



1、肯定是棒球喽 MLB 的球员转会费记录将近达到 2.5 个亿, NBA 做得到吗?之所以在中国 看不到棒球是因为3.美国有四大联赛最牛的是( 1)棒球 MLB ,美国的国球, 美国人无论大人还是小孩,他们可 以不了解美国政治但绝对了解美国棒球,你可以了解一下很多美国大牌的篮球、高尔夫球、 橄榄球、冰球明星,他们从小的愿望大多是成为棒球明星。 (棒球是美国的国球, 是美国人最喜欢也是最为普遍的消遣方式, 它真实地定 义了美国的文化,代表美国文化的一部分。美国人说:“我们看棒球比赛时, 如果没有可乐和热狗是不可想象的” 所以,我们去之前也把背包里塞满了可乐和热狗。我也发现,许多美国人也不是在看球,

2、聊天、喝酒、打情骂俏,热闹非凡。孩子很多,一味 的在叫着喊着吃着喝着。 也许, 一代一代美国人就是这样在棒球场上长大, 在棒球场上寻到 认同与情感的寄托, 体会人生必定有失败也必定会有下一场比赛, 学习什么叫 “ fair play ”一百多年来, 美国人把棒球视为自家酿造的珍馐, 精心调配富含英雄气质的棒球 文化。这个文化已成为美国唯一可以与现代科技抗衡, 且超越一切环境变迁的巨 石,稳稳压在美国历史的各个角落, 渗入每一个美国人的梦中, 变成了他们的骄 傲与生命。达伯岱在晚年曾说:“棒球,是美国一个自然发展的神话。”这个神话,跨越一百五十年,已成 为美国每一个人血液的一部份, 跨越南北战争

3、, 西部拓荒,经济大恐慌所有阶段, 与他们的生活、 历史结合成一部巨大的篇章, 世代流传在每一个孩子的生活和梦 想里。棒球已融入他们的思想生活中,失败与成功、快乐或忧伤,都改变不了他 们对棒球的热爱和执着。“棒球在美国岂止是一种球赛而已,它是记忆、是希望、是成长和挫折、是 梦想和喜悦,换句话说,它正是生活本身,也是生命本身,从美国总统到扫街工 人,从 0岁到 99岁,正如布什总统所说的,美国人,是以每年十月的世界冠军 系列战,来为自己的生命分章节。” 棒球语录(麦田, 1995)天佑美国是棒球场最流行的一首歌,这是美国的爱国主义?有多种版本 的演唱,包括席琳迪翁的演唱。George "

4、;Babe" Herman Ruth, Jr. was an American Major League Baseball player, who played from 1914-1935. He sta nds today as one of the greatest sports heroes of all times and one of the most celebrated baseball personalities. Ruth still holds several records in MLB including a .690 career slugging per

5、centage and a 1.164 career on-base plus slugging. Ruth is attributed to bringing no toriety to the sport of baseball and gave a n ame to the "live-ball" era. When he was not play ing baseball he was heavily in volved in charitable causes and givi ng.In nin etee n-twe nty-seve n Babe Ruth s

6、et a record with sixty homer uns. That record stoodfor more tha n thirty years, un til Roger Maris hit sixty-one.At his death, the New York Times called Babe Ruth, "A figureunprecedentedinAmerican life. A born showman off the field and a marvelous performer on it, he hadan amaz ing flair for do

7、ing the spectacular at the most dramatic mome nt."Alex Rodriguez 纽约洋基13号最年轻击出五百支全垒打的打手,有希望打破全垒打的大 联盟记录,准名人堂球员。Derek Jeter纽约洋基2号有希望达成3000支安打,准名人堂球员,洋基队长。 王建民纽约洋基40号台湾之光亚洲投手在大联盟单季的胜投记录,19胜。CC Sabathia纽约洋基52号身价最高投手,2007年美联赛扬奖得主。The game is traditi on ally known as America's n ati onal pastime.

8、 The men who play it professi on ally are "the boys of summer." Baseball is con sidered part of the America n spirit.Books, son gs, movies, plays, poems and lots of baseball terms have become part of the America n experie nee.No one knows for sure exactly how baseball bega n. But a copy of

9、 the commissi on report can be see n in the exhibit at the Natural History Museum. So can one of the first baseballsused by Abner Doubleday. The ball was found in a farmhouse n ear Cooperstow n innin etee n-thirty-four.Orga ni zed professi onal baseball started with the Nati onal League. Teams forme

10、d thisleague in eightee n-seve nty-six.Baseball was supposed to sta nd for America n beliefs like equality and the cha nee tosucceed. But the sport was representative of society at the time. The National League wasfor white players on ly.World War Two and the civil rights movement in the United Stat

11、es helped end the racialdivisi ons in professi onal baseball. Jackie Robinson became the first black player to breakthe color barrier. The Brookl yn Dodgers accepted him to their team in nin etee n forty-seve n.Soon, other black players bega n to join major league teams.In nin etee n-ten Preside nt

12、William Howard Taft started a custom. Preside nt Taft threw outthe first pitch on ope ning day of the baseball seas on that year. Almost every preside ntsince the n has con ti nued the traditi on of the ope ning day pitch.Signed baseballs thrown by Presidents Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover, Calvin C

13、oolidge and Dwight Eise nhower as part of the exhibit. So are baseballs throw n by Lyndon Joh nson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and the first Preside nt George Bush.In North America, professional Major League Baseball (MLB) teams are divided into the National League (NL) and American League (AL). Ea

14、ch league has three divisions: East, West, and Central. Every year, the champion of Major League Baseball is determined by playoffs that cul min ate in the World Series. Four teams make the playoffs from each league: the three regular seas on divisio n winn ers, plus one wild card team.Writi ng in 1

15、919, philosopher Morris Raphael Cohe n described baseball as America's national religion.In 2008, Major League Baseball set a reve nue record of $6.5 billi on, match ing the NFL's reve nue for the first time in decades.Baseball and a similar game, softball, are among the first sports that American childrenlear n to play. Many childre n compete on teams through Little League programs.A varsity baseba


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