



1、周口中英文学校2019年高三二轮练习综合练习(十九)一英语I.单项选择(每小题2分,共40分)1 . What about book? It ' s too difficult book for beginners.A. the; theB. a; aC. a; theD. the; a2 .The dinner was delicious! I agree. I am so full.That's too bad. But some dessert.A. has ordered B. will be ordered C. has been ordered D. was goi

2、ng to be ordered3 .Can I pay the bill by check?Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment be made in cash.A. shall B. needC. willD. Can4 . Brandon worked for hours after school money for her education.A. makingB. made C. to makeD. having made5 . Do you regret up your opinion

3、 that every child should take part in service learning?- No. On the contrary , I think it is very necessary.A. bringing B. to bring C. to be broughtD. being brought6 . Nowadays everyone is responsible for a harmonious society in China.A. making upB. taking upC. opening up D. building up7 . The popul

4、ation of Africa is so rapidly as to cause concern of the whole world.A. expandingB. stretchingC. extending D. spreading8 . China has successfully sent up the Shenzhou IX spacecraft into space withsophisticated devices of science and technology.A. to be equipped B.equippedC. equipping D. having been

5、equipped9 . your help , how could I have passed the difficult interview!A. But forB. Thanks toC. Owing toD. As to10 . If I ruled the world , I would the world everything that is bad.A. get rid of; byB. be rid of; byC. rid; of D. get rid ; of1 1 It is really disturbing to me that my once best friend

6、to me recently. Worse still, Idon' t know what I have done wrong.A. avoids to talk B. escapes talkingC. stops to talk D. avoids talking1 2 . The officers narrowly escapedin the hot battle.A. have killed B. to killC. to be killed D. being killed13. Did you findimpossible for him to tell the truth

7、?A. thisB. itC. thatD. what1 4 . The house rent is expensive. I' ve got about half the space I had at home and I ' m paying here.A. as three times muchB. as much three timesC. much as three timesD. three times as much1 5 . When I said that some people are stupid I was notyou.A. talking to B.

8、 referring toC. turning to D. listening to16. Do you know thatwith wise men improves your mind?A. chatB. ChatsC. chattedD. chatting1 7 . The widespread of super-hybrid rice around the world the lives of millions and millions of people suffering from hunger to a great level.A. improvedB. is improving

9、 C. has improved D. has been improving1 8 . Though famous all over the world, Yuan Longping, sunburnt,with his simple life and in plain clothes, is still busy with his experiment to improve his super-hybrid rice.A. being satisfied; being dressedB. satisfying; dressingC. satisfied; dressedD. to be sa

10、tisfied; to be dressed1 9 . People often make a mistake about my nationality. I was born of Chinese parents, I look but I was born and grew up in America, so I am an American.A. however; ChineseB. therefore; ChineseC. so; the ChineseD. therefore; a Chinese2 0. In his summary of the causes that the I

11、ndustrial Revolution in England in the 18thcentury, he said it was the accumulated capital that played the most important part.A. resulted fromB. led toC. happenedD. took placeII.完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)Tolerance: Respect the difference in othersYou may not realize it, but you are doing much more tha

12、n just studying when you are at school. School is also the place 21 you learn to get on well with people. But this is not22 easy. What can you do 23 you just don ' t like one of your classmates? If you discover that you have problems 24 your classmates or friends, the most important thing to lea

13、rn is tolerance. Tolerance is the 25 to realize and respect the 26 in others. We can not change the way that other people do, 27 it is important to learn to live happily with them.Practicing tolerance will allow everyone to form better 28 with each other. Getting to know someone 29 help you understa

14、nd why they do things 30 from you. It is important to remember that something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. 31 teaches us to keep an even (平和的)temper and open mind.You need to 32 an old saying, “Treat others how you want 33 " . You would like to be treated kindly by your class

15、mates, so it is 34 to treat them with equal kindness. If you tolerate 35 it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to 36 who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you should be 37 of the differences in others and not try to make them change.It is important t

16、o 38 tolerance, because it will make everyone ' s lives easier. Learn to accept people for their different abilities and interests. The world is very 39 , and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make 40 .21. A.whichB.where22. A.hardlyB.seldom23. A.unlessB.since24. A.getting

17、 along withC. getting away from25. A.reflectionB.benefit26. A.characteristicsB.thoughts27. A.soB.andC. thatD. whenC. alwaysD. alreadyC. becauseD. ifB. making apologies toD. fleeing fromC. patienceD.abilityC. thingsD.differencesC. butD.although28. A. moodsB. habitsC. relationshipsD. feelings29. A. mu

18、stB. mayC. shouldD. dare30. A. fortunatelyB. easilyC. differentlyD. attentively31. A. PatienceB. ExperienceC. ToleranceD. Kindness32. A. keep in touchB. keep in mindC. keep up withD. keep away from33. A. to treatB. being treatedC. to be treatedD. to be treating34. A. attractiveB. importantC. possibl

19、eD. interesting35. A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing36. A. changeB. remindC. promiseD. decide37. A. convenientB. respectfulC. negativeD. unselfish38. A. stopB. cancelC. preventD. practice39. A. diverseB. sameC. individualD. apparent40. A. no differenceB. an effectC. an apologyD. a diffe

20、renceIII阅读理解七选五(每小题2分,满分10分)SmilingPeople smile at times. 4 1.Depending on different cultures, smiling can express joy and amusement, but it can also indicate embarrassment. The following examples show this point of view:4 2.Every one smiles at each other, this nonverbal communication shows being fr

21、iendly in the United States. However , in China, smiling is not only an expression of happiness, but also a way to avoid being embarrassed. 4 3. Smiling is a kind of good will but not sneer (嘲笑).For example: When a child falls off from a bike, the adults in China may smile, which is a kind of gentle

22、 encouragement and may not be a kind of impolite laugh.When a person from the United States might blush (脸红) with embarrassment or become offensive, a Chinese might blush with smile. To avoid serious misunderstanding, people who engage in intercultural communication should be able to understand the

23、meaning of smiling appropriately. 4 4 Also; different cultures have different meanings about laugh. Forexample, Americans can enjoy a very heartfelt belly ( 腹部)laugh that comes from the deepest emotions.4 5.A. Related to the smile is the laugh.B. Chinese people like smiling when they are embarrassed

24、 in order to avoid embarrassment. C. Nonverbal communication is important because it is culture-related. It is based on different beliefs, religions, values and customs in different cultures.D. However, most Chinese seldom laugh that way because they are thought to be silly except among close friend

25、s.E. In an attempt to be open and friendly, people in the United States smile a lot.F. Feelings of friendship exist everywhere but their expression varies.G. However, the meaning of a smile in different cultures may be different.IV .单词拼写,每空一词(每小题2分,共计10分)1 . Jane宁愿呆在家里也不愿参加那样的聚会。Jane _ _stay at home

26、 than go to such parties.2 .校长对我的教学工作很满意The headmaster my teaching work.3 .他怀着变富的希望去了美国He went to America being rich.4 .山西省盛产煤矿Shanxi Province _ _ coal.5 .摆脱一种坏习惯不是件易事。It is hard to a bad habit.V .短文改错。(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)We are very gladly to have received your money and some reading materials. Thank you verymuch. We had been studying hard since we ca


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