1、尹曙essi席gy ipiso o io0cticable 0 my intention$i爹l#nasis 毎t除抵嗾守f n孙ing«si, 4»i|尋咗两ssion and$零零靜ty,妙8铸訓 衣取long裡气.$够竄, %0.3护蜀b$tfi8e常f frewis吃忍隽鸟2n* ah.j上kconnection between the no嗣护卑沪曾* e p络盘念护诚u食ionfgiigityws the authorth靱野g 零 itsrw* e rst c*a$t& 铁 the introdyc楼o%)f涉邮嗡爾;确念話hknanistic ps&
2、gt;q入時毎扁,的1砂倔 虧confcp辭a辱密如n,念 侖fqg伽t$dheory&f h器盘r他麹測沏ggal needs. 朝s哼s" is專轡嗨& 挈眇笔巒鯉磚1& igi琴鏗黔1如妙購或鈔d炉n the theory妙郸ychofbgic创need, &ith the btntb 矗冷i眇fc extisfon.the歹零喙期teh©er aims©t& po词fact q|lonel uses his drive for初护r叙叙gfeqto a哆哄曙壕n解泌州磔或dv©oibnm 0a©o
3、03e call曲a% a $creat加踊ii proves 角s毬站啓觀e磐t住®aoinis hisweakcreativfness to des徐ugive矗您诫e砧睥t<d审g邂俺尊 ga參号nd his q)ass得cr&tt检role.纟蛍; 肆脱o令 9vhg如切gpter祐divided into two secti銅审.礙触念®e愈锻解c(a)僉1 is oo今 r:2t“=sgb :“ =r«=5gabsanahssgasaeagaeehsggaeegaggg postmqeiism. and $1 macondo 9s sia
4、l £h野够 andt moegrtyaqiological interpretation 0f one hundred yaiof solitude, x覆oyan/画时)血1ks iat 熄c禽d禽费gradually claimed妙申甲影珈csgf modernity 事 thacftfis a societf capita&smji呀tg磅sm, bururaatoolgf v测书冷? 。othe&e够",仲询矽“心陥厚覇触硝 事亦i壽斛吸气陶簿such as its theifte f d“tli闯讪imnand$oth鮫爺# s#就血©
5、;%穷s refeted o tlse above mentioned themes morewith the mentioned to>i& mb數©these abgwtglw鈕ydo<nsii貌years 砂敬辭峡 aeew. the main theme 碼 th侖 novel $people nlyeshis 陰eme on4he 碍野欢 tlt够昨§叨硼每poitoutside reasonsvilggressio>島d trit 1 咄 of loven te fail si芋&§olgud is a 孝ecessa
6、罗t护涉ly裁硏荻盹a pchcc禰e鹫pective.縊牌胡in卿珈g呻巒ign曙ni气 egiic, i founri |sp 魁is4*(y0o analyze th禺获妙第磔狎紗洌岁砂财igure. so 嘗的 羽第矚 昶碣竭have 轉端喻厂 auretidnoon frirnlove 4ideological鞘珈旳皿昭1觀 8ein酹,觀 穷ill ana超ze ©筋闹's/n科d 硏 over h%fail爭e$f 扇溜編g專诰胪冷阳logical needs#*峻弊i矚鶴曙peg a印ects: lys destructiveness, 一®:乜異初
7、吨两qsion 级ldgcyj环玻ity,妙s鉛横? pii out the re占 reason $f gis$丁障 ot»is越肚念 衿鏗©卫易 禽蕊ftd聊翱少 魅 compa俠on钮嗣寸磬 §uig令,e s里増 渝 0$ 护ork shp again. "encased 釈 h© workshop初is onlr rel够i奶siftwigji g崂护st埠$ world was his gusi护ss 积 /ittlgg阳fhes”(粵野u%,犁07:100)©business is got 罗塚t “ itreed in
8、, he(jly cares 丰蜒切)§护联.谒se needed零曲护c収费ntrati%ngp/i轴瞬祈s,# minutrubies nto the laminate gills,令命尋零1 毎s t妒a虐矗the small申t耕礙期”华叫4沁k aureliancneeds tfte令ie war o o o©令 ” reator is not justo create 雪me concr; seedsmoni aves for hi驹務gl再鶯®his# 11 驴i%ment §f th becorg a(d¥y4oie|p h血电
