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1、教学设计示例A famous pers on Less on 89Lesson 89教学设计示例Period: The First PeriodProperties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projectorTeach ing Aims:1. Kno wledge aim:Stude nts should grasp the new words and expressi ons as well as the main idea of the dialogue.2. Ability aimStude nts should make a dialogue by thems

2、elves accord ing to the textbook.3. Emoti on aimTry to study hard and work hark.Language Focus:1. Passive voice: be done2. New words and useful expressi ons: be back, must be, solve, in many ways, have a look, one of, best-seller, be in terested in.Teach ing Procedures:a) Orga nizing the classGreeti

3、 ngs and a duty report.b) Revisi onTo dictate the words lear nt.c) Lead in g-i nT: There have some famous people in the world, or in a coun try, or in a city, or on ly in a school. These people are known by most of us and we talk about them very ofte n. There also have famous people in differe nt fi

4、elds, eg. Famous sin gers, famous politicia ns, or maybe they are famous for a book, etc. (write“ be ffiaimous on the blackboard) Which famous pers on do you know? Whatdo you know about him or her?Get the stude nts to talk about famous people.T: Good, you seem to know a lot about those famous people

5、, today we ' re going to learn about a famous pers on who is conn ected very close with computers. Can you guess who he is?d) Prese ntati onplay the tape for the students to listen and read the dialogue, explain some difficult words and useful expressi ons.1. be backIs your father in? (or be + a

6、dv.)be doneThose wi ndows are broke n ( by the little boy).2. in many waysWe must help the poor girl in every way.3. one ofJulia Roberts is one of the most attractive America n actresses.4. best-seller: sth. sell best.His book is the best-seller of this mon th.e) PractiseStude nts read after the tap

7、e, the n read in pairs and try to memorize the mai n in formati on. The n act out in front of the class.f) Read and practiseFirst, read the dialogue in pairs; the n make con versatio ns of their own, and act them out.g) Homework1. To make sentences with the follow ing of, It seems, be int

8、erested in, I' m sure.2. To find more in formatio n about Bill Gates or computer tech no logy.3. Do exercises on page 109.h) SummaryFill the bla nks with proper prepositi ons:1. The book is Busin ess the SpeedThought.2. It' s writtenBill Gates.3. He' s the richest manthe world.4. Compute

9、rs can help people solve problemsnew ways.5. Will you please take the booksthe classroom?6. I' m not interestedcomputer games.Keys: 1. of 2. by 3. in 4. in 5. to 6. inLesson 89教学设计示例Period: The First PeriodProperties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projectorTeach ing Aims:1. Kno wledge aim:Stude nts sh

10、ould grasp the new words and expressi ons as well as the main idea of the dialogue.2. Ability aimStude nts should make a dialogue by themselves accord ing to the textbook.3. Emoti on aimTry to study hard and work hark.Language Focus:1. Passive voice: be done2. New words and useful expressi ons: be b

11、ack, must be, solve, in many ways, have a look, one of, best-seller, be in terested in.Teach ing Procedures:a) Orga nizing the classGreeti ngs and a duty report.b) Revisi onTo dictate the words lear nt.c) Lead in g-i nT: There have some famous people in the world, or in a coun try, or in a city, or

12、on ly in a school.These people are known by most of us and we talk about them very ofte n. There also have famous people in differe nt fields, eg. Famous sin gers, famous politicia ns, or maybe they are famous for a book, etc. (write“ be famous for ” on the blackboard) Which famous pers on do you kn

13、ow? Whatdo you know about him or her?Get the stude nts to talk about famous people.T: Good, you seem to know a lot about those famous people, today we ' re going to learn about a famous pers on who is conn ected very close with computers. Can you guess who he is?d) Prese ntati onplay the tape fo

14、r the students to listen and read the dialogue, explain some difficult words and useful expressi ons.1. be backIs your father in? (or be + adv.)be doneThose wi ndows are broke n ( by the little boy).2. in many waysWe must help the poor girl in every way.3. one ofJulia Roberts is one of the most attr

15、active America n actresses.4. best-seller: sth. sell best.His book is the best-seller of this mon th.e) PractiseStude nts read after the tape, the n read in pairs and try to memorize the mai n in formati on. The n act out in front of the class.f) Read and practiseFirst, read the dialogue in pairs; t

