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1、翻译二级笔译综合能力分类模拟题21(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Cloze Test(总题数:3,分数:100.00)Today, the Tower of London is one of the most popular tourist 1 and attracts over three million一visitors a year. It was occasionally used as a Royal Palace for the Kings and Queens of England2 the time of James I who 3 from 1603 to 1

2、625, but is 4 , known as a prison and execution place. I1Within the walls of the Tower, princes have been murdered, traitors 5 , spies shot, and Queens一of England beheaded. One of the most famous executions was that of Anne Boleyn in 1536. She wasthe second wife of Henry 皿.He wanted to 6 her because

3、 she could not give him a son, so he accused_her of adultery. She was tried and found guilty. She asked to be beheaded with a sword. 7 the一usual axe, which can still be seen in the Tower. The sword and executioner were 8 over specially一from France and with one 9 the executioner cut off her head.一The

4、 Tower was also the 10 of one of Londons most famous mysteries. King EdwardIV died in 1483. His eider son, Edward, became king 11 his fathers death. Young Edward lived in the Tower, andthe Duke of Gloucester, 12 protector, persuaded Edwards brother, Richard, to come and live there so that they could

5、 play together. But then the Duke 13 that he was the new king, and he was crowned instead of the twelve-year-old Edward, 14 himself Richardm . After that, the boys were seen less and less and eventually disappeared. 15 said that they weresuffocated in bed by pillows being 16 their mouths. It is beli

6、eved that Richard ordered theirdeaths, 17 it has never been proved. In 1674, workmen at the Tower discovered two 18 which were taken away and buried in Westminster Abbey in 1678. The 19 were examined in 1933 and were declaredto be those of two children, 20 the age of the Princes.(分数:30.00) A.seats B

7、.scenes C.grounds D.sights V 解析:解析A . seats席位;席次。B. scenes场面;出事地点。C. grounds地面;土地。D. sights景物,景象。 答案是Do A.until VB.by C.to D.at 解析:解析until直到为止。答案是AoA.reined B.reigned V C.powered D.controlled 解析:解析reign掌握权力,统治。rein给(马)套上缰绳;控制。power力量;能力。control控制,管理。答案是 BoA.hardlyB.littleC.best VD.well解析: 解析 用最高级。答案

8、是C。A.minedB.destroyedV C.torturedD.wounded解析:解析torture折磨;痛苦。ruin灭亡;瓦解。destroy破坏,毁坏,摧毁。wound屈辱,刀伤,枪伤。答案是C。A.get the worst ofB.get rid of VC.get the best ofD.get done with解析: 解析 get rid of 摆脱,丢掉。答案是B。A.apart fromB.besidesC.together withD.rather than V解析:解析apart from撇开来说,除之夕卜。besides力口之,更。together with

9、和一起合起来。ratherthan 而不是。答案是D。A.brought VB.takenC.gotD.won解析:解析take over接任,接管。get over从中恢复,把忘怀。答案是 A。A.knockB.hitC.shotD.stroke V解析:解析stroke在上划线,勾消。hit袭击,(箭、子弹等)打。knock敲,去掉。shot发射,射击。答案是D。A.spot VB.scentC.placeD.view解析: 解析 spot 地点,场所。 scent 香味,踪迹。 place 地方,场所。 view 展望;观察。答案是A。A.on VB.atC.withD.by解析: 解析

10、 on 表示方法、状态、动作。如 on an official visit to a country对某国进行正式访问。答案是A。A.theirB.theC.his VD.a解析:解析his指的是Edward。答案是CA.announced VB.publishedC.advertisedD.revealed解析: 解析 announce 宣布,通告。 publish 颁布,发行。 advertise 通知,登广告。 reveal 揭示,启示。答案是A。A.namingVB.callingC.declaringD.giving解析:解析A . naming给命名,给取名。calling 名称,

11、呼,唤。declaring 声称,宣布。giving给予物,礼物。答案是B。A.That isB.This isC.They areD.It is V解析: 解析 its said that 据说。答案是D。A.forced intoB.squeezed forthC.pressed over VD.put on解析: 解析 press 按,榨取。 squeeze 压迫,挤入。force 强迫,迫使。 put on 穿上,戴上。答案是CA.so thatB.sinceC.asD.although V解析: 解析 although 虽然,尽管。答案是D。A.skeletons VB.boysC.

