1、成都市2019武侯区九年级下期英语二诊测试卷A卷(共70分)第二部分基础知识运用(共30小题,计40分)五、选择填空(共15小题,计入20分)A. 从以下各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10 分)31 Tlle rmner Of the Singiilg COmPetitlOn iseleen-year-old girl.A. aB. anC.不填32.1 Went home as quickly as I CanWitll COOklng because my mom WaS not feelmgWeIl today.A. to IleIP OUtB. h
2、elp OUtC- helping OUt33. there iswrong Witll your Car it has just IUil OUt Of electricity , you didn't need toIePaIr it.A. SOmetllillgB. nothingC. anything34. MOnL the beef m this Small IeStallraIlt is SO POPUIar and IOtS Of PeOPle drrve a IOng Way to have it, COUld We go and have a try?Certamly
3、 We.A. WOUldB. COUldC- Cail3 5.do you ViSit SIChUan Museum?Once a year.A. HOW OftenB. HOW SOOnC. HOW Iong36. -A CartOOn Called AnlUSeInent Park from AmeriCall Park &omAnerca is On these days, have you Seell it?No. Iit to IelaX myself after today s test.A. have SeenB. SeeC. Will See37. 一Dad、WOUld
4、 you IIke to tell memy COUSill Will arrive this afternoon? I IiIISS IIiS SOmuch.Sure. At two o'clock.A. WhellB. WhereC. Whether38.1 failed to CatCh die IaSt bs On that COld Wmter niglt. I never feltthan that.A. terribleB. more terribleC. tle most terrible39. If you Want to SUCCeed i IanglIage le
5、arning, try your best. YOU know 'fcGod helps those IleIP themselves.,A. WhiChB. WhOC. WhOm4S. A. effortB. SlIPPOrtC. time49. A. bigB. deepC. dry50. A. regretB. examineC. OVerCOmeShe USed to SleeP On the sidewalk Of the FIfth Street POSt Office. I COlIld 51her beforeI Canle close. She WOre dirty
6、ClOtheS and maybe She ddn,t have a ShOWer for a IOng tne. I52SaW Iler talk WItll Otllers. If She WaS not asleep, Slle talked to herself. I always IladSymPathy(二 Z)fbr her. What a POOr Old lady? She 53be hopeless ad hungry.One thanksgiving, We had IOtS Of traditional food Ieft 0er. I tlought Of the l
7、ady. She mightbe Still 54. SO I PaCked the food IIP and drove OVer to the FIfth Street. It WaS a COId55. Tllere WaS Ilardly anymore out. BUt I knew She WOUld Stay at the Sanle PIaCe and I WOUldfind her easily.There She was, Sittlng near the POSt office. I drove my Car OVer to he匚 OPeIled the rindowa
8、nd said. rVe brought you Some food. WOUld you IIke SOme 56and PUmPkin PIe forThankSgiVing Day?"However the Old WrOman didn't Seelll to be Very excited about tlis. She IOOked at me ad SaIdquite 57. Oh5 thank you Very much. BUt SOmeOile gave 58food after it WaS just dark.Alld I am quite fUll
9、now. Why don't you take it to SOmeOne else that needs it?"Her WOrdS Were Clear and Iler Inalmeis Were &IeIldIy. I WaS 59and I didn't know Whatto say. AIl Old Iady WIlO WaS Ieany POOr StIll 60others. Why don't more Of US do that?51. A. hearB. SeeC. SnIell52. A. SeldOmB. SOmetmleS
10、C. Oftell53. A. mustB. ShOUldC. has to54. A. dirtyB. IlUngryC. Old55. A. momgB. aftenoonC. niglt56. A. ChiCkenB. turkeyC. SaIldWiCheS57. A. ClearlyB. hopelesslyC. IOUdly58. A. herB youC. me59. A. angryB. SadC. ShOCked60. A. Ieanled aboutB. tlought aboutC. COmPlamed about第三部分阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)八.阅读下面短文,
11、根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂-As错误的涂"B"(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)YOrk MmSter is the IargeSt GOthIC Cathedral (哥特式教堂)In England. The IeCent building is about 800 years Old and is the SeCOnd MliISter to Stand In this IOCation. but the IlIStOty Of the Site actually dates back 2000 years.ViSiting InfOrmatiOIlGreat
12、 ValUe admission (管理)÷ AdUlt admission is from $10 and your ticket is USed for 12 montls.÷ Free guided tours WOrk from MOnday-SatUrday beveen 10 an-3 PnL SUbjeCt to availability (数量有 限)C)Peniilg times÷ MOnday-SatUrday &om 9 am÷ SlInday from 12:45 PnlGrOUP ViSitS÷ There a
13、re SPeCial PrlCeS for groups OflO or morePeOPle . PleaSe CaIl US On 01904557217 or email US at g oup 61. The PaSSage IntrOdUCeS Ybrk MmSter m EnglalId to ViSitOrS62. Your father has to SPelId $30 ViSlting Ybrk MillSter for tlree times i a year.63. YbU Call ask a free guided tour ewery