16、he n make con versatio ns of their own, and act them out.g) Homework1. To make sentences with the follow ing of, It seems, be interested in, I' m sure.2. To find more in formatio n about Bill Gates or computer tech no logy.3. Do exercises on page 109.h) SummaryFill the bla nks with pr

17、oper prepositi ons:1. The book is Busin ess the SpeedThought.2. It' s writtenBill Gates.3. He' s the richest manthe world.4. Computers can help people solve problemsnew ways.5. Will you please take the booksthe classroom?6. I' m not interestedcomputer games.Keys: 1. of 2. by 3. in 4. in

18、5. to 6. inLesson 88教学设计示例一、教学目标:1 知识目标(1 )学习字母y以及字母组合ay, ey, oy的发音。(2) 继续学习重音和语音语调。(3 )复习本单元的语言点。2能力目标(1)能够用自己的话介绍Jim Green的基本情况。(2) 准确掌握重音和语音语调。二、教学过程:Step 1Revisi on1 Review What day is it today/ tomorrow?2 Review the days of the week. Sing the song.3 Revise the dialogue in SB Page 28.Step 2Spell

19、i ng and pronun ciati onSB Page 29, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 88 (Phonic Readi ng Work). Follow the same steps asin Less on 68, Step 2. Use flashcards rather tha n going straight to the book.Do Exx. 1 and 2 in Wb Lesson 88.Step 3 Word stressSB Page 29, Part 2, Speech Cassette Less on 88. Stude

20、nts liste n and repeat. Get them to say wherethe stress lies. Use gestures to show the stress.Step 4 Stress and inton ati onSB Page 29, Part 3, Speech Cassette Less on 88. Practise in the usual way (see Less on 80, Step 3).Step 5Prese ntati on1 Revise What are you doing? In pairs have the stude nts

21、talk about what other stude nts are doingin the classroom as in TB Less on 84, Step 4.2 In small groups, have the stude nts ask each other What do you do on Mon day / Tuesday etc.?Ask several stude nts to share what the other stude nts in their group do on certa in days.3 Teach the new word and phra

22、ses, e.g. model, maths, all, part, rest, have a rest, from to , work hard, etc.Step 6 Read1 Before play ing the tape, have stude nts skim the passage for the main idea. Remind them to just read the first and last sentence of each paragraph. Give the stude nts 2 minu tes. Then have them close their b

23、ooks and ask several volun teer stude nts to give the main idea. Remember, the an swers will n ot be exactly the same, but the an swers should con tain the followi ng eleme nts: Jim Gree n isa middle school student. The writer is talking about what Jim does during the week. It' smorning, and Jim

24、 is probably at school. He is work ing hard.2 SB Page 29, Part 4, Speech Cassette Less on 88. Play the tape and have the stude nts read alongsile ntly. Then have the stude nts read aloud.3 In pairs, have the stude nts read to each other. As one stude nt reads, the other liste ns and helps with pronu

25、n ciati on and inton ati on, etc. Then the stude nts switch and the other stude nt reads.4 Do Wb Less on 88, Ex. 3. Do the questi ons and an swers in pairs. Then do this exercise with the whole class.Step 7 Make an in terviewSB Page 29, Part 5*. In pairs, complete the in terview. Then act out the in

26、 terview. Choose several pairs to give their in terview for the class.Step 8 Guess the riddlesSB Page 30, Part 6*. Read the riddles to your class. See who can guess the an swer the quickest.Then in pairs, have the stude nts write their own riddles, using the five riddles as a model. Or you may choos

27、e to put one riddle on the board each day. Then have the stude nts an swer the riddle as part of their homework. If they an swer correctly, they could earn extra poi nts on their homework.The an swers are: 1 ruler; 2 football; 3 bike; 4 roller skates; 5 basketballStep 9Checkpoi nt 22Go through Check

28、po int 22 in the usual way. En courage the stude nts to ask questi ons if there is anything they are not sure about.Step 10 WorkbookSB Pages 104-106, Wb Lesson 88, Exx. 4 and 5. Read aloud the in structio ns and make sure the stude nts know what to do. After finishing these exercises, the stude nts