12、remainsD.dead bodies解析: 解析 skeletons 骨架,骷髅。 boys 男孩,童子。 remains 遗体,遗骨。 over sb.s dead body 不顾别人的激烈反对,硬要。答案是A。A.ashesB.bones VC.corpsesD.sketches解析: 解析 bone 遗骸,骨头。 ash 骨灰,废墟。 corpse 尸体,没有活动力的人。 sketch 草图,草稿。答案是B。A.definitelyB.certainlyC.roughly VD.possibly解析: 解析 definitely 无疑地,明确。 certainly 的确,必定。 ro

13、ughly ,大致地,粗略地。 possibly 可能地,合理地。答案是CAlthough most people return from package holidays reasonably satisfied, this is not always the 21 Take, for instance, the nightmare experience of a Frenchman who went on 22 to Colombia. The hotel in the small Caribbean port was over-booked. The holidaymaker was 2

14、3 round the streets, looking for a 24 and breakfast place, when he was arrested for vagrancy. He was 25 , where he told the magistrate that it was the hotels 26 The magistrate was the hotelowners brother, and he charged the tourist 27 making false accusations and sent him to prison for 28 had left.

15、He had insufficient funds to buy a return ticket, 29 he went to the Post Office to send a telegram to his home in Montpellier, asking for money. He was 30 before he could send it. This time he was charged with legal 31 . It was explained that, having missed his return 32 , he could no longer be clas

16、sified as a tourist. He now needed a work 33 , he didnhave one. He was fined $500 forthis 34 , and a further $500 when he again blamed the hotel for overbooking. His 35 was confiscated because he couldn pay the fines. He hitch-hiked to Bogota 36 the consulate finally arrangedto send him home. All th

17、ings 37 , I would prefer to plan my holiday independently. 38 my view, its safer to do it yourself. And the advantages of planning your holiday yourself are 39 .If it is well-planned, an independent holiday can usually be good 40 for money.(分数:30.00) A.occurrenceB.situationC.state D.case V 解析:解析case

18、情况,真相。occurrence事件,事故。situation 形势,局面。state状态,情况,形势。答案是D A.package B.holiday VC.festivalD.celebration解析:解析holiday假日,休息日。go on holiday去休假。package包裹,包。festival 节日,贺宴。celebration 庆祝,赞美。答案是Bo A.strollingB.saunteringC.wandering VD.patrolling解析:解析wander漫步,徘徊。stroll游荡,漫步。saunter闲逛,混日子。patrol出巡,警察。答案是C。A.ac

19、commodationB.hotelC.bed VD.lodging解析:解析accommodation住处,膳宿。hotel旅馆,旅社。bed床铺;床位。lodging 寄宿处,寄宿。a bed and breakfast place住宿加次日早餐的地方,为习惯搭配。答案是 CoA.taken to court VB.brought to the police stationC.taken to the reform schoolD.sent to prison解析:解析take to court 告上法庭。答案是A。A.faultB.blameC.dutyD.responsibility解

20、析: 解析 fault 过错,缺陷,瑕疵。 blame 责备,挑剔;谴责。 duty 孝顺,职责。 responsibility 责任,义务。答案是 A。A.ofB.with VC.forD.to解析: 解析 charge sb.with 以某事起诉某人。答案是B。A.freedomB.dischargeC.release VD.liberty解析:解析release 释放,放弃。freedom自由,直率。discharge放电,卸货,排泄。liberty 自由,。C释放。答案是A.andB.thoughC.butD.so V解析: 解析 so 因而,所以。答案是D。A.finedB.rear

21、rested VC.arrestedD.punished解析: 解析 re-arrest 重新逮捕。 fine 罚款,地租。 arrest 抑制。逮捕。 punish 惩罚,严厉对付。答案是B。A.citizenshipB.naturalizationC.migrationD.immigration V解析: 解析 immigration 移居; 移民总称。 citizenship 公民身份, 公民的职权和权利。 naturalization 归化, 移植。migration 移民,迁徙。答案是D。A.tripB.ticketC.flight VD.journey解析: 解析 trip( 短程

22、 )旅行,短程行程。 ticket 入场券,票证。 flight 班机,航班。 journey( 通常指陆上的 )旅行,旅程。答案是C。A.licenseB.allowanceC.permissionD.permit V解析: 解析 license 许可证,执照。 allowance 津贴,零用钱。 permission 许可,允许。permit 许可证,通行证,执照。答案是D。A.crime B.offence V C.fault D.error 解析:解析offence 犯法(行为),罪过,犯罪。crime犯罪,罪恶,犯罪行为。fault过错,缺点。error错误,误 想。答案是Bo A.

