk on hi

13、s knees. His family had to change the floor of the house, so he could walkwithout injuring himself. His bed, plugs and lights had to be made lower so that he could do things forhimself.He could nt use a wheelchair because of his unu sual shape, making it hard forhim to be in depe ndent outside the h

14、ome, but he begged his mother to allow him to go to school andlear n with other childre n. He lear ned to use a pen with his mouth to type words and eve n use his lipsto operate a mouse or a phone. He also went onto qualify as an acco untant and gavespeeches at special eve nts. NowOliveira has publi

15、shed his first book, called around) ”.Through。ut my life I was able to adapt my body to the world.语篇解读:本文主要讲述了天生残疾的Oliveira获得成功的励志故事。25. What was the doctors attitude towards Oliveiras disease?A.Concerned.B . Hopeless.C. Con fide nt.D. Doubtful.解析: 选 B 推理判断题。 根据第一段的第三句His mother was told by doctors

16、that she should all owhim to die, but she ignored their advice”可推知,医生对 Oliveira的病不抱任何希望,故选 B。26. What do we know about Oliveira?A.He adapted himself to society.B.He man aged to walk on foot at eight.C.He used a normal bed and lights at home.D.He con trolled a wheelchair with his mouth.解析:选 A 细节理解题。根

17、据最后一段的Throughout my life I was able to adapt my body to theworld ” 可知, Oliveira成功地适应了社会。27. What does Oliveira do at present?O mundo esta ao (The world is the wrong wayOliveira said,Rightnow, IseemyselfI am a normal person. I dont seethingsupside dow n. Nowadays I can say thatI ama professi on al,in

18、tern ationalpublicspeaker and that I receive in vitations from all over the world.5B.A publisher.A. A doctor.106C. An accountant.D. A professor.解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据第三段的第三句He also went on to qu alify as an acco untant andgave speeches at special events ”可知,目前 Oliveira的职业是会计,故选 Co28. Which saying can best

19、describe Oliveiras experiences?A.All that glitters is not gold.B.Where there is a will, there is a way.C. Health is not valued till sickness comes.D. It is more blessed to give than to receive.解析:选 B 推理判断题。根据全文的整体内容可知,本文主要讲述了一个天生残疾的 人克服生活中的重重困难,最终成功地适应社会的励志故事,启迪读者:有志者事竟成。故选 B。CPeople commonly work 4

20、0 hours a week. However, working more than 25 hours a week could benegatively affecting the intelligenee of employees over age 40, according to a study from researchersfor the Melbo urne In stitute of Applied Econo mic and Social Research in Australia. After con duct ingread ing, pattern and memory

21、tests on more tha n 6, 000 workers aged over 40, the team prese ntedtheir findings of the study.Working fewer than 25 hours a week is bad for the brains agility (灵敏),while working excessively long hours can lead to the state of being tired orstressful, also damaging the brains functional abilities.

22、Age 40 is somewhat ofa turningpoint for the brain. Our “fluid intelligenee”, or how well we process information,begi ns its decli ne around the age of 20, while“ crystallized in tellige nee”, orthe ability to use knowledge and experienee,becomes worse startingaround age 30.By the time we turn 40, ou

23、r performance in memory tests and pattern recognition exercises tends to godow nwards.On the other hand, by age 40, many employees are also tak ing care of childre n or parents or both,creating_a_job_ on topof a job. The typical caregiver in the U. S. is a 49-year-old employed female, whospends more

24、 than 24 hours a week taking care of others, the BBC reported. Ano ther factor couldbethe less sleep ing hours.The study no ted that the effect of excessive working hours affected both gen ders equally.7语篇解读:本文是一篇科普说明文。 研究表明,一周工作超过 25 个小时会影响 40 岁以 上的员工的智力。29. How did the researchers draw the conclus

25、ion of the study?A.By giving examples.B.By con duct ing a survey.C.By making comparisons.D.By doing experiments.解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句After conducting reading, pattern and memorytests on more than 6, 000 workers aged over 40, the team presented their findings of the study”可知,研究者是通过做实验的方式得出研究结论的。30.

