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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载新人教版8下 unit 4单元检测题一用词的适当形式填空:( 20 分)1. compare me with others makes me very angry.2. kim often feels 焦虑的 before a math test because he s not good at math.3. look at those black c_. it s going to rain.4. he put his english book down、 and then he c 连续 to read his chinese book.5. his f

2、riend found a p 合适的 job at last.6. after reading the book、 she carefully 归仍 it to its place on the shelf.7. how many 成员 are there in your family.8. it s not right copy others homework.9. ruth is good at writing and she has great writings 技能 .10. the big noise made me go 疯狂的 .11. people shouldnp_t th

3、eir children so hard.12. his parents are very busy. they have little time to c with their children.13. wi said、 he didn t agree with me.14. when i came in、 i found him write something on his seat.15. it s very cold outside.put on your coa、t or you will( fall ) ill.16 we have all kinds of 活动 in our s

4、chool17. my problem is that i can t get on wmy classmates.18. i need to cut othe first paragraph because it doesn t fit it.19. p 或许 he will come for afternoon tea、buti m not sure.20. the company o the young man a job、buthe didn t take it.二单项挑选:( 20)1. his parents don t allow him out with his friends

5、 after school.a. hungb. to hangc. hangingd. hangs 2. he shouldthe teacher.a.explainb.explain toc.explainedd.explained to 3. what s wrong. i can t do my homework now. imy homework in the classroom this morning.a.leaveb.forgetc.forgotd.left4. could you please the piano so loudly. your brother is havin

6、g a rest now.a. not to playb. not playc. don t playd. to not play精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 5. he didn t go to the children s home. his friend jack went there .a. insteadb. tooc. alsod. either6. i m gointog take a vacation. could you please me some information about interesting places to travel.a. offe

7、r、 tob. offer、 forc. provide、 withd. provide、 for7. every year driving after drinking wine a lot of traffic accidents.(交通事故)a. happensb. providesc. causesd. results 8-do you mind your room.-no、 i ll do that after finishing this article.a. clean、 writeb. clean、 writingc. cleaning、 writed. cleaning、 w

8、riting9. mr. black asks the kids in the river、 because it s too dangerous.a. swimb.to swimc. not to swimd. swims 10. -can you me your bike.-with pleasure. but you mustn t it to others.a. lend、 borrowb. borrow、 lendc. lend、 lendd. borrow、 borrow 11. mr. white works hard he can make more money.a. in o

9、rder tob. so thatc. ifd. although 12. it was very clever of you to the math problems.a. turn outb. work outc. find outd. take out13. our english teacher often gives us some on how to learn english well.a. adviceb. suggestionc. opiniond. idea14. go out for a picnic next saturday.-good idea.a. why not

10、b. how aboutc. would you liked. let15. remember to when you arrive in beijing.a. call up meb. cheer up mec. call me upd. cheer me up 16. parents often their own children others children.a. compare; withb. compare; asc. compare; tod. compare; for 17. this box is too heavy. can you help me carry it up

11、stairs. .a. no problemb. yes、 pleasec. that s rightd. no、 thanks18. i am very sad because i found my best friend my things yesterday.a. looking atb. looking throughc. looking ford. looking out19. the little boy saved every coin硬币 buy his mother a present on mother s day.a in odder thatb such thatc i

12、n order tod so that精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载20. oh、 my god. i really don t know next. what s wrong . can i help you.awhat to dob how to doc how do itd so that三 完形填空(共 10 小题,每道题1 分,计 10 分)i returned home to spend the holiday with my mom happily. i would like to sit on the sofa、 watching tv and talking

13、with her1midnight. not long after i arrived home、 one of her friends asked her to go to a party and she left home at once. she came back late that night.ididn t2she loved me. during the following days、 i didn t spea3k to hesrh. espoke to me、 isaid nothing.butlater ibegan to feelsad. sometimes ireall

14、ywanted to4sorry to her、 but i couldn t speak out. so i he5lpedsome housework. i did everything icould when my mother6at home. when she returned、 she felt7. on the last day、my mother drove me to the train station. at first we said nothing、8she said、“ sorry for that night. you know that you are the m

15、ost9to me.” i couldn t say a word and i tried not to cry. before getting on the10、 i finally said sorry to her. she cried. but i knew she washappy.41. a. beforeb. untilc. unlessd. though 42. a. explainb. comparec. thinkd. hope43. a. whenb. wherec. whyd. how44. a. speakb. talkc. telld. say 45. a. tob