14、 day except Sanlrday.64. Ybrk MKISter is OPen earlier on SatUrday tla on Siuidays.65. If you are a group Of 12 people, tlere are two days to get IOWer prices.九、阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案(共10小题,每小题2分,if- 20 分)ASUrVey Of teens, Sending messagesHoWlongQoyoUSPendOn your rx>e oe every day? rtl<1$HOW Oft
15、en do you Send messages?3 TlMES ADAY 6%4M0What do you Send mesapes about?亦 : 57¼When <fc you Send messages?AIhOEe 46%DUhng a ma! s%In CiaSS 4% Dunng a movie 20%66. TlIiS StOry is about teenager's habits OfA. WatChing moniesB. SeIIdmg messagesC. making phone CanS67. MOre than half Of the
16、SnIdentS Send messagesA. more than 3 times a dayB. 1 to 3 times a dayC. several times 已Very month68. ercent Of teenagers SPelld more tla a hour day On the mobile phone.A. Tllirt>r-fburB. SiXteenC. Fifteen69. When teenagers SelId message, the topics are IlIamIy aboutA. SPOrtSB. &IendSC. IateSt
17、 news70. TeenagerS hardly ever Send messages WllellA haVing a mealB. IiStenmg in CIaSSC. WatChlng a movieBCan you imagine BIaCk Fnday and BUy NOtIImg Day are CeIebrated On the Salne day in America? The day after TilankSghmg (tle fourth ThUrSday in NOVember) is regarded as the begmmiig Of CIIrIStInaS
18、 ShOPPIng season. BUt SOme CanadIaaS Started Celebrating BUy NOthing Day On that day In 7ancouer in 1992.BUy NOthlng Day adises PeOPle not to buy anything in One day. Kalle thought UP the Idea first after WOrkIng as an advertiser for quite a few years In Canada. He belietes tlat Inany StOreS guide C
19、lIStOmerS to buy far more than What IS IeaIly IleCeSSary He thinks It IeadS to too much and blind cost. WhiCh IllakeS PeOPIe Care about things tlemseh*es Iatller than their tne needs. He experts PeOPle to know the VahIeS Of shopping. He also disagrees that buying more means being happyWhy does BUy N
20、Otlllllg Day fall On the day after Thanksgiving? In general, PeOPle in SOme western COIUltrIeS WiIl ShOP for CllrIStmaS and New YearS Day fi>m tle on. Tlle day after ThankSgiVing is Friday. PeOPle CaIl it BIaCk Friday. Kane ChOSe this day for a Very IInPOrtalIt reason. It is One Of the biggest Sh
21、OPPmg days Of the year. NOW Buy NOtlImg Day has SPread across more tla SeVeIlty countries, mcludmg AnIeriCa, CaiIada , AUStralia , Germany and Japan.BUy NOtIUng Day has trly changed the ShOPPmg CUInIre and people's thouglts. AS die BlIy NOtlliIlg Day WebSlte says, "the day isn't about C
22、hangUlg you for jst One day 一 We Want it to be a IaStillg IeIatIOIIShiP Or naybe a Iife Changing experience/' The ClIStOmerS ShOUld buy better, USe IeSS and PrOdUCe IeSS waste. SO ClIStOmerS Can not Only SaVe money but ImPrO*e their life.71. Thanksgmg Day m 2019 IS NOVember 28th. Whell is BlIy N
23、OtIlMlg Day?A. NOIenIber 27tl.B. November 28tl.C. NOVeinbel 29tl.72. FrOm the passage, We know KalIe二A. WaS bom m CalIada.B. USed to WOrk as a boss In a StOreC. Came UP WItIl the idea Of BUy NOtllmg Day73. WhiChOf the following is TRUE about 44Buymg NOtliHlg Day,?A. It is the Same day as BIaCk Frlda
24、yB. It is Ollly Celebrated In ElirOPean countries.C. PeOPle hae been Celebratillg it for more than 30 years.74. What does 'Buy better' mean In the IaSt paragraph?A. We SllOUId buy better thmgsB. We ShOUld ChOOSe tilings more wisely.C. We ShOUld buy much more 已XPenSiVe things.75. FrOm the IaS
25、t paragraph, WhICh Of the OPlnIon may be the Writer support?A. TO SaVe money, CliStOmerS ShOUIdil t buy anything.B. The PlIlPOSe Of BUy NOthmg Day is to guide PeOPle to avoid wasting.C. BUy NOthmg Day hopes tlat PeOPle don't buy anything for Only One day.B卷(共50分)一、根据首字母填词,请在答题卡上写出完整单词.I The teac
26、her PraiSed all the members In the Ieanl and Said that they bIIke the tnegentlemen.2. Can you make SOme Pabout What Will happen in the ftre?3. High-speed IaIhVayS provide US With a IeSS eand more COnlfbrtable place.4. Although the earthquake IlaPPened 11 years ago, many PeOPle eIeInember how it was.