26、 What is the perfect amount of working time per week for workers aged over40?A.40 hours.B . Over 25 hours.C. 25 hours.D. Fewer than 25 hours.解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的working more than 25 hours a week could be n egativelyaffect ing the in tellige nee of employees over age 40”可知,一周工作超过 25 个小时会影响 40 岁以上的员工的

27、智力;再结合第二段中的 Workingfewer than25 hours a week is bad for the brains agility (灵敏)”可知,一周工作少于25 个小时不利于大脑的灵敏度。由此可知,一周工作25 个小时是最佳的,故C 项正确。31. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 suggest?A.Caregiving affects middle-aged people negatively.B.Additi on al jobs are created by work ing people.C.Taking

28、care of family members is a job.D.Middle-aged people often do two jobs.解析:选 A 句意理解题。根据第二段的内容可知,40 岁可以说是人脑的转折点,到了40 岁,人们的记忆力测试和图案识别训练的表现往往会下滑。第三段紧接着说,另一方面, 到了 40岁,很多职员也要照顾孩子或父母或者两者都要照顾。由此可推出,对中年人来说,照顾家人给他们造成了工作之外的负担,对他们有负面影响。D(2018 河北省正定县三中质检)Lloyd asked the other day whether we should showmore big g

29、reen houses on TreeHugger. After all, while we maylike to talk about living simply as an alternative America n Dream and tiny homes being the n ext big thi ng, it seems likely that many folks 108particularly in America will con ti nue to see in creased square meters as an indicator of quality of lif

30、e. I n fact, the muchadvertisedrecession-driven(萧条弓丨起的)shift to smaller houses may not behappe ning at all.Listening to NPRsMarketplace Moneythis weekend, I was struck by a report that claimed thatthe era of McMa nsions is by no means over. While in creased en ergy costs have, to a degree, madepeopl

31、e lear n more about, and more in terested in, en ergy efficiency, there is apparently little evideneeto suggest that this has translated into a desire for smaller homes which fin ally would be thebiggest step towarden ergy efficie nt hous ing we could take. Steve n East, an an alyst for Ticon deroga

32、Securities, put it in pretty pla in terms:“ There has bee n a lot of talk in the press that the McMa nsion is dead andcon sumers are now perma nen tly wan ti ng smaller homes, etc. Theres nothing in our research that indicates thats the truth.”Some people may be happy in their tiny apartme nt, but I

33、 guess this is just one more reminder thatactivism beats prophecy (预言),and wishful thinking is not astrategy. If we TreeHuggers want to en couragepeople to live in smaller houses, weneed to find ways to make it an attractive and convincing suggestion. Not hope that the recessi on orhigh en ergy pric

34、es do the job for us.语篇解读:媒体大为炒作的因经济萧条而引起的消费者对面积较小的住房的青睐并没有 理论支持,大房时代尚未结束。32. How is life quality measured by many America ns?A.The size of houses.B.The style of living.C. The in come of the family.D. The in crease of en ergy prices.解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的many folks particularly in America will continu

35、e tosee in creased square meters as an in dicator of quality of life ” 可知,很多美国人仍然把房子面积的大小作为衡量生活质量的一个标准。故选A。33. What do some people think makes consumers want tiny homes?A.The alter native America n Dream.B.Much advertised smaller houses.9C. Slightly decreased energy costs.D. Awareness of energy effi

36、ciency.解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据第二段中的Whilein creased en ergy costs have, toa degree, made people learn more about, and more interestedin, energy efficiency,there is apparentlylittleevidenee to suggest that this has translated into a desirefor smaller homes ”可推知,一些人认为节能意识会是人们想要换成小房子居住的一个因素(然而事实上这是没有多少根据的)。故选 D

37、。34. What can we con elude from Steve n Easts words?A.Consumers are likely to follow suit.B.What the press tells is not a little true.C. The press can guide consumption.D. People still long for big homes.解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的theMcMansion is dead . Theresnothi ng in our research that in dicates that

38、s the truth”可推知人们仍然想要面积较大的房子。故选D。35. Which would be the best title of the text?A.Tiny Apartments Are the Next Big ThingB.Ways to Make Smaller Homes AttractiveC. The McMansion Time Is Not Over YetD. The New Standard of Quality of Life解析:选 C 标题归纳题。纵观全文可知,本文作者主要讲的是媒体大为炒作的因经济萧条而引起的消费者对面积较小的住房的青睐并没有理论支持,

39、大房时代尚未结束。故C项作本文标题最佳。第二段中的the era of McMa nsio ns is by no mea ns over ”亦是提 示。第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)(2018 陕西西安长安区第一中学调研)Think about what youve learned from aparticularrumor experie nee, and let it help you make sure it n ever happe ns aga in.Here are a few tips that will help you.36The more priv