29、should be en couraged to make an in terview and write a letter.Exx. 6-8 are treated as opti on al.HomeworkRevise the new Ian guage in this un it.Write dow n the an swers to the questio ns in Ex. 3 of the Wb.Some ideas for extra practice and en richme nt1 This activity is a long term activity, but on

30、e in which your stude nts will not only lear n En glish, but also resp on sibility. The object of this activity is to set up a city in which all the stude nts are both sellers and buyers .In order for the stude nts to have money to use for buying, set a system in which through their school work, the

31、y can earn mon ey. For example, for each time they volun teer to give an an swer, they can earn one yua n. (Of course this is not real mon ey, but money you havemade, or you can have the students make.) So you don' t have to disturb your class by stopping togive money when a student volunteers,

32、have one student responsible for keeping track of who volun teered an an swer. You can also assig n all the stude nts jobs in the classroom where they earn a weekly or mon thly salary. After a few mon ths have gone by-wait this long so that the stude nts can earn mon ey, announce a day whe n for the

33、 whole class period, the stude nts will run their own bus in ess. The stude nts should be put into pairs so that the two of them can run their store together.They must come up with the n ame of their store, and make someth ing to sell. They may use things they find around the house to make someth in

34、g, or they may buy supplies to make their product to sell. Be sure to put a limit of 5 yuan for materials. The students should make their product the ni ght before you do this activity in the class. Each stude nt should have a time to be able to shop, and to mind the store. Be sure they use En glish

35、.2 Have the students make a“ dream schedule ” . This is a schedule where for one week they can doanything they want to do. Have them make out the schedule for each day of the week. For example:Mon day: Sleep until 10:00 a.m.;Help mum cook a big breakfast with baozi and youtiao;Play video games;Go to

36、 friend ' s house for dinner;Play with frie nds until 11:00 p.m.;Go to bed.Tuesday:After the stude nts make out their schedules, have them share it with their partner.教学建议教学内容分析本单元的主要交际功能项目是禁止和警告”,通过有关遵守交通规则的话题体现出来。语法项目是(I)情态动词 must和mustn' t的用法。(2)由when , before, after引导的时间 状语从句。(3)由if引导的条件状

37、语从句。Lesson 65三部分的内容在训练如何遵守交通规则的同时引出本单元重点语法项目:情 态动词must及mustn' t; when,before引导的时间状语从句及if引导的条件状语从句。这是本单元的主题,必须让学生反复练习。Less on 66是阅读课文,叙述一个外国妇女在候诊室等候就诊的故事,从而达到宣传公 共道德的目的。内容幽默,阅后可组织学生讨论文前的三个题目,让他们发表自己的看法。Lesson 67是有关生病的内容,对话有意识地重现了must, mustn' t和if从句,同时学习和复习了有关生病、看病的词语,从而为下一单元的教学作好了准备。第二、三部分着重练

38、习when,before, if的用法。Lesson 68是一个有关家庭聚会的小故事。本课的教学目的与前面第66课相同,宣传遵守公共道德。在表现手法上也与第66课相同,都是采用最后点题的手法,从而使课文充满幽默感。课文导读本单元的两篇课文是两个很有趣的故事,通过学习第一篇The queue Jumpers让我们能够掌握有关排队等候看病的一些知识,并养成排队等候的习惯,讲文明讲礼貌不做加塞者。学习第二篇You must stop making so much noise后我们可以了解到西方人的一种社交场合 party (聚会),并从中学会讲究礼貌,在拜访别人,或举行聚会时要把握好时间分寸,不能

39、影响别人的生活。教学情态动词must的用法情态动词must表示 应该” 必须”否定式 must not= mustn' t表不 不应该” 不许 可” 不准” 禁止”等。本单元mustn' t主要用法是表示 禁止和警告”。在回答must的问 句时,否定式常用 n eed not= n eed n't或 don't have to,表示 不必,"而不用 must no t=must n ' t。因为mustn' t表示 不可以”。表示推测 一定” 必定”只用在肯定句中,老师在向学生 简要讲明其主要用法以后,通过大量的操练让学生掌握。例如:1

