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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载" 湖北省稳派训练高一英语上学期期中试题(扫描版)新人教版"精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载11. l4ow will the maput for the gas.aby crettcaxl& by maecby ecl&.izst does tfe woazan auggeatate zoao buy1poetaaxds&wvenizsc、 a aiap、wye a +fl . wv i3ds ai3. wst sze tkc apex<ts gog o óo to+igbt./k s

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5、mp;i lce well-developwf traffic to ocher <itiw精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载d精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载69. what does e uxdetlined seateroe tt=.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载fix.t had ter idea to cycle along the entire mrkong#$4z0l3f0i4#i#*#l*#§ %# #n b#d%精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载稳派 2021-2021年度上学期高一期中考试英语试卷参考答案

6、听力: 1 5 bcbaa 6 10 cabaa 11 15 bcabb 16 20 bcabc多项挑选: 2130 adcac 26 30 adcdb完型填空: 3135 bdbac 36 40 cadcb 41 45 dacda46 50 babdc阅读懂得: 5154 acda 55 58 adab 59 62 cadb63 66 dacc 67 70 ccbd完成句子:71. whom i went for advice72. did we decide73. nothing had happened74. what they needed most75. ever since i j

7、oined76. it was my sister who/that77. is being rebuilt78. being recognized/that you will be recognized79. before a deal/an agreement is80. than it was expected书面表达范文:from my point of view、 with praise from others we will overcome any obstacles on the way to success.few months ago、 i was depressed be

8、cause of my failure in a series of tests.therefore、 absorbed in my negative mood、 i didn t pay much attention to study. my teacher found my abnormal behavior and had a talk with me. i had thought he wouldcriticize me、 but he didnt. he just said、“you are such a clever and hardworkingboy.i believeyou

9、won t letpeople around you down. ” itwas hispraisethatinspired me with confidence and made me realize that i shouldnt give up. from then on、 i studied harder than before and got good grades at length.praise is the best virtue. only with praise can we have the confidence to defeat problems and move f

10、orward.稳派 2021-2021年度上学期高一期中考试英语答案解析一.听力: 1 5 bcbaa 6 10 cabaa 11 15 bcabb 16 20 bcabc二.多项挑选:21 25 adcac 26 30 adcdb21. a 解析 句意为:为爱护环境、人们被勉励使用公共交通工具. transport运输 、交通工具; public transport公共交通工具;service服务; means方式手段; traffic交通;车辆的往来;22. d 解析 句意:彼得为个优秀的语言学习者,两个星期的时间他就很好的把握了汉语和日语;attitude态度 ; description

11、描述,刻画 ; opinion观点,看法 ; command 命令,指挥,把握;词组develop a good command of依据句意可知“d”项正确 .23. c 解析 句意:教授在演讲前整理思绪,以使听众能更好地懂得;realized熟悉到实现;recognized熟悉 、识别; organized组织 、使有条理;damaged 损坏;24. a 解析 句意:对政府来说, 不理会来自人们对它的经济政策的不满为不明智的;a. ignore精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载忽视;不理会;b. recover从不好状况 复原常态; c. rescue 挽救;挽救; d. i

12、mprove提高;25. c 解析 句意:他们为你的报告供应了有用的信息、我想你肯定对他们心存感谢;curious奇怪的; calm 冷静的;冷静的;grateful感谢的; upset:伤心的,担心的;26. a 解析 句意:据我所知、杰克为个顽固的孩子、你不行能轻易让他转变想法;stubborn顽固的,顽固的;sincere真诚的,真实的;honest 诚恳的; loyal忠诚的;27. d 解析 句意:尽管实行了很多措施,当前的经济仍旧极度脆弱;generously大方地;merely 仅仅 、只为; equally公平地; extremely极度地 、很、特别;28. c 解析 句意:

13、鲍勃,你整理好你的东西了吗?火车今日下午2:30 动身,我们没有太多时间;a. added up合计; b. hidden away藏起来; c. packed up整理; d. set down登记,写下;29. d 解析 句意:很多美国的富人很早就开头把钱捐给慈善机构,而不为给他的子女. giveup 舍弃; give off发出,放出; give out用完,分发;give away捐赠;30. b 解析 句意:别再烦我了,我必需警告你我快没有耐心了;in ruins成为废墟; at anend 完结,终止,耗尽;at ease安逸,悠闲;out of order出故障; 三.完形填空:

14、31 35 bdbac 36 40 cadcb 41 45 dacda 46 50 babdc31 b 解析 由 to find可知作者打开了opened 父亲给的塑料袋;32 d 解析 由下文母亲对海边的喜爱以及贝壳上面的文字可知母亲很珍爱这些贝壳,由此估计每个贝壳都用纸巾包着,符合母亲对贝壳的感情;covered符合语境;33 b 解析 由 but可知前后为转折关系,贝壳对母亲有特殊的意义,但其实就为一般的贝壳; common符合语境;34 a 解析 由下文作者的回忆可知,这些贝壳让作者想起了和母亲去海边旅行的事情reminded符合语境;35 c 解析 由倒数其次段的spending h