16、. forc. withd. of46. a. didb. wasc. didn td. wasn 47. a. sadb. nervousc. happyd. lonely 48. a. orb. soc. butd. then49. a. difficultb. importantc. excitedd. different 50. a. busb. planec. subwayd. train 四阅读懂得(10 分)dear abby、i m a helplesms other. my son tom is 15 years old. i find that the older he g

17、rows、 the less we talk. i feel very sad and i really need help.myfirstproblemisabout his hobbies. hespends almost allhis spare time oncomputergames. when he gets home、 he always turns on the computer and closes the door. i m getting worried about him、 especially when his english teacher tells me he

18、always gets low marks in theenglish exams.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载second、 he likes new technology、 but i don t have enough money and i can t afford all thethings he wants.recently、 i ve found that he is always alone. i ve never seen him talking to his friends on the phone or going out with anyone on

19、weekends. that is the best problem i have.6. the helpless mother has problems.a. twob. threec. fourd. five7. tom for almost all his spare time at home.a. plays computer gamesb. talks with his motherc. does his homeworkd. practices typing8. from the passage we know that tomer s_m o_th.a. is not worri

20、ed about tomb. feels very happyc. is not richd. likes new technology9. the helpless mother asks abby to .a. playwithtomb.talktotomc.buywhattomwantsd.giveher some advice10. which of the following is true about tom.a. he is 14 years old.b. he is not good at englishc. he often phones his friends.d. he

21、likes going out on weekends.五任务型阅读(共 5 小题,每道题2 分,计 10 分)“ i don t like my parents. they always telml e i should do this、 and should not do that. itsometimes makes me angry、” said zhang hua、 a middle school student in guangzhou. do you have the same problem. perhapsyourparents had the same problem wh

22、en they were young.why aren t some parents so friendly in their children s eyes.one of the most important reasons is when someone becomes a parent、 he / she often worries about things. they worry about everything about you、 from the time you were born 诞生 . they do a lot for you. though something wou

23、ld make you angry、 they care about you andworry about you. they worry about your choice 挑选 of friends、 the food you eat、 your study at school、 how much sleep you get and so on. all these things are part of your life. they wantyou to grow up healthily and happily.so how can you make things easier on

24、yourself. it s easier than you think. just make sure your parents know what you re doing. get them to know your friends. phone them if you gethome later than usual. say sorry to them when you make mistakes. talk about your ideas with them and they may talk about theirs with you.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎

25、下载mostofall、trytothinkabout whyyourparents do thisordothat.theyare still practising being parents and need help you can give them. when you become a parent、 they may be able to help you how to get on with your children.1 题判定正误(“ t表”示正确, “ f表”示错误) ; 27 题完成句子;3 题简略回答疑题;4 题找出并写下其次段的主题句;5 题将文中画线句子译成汉语;1

26、. parents always worry about what their childrendo.【】2. the writerthinkschildrenshould theirparents iftheygohome laterthan usual.3. what should children do when they make mistakes according to the writer. 4. 5. 六完成句子,每空一词(10 分)1. 依我看,健康最重要; opinion、 health is the most important.4.为什么不让孩子们顺其自然呢?why d

27、on t they the kids kids.3. i had a (吵架) my brother yesterday.4. 昨天他把词典仍给我了;he the dictionary me yesterday.5. 人们不应当逼孩子们太紧;people shouldn_ _ their children so .七连词成句(10 分):1 don t、to、 i、 want、 he、surprise_ .2. get、i、sleep、enough、night、don t、last .3. be、a 、family、the taylors、typical、american .4. really

28、、 them 、 i、 to 、success、 want 、be .5. don t、to、talk、why、you、parents、you .八书面表达(10 分):亲爱的同学,你生活中有苦恼,学习有压力吗?请依据提示以“how to solve our stress ”为题写一篇80 词左右的短文,提示内容必需用完、可适当发挥;提示: 1.积极参与体育锤炼,有一个健康的身体;2.多与老师.家长和伴侣交谈,说出自己的苦恼;3.多听听音乐,多看看书;4.尽自己最大努力学习,英勇面对自己的成果;how to solve our stresswe all have some problems a

29、nd stress in our lives. how should we solve them.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载新人教版8 下 unit 4单元检测题答案 一用词的适当形式填空:( 20 分)1.comaring2. nervous3. clouds4. continued5. proper6. returned7. members8. to copy9. skills10. crazy11. push12. communicate13. whatever14. writing15. fall16. activities17.with18. out19. perhaps20. offered二单项挑选:(20 分)1 5bbdba6 10 ccdcc11 15 bbaac16 20 aabca三完形填空(10 分)1 5 bcadc6 10dcdbd四阅读懂得(10 分)6 10 bacdb五任务型阅读:( 10 分)1. t2. phone / telephone / call up3. say sorry to their parents.4. one of the


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