40、. You must look after yourself .2. We must finish our homework on time .3. Li Ming must wait for his father at the bus stop .4. They must clea n their classroom every day.5. We mustn' t laugh at others.6. You mustn' t draw on the wall .7. He mustn ' t leave to early8. They mustn' t c

41、limb trees.9. A: Must she go shopp ing tomorrow?B: Yes, she must./No, she needn ' t.10. A: Must we do the clea ning this after noon?B: Yes, we must./No, we needn' t.11. When and where must we get on the train?12. Who must go to the meeti ng?13. Who must I ask about the way to the TV statio n

42、?14. Whose car must the man clea n?15. Why must I sta nd in line?教学由when, before, after引导的时间状语从句和由if引导的条件状语从句本单元的第二个语法项目是由when, before, after等连词引导的时间状语从句和由连词if引导的假设性的条件状语从句。可用英译汉、汉译英或填空等方式进行口头和书面练习。1. When When she reached home, she had a short rest.(2) Will you please lock the door whe n you go out

43、?(3) When he was a middle school stude nt, he liked play ing football very much.(4) Don ' t run the machine when something is wrong with it.2. before(1) 1 must finish my homework before my mother comes back.(2) You must have somethi ng before you go to school.(3) Where did you live before you mo

44、ved to Beiji ng?(4) Please take these things away before you leave the room.(5) Before I left, I rang him up.3. after(1) They go out for a walk after they have supper.(2) The woma n looked worried after she found her ticket lost.(3) I went to bed after I fini shed writ ing my diary.(4) What do you d

45、o after class is over?(5) They talked about the party after the people left.4.if(1) If it doesn' t rain tomorrow, we wave for Beijing.(2) If you jump the queue, other people will not be pleased.(3) If you like my pen, I will give it to you.(4) If he studies hard, he will catch up with his stude

46、nts.在练习的过程中老师要提醒学生,由when, after, before引导的时间状语从句和由if引导的条件状语从句将来时用一般现在时来表示,而主句用将来时。阅读训练教学第66课讲的是一个幽默的小故事,描述发生在医务所里的一件令人啼笑皆非的事情。 情节颇有趣。单词不多,内容易懂。教学时可先让学生听I-2遍录音,然后让学生在老师规定的时间内进行快速阅读,最后让学生看挂图扼要复述课文内容,检查学生快速阅读的效果。学法建议1 学生可以先设置一个医务所的场景,然后根据挂图内容,分组进行问答训练,以便 进一步掌握课文内容。2 本单元的语法项目首先要牢记他们的基本用法和含义,然后反复进行口头和书面训

47、练。特别是含有 must的一般疑问句,其否定回答不能用mustn' t,应该用needn' t或don't have to。时间状语从句和假设性的条件状语从句将来时用一般现在时代替,但主句要用将 来时。重难点及疑点分析重点及难点:A 单词及短语hit, queue, hurt, laugh at, mistake, readi ng room, alone, surprise, teleph one1. queue 的意思是 行歹U ” 长队 ”。stand in a queue = stand in line2. hurt在本单元中作及物动词,是 受伤"的意

48、思,作不及物动词用时表示疼。Does your leg still hurt ? Not at all .B .句子1. Well, you mustn ' t cross the road now.2. She sat nearest to the doctor' s door.在本句中nearest是副词near的最高级,副词最高级前省去定冠词the。3. You must wait for your turn.4. Do you thi nk it n ecessary for us to lear n to wait?本句中的it作形式宾语,necessary作宾语补足

49、语。5. She was in the city to visit her daughter .C.语法1 .情态动词must的用法。2. 时间状语从句和条件状语从句。疑点:A .单词及短语1. get on / off的意思是 上/下车/马"等,on和off都是介词,代词放在其中间。如:When the bus stopped, he got off.2. arrive是不及物动词,是到达,抵达"的意思,与in或at连用。到达大地方用in反 之用 at。相当于 reach或 got to。如: arrive in Beijing , arrive at a village

50、3. enjoy on eself意思是 玩得愉快”,它相当于 have a good time。B .句子1. If there is a lot of traffic, you must wait.if引导的是假设性的条件状语从句,将来时用一般现在时表示,主句仍用将来时。例如:If it doesn ' t rain tomorrow, we will go swimming2. At the head of the queue was an old woman .这是一个倒装句,倒装句分为全倒装和半倒装。此句是全倒装,条件是主语必须是名词而不是代词,又如: In front of

