



1、句子大全希望对您有帮助,谢谢洛丽塔经典句子中英文导读: 本文是关于句子大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点 评和分享!1 、我的生命之光,我的欲念之火,我的罪恶,我的灵魂。My light of life, my fire of desire, my sin, my soul.2、每当我追溯自己的青春年华时,那些日子就像是暴风雪之晨的白色雪花一样,被疾风吹得离我而去。Whenever I look back on my youth, those days are like white snowflakes on a snowstorm morning, blown away by the gal

2、e.3、我现在想到欧洲野牛和天使,想到颜料持久的秘密,想到预言性的十四行诗,想到艺术的庇护所。I am thinking now of European bison and angels, of the secret of lasting paint, of prophetic sonnets, of the sanctuary of art.4、我的心因为爱情的痛楚要胀裂开来。My heart will burst with the pain of love.5、我爱你,我是个怪物,但我爱你。我卑鄙无耻、蛮横残忍,等等等等。但我爱你,我爱你!I love you, I am a monste

3、r, but I love you. I am despicable, cruel, and so on. But I love you, I love you!6、 我们不仅生活在思想的世界中,而且也生活在物质的世界中。We live not only in the world of thought, but also in the world of matter.7、 我于是暗自思忖,那些忠实的小人儿如何能忘掉一切、一切,当我们这些老情人对她们的每一寸美好都仍那般珍爱的时候。So I thought to myself, how can those loyal little people

4、forget everything, everything, when our old lovers still cherish every inch of their beauty.8、因为我在世上最讨厌的就是团体活动,那种好似把身上汗毛浓密和身上光溜溜的人以一种数量不断增加的平凡方式混在一起,集体沐浴。Because what I hate most in the world is group activities, which seem to mix hairy and naked people together in an increasing number of ordinary w

5、ays, bathing collectively.9、你可以嘲笑我,可以威胁逐出法庭,但我仍要高喊出我的真理,直到我窒息,将我掐得半死。You can laugh at me and threaten to get out of court, but I will still shout out my truth until I suffocate and pinch me half to death.10 、当时我耳边响起一片儿童的欢笑声,令我心灰意冷的不是身边没有洛丽塔,而是笑声里没有她。At that time, there was a laughter of children in

6、my ears. It was not the absence of Lolita beside me but the absence ofher in my laughter that frustrated me.11 、我抚摸着我胸骨上的一块刺痛,那就是她披着秀发的头曾有一两次靠在我的心房的地方。I stroked a sting in my sternum, where her hair had onceor twice leaned against my atrium.12 、人性中的道德感是一种义务,而我们则必须赋予灵魂以美感。Morality in human nature is

7、an obligation, and we must give the soul a sense of beauty.13 、我正在想到欧洲的野牛和天使,颜料持久的秘密,预言家的十四行诗,艺术的避难所。这便是我想到的,我能够和你共享的永恒,我的洛丽塔。I am thinking of the bison and angels of Europe, the secret of lasting paint, the sonnet of the prophet, the refuge of art.That's what I think, the eternity I can share w

8、ith you, my Lolita.14 、我在想野牛和天使,在想颜料持久的秘密,预言家的十四行诗,艺术的避难所。I'm thinking about buffalo and angels, the secret of lasting paint, the sonnet of the prophet, the refuge of art.15 、然而,我却是瘦高个、骨节宽粗、长满绵羊般胸毛的亨伯特亨伯特,浓黑的眉毛,奇特的口音,在他小伙子式优雅的微笑后面,潜藏的是一个污水沟般腐臭的魔鬼。But I am Humbert Humbert, a tall, thick-boned, sh

9、eep-like breast, with dark eyebrows and a strange accent. Behind his elegant young man's smile, there lurks a sewage-gutter-like rotten devil.16 、她会年老色衰,但我不在乎。只要见她一面,万般柔情仍 会涌上心头。She's going to get old, but I don't care. As long as you meet her, all kinds of tenderness will still come to

10、mind.17 、在这个年龄限内的女孩子是否都是性感少女呢?当然不是。否则我们这些熟谙此道者,我们这些孤独的过客,我们这些癖色贪花之人,岂不早就癫狂了。Are all girls in this age group sexy? Of course not. Otherwise, those of us who are familiar with the Tao, those of us lonely travelers, and those of us who are addicted to lust and greed, would not have gone mad long ago.18

11、 、我爱你,我是个怪物,但我爱你。I love you, I am a monster, but I love you.19 、他撕碎了我的心,而你不过撕碎了我的生活。He tore my heart, and you just tore my life apart.20、春天用黄色、绿色、淡红色装点塞耶街的时候,洛丽塔再也无可挽回地一心只想演戏。In the spring, when Sayer Street was decorated with yellow, green and pink, Lolita was no longer irrevocably devoted to actin

12、g.21 、苍白,臃肿,混俗,腹中是别人的骨肉,但我爱她。她可以褪色,可以萎谢,怎样都可以。但我只要看她一眼,万般柔情涌上 心头。Pale, bloated, vulgar, abdomen is the flesh and blood of others, but I love her. She can fade, she can fade, she can fade, she can do anything. But all I need to do is look at her and all kinds of tenderness pour into my heart.22 、 她可以

13、褪色,可以枯萎,怎样都可以,但只要我看她一眼,万般柔情便涌上心头。She can fade, she can wither, she can do anything, but as long as I look at her, all kinds of tenderness will surge into my heart.23、我唯一怨恨的就是我不能掏出我的洛丽塔的心,不能把贪婪的嘴唇伸向她稚嫩的子宫,她隐秘的心田,她绚丽的肝脏,她马尾 藻式的肺,她相仿的两瓣可爱的臀。The only thing I hate is that I can't pull out my Lolita's heart, I can't stretch my greedy lips into her tender uterus, my secret heart, her splendid liver, her sargassum-like lungs, her two lovable buttocks.24、我只知道当时我十分肯定她永远离开了我。I only know that I was quite sure that she would leave me forever.25、我就在阳光下融化了,手里那本书成了无花果树叶


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