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1、英语词汇学00832LEARNING ENGLISH ADVANCED ENGLISHSUNLANDSChapter 1 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary词的基本概念词的基本概念6.5分分1. in visual terms: a meaningful group of letters(从视觉角度:一组有意义的字母)2. in spoken language: a sound or combination of sounds.(从发音语言角度:一个声音或声音的组合)3. semanticists: a unit of meaning(语义学家:一个意

2、义单位)4. grammarians: a word be a free form can function in a sentence (文法学家:一个能在句子中起作用的自由个体) What is a word?P6词的基本知识什么是词声音与意义声音与拼写词汇的分类1.1第一节 词是什么(What Is a Word)syntactic sntktk syn 共同+ tact 排列把句子排列到一起adj. 句法的;语法的 What is a word?A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and

3、meaning and syntactic function.词语是语言最小的自由形式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法功能。词的基本知识什么是词声音与意义声音与拼写词汇的分类1.1 第一节 词是什么(What Is a Word)1.1第一节 词是什么(What Is a Word)is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language. 基础词是几世纪积累的词汇的基础,基础词是几世纪积累的词汇的基础,构成语言的核心构成语言的核心。VOCABU

4、LARYfoundationfound建立+ationn. 基础coren. 核心P11词汇的分类基本词汇与非基本词汇学实词与虚词本族词与外来词1.5.1一、基本词汇与非基本词汇(Basic Word Stock and Nonbasic Vocabulary)The Fundamental Features of the Basic Word Stock基本词汇的基本特征1)All-National character(全民通用性(全民通用性most important) 2)Stability(相对稳定性(相对稳定性 relative)3)Productivity(多产性(多产性 are

5、mostly root words or monosyllabic words)4)Polysemy(多义性(多义性)5)Collocability(可搭配性(可搭配性)词汇的分类基本词汇与非基本词汇学实词与虚词本族词与外来词1.5.1一、基本词汇与非基本词汇(Basic Word Stock and Nonbasic Vocabulary) Nonbasic vocabulary(1) Terminology(术语) (2) Jargon(行话) (3) Slang(俚语) (4) Argot(暗语) (5) Dialectal words(方言) (6) Archaisms(古语) (7)

6、 Neologisms(新词语)词汇的分类基本词汇与非基本词汇学实词与虚词本族词与外来词1.5.1一、基本词汇与非基本词汇(Basic Word Stock and Nonbasic Vocabulary)content words and functional words 1)Content words are used to name objects, qualities, actions, processes or states, and denote clear notions, known as notional words.E.g. earth, run, walk, dark,

7、never, five 词汇的分类基本词汇与非基本词汇学实词与虚词本族词与外来词1.5.2二、实词与功能词(Content Words and Functional Words)2)Functional words do not have notions概念概念 of their own, also called empty words(虚词虚词). used to express the relation between notions, words and sentences, known as form words(形式词形式词). 用于表达概念、词与词之间、句与句之间关系的词,也可以叫

8、形式词。 prepositions(介词on), conjunctions(连词and), auxiliaries(助词do/be/have/情) and articles(冠词a/an/the)词汇的分类基本词汇与非基本词汇学实词与虚词本族词与外来词1.5.2二、实词与功能词(Content Words and Functional Words)Native words: 本族词 定义:Words brought to Britain by the German tribes:the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, so known as Anglo-S

9、axon words. Almost the basic word stock词汇的分类基本词汇与非基本词汇学实词与虚词本族词与外来词1.5.3三、本族词与外来词(Native Words and Borrowed Words)Features:Neutral in Style 中立风格 Begin (英语)commence (法语) 2) Frequent in use 使用频繁词汇的分类基本词汇与非基本词汇学实词与虚词本族词与外来词1.5.3三、本族词与外来词(Native Words and Borrowed Words)Borrowed words Words taken over f

10、rom foreign languages are known as borrowed words or loan words or borrowings.Consist 80% of the modern English vocabulary 1.Denizens(同化词)(同化词)2.Aliens(非同化词)(非同化词)3.Translation-loans(翻译借词)(翻译借词)4.Semantic-loans(借义词)(借义词)词汇的分类基本词汇与非基本词汇学实词与虚词本族词与外来词1.5.3三、本族词与外来词(Native Words and Borrowed Words)1.Den

11、izens (同化词同化词)Words borrowed early in the past and now are well assimilated into the English language (in pronunciation and spelling). port(港口)portus(拉丁语)pork(猪肉)porc(法语)skirt(衬衣)skyrta(古挪威语)词汇的分类基本词汇与非基本词汇学实词与虚词本族词与外来词1.5.3三、本族词与外来词(Native Words and Borrowed Words)2.AliensBorrowed words which have

12、retained their original pronunciation and spelling. Easily recognizable as foreign: Dcor (F), blitzkrieg (G), kowtow (CH)装饰品 闪电战 叩头,磕头词汇的分类基本词汇与非基本词汇学实词与虚词本族词与外来词1.5.3三、本族词与外来词(Native Words and Borrowed Words)3.Translation-loansWords and expressions formed from the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language. Examples: Long time no see 好久不见 Mother tonguelingua materna (拉丁语) Black humorhumour noir (法语) 词汇的分类基本词汇与非基本词汇学实词与虚词本族词与外来词1.5.3三、本族词与外来词(Native Words


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