9、ain the p駢母 '' proc笔护e n繆总嶼諱jt©令 令2.1 irf 宙 $etei碱毎oe如咿觀ig 砖翘輕炳斶a ©reator is not justo create 觀me conci爭詔gigs“mancan 手邃曙蚁seeds, £yproducing幅鶴creating 血亀舍if 谯aoing one 护雪驴q. thai iso殴咖lapwho is incapable i習e cannoteqaga盘专 %?第穷 wherioursula loses her sightn her laterifeshe shirt
10、s to see ciet佻 fifths that 加t busygileq former times has prevented herrgi seeing shauzs t妙t his son, /kireliano, never love§ 零彎険財毎彎警弊與期僉卵 countless 护迈聪 womengid much 1 勲s his sdfesshe retched tl評qic血gog层毬tson wharfche佃he given h号 life was si馭ply a man incapable of 1 為e"(123) it isfl零 known
11、 that护$1罗器如t<p筝初ts电ge 驴护跑outne's life has profbundinfluence on him, suihs th feeling towpie world and hisabilityo lovethis point, thehort4)riin father give a "d influence 21锣洛如o's a如ity to 1型&护矗形1諮曲eliano拶three years o®,搀 ©零e制s抵氏驗卑編e ability如僉俞eviction.殃沖念 tells itto he
12、ghusband,护飙, gi金gvr加terpretsgt护电肿靠曹魄紬.as aether, jorcadio buendia is kalian40 me exislen o£ kisasfits, ptly becausejie considered childhood as a 寻费穗辭护严d insficiency, a嚼爭t理訥弩勢was al岁幼弱彎 asorbecin his fanta誓c speculations'll)令 令亭穷 '令令0 卑弩'坟v%to child is qeite diff浹nt from that错f 护q$ie
13、r. "moth$i風护 ftomdwe come from, she is nature, soil, the oean; father does not repretent any 。令oo00©令令令suchiatural home. f奪hr 祜 the one teases th零如爭 禅ho shows him the road into 4. atlie,osarcadio buendia isga§cinated with 诫帝v郦矽嘟咖列瞬琴ps himsel?啪护护审啣©腎屈the fniind. cnislittle about 痔
14、倂制明热會爲to his sons,ho mention ® subsequent傀訓财?护in4nidri years of sotude in penguin books ltd. in 2007 15今0p p<(f hi時皤ns, hexoses h?s亀念napn痰ure ai prf<verstoe i聆hrcef 絵c*俺命 to feel雷蕊submi怎质舫£&n总mi儈are h侖negative 鑫琢盒g%is psyc亦lggi層1 ifcdhs. 3 為%虺令 專b wmi血al submission" for aure
15、liziftotas relation like talking ar communic© omention tne close relation.矽 his somtry repression. there arctnot many conveiafionsand others :premonition, which meai亀ult, thendpidence makes him more sepafa粉1 畫 iuie?b guile爼 into the a亀 otf 直华iekces, not :制縊his clos驴t尹*护护(83). he% alienated &
16、;翕圖鴛隹會f never get g潍ie霜血 estrhgement from othersthrougoutiis life? 邈0令o 3"缓烈护牟。辰儲 *©。 wmteti刨挣矽尊蕭够 the a§cn飾teen fellowmen, froma 碗what the ©,令$relationship创s like “ twqligg mach輻(导onm,l窮1: 135). in other words, ianchapt«i3>tbe submi»snand coaf(wm& toothers3 o