27、5.It is a good Way to improve your Snldy by mthe mistakes With StarS then you arereviewing.二、完成对话 在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)(共 10小题,每小题1分:计10分)A: SoiL you Ileed to be hard-working but Why you become much 1now, you never COOkyorself at home、always Order food online, even Pay OtherS for house Clea
28、ning.B: Oh, Dad. It is my 2OfIIfeStyle. I IIke It ad I Want to SaVe time to relax after a Week,sStreSSfill work. HaVe you heard OfIaZy economy (二二二二)二A: SOlmdS interesting. Whats it?B: The time which ChilleSe young PeOPle SPelld on Work , transportation ad SOCiaI Iife IllCreaSeS quickly. SO they hav
29、e 3time to do Otller things IIke COOkmg ad Iioiisecleaning. SWeePmgrobots, WmdOW ClealImg machines, SOCk WaShlllg macmes and Otller high-tech electronic4On TaObaO help save the trouble Of doing chores. SO We just Pay and Wait at home. WeCan SaVe time ad energy to IiVe a more 5and easier life.A: Son.
30、 you depend on then too much. YbU Order OnIme WithOUt 6home. Sittiilg On thingsIIke reading, WaIkHlg your dog yourself, exercising With your &lends.B: Well, I agree tlat its not a good habit. TIIIS SlnIatIon might Iead me to become IeSS SOCiable and even develop PrOblenlS Of 8Witll others. Its e
31、asy to Start bad IlabitS but difficult to9.A: HaVe a try , dear GOOd habits are hard to Start- OnCe you get doing, its Iike dmg a bike. EaCh Small PUSh Of the PedalS(Z Z)CaiTIeS you 10.B: Thanks, dad. ll Challge myself from now on.A: My PleaSlire.三、短文填空从下面方框中选出10个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确 通顺(每次限用一次)。(共1
32、0小题,每小题分,计10分)able developdrophighIllflUenCe IlltereStmgOneraiseSmIPleSmCe workWriteWe are living In an Age OfDiSCOVery that has neer happened before. HaVe you eve heard Of "smart drug '? Slllart DnIg is a kind Of medicine for PeOPIe WhO Want to make PrOgreSS ill the Uiiportant 1in Iam heal
33、th.ACCOrdmg to a SUrVey IaSt year, more tlan 14% Of the PeOPle around the World took the Snlart dng at IeaSt 2. The IargeSt POPUIation ms m AmenCa and it IilCreaSeS at the 3SPeed InEllrOPe as WelLFOr SOme people, the moie LilnItleSS WaS a first IOOk IiltO the POSSIbIlIty Of va drg that Can make you
34、smarter/' and while that fiction IS a IOng Way &oin realty(Z 二).USillg tlese drugs On IlOmlal people, in the hope Of getting die brain to WOrk faster and 4IQ、SeemS to be InPeOPles Imagination. because the HlflUenCe Of these drugs is not medically Seen to make PeOPle smarter. SUCh dngs have 5
35、Challged how PeOPle notice and feel. All example IIke this mhuman IlIStOty is that SOme 6and artists have taken SImIlar fc smart drugs: FOr example, ¾nGogh, HeniillgWay and PlCaSSO are Said to be 7in a SPeClal kmd OfiSnIart dng'-absinthe (akind Of wine). The wine, known as the "smart d
36、rug'; is actually a tiling that Can make you excited. However、nobody COUld make SUre that the OUtStandng( 二二)8Of these PeOPle Were CreatedUnder the fluence Of the Wiile. because tlese artists' CreatiOnS have StrOng characters. We can,t JUdge(Z Z) and make a SinIPle COnChISiOn(Z 二).Alld We ar
37、e 9to Say Whether the "smartdrugs'、IlnPK)Ve the human intelligence now. 10tlere is IleItller medicine for Iegrettnlg norfor becoming wise, is It IleCeSSary for normal PeOPle to take any medicme?四、阅读表达(共10小题,计10分)A.补全短文根据短文内容,从短文后的AF选项中,选岀5个适当的选项补全短文,答 题卡上只需填涂选项的编号字母。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)POem: On
38、 MiSSiOn to the frontierA Slngle Carnage (马车goes to the frontier (边塞):AS a Ieader I CrOSS northwest mountain high.Llke Uimbleweed(风滚草)I have OUt Han FOrtreSS(要塞);AS Wild geese (雁)I COme Under HU Sky.In endless desert IOnely SmOke rises Straiglit;OVer endless river the SUn SInkS round.I met a horse r
