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1、Period 5 Writing概要写作 运动故事技法指导 本单元的写作项目是概要写作,主题为运动故事。作为高中生的 大家,运动和学习其实一样重要。 只有好的身体, 才能让我们有活力、 有信心的好好学习文化知识。写作时要注意以下几点:1细读原文,把握大意。 首先要仔细阅读原文,然后对其进行整体分析,掌握原文大意和 结构,明确全文的主题和各段的段落大意。运用其特有的活力特征, 整体文章应体现积极、健康。2提炼要点,转述观点。 分析原文的内容和结构,将各要点分项简明扼要地表述,注意在 结构上的顺序。3草拟提纲,写出初稿。将挑选出来的要点作为框架草拟详细的提纲,以所列的提纲作为 依据写出概要的初稿,

2、并注意专有运动名词的拼写。经典句式1开头常用句式All students are encouraged to take part in a sport.鼓励所有的学生都要参加一项体育运动。You have to have a strong will to compete in individual sports.你必须意志坚强才能参加个人体育项目的竞争。A lot of schools have their own sports teams.许多学校有自己的运动队。She excels at sports.她在体育运动方面很优秀。2主体段落常用句式My ambition was to play

3、 sport at the highest level.我的志向就是成为最高水平的运动员。Football is the most popular spectator sport.足球是人们最爱看的运动。Kasparov became world champion.卡斯帕罗夫成了世界冠军。After he won the amateur championship he turned professional.他获得业余赛冠军后就转为了职业运动员。3结尾常用句式Try to fit some regular exercise into your daily routine.尽量在日常生活中安排一

4、些经常性的锻炼。Gentle exercise can be beneficial for older people.运动量不大的锻炼对年长者有益。You can do exercises to strengthen your stomach muscles.你可以通过锻炼来增强腹部肌肉。Taking regular exercise is the best way to improve your overall health.经常锻炼是改善整体健康状况的最佳方法。典例演练 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Who says you have to stay inside y

5、our home when it is cold outside?Theres an unusual sport practiced in the northern United States, and theseason only starts when winds start blowing and the temperature drops belowzero.The sport is called ice boating. Clement Chua, who comes from a muchwarmer climate, is learning all about ice boati

6、ng. Chua signed up for an iceboating class because he wanted to do something he couldnt do at home.One experienced ice boater calls the sport“ephemeral I”n .otherwords, the conditions for ice boating do not happen very often. And when theconditions are right, they are not right for very long.“You ca

7、n go for weeks in the winter when you cant go ice boating,”says 81-year-old Lloyd Roberts. Roberts has been ice boating for 40 years.He says dedicated ice boaters make the sport a major event in their lives, justafter funerals and weddings. The capital of ice boating in the United States isnow the n

8、ortheastern state of Maine. It once was New Jersey. But the capitalmoved north because Maine has colder winters than before, and NewJerseys win ters are sometimes too warm for good ice to form.Chua says ice boats are like small sailboats, but they have sharp bladesdesig ned for skim ming over the ic

9、e. The boats catch the wind and move faston clear and smooth ice. Roberts says there are only about six good days forice boati ng each win ter. Jim Thieler is a serious ice boater. He says there isalways a concern about gett ing wet, because sometimes the ice is not strongeno ugh to support the weig

10、ht of both the boat and the boater. That is why iceboaters always go out in groups, and wear special equipme nt. You n eed towear cleats to avoid slipp ing on the ice. You also need warm clothes,becausesometimes the wind will stop blowing, and boaters can stay in thecold for a long period of time be

11、fore they make it back to the land.精彩范文Ice boati ng in win ter in the n orther n Un ited States becomes popularwith people.(要点1) Ice boating is a unique activity, which requires specialweather conditions, skills and courage. (要点2) Now the capital has movedfrom New Jersey to Maine, which mainly resul

12、ts from the temperature. (要点3) For those who are interested in the sport, some protective measures areessential in case of dange要点4)总评 本篇范文将原文整理为四个要点,第一个要点是对文章的 总体概括;接着,按照原文的顺序,在不曲解文章大意的基础上,进 行了同义句转换,用词精准、句式高级。亮点呈现(1)Ice boating is a unique activity, which requires .使用了定语从 句,使表达更加清晰准确。(2)in case of使

13、用固定短语,传达句意清楚又不失精炼。 跟踪演练阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要Group exercise is one of the most useful ways to improve physical healthand maintain a healthy lifestyle. Group exercise is challenging but fun! Ofcourse everyone knows that exercise is good for the body. However, studieshave shown that when exercise i

14、s done in groups, it is great for improving notonly physical health but also mental health. It is a chance to be social andimprove your strength. Also, group exercise creates a community(团体)feeland the shared common goal makes participants work hard.Another beneficial aspect of group exercise is the

15、 informational supportparticipants receive from the instructor. If you fear the gym becauseyou feellost and dont want to embarrassyourself, then group training is a betterchoice for you. It is an awesome chance to learn more about health throughthe clear instruction and supervision(监督)of a fitness i

16、nstructor. If you aretired of wandering around the gym wasting time and becoming bored, you canattend an optimistic group exercise class that will keep your exercise in theright direction.If you are serious about wanting to live a healthy lifestyle, it is veryimportant to surround yourself with peop

17、le who will provide you with theproper emotional support. I wouldnt speak angrily to anyone for deciding toparty on the weekends, and in turn I wouldnt expect anyone to scold me forfocusing on my health. Surround yourself with people who encourage andunderstand you! Plan to go for a jog with a frien

18、d, and then try a fun healthyrestaurant or fresh juice bar! Surrounding yourself with people who willprovide you with support can be very beneficial while working towardsreaching health goals. First, decide to do it for yourself and work towardsmaintaining a positive mind. Then make sure the people

19、you surroundyourself with are supportive. Dont let negativity (消极性) ruinyour motivati on (积极性).写前导读:本文是一篇说明文。想运动却又不能坚持,不如试试团体运动!精彩范文Group exercise can help you to improve physical health and keep ahealthy lifestyle. (要点1)Another advantage of group exercise is that you canreceive informational suppor

20、t from the instructor.要点2) However, if youwant to live a healthy lifestyle, you should surround yourself with those whocan support, encourage and understand you要 点3) Also, you should mai ntain a positive mi nd.要点4)课外拓展阅读一一中国优秀传统文化专题练阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词 的正确形式Porcelain, also _1_ (call) fine

21、 china, featuring its delicate texture,pleasing color, and refined sculpture, has been one of the _2_ (good)artworks introduced to the western world through the Silk Road. The earliestone _3_ (find) made of Kaolin in the Shang Dynasty (17th11th Century BC), and possessed the com mon aspects of the s

22、mooth nessand un affected quality of hard en amel瓷 釉), though pottery wares陶器)were more _4_ (wide) used among most of the ordinary people. Any wayit was the beg inning. In the followi ng dyn asties, due _5_ its durability (耐久性)and shine, porcelain rapidly became _6_ necessity of daily life,especially in the middle and upp


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