17、69;知 尷s goo'運hes奶枷确;¥的.gings, to be related to them, is an imperative nee $i<h£专崩僧1盘t®甌gi曲细他喚警皿狷3降1余this needis lfehif?all pfrecaiena di伽佥金僚ute 蟒荻泸離角盘推勺謠an relations, 穿色逹sio撚 whicha alledfeve少矽ade葆诒ise df the wortd"(fromnl®91:2%. th窮务,fbfte itebnly wy to satisfytftis
18、need. if one 令令caimd柳鈿e, toe «caft. vttth the worl tubmission w)令o聊尊o» ,to %to an inst検谕io职锁o <8od. in 億is 胡申 jjemscntis tke龍parat凝ss 詆 his indiftial 你如加斛护beconmat o羔omood%®o<n聊hi廊-.o 竜alggethan噜逡bl楼mm,19©:的并subnlssion is a唆mbiot俺念谀初。母仪 腑 血n 銚the needrising his ident诚洌琴鮎is够
19、嗨1和紿1零himself asthe subj金tq蜩i请a$i曲貂的如血1§91:5必if q飽n爲ps爼sshis臨掩th<n lfe is 帑iconfer羔2)枷删卵睁嗨“魁裁辱碍聲徽令令© 点為eiia点s 爺划鑫翕tyenttori from thers.nd he is incapable of feve, so kte wa鈿念霑曹讐彎 toe rel盂& bsidfesha «h谑bt sase ftrtfceft* as tlfe subject a厶食八一 :;強琢齡0 0$ aureli侖o,菽巒 relation like
20、 talking 金 communic 訪龍i散盘e;%o >n. ufie wa®静釦舊瓷於霸显drawn%伤).he is recogn弦希隹 ce够今骸 0,ua.u. 3between him 辰hidings蛇张羅&etsf 谨悄康侖 his ownand 华lfc。on his":"執gdogs塔ot need othe* 鏈食%on and sujort. as电i more sepaa鶴宙諾£1舎盘点启触莎gufleq触h僚th询b*0龈© 护horit冷初轴护俨彎,初the strone尋er护占彎熠ffer a
21、riano. 飓$an砲f*at he is sun®益e#诚® 槨硏阿g 学删翩攀肿 which抿 毎saf* a甜 n(4 alone. wby bponungar® pver 趣icrjfelt 烫御11 期卿凉 trong 筋礙新钿qlamoro驴#粤farticipat劇毎驾常呼【%.ge铠aifes gnew 耗ugty and yew p嗣$祐昨测緘测o®奪撚挈啥r i与圈1询却甲艸捫护翳 (fromm, 200$ 134).:冷总纟&" 3代© in 护野誠b's sbmissioncj鑰©莓
22、,昭訓嚼親d$s his own self评抄零ourw* all streri為即4&申。号1 琴醪bufatiattentinonthereal jyy a<声妙mi城 th场c詢越圏矽孵嗣 乂血sf these outride forces he ha权礙fig視iftii倉斛nly if 傀ag 毎 give him the concern. afr jose arcadio xurjiano sees clejly abo妙 father5s cold申e第幽馨f&is kinshfibt it untame& 科摩 favof father 洽 a k
23、切(3 for 令 skeli鶴笼矽礙 helgs him iiieve his soli粵險.loweve at the sme time, he/os朋 皆念吗期y tydojas萼戈虫em診l»es, n% 猶题 爭护“驴y w啜,曙3 警舉呀19九122才 湖關擁fqjgw权珈 he blovfrom fath%,勺彎器警里ianogta昨執划尊th盒培 about 曾冷 and lov$grgh密 gee食爾输數曲越遍年曙鸚gss. j驴护c怜妙中lood gogn涉®11 has 镉职血aqd护 a护矽弩o,s he警t. hdoes尙ogrit麝涣©
24、th ther anynre,令 so th sense ofsepa彎te腎ss attagc*ii»>号巒攀ain铠嗣 nuh more 直盘 befog. aureliar needs a new xternaloeo ©。魁彎甲iano gta嗚财n$i矗,两t$屯尹bother, "fhe she e*h othemhin about 竣兔 and lovroththe power 40 lsve to live 话谊s%褊%¥呼 aftd%dge务弩t car0 about father's attention. he hims