40、ate information that you make public, the more ammunition (扌巴柄)rumors will have, so be careful who you con fide in (向. 吐露 ).Try to un dersta nd where its coming from, and why.1010Is the rumor meant to hurt you, or is it just a case of misin formati on orexaggeration? Its important to get this inform

41、ation before you react to the rumor.37Resist the urge to dish it out.Have you heard the say ing“ Some one can dish it out, but he or she cant takeit ”? _38_ If you spread gossip and rumors about others, you might becomea person who deserves ataste of his or her own medici ne.Resist the urge to take

42、reven ge.If youve been the victim of gossip and rumors and you know who started spreading them, youmight want to go “an eye for an eye” . _39_ And taking revenge in this way might make you feelgood for a short time. But in the end, it will just keep the cycle of rumors going. _40_A.Be cautious about

43、 making friends.B.Be careful about your private information.C. Try to persuade more people to be on your side.D. So if you can, figure out how the rumor occurs.E.In other words, dont be the person to spread rumors.F.Its tending to make up lies or expose information that hurts others.G. And make you

44、as much of a bully as any other rumor starter.语篇解读:本文是说明文。讲述了如何正确应对谣言。36. 解析:选 B 根据标题下的一段内容可知,本段主要讲的是“对你自己的隐私要小心谨慎”,故选 B 项。B 项中的“ privatein formation ” 也与文中的“ privateinformation ”相匹配。37.解析:选 D 根据本段的小标题Try to un dersta nd where itscomi ng from, andwhy”及空前的内容可知,对谣言作出反应前,弄清楚谣言很重要。所以如果你能的话,要弄清楚谣言的起因,故D

45、项符合语境。38.解析:选 E 根据本段的小标题Resist the urge to dish it out”及空处上下文的内容可知,空处讲的应是不要做散播谣言的人,故E 项符合语境。39.解析:选 F 根据下文的takingrevenge in this way”可知, 空处的内容应是 报复的11方法,故 F 项符合语境。40. 解析:选 G 根据上文的内容可知,如果以散布谣言的方式报复别人的话,你可能会在短期内感觉良好,但是最后,这只会使得谣言继续被散布,故G 项承接上文,进一步说明了这种报复方式的消极后果。练二 语言知识运用保分练 限时 30 分钟第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5

46、分,满分 30 分)Its amaz ing how one dollar can cha nge the culture of a school.Wehave a small school. Therere 41 about 30 middle school students. It can get really _42 ndstressful as most of the kids get good grades and _43_ to_be the best they can be. Its good except that a lot of us middle school kids

47、felt pressured.1012My friend and I, _44 , set out to find a way to change the45_. Webelieveddoing things for others was the only way to get ourselves over our _46_ about school.On the first day of school we _47_ put a dollar folded into a heart into oneof the seni ors lockers with a note say ing,“ B

48、uy yourself a sn ack, and share_48一 ” Wehoped to do that every day. Li ttle did we know the _49一it would make.People went _50_ over it and every one was talki ng about _51_ it might be doing the acts oflove and _52_ that maybe they should do someth ing too. Nobody knew it was us but it is so much fu

49、nto see the _53_ on every on es face now! Lots of other people have started to _54_ nowjpo:chocolate bars, cookies, people _55_ their lun ches with other kids.My friend and I also put _56_ quotes in all the lockers to en courage others.And now I actually _57 school and the cha nee to cheer people up

50、. I hope it will_58 to the other campuses in the region. _59 anybody is strugglingwith beingdepressed about school or work, I totally _60_ doing吐ind act.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。作者通过自身经历告诉我们一个令人吃惊的事实:一美元可以改变一个学校的“文化”。解析:选 C 根据上文中的“ We have a small school ”和下文中的“ about 30 middle schoolstudents ”可知,学校仅仅(just) 有约 3

51、0 名中学生。C. justD. already41. A.evenB. rather1342. A.embarrassedB. competitiveC. excitingD . confusing解析:选 B 根据下文中的“ and stressful as most of the kids get good grades可知,空格处应用 competitive繁重。“竞争的,有竞争力的”,指学生们在学校竞争激烈,压力解析:选 A 作为回应,作者和他的朋友开始寻找一种改变这种文化的方法。in43.A.agreeC. fight解析: 选 C 大多数孩子都取得很好的成绩, 力做某事”。agr

