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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载unit 4 how do you get to school. go for it. book iiiunit4教学设计period 4 revision 本节课为 unit 4 how do you get to school. 的第四课时,即本单元的复习课;本课时要求同学在前面学习的基础上对本单元重要句型( 1.how do you get to school. 2. how long does it take you to get from your home to school. 3. how far is it from your to schoo

2、l.)进行操练和巩固,并能敏捷运用本单元的单词.短语.句子进行日常交际,完成 听.说.读.写的任务;由于为一节复习课, 所以同学的爱好不为很浓, 因此为了让他们在把握学问仍不为太娴熟的情形下学到更多一些学问,我在本节课的设计上就注意了任务型教学, 设计了很多环绕交通的任务让他们去完成,从激发他们的爱好入手,收到了意想不到的成效;本节课的教学目标 :1. 复习并巩固谈论交通工具和距离的表达方式;2. 在所学句型的基础上 、合理支配行程 、并合理选用交通工具 ;3. 运用所学句型 、学习设计实践调查报告中的问题、并提出解决问题的简洁方案 .本节课的教学流程 :revise key words an

3、d key expressions.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载pairwork:ask students to help alice get to xinhua bookshoppractice listeninghave a discussion精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载assign tasks:do some exerciseswatch a flash of traffic ruleshomeworkmake up a travel plan make a survey精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载本节课的教学过程 :step1 r

4、evision精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载revise the key words、 expressions and sentences in this unit. and write down some key points on the blackboard. let students make upsentences using some of the words. for examp:lethe words aretransportation .subway. mile . calendar and so on.step 2 pairworkthis activity

5、 provides oral practice using the target language.1. ask students to have a conversation about how to get to book shop. 设计情形 :alice wants to go to xinhua bookshop in shiqi、 but she doesn knt ow the way. can you help her how to get there.2. teacher says: now work with your partner: make your own conv

6、ersations about how alice get to xinhua bookshop in shiqi . you can use the words in this unit.3. ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.step 3 listeningt his activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken language.1. play the recording for the fi

7、rst time. students only listen.2. then play again. this time ask them to answer the questions of listening material.3. check the answers.1. what s john.( a worker.) 2. how does he go to a bus station.(by bike. )精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载3). where does he take a bus to.(the river stop.)4). how does he g

8、et across the river.(by boat.)5). how does he get to his factory at last.(he walks to his factory).step 4listening material.john is a young man. he works in a factory in a new town. but he lives far from his factory. every day he gets up very early. he eatsbreakfast at home. then he goes to a bus st

9、ation by bike. there he takes abus to get to the river stop from the bus station. there is no bridge across the river. he does the same thing every weekday.step 5assign some taskst.his activity provides oral and written practice using the target language.task 1: make up a travel plan.此活动为四人或六人小组活动;假

10、设北京的同学要到我们学校学习拜访,你做为他们的导游,帮忙他们支配周末中山一日游;1. the teacher says:some students from beijing are coming to our school next weekend. they want to visit in zhongshan and are going to some places. please make up a travel plan for them. and tell them how to get there、 how far it is and how long it takes.精品学习资

11、料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2. ask students to prepare for a map of zhongshan and circle some interesting places.3. ask them to have a group work and make up a travel plan4. at last ask some groups to act it out.task 2: discussion.此活动为小组活动;让同学运算从广州到北京乘坐不同的交通工具所用的时间,争论并比较各种交通工具的优缺点;1. the teacher says:suppose

12、we re going to beijing for a holiday. it s about 2、294 kilometers from guangzhou to beijing.2. ask students to discuss how to get to beijing and work out the time of kinds of transportation. then fill in the form.from guangzhou to beijingdistancetrainplanebikeshipbuscar 2、294km about26hrs3. ask stud

13、ents to discuss which transportation they would like to choose.and analyze which is the best and which is the worst.4. ask them to answer the questions.1. how shall we go there. 2. how long will it take us.3. do you like taking a train to beijing. why or why not. 4. which transportation do you like

14、best.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载5. ask some groups to tell us their results.task 3:make a survey.此活动仍为小组活动;让同学调查广州市交通状况,并对一些 敏锐问题让同学参加争论, 把结果以书面形式写下来, 不仅锤炼了他们的书写才能, 同时也对他们进行了爱国主义训练,让他们关怀国家的环保事业,并从自己做起;1the teacher says: let s do a survey about the transport condition in guangzhou and ask some questions

15、to your classmates. and writeyour results and try to find out some solutions.2ask students to discussthe transport condition in guangzhou e.g. the train system、 the bus system、 the subway system 、 the taxiservice、the parking lots、 etc.3ask students to ask and answer some questions.1. what do you thi

16、nk of the transportation system in guangzhou. 2. how do you get to school.3). how long does it take.4). what can we do to improve it.4then write their results of their discussions and read them in class.step 6watching.到此时,同学做了几项好玩的活动之后,应让他们进行适当的 休息调整;因此我就支配了一个好玩的有关交通规章的flash 影片; step 7doing some exe

17、rcises. this activity focuses on basic and key精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载language in this unit.1. ask them to do the exercises one by one.2. explain some difficult problems.step 8homework. this activity provides writing using the target language of the unit.ask students to write their family ways of tra

18、nsportation to work or school.the design of the blackboard:unit 4how do you get to school.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载subway train minute kilometer stationtransportationget to how fardepend on leave forhow do you get to school. how long does it take.how far is it.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学后记:通过本节课的教学, 同学已经基


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