25、elf is the strong power and &e0oes not need any 护辭爭如& rcdio1 s<$riess and independence 呻ke ureliano realize his usletftess and inferioit血e。碱令眦nd in his meetinwithpigstitute.笔令 “令细 o o o o令咿liano got妙昭嚕d磁嶠甲欢姆 shame,namo get rid锣唸鸟ea 翠欝弩写s could not stansjp廖滅如vith thaft < his4?护血"(鉱
26、).a會d his failure令霸费耶)inafeeghini<n密 -atasedthe morft雄 備i曙的e is slessh nifei斜愈 waftt為:bi魔er exterifewp如er to submit so thatihean kiden itnd so tjiat 令,(.no o0e cansee his weakness. hiirre®皱le 腎sflgo loe and protect th署®聊孙te is just hisgwn 窈屮to祝 projected.fir-sye woijd notw:ause»f t
27、girl> ompjinion. secondly,4ie3e%oterecby玲盘j扌卿尊葩零cbau器紅 ramagefis ability; houllto veand do趣获敞岳磐號址号严*肩g认轟o$卸讣孵就蟲 m护沪魏觀pt凉he曲吗即齧%詡務嘛t魯)it can only rwafce toisownself 扳醱金够9阳鸿mfo尊i®彖ly, th5矽母i砂盼 aurelianos plan collip金s. he oo 令 響心g33unconditional4fromm, 191:37and attej0nare limbed. sh can never
28、e穿ry 隔inule,声驴购雪 4ier o叫ithings 机 s,<husband 40 tak舛竄学涉即ork to bbiy with 細4)theid, 杯。呼$)令于星褊令 people 腎城 bcqgnetuck加弩盘缶ep craving s枇舉眼eq, nur嘉,pte龜&的馬$崩閱 fl鵲旷gr艸讦谿吩9)when 电uremia诫彘鋪谚凫巒祸&f%therl$ 春龟金矗has a m驚号loves id caref the 涕备喙f緘骅,auricmothered, nursed an pg总胡io<jasdee§ed. jrsul
29、3令呻 reallythinks agout 盘elian編redo hear。<rteano i?"jh£§)初眇噜1舸$愿 再珂彰、 giver her li幫(1袒釈mrttt%condit觀爲濮说胛稣加券losing现 彩降必珈幼派鈿 tiesgt$ gght again縊 的ng tor§ 扇险from 严毋飙嫌m 翕other”(from益 1991g7) becaus$©聊盘靠歇凤矗apbigt% $门0$魄融 creating t护电簞驚埠雪助誓樂爭$fg 毎m. as for u免窗a?who "seemed
30、to be re备硕爭 班dawn ungi冷uite#识:qbipactivedkiaiesponsible for all the homework. though she loves 範垃曙p,g驚啓野書manptfc蘆淨 di紿直qier° mind. 省 ©oriiqgo&sjust a 1 逊e dflild, 1 cneasily gev satisfied 力y the food andnotriesven thoui祁 呼 the household,血e canleetecausee does not have $0.1191140 ask fo
31、t. however,as 4ie grows 给铁 th网aer#惩 th$ love $裨 mter is much more than food and 叙1塲 hned»m(r's understanding of hminds and thought 务0;号rsul discover jose小於諾磅數色事訓港禽鑫c§e* ftr iftm edl aroilhxdllae. she ke零s get炉gf护、片er away fromhe village until she feels so far$噜y that sh金 cfoesothink龟bo
32、ut returiig buendia gathers a oupnnenayreliano, ursula 电the only og%who care护妙令e mining 0 於脚卿馭爭洋険驾鼬dg恕find lov tuse. soie 施wit闆: 粘金睜her. "丁少鉅oveti捌 mo础er isoeived, to b rootedtom建裁帘嶷站 忿沪闕t激翅她,%iano _ cannot fin anytinin the housetliat ca pmafe. at that time, pilar volimtee性household unti g零l$%n帶 back.綬u希ign$會ggfe丐t isfil耶 w就 lfta崂s 负m lose 击e truly
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