52、ee to do sth. “同意做某事” to dosth. “承诺做某事”。44.A.in responseC. in turnB.dareD.promise都努力做最好的自己。fight to do sth. “努 dareto do sth. “敢于做某事”; promiseB.in returnD.in advanee1014response 作为回应”,符合语境。in return作为回报”;in turn反过来”;inadvanee 提前”。45. A.habitB . ruleC. planD. culture解析:选 D 根据文章首句Its amazing how one d

53、ollar can change the cultureof a school ”可知此处应选culture 文化”。46. A.depressionB . knowledgeC. ignoranceD. expectation解析:选 A 根据前文提到的学生在学校感到很有压力的内容可推知,此处指的应是学生们对学校产生的一种沮丧感。depression 沮丧”;knowledge 知识”;ignorance 无知”;expectation “期望”。47.A.hopefullyB . randomlyC. casuallyD. secretly解析:选 D 根据下文的Nobody knew i

54、t was us ”可知,此处指的是我们秘密地把 折成了心形的一美元纸币放到了其中一个学长或学姐的储物柜中。hopefully “有希望地”;randomly “任意地”;casually “不经意地”;secretly “秘密地”。48 . A.e ncourageme ntB . experie neeC. successD . kindn ess解析:选 D 根据下文中的“ acts of love ”及“a kind act ”可知,此处指的应是分 享善意(kindness)。49 . A.progressB . differe neeC. dealD . mess解析:选 B 此处指

55、作者他们不知道它会有什么样的影响。make the differe nee“有影响,起作用”。50 . A.a ngryB . badC. wildD . wrong解析:选 C 根据下文中的“ everyone was talking about .”可知,此处指人们在热议这件事。go wild “疯狂,狂热”。51. A.whoB . whe nC. whatD . why解析:选 A 每个人都在谈论是谁做了这些好事并决定(deciding)或许他们也应该做点15什么。根据下文中的“ Nobody knew it was us ”可知,此处指的应是这些好事的实施者,故选 who。52 .

56、A.no tici ngB . requiri ng1016C. pay atte nti on toD . look forward to此处指现在作者期待上学,期待拥有使人们振奋起来的机C. remindingdeciding解析:选 D 参见上题解析。53. A.shameregretC. smilefear解析:选 C 没人知道是我们做了这些好事,但是现在看到每个人脸上露出的笑容(smile)是极大的乐趣。54. A.actB. acceptC. worryD. progress解析:选 A 根据下文中的“ chocolate bars, cookies . with other ki

57、ds”可知,此处指的是现在许多人也开始行动(act)起来了。55. A.sharingB. mixi ngC. comparingD. finishing解析:选 A 根据上下文可知,此处讲的是许多人开始行动起来做好事的内容,故应是指与其他孩子分享(sharing)他们的午餐。mix “混合”;compare 比较”;finish “完成”。56. A.gratefulB . inspirationalC. reas on ableD . temporary解析:选 B 根据下文中的“ to encourage others ”可知,此处应用inspirational,表示“鼓舞人心的”。gr

58、ateful感激的”;reasonable “合理的”;temporary “临时的”。57 . A.give upB . go into会。give up 放弃”;go into从事,用于”;pay attentionto “关注”;look forwardto “期待,盼望”。58 . A.attachB . spreadC. subscribeD . adapt解析:选 B 此处指作者希望这种行为能在这个地区的其他校园中传播(spread)开来。59 . A.Si neeB . IfC. In caseD . Even though解析:选 B 如果有人正在与学校或者工作中的沮丧感作斗争

59、,作者完全会推荐他们去做善举。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”,故选If。60 . A.admitB . con siderC. recomme ndD . imagi ne解析:选 C 参见上题解析。admit “承认”;consider “考虑”;recommend推荐,建议”;imagine “想象”。解析:选 D 根据语境可知,171018第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)(2018 山西省康杰中学期中)With Langzhong in Sichuan, Lijiang in Yunnan andHuizhou in Anhui, P

60、ingyao is one of Chinas four well-preservedancient cities. It_61_ (build) during the Wester n Zhou Dyn asty._62_ (merciful), Pin gyao has escaped the commercializati on that has damaged other ancientChinese cities. And it is not _3_ (possibility) to miss its history. The reas on is that the history


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