51、 the house sat an old woman .3. You mustn' t eat anything until you see the doctor ."notuntil意为 直到才"主句中的谓语动词必须是中止性动词。上述句子中until是连词,连接句子,until也可作介词用,后接名词(短语)。例如:She didn' t tell me about it until yesterday .until连接的是一个时间状语从句,其将来时用一般现在时表示。The boy won ' t go to beduntil his mother

52、 comes back .4. You must stop making so much no ise.stop doing sth表示 停止干什么”而stop to do sth则表示 停下来去干什么 ”C.语法1. 含有情态动词 must的一般疑问句,其否定回答不用 mustn 't,而是用needn' t/don ' t have too。Must I be home before eight o ' ?lockNo, you needn' t. /No, you don ' t have to.2. 由when, before, afte

53、r等连词引导的时间状语从句其将来时用一般现在时来表示, 主句仍用将来时。能力训练教学1. 本单元首先要使学生了解有关的交通规则,然后围绕这一中心,对有关的交通警句 进行练习。2. 在复习、巩固上个单元情态动词can, may的基础上,训练和掌握情态动词must和mustn' t的用法。3.组织练习由when, before, after等连词引导的时间状语从句和由if引导的条件状语从句。情态动词must用法分析must是情态动词,没有人称或数的变化,后接动词原形,其主要用法如下:1. 表示义务或必要性,意思是应该、必须”,通常用于肯定句及疑问句。如:You must go to bed

54、 now.你现在必须睡觉了。Must I start at once?我必须立刻出发吗?2. must的否定式是 must not/ mustn' t,意思是 不应该、禁止”,语气较强烈。如:You must n ot smoke here.你不许在这里吸烟。We mustn' t be late again.我们不应该再迟到了。3. 由must引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn' t, don' t need to 或don' t have to均可,但不用 mustn' t,因为mustn' t表示 不许、禁止

55、"的意思,与问句 的原意不符。如:Must I stay at home?我必须留在家里吗?Yes, you must.是的,你必须留在家里。(No, you needn' t.或 No, you don ' t have to.)(不,不用了。)如果是反意疑问句,疑问部分一般不用 needn't,而用mustn' t;否定回答时仍用needn' t, don' t need to 或 don' t have to.女口:You must go on foot, mustn ' t you?你必须走着去,是吗?Yes,

56、I must.是的,是这样。(No, I needn' t.或 No, I don ' t have to.)(不,不是的。)4. 当说话人对所发生的事情进行推测时,must的意思是一定、准是”,主要用于肯定 句,否定句常用 ca n' t。如:He must be a doctor.他一定是个大夫。She is not at home. She must be out.她不在家里,她一定外出了。注意:must表示推测,用于反意疑问句时,疑问部分不能用must,应与其后面的动词保持一致。如:(1) She must be home, isn' t she?她一定

57、在家里,是吗?(2) Tom must have a sister, hasn' t he? / doesn' t he?汤姆肯定有一个妹妹,是吗?5. must 与 have to 的区别。(1) 表示(主语)主观的义务或必要时用must;表示(主语)客观因素的义务或必要 时用have to。have to含有 不得不”的意思。如:I must be off. Tha nk you for your help. 我得走了。谢谢你的帮助。We have to be there early.我们得早点去那儿。(2) have to可以放在 will后面构成将来时,而must则不能

58、。例如:他明天必须去那里。误: He will must go there tomorrow.正: He will have to go there tomorrow.正: He must go there tomorrow. 辨析 sound, noise 禾口 voicesou nd, noise和voice这三个名词都可表示声音”,但是,它们表示的声音"并不相同。1. sou nd作 声音”,响声”讲时,可以指人或动物发出的声音,或物体碰撞的声言。这 个词的使用范围很大。可以说,大自然的任何声音"都可以用sou nd。例如:At mid night he heard a stra nge sou nd .半夜里他听到一种奇怪的声音。Light travels much faster than sou nd .光的传播速度比声音快得多。2. noise意为 噪音” 喧闹声”常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。例如:Don' t make any no


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