15、ours gathering shells可知母亲61 岁时收集了collected这些贝壳;36 c 解析 由 already以及 the lung disease that would kill her the next year可知母亲已显现诞生病的迹象signs;37 a 解析 由母亲生病了可知作者知道母亲身体出了问题,something was wrong有问题,有毛病,符合语境;38 d 解析 与母亲建议的吃顿饭.看个电影相比,以及下文作者告知母亲方案时母亲的反应可知,作者和伴侣有更好的方案;39 c 解析 由下文母亲的厨房装饰了从海边带回的纪念品可知,母亲虽然只去过两次大海, 但

16、她很爱 1oved 大海;40 b 解析 由下文作者和伴侣带母亲去旅行的情形可知作者打电话告知母亲她们要一起去head 海边;41 d 解析 由母亲尖叫可知母亲听到要去海边的消息时,心情很兴奋;excited符合母亲当时的心情;42 a 解析 母亲的尖叫把当时坐在她膝盖上的狗amber 吓得跳到了地上;43 c 解析 作者主要回忆了和母亲出游时的情形,本段为回忆发生在路上的事;memories符合语境;44 d 解析 母亲问电影名,在别人要回答之前,她自己说了出来;answer 符合语境;45 a 解析 由下文作者对母亲说出的电影名的订正,可知母亲说错了电影名,这让坐在后精品学习资料精选学习资

17、料 - - - 欢迎下载排座上的伴侣满脸疑问;confusion符合语境;46 b 解析 作者说出了正确的电影名,母亲大声地回应,可估计当时车里布满了笑声;laughter符合当时的情形;47 a 解析 由下文母亲的活动以及对海边的喜爱可知她开头享受这次海边旅行;enjoy符合语境;48 b 解析 母亲来日不多,她之所以拍照为不想遗忘forget这里;49 d 解析 很长一段时间内,母亲的贝壳都深藏在抽屉里;buried符合语境;50 c 解析 由语境可知,上个月作者在找其他东西的时候又发觉了discovered这些贝壳;四.阅读懂得:51 54 acda 55 58 adab 59 62 c

18、adb 63 66 dacc 67 70 ccbda 篇:51 a 解析 事实细节题;依据倒数第三段的内容可以推断,父亲为为了感谢即将去前线保卫国家的战士才帮忙他们的;52 c 解析 事实细节题;依据其次段可知,女服务员被父亲的善行所感动,因此她表演了节目表达对父亲的敬重和感谢;53 d 解析 观点态度题;依据最终一段可知,作者认为父亲的行为值得敬重,品行高尚的;54 a 解析 主旨大意题;文中每个人对彼此的行为都表达了敬重和感谢,这正为作者要表达的主题,即我们要学会感恩;干扰项b. find ways to thank others找到感谢人的方法;本文中心不为讲有哪些感谢人的方法,故b 答

19、案错误;b 篇:55 a 解析 事实细节题;依据其次段最终一句in born genius , nationalgeographiclooks at the science behind child prodigies to explain why some children seem tobe born without limits可知答案;56 d 解析 推理判定题;依据其次至第四段的不同事例可知,有很多不同的情形可以使人成为天才;57 a 解析 规律结构题;文章主体部分列举了三个天才的不同事例,因此作者组织文章的方式为列举典型事例;58b 解析 事实细节题; 依据第一段最终一句tune

20、in to the nationalgeographicchannel可知答案;c 篇:59 c 解析 事实细节题;依据this suburban detroit hotel has a prime location thatallows for easy access to the detroit zoo,henry ford museum , comerica park可知它离当地的景点都很近;60 a 解析 事实细节题;依据第一就广告中的pets allowed可知答案,其他都与原文信息不符;61 d 解析 事实细节题;依据第三就广告中的at the main gateway to th

21、e great smoky mountains off interstate 40 at exit 407可知该宾馆位于一座山邻近,结合该广告另一信息and relaxing in our indoor pool and exercise room所以选d;62 b 解析 事实细节题;据三就广告的内容可知每个宾馆都供应早餐;d 篇:63 d 解析 主旨大意题;通读全文可知本文主要介绍oscar aranda爱护海龟的故事;64 a 解析 词义推测题;依据第四段中的but mexicostillhas one ofthehighestrates ofturtlepoachingintheworl

22、d aranda believesthepoachingbusinessisnot sustained by profit、 because a single turtle egg sells for about 50 cents i think it's how people feel eating something forbidden可估计此词意为“禁止”;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载65 c 解析 事实细节题;依据倒数其次段they want to try what is illegal可知c 正确;66 c 解析 事实细节题;依据倒数其次段以及最终一段可知阻

23、挡偷猎海龟的最好方法为转变人们的思想观念;e 篇:67 c 解析 写作目的题;文章第一段提到导致生活变化的灾难正等待着那些醉酒驾车的司机,而他正为个典型;接着讲到了醉酒驾车让michael nepola付出的代价和他对于同龄人的劝诫;68 c 解析 事实细节题;由第七段but nepola s recoveryisincompletewithhisright hand可知;69 b 解析 句意懂得题;依据上文表达可知,醉酒驾车总有一天会给司机带来意想不到的灾难;70 d 解析 事实细节题;依据文章最终四段可知,nepola逐步复原,并有士气面对他人,给出劝诫;特别为最终一段中的i m a lo

