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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神高二英语课时训练12精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载i.单项填空班级 姓名 精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1. he expected there another chance to go abroad. a.isb.beingc.to bed.has2. tom has always thought of himself as a good cook and never fails to everyone of it.a. rememberb.knowc.introduced.remind.3.a moder

2、n city has been set up in was a wasteland ten years ago. a.whatb.whichc.whered.that4. beyond stars、fei junlong saw nothing but space.a. x;theb.the;xc.x;xd.the;the 5.to keep healthy、professor johnson cycling as a regular form ofexercise after he retired.a.made upb.put upc.took upd.carried outii 完形填空w

3、hat kind of homes will we live in the future.6_can be sure, but scientists are working 7 new ideas nowsome scientists are 8 about building whole cities under huge glassdome(s 圆顶) _9 、advancedheatingand coolingsystems willbe _10 to controlthe weather in the domes_11 , there will never be any 12 or sn

4、ow, and the temperature will always be_13_perhapseveryonewillliveinvertical(垂直的) cities highrises_14_are so large that they can 15all the necessities of lifesince verticalcitieswilluse16land than flatcities, and providehomes17 more people , they will be practical for small countries that have 18 pop

5、ulation19 idea that will be helpful to small countries is the 20 city monaco has alreadybuilthomes、 stores,and offices21 the water of the mediterranean seathereare somepeople who thinkthatwewillgo back to 22 incaves 23 the caves of the future will be very different from the caves of the stoneage far

6、ms and parkswillbe on the land24 thecave city whenpeoplewantto go to the country or to a park, a short ride in a 25 will take them there6. a somebodyb anybodyc nobodyd ever ybody7. a offb outc in精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神d by8. a thinkingb consideringc imagining d suggesting9. a onthe otherha

7、ndb asaresultc ofcoursed at thesametime10.a possibleb suitablecpleasantdnecessary11.a similarlyb thereforec according to d moreover12.a cloudb rainc windd ice13.a coolb warmc comfortabled satisfied14.a thatb theyc whered who15.a constructb continuec remaind contain16.a wider fewerb moreclessd17.a on

8、b tocwithd for18.a asmallb alargec afewd many19.a oneb secondc nextd another20.a floatingb flowingcshippingd blowing21.a inb abovec overd on22.a liveb belivingc livingd havinglived23.a alsob butc then d again24.a inbundercbesided.over25.a liftb undergroundc planed busiii. 短文改错a helicopter is sometim

9、e more useful than a big plane. when it takes off、 it goes straight on. when it lands、 it comes traight down.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神it needs not only a small place for both taking off and landing. whena tallbuildingison fire、we can see a helicopterto comedownto rescue the people on the top

10、of them. helicoptersmakemanykindsof work easy. they are used to making maps、 flyingover the ground and takingpictures from the air. to rescue people whom are very sick or in danger、helicopters are send to some faraway areas. the helicopter may take place of a car or a train in some cases.高二英语课时训练13班

11、级 姓名 athe year is 2094. it has been announced that a comet 彗星 is heading towards the earth. most of it will miss our planet、 but two pieces will probably hit thesouthern half of the earth.on 17 july 、 a piece four kilometers wide enters the earth s atmosphere with a massive explosion. about half of

12、the piece is destroyed、 but the remaining parthits the south atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. the sea boils and a hugeholeismade inthesea bed. huge waves are createdand spreadoutwardsfrom the hole. the wallofwater、a kilometerhigh、rushestowardssouthernafricaat 800 kilometers an hour. cities

13、on the african coast are totally destroyed and millions of peopleare drowned.before the waves reach south america、 the second piece of the comet lands in argentina. earthquakes and volcanoes are set off in the andes mountains. the shockwaves move north into california and allaround the pacific ocean

14、. thecitiesof losangeles、 san francisco and tokyo are completely destroyed by earthquakes. millionsof people in the southern half of the earth are already dead、 but the north wont escape for long. because of the explosions、 the sun is hidden by clouds of dust、temperatures around the world fall to al

15、most zero .crops are ruined. the sun wontbe seen againformany years.wars break out as countriesfightforfood.a year later、 no more than 10 million people remain alive.could it really happen. in fact、 it has already happened more than once in the history of the earth. the dinosaurs were on the earth f

16、or over 160 million years.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神then 65 million years ago they suddenly disappeared. many scientists believe thattheearthwas hitby a pieceofobjectinspace.the dinosaurscouldn tlivethrough the cold climate that followed and they died out. will we meet the same end.1 what is

17、mainly described in the passage.aa historic discovery.b an event of imagination.ca research on space.d a scientific adventure.2 when the first piece hits the south atlantic、 it causes.aan earthquakeb damages to citiescan earth explosiond huge waves 3 why can t the northern half of the earth escape f

18、or long.abecause the land is covered with waterbbecause the light and heat from the sun can not reach the earth. cbecause people there can not live at the temperature of zero.dbecause wars break out among countries .4 by giving the example of dinosaurs、 the author tries to prove.aanimals could not l

19、ive in the cold climatebwhat happened 65 million years ago was an invented story cthe human beings will die out in 2094dthe earth could be hit by other objects in spacebeveryone has got two personalities 性格 - the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. you don t show yo

20、ur secret personality when you're a-wake because you can control your behaviour、 but when you're asleep、 your sleeping position shows the real you. in a normal night、 of course、 people frequently change their position. the important position is the onethat you go to sleep in. if you go to sl

21、eep on your back、 you're a very open person. you normally trust people andyou are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas. you dont peoplet 、likseo tyoouupnseeverexpress your real feelings. you re quite shy and you aren t very confident. oil you sleep on your stomach、 you are a rather secretiv

22、e person. you worry a lot and you're always easily upset. you're very stubborn、 but you aren't very ambitious. you usually live for today not for tomorrow. this means that you enjoy having a good time. if you sleep on curling 蜷缩 up、 you are probably a very nervous person. you have a lowopinion of yourself and so you're often defensive. you're shy and you don't normally like meeting people. you prefer to . if you sleep on your side、 you have usually got a well-balanced personality. you know yourstrengths and weakness. you're


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