39、ider at the CanlP gate;In NOrthem FOrtreSS the general Will be found.On MlSSion to the frontier is a fiveYhaiacter POem by Wang Wd (AD 701761), One Of the famous POetS ad artists Of the Tang DynaSty Tlle POem begins Witll a carriage, Uimbleweed andWild geese. WlliCh aren't USllaIly CoiiileCted W
40、ith IOyalty(Z 二).1TIlIS is because Ile WaSSent to the &OlItier by EmPerOr Tang XlIailZOng(AD 685762)fbr about eglt years.In the IaSt fbr sentences. Wallg describes a SPeCial SCene m die endless desert With 4tIonely smoke' and a "sinking sn 2It also ShOWS die poets broad Illind.The famou
41、s ChiileSe PrOfeSSOr , Wang GlIOwei (18771927), CalIed It fc a fantastic SCene that is SPeCial m time".3At 19、Wng W7e InOVed to die City Of Chang, an, today's Xi an ,to take exams to Workfor the royalty. 4Wang Wei WaS also Well-known for his ShailShUI POetry and ShanShUI PamtmgS- He built U
42、P a fan at Wangchiian, ClOSe to Chang'a. 5HIS POeIllS Were Written to be PreSented VVith a PartiClIIar art work. This kmd Of Writlng IS described as fc* having POetry in IIiS Painting ad Pamtnlg in his poetry:A. Wang Wei ShOWed talent from an early age.B. There he PrOdUCed a number Of POeillS an
43、d Pamtmgs.C. While doing tins , IliS ability as a POet WaS known by people.D. The WOrd StraIglt ' CreateS a fantastic PiCnlre Of die frontier.E. TheSe ObJeCtS ShOW how IOnely and dsaomted Wang WeI was.F. WalIg Wei ShOwed his feelings Of Carmg about IOyalty in this POem-B.完成表格阅读下而短文,根据英内容,完成图表中所缺
44、的信息(共5小题,每小题1 分,计5分)Imagine JaCk and LInda are taking a Ieany hard math test. After die test, what do they tlukZ Lets take a look.JaCk IIaS a fixed mindsetZ ZZZZ -the belief that your Uitelligence is HfiXednZ YOUre either Smart or silly. AiId If you,re smart, everything is easy for youLmda has a gro
45、wth mindset, the belief that your InteIIigellCe Call grow NOt everyone Can become talented、but they CaIl improve the SkIlIS tley have and dev已IOP ne OneSZSO WhiCh is right Its Linda, believe it Or not, IeSearCIl ShOWS that you Ieany Cail get Smarter by WOrkmg hard Z PraCtICIng ad Chanenglilg yoursel
46、fYbUr brain is made UP Of 86 billion CeilS CaIled neuros(Z ZZ) . Theyre joined together in a IlenVOrk that SendS OUt SIglIaIS(Z Z)With electricity ad ChenIiStry- JUSt One neuron Ul yor bram Can be COmleCted to10000 Other neurons! Whell you think, feet moe, or USe your senses. SIgnaIS travel tlrough
47、tlis network. Leammg is IIke exercise for your bram. If you WOrk it OUt more , the StrOnger your Iietwork Of IlellronS WiIl become 二YbUr mindset Can mfluence your PerfbrmanCe at SChOOL in SPOrtS and the arts, and even how you act and feel. PeOPIe With a fixed mindset arc Very ConCenled With grades a
48、nd how Slnart they IOOk COmPared to Otller people. They WOUld give UP On difficult PrOblenis. PeOPle with a growth Hiuidset are COnCerned WitIl IeamUlgZ IlOt grades. They Ieanl from mistakes by trying dfierent PrOblem-SOhng StrategIeS or asking for help ZBabieS are the best example Of the growth min
49、dset. Iii Only two years, they Iearn to walk, talk and feed themsehes. They don't WOrry about IOOkUlg SilIy While they learn. WIlell they make mistakes, they just try again. Many SUCCeSSfiIl PeOPle have a growth mindset, too.A PrOfeSSOr Ilamed DeweCk and his team at StaiIfbrd UniVerSlty discover
50、ed thatWith SOme WrOrkkids Call ChOOSe to have a growth mindset and do better in SChOOL You'd better ChOOSe to have a growth mindset because It WiIl be WOrtIl it.HOW does the brains work?The CenS IlellrOnS in the bram are COlineCted to6oWhelI you leam, your bram get exercise wliich makes your IletWOrk Of IleUrOnS StrOngeEPeOPle Witll a fixed InmdSetOWth mindset(EXalnpie: JaCk)(Example: Lmda,8many SUCCeSSfUl PeOPle and kids)"Believe they 7normal person.*Really nid their grades.*Care about how Smart they lo
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