23、luggage V B.belonging C.thing D.luggages解析:解析luggage行李,皮箱,无复数形式。belonging附属品,所有物。thing东西,事物。答案是A。A.whenB.afterC.where VD.while解析:解析where引导非限定性定语从句,表示地点。答案是 C。A.considered VB.being consideredC.were consideredD.considering解析:解析该句为省略if的条件状语从句。au things considered考虑到所有情况。答案是A。A.ToB.In VC.ByD.With解析:解析in

24、 ones view依某人的观点或见解。答案是B。A.considerable VB.thinkableC.considerate D.imaginable 解析:解析considerable 相当可观的,相当大的,不可忽视的。thinkable 可想像的;可能的。considerate 对关心爱护的,照顾到的(of)。imaginable可想象的。答案是A。A.bargain B.buy C.sale D.value V 解析:解析bargain 合同,买卖。buy收买,雇用。sale出卖,出售。value价值;重要性;益处。good value花得值,值得买。答案是 aThe role o

25、f government in environmental management is difficult but inescapable. Sometimes, the state tries to manage the resources it owns, and does so badly. Often, 41 governments act in aneven more harmful way. They actually subside the exploitation and 42 of natural resources. A whole43 of policies, from

26、farm-price support to protection for coal-mining, do environmental damageand (often) 44 no economic sense. Scrapping them offers a two-fold 45 : a cleaner environment. and more efficient economy. Growth and environmentalism can actually go hand in hand, if politicians have the courage to 46 the vest

27、ed interest that subsidies create.No activity affects more of the earths surface than farming. It shapes a third of the planets land area, not 47 Antarctica, and the proportion is rising. World food output per head has risen by 4 per cent between the 1970s and 1980s mainly as a result of increases i

28、n 48 from land already in 49 , but also beeause more land has been brought under the plough. Higher yields have been achieved by increased irrigation, better crop breeding, and a 50 in the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in the 1970s and 1980s.All these activities may have 51 environmenta

29、l impact. For example, land clearing for agricultures is the largest single 52 of deforestation; chemical fertilizers and pesticides may 53 water suppliers: more intensive farming and the abandonment of fallow periods 54 exacerbate soil erosion; and the spread of monoculture and the use of high-yiel

30、ding varieties of crops have been accompanied by the 55 of old varieties of food plants which 56 some insurance against pests or diseases in future. Soil erosion threatens the productivity of land in both rich and poor countries. The United States, 57 the most careful measurements have been done, di

31、scovered in 1982 that about one-fifth of its farmland was losing topsoil at a rate 58 to diminish the soils productivity. The country subsequently 59 a program to convert 11 per cent of its cropped land to meadow or forest. Topsoil in India and China is 60 much faster than in America.(分数:40.00)A.how

32、ever V B.therefore C.butD.hence 解析:解析however可是,仍然。从even more harmful可看出此处用表示转折语气的词,答案是A。A.conjunctionB.compensationC.consumption V D.constitution 解析:解析conjunction 结合,联合。compensation 补偿(金);报酬。consumption 消费,消耗,灭Zfe。 constitution 成分,法规。答案是Co A.area B.range V C.scope D.field解析:解析area面积,区域。range范围,射程。sc

33、ope眼界,视界。field领域,牧场。答案是B。 A.takeB.hold C.lose D.make V 解析:解析make sense有意义,讲得通。答案是D。 A.profit B.bonus VC.benefitD.prize 解析: 解析 profit 盈余,利润,益处。 bonus 额外的好处,奖金,红利。 benefit 利益,恩泽。 prize 争夺物,奖赏。答案是B。A.confront VB.confineC.conformD.confuse解析:解析confront 面对;在的正对面;勇敢正视。 confine限制,监禁。conform使遵照,使顺从。confuse弄错

34、,使糊涂。答案是A。A.thinkingB.consideringC.thirstingD.counting V解析: 解析 think 构思,认为。 consider 斟酌,照顾。 thirst 渴望,干旱。 count 计算在内,计算。答案是D。A.outputsB.suppliesC.yields VD.outcomes解析: 解析 output 产量,排泄物。 supply 填补,补给。 yield 产量,收益,产生( 作物、报酬、利益等) 。 outcome出路,成果。答案是C。A.revolutionB.civilizationC.reservationD.cultivation V解析: 解析 revolution 周期,革命。 civilization 教育,文明。 reservation 限制,预定。 cultivation 耕作,教养。答案是D。A.doubling VB.reducingC.dismissingD.repeating解析: 解析 doubling 加倍,重叠。 reducing 减少,化简。 dismiss 放弃,解职。 repeat 复制,重复。答案是A。A.destroyingB.damaging VC.injuringD.ruining解析:解析destroy毁坏,破坏;摧残。damag


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