24、t happier in my life可以看出,他能更好地去享受生活;五.完成句子:71. whom i went for advice此题考查定语从句72. did we decide此题考查倒装句式73. nothing had happened此题考查虚拟语气74. what they needed most此题考查名词性从句75. ever since i joined此题考查时间状语从句76. it was my sister who/that此题考查强调句型77. is being rebuilt此题考查时态.语态78. being recognized/that you wil

25、l be recognized此题考查非谓语动词短语做主语或主语从句79. before a deal/an agreement is此题考查时间状语从句80. than it was expected此题考查比较状语从句六.短文写作按高考原就评分;one possible versionfrom my point of view、 with praise from others we will overcome any obstacles on the way to success.few months ago、 i was depressed because of my failure i

26、n a series of tests.therefore、 absorbed in my negative mood、 i didn t pay much attention to study. my teacher found my abnormal behavior and had a talk with me. i had thought he wouldcriticize me、 but he didnt. he just said、“you are such a clever and hardworkingboy.i believeyou won t letpeople aroun

27、d you down. ” itwas hispraisethatinspired me with confidence and made me realize that i shouldnt give up. from then on、 i studied harder than before and got good grades at length.praise is the best virtue. only with praise can we have the confidence to defeat problems and move forward.听力录音稿text 1w:

28、i' m worried about those classes i missed when i was sick.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载m: don't be so upset. we'll help you out. text 2w: congratulations、 tom. our teacher said that you had done the best in the english test in our class.m : really. do you know what my score is. are you still o

29、ne of the best in our class.text 3m: did you watch the football match on tv yesterday evening.w : no、 i didn't. i had dinner with a friend and i didn't go back home until eight o' clock.text 4w: i'm so happy to see you back in class again. three weeks is a long time. m: i really had

30、a great time seeing all the sights. there's nothing like taking it easy once a year.text 5m: i had a big argument with the boss yesterday. i demanded a raise. he got really angry.w: what were you thinking.m : i just don't think that i' m being paid enough.w: how can you say that. you alr

31、eady make twice as much as i do. text 6w: i love this pair of jeans.m : please try them on if you like. the fitting room is right over there. w: thank you.m: do they fit.w: no、 this size is a little too large for me. have you got anything smaller. m: yes、 i'll show you. oh、 sorry、 they are all s

32、old out.w: when can i get a smaller one. m: in a week at the earliest.w : that' s too long for me. i cannot wait until then.m: maybe you can find some in the jeans shop next door. w: do you think so.m: you can try.w: thanks. bye-bye.text 7m: is it true that fast-food restaurants are very popular

33、 in the united states.w: yes、 especially in big cities. m: why.w: because the food is good、 the service fast and the price low. m: oh、 that's good. then which restaurant is more well-known.w: mcdonald's. by 1982、 there were 7063 mcdonald's in the world、 and about 1283 ofthem were inother

34、countries、such as japan、west germany、 england and australia.m: i see. how about the service and the food.w: well、 the employees there are helpful and polite、 and the tables and floors clean enough、 most important of all、 customers can get the same food at any mcdonald's精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载ina

35、nystateorcountry.thefood、ofcourse、isquitegood.frenchfries、 hamburgers、 sandwiches. all are especially prepared. workers would buy theirlunches there because they taste better than their lunches from home.text 8m: excuse me、 miss. i'mnew to this area and i'm running outof gas、 and i can't

36、seem tofinda gas stationanywhere aroundhere.can you directme to thenearestone.w: no problem. first you take a left at thelight. go west for about a mile and there will be one on your left、 next to the post office.m: i didn'tquitecatchthat.would you mind goingoverthedirectionsone more time.w: no

37、problem. take a left at the light and continue on that street until you see the post office on your left. the gas station is right next to the post office.you can't miss it.m: thanks. does the gas station accept credit cards.w : no、 it doesn't. but there's a bank across the street from i

38、t、 and you can get money there if you want.m: that's probably what i'll do.w : yon also might consider buying a map at the gas station. this is a rural area、 so it' s very easy to get lost.m: i think i'll do that. i really appreciate your help. w : it' s my pleasure.text 9m: so、

39、jane、 where are we meeting these friends of yours tonight. w : oh、 didn't i tell you. we're going to see a movie.m : yeah. what movie.w: i'm not sure. i know it's one of those action movies.m : oh、 no. can't we see a romantic movie. action movies are too violent and stupid. w: i

40、know、 but my friends really want to see this one.m: ok、 then what about dinner. should we take them out for some chinese food.w : i'd prefer mexican. i' m not too good with chopsticks.m : all right、 i wouldn't want you to spill food on yourself in front of your old friends.w : they're not just my old friends. you know one of them、 tina.m: yeah、 we live in the same town and we